• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
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Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."


Due to a Pinkie-related mix-up, Twilight et al end up sharing a vacation with a thoroughly unimpressed Cranky Doodle Donkey and a much more laid-back Matilda. Yet it's hard to stay mad for long in a city full of national treasures, exotic hybrids, and glorious histories.

Unless, of course, a pair of criminals decide to wreck up the place. Saddle Arabia is not all romance and sightseeing, after all. And it's not just thieves and bandits that make life difficult; the local constabulary are net exporters of difficulty in and of themselves.

Continuity: This fic is set during the middle of Season Three.

Chapters (7)

Trixie's not having a good year. The show's not earning enough, she's wound up in the backwaters of the pony lands, and soon she'll be kidnapped and put on trial by wild foals. Still, one does not give up when one is the Great and Powerful Trixie.

Inspired by, but not a contestant for, Manaphy's Unsung Heroes Writing Contest.

Please Note: This is a story in progress. The Mare in the Magic Hat was initially written as part of Calming Moon's National Pony Writing Month 2017. Final version may be very different.

Chapters (5)

On their way to attend a perfectly ordinary, perfectly boring midnight flower show hosted by the Princess of the Night, the Flower Trio become unwitting pawns in a supernatural plot.

Please Note: This is a story in progress. The Nightmare Stigma was initially written as part of Calming Moon's National Pony Writing Month 2017. Final version may be very different.

Chapters (3)

Having had her fair share of being shot at, Daring Do just wants time out on the exotic (and largely enigmatic) continent of Didgeridoo, a world where kangaroos are the dominant sapient species and everything is either trying to kill you or trying to be your mate.

When she finds a secret in the journal of legendary explorer Fresh Start, however, treasure hunter Daring Do also finds herself unwittingly embroiled in an ugly and ancient conflict, and soon she and a close friend have to hunt down the fabled treasure of the Rainbow Serpent, face dastardly villains in the treacherous Outback, and generally try to stay alive.

Of course, what Daring really wants is a drink by the beach, but some things are just never going to happen. Still; no worries, mate!

Please Note: This is a story in progress. The story is being written as part of National Pony Writing Month 2012. Final story may be very different.

Chapters (1)

Dinky the Discoverer gets it into her head that the world needs a scientific study of cuddling, embracing, snuggling, and all that good wholesome stuff that makes life truly worth living.

Unfortunately for Golden Harvest, who needs the time to prepare for an important festival, this isn't a joke. Fortunately for Derpy, this is a golden opportunity to prove she's not a joke.

With all the silly little conflicts going on, Golden Harvest can't offer much in the way of guidance, much as she'd like to. (Nor can Derpy, though for more conventional reasons). Still, Dinky's not a quitter. She will rise up and face the call of duty.

The trick, of course, is to hear it over all this shouting...

Inspired by, but not a contestant for, CategoricalGrant's CuddleFic Contest.

Please Note: This is a story in progress. The Science of Hugging is currently being written for National Pony Writing Month 2017. Final version may be very different.

Chapters (1)

Some ponies start off a long way along the racetrack before the flag is waved.

Some ponies will trip over their own hooves and sprain their ankles on the first lap.

Some ponies get the best teammates to mop their brows and to hold umbrellas over their heads when it rains.

Some ponies don't even want to race. Not when they can have a nice, pleasant jaunt that involves much less sweating.

And some ponies will see, along the way, the truth behind the race. What it's for. Who's taking part. Why they're doing it.

For at the end of the track, everyone gets the same prize. Hearth's Warming welcomes all, whether they come in first or second or even last. The point isn't to win the shiniest medal or to beat the record or to prove who's the greatest racer; it's to make it in time for the celebration. The race is just one more thing to talk about, in a world that's often running faster while forgetting which direction to go.

Originally designed as an entry for The Obselescence Memorial Jinglemas Twinglemas Secret Santa Sendoff: Part 2 Edition!

Uses the same specific prompt from DragonGeek: tagged "Rarity", tagged "Derpy Hooves", rated "Everyone", no romance.

Chapters (7)