A Poem from A Grateful Shimmering Heart · 10:13pm Feb 19th, 2024
The Birth of A Magical Unicorn
In starless void lost, I drifted alone
I knew only loss, my heartmate now gone.
Awash in despair, my existence was pained.
I wished her return, her soul’s joy regained.
Alone in the void overcome with grief
Devoid of all hope, no thought of relief
I sought only darkness and sufferings’ ends,
My soul in darkness eternity spends.
Adrift for all ages, ageless in death
A non darkness dot appeared as a breath.
Thank you for the fav and watch!
Anytime, awesome possum!
Always here if you need a friend. 😇
Thanks for the welcome, and look! I mastered the reply! lol!
Well then. Welcome to the fimficiton family, you oh-so-strangely familiar person. You.
And remember!
So don't y'all be a stranger now. Ya hear?
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
Welcome to FiMFiction, friend! 😇
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