• Member Since 21st Feb, 2023
  • offline last seen Sunday


Sometimes Life throws a curve. Lean into it.

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  • 51 weeks
    A Poem from A Grateful Shimmering Heart

    The Birth of A Magical Unicorn

    In starless void lost, I drifted alone
    I knew only loss, my heartmate now gone.
    Awash in despair, my existence was pained.
    I wished her return, her soul’s joy regained.

    Alone in the void overcome with grief
    Devoid of all hope, no thought of relief
    I sought only darkness and sufferings’ ends,
    My soul in darkness eternity spends.

    Adrift for all ages, ageless in death
    A non darkness dot appeared as a breath.

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    1 comments · 120 views
  • 54 weeks
    The rewrite of chapter 4 - Serenity Sunrise Shimmer - is out!

    With apologies to those who read the original and were perhaps disappointed. The updated and rewritten chapter was dropped yesterday, with a much more authentic pacing and presence, and less like a Telemundo Daytime Special.

    Meet the Shimmers (well she's still a Parker - this is going to be a slow roll on their developing relationship), Parents of Shimmer (and by extension her twin sister now in a different... place).

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    0 comments · 103 views
  • 54 weeks
    Heads up - Rewrite of chapter 4 for The Birth of a Magical Unicorn.

    Update: Now rewritten and released!

    The latest chapter of The Birth of a Magical Unicorn will be undergoing major rewrites at the suggestion of my friend and editor. I rushed and took the story to a place it was not ready to go yet, and need to slow my roll.

    I did a diservice to the characters, and to my readers, by rushing out this chapter in this form. Please accept my apologies and know this is being corrected ASAP. Thank you,

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    1 comments · 120 views

A Poem from A Grateful Shimmering Heart · 10:13pm Feb 19th, 2024

The Birth of A Magical Unicorn

In starless void lost, I drifted alone
I knew only loss, my heartmate now gone.
Awash in despair, my existence was pained.
I wished her return, her soul’s joy regained.

Alone in the void overcome with grief
Devoid of all hope, no thought of relief
I sought only darkness and sufferings’ ends,
My soul in darkness eternity spends.

Adrift for all ages, ageless in death
A non darkness dot appeared as a breath.

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Comments ( 5 )
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Thank you for the fav and watch! :heart:

Anytime, awesome possum!

Always here if you need a friend. 😇

Thanks for the welcome, and look! I mastered the reply! lol! :pinkiehappy:

Well then. Welcome to the fimficiton family, you oh-so-strangely familiar person. You.

And remember!


So don't y'all be a stranger now. Ya hear?

Here to make your day 'cuz why not :twilightsmile: i.enkiquotes.com/dGmjtU31RRrFo8GU7L8b9I8b9Xo=//images/2016/10/6649d17a0d320add6c32421bc5a24b02.jpg

Welcome to FiMFiction, friend! 😇

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[Side note: I'm not a bot, just a nerd, lol]
You could look over the FAQ or Writing Guide if you have any questions about the site or writing, as well as the Rules, but all you gotta really do is be a cool bean :3

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