• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Monday



Late Coming · 4:38pm Jan 20th, 2013

Alright, so as you guys have maybe noticed, I haven't been on in a LONG while. Well, hopefully starting today, that's about to change!

I will try my best to go on everyday and at least do some work, since I have quite a bit to catch up on, and I've got a LOT of stories I'd like to try and write!

Thanks to all of those who are still following me and enjoying these short stories I've got here! I'll be sure to try and give them an ending and keep writing!

Read on, bronies!!

Report Troypony · 395 views ·

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Comments ( 6 )
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Comment posted by OmnipresentMicroorganism deleted Jan 17th, 2019

Thanks for following!

Definitely! Always glad to keep a writer going strong! :twilightsmile:

Thank you very much for Faving my story The Shipping Games, knowing somepony is enjoying my story enough to click that Fav button really helps keep me going. :twilightsmile:

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