• Member Since 4th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 28th, 2012

Army Brony


Possible delay. · 5:48am Oct 2nd, 2012

Aaand... Writers block! Well, not really.
To the few who are reading my fic (and the fewer that actually enjoy it), Chapter 6 may or may not be delayed, do to Army stuff (Don't ask what kind of stuff; I can't say do to OPSEC or Operational Security). I can tell you this: there will be quite a few 2300 and 0100 late work nights for me (seriously, fml)
Needless to say, I will do my very best to ensure that chapter 6 will be delivered within the next week, but no promises.

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I hope that you had a good Veteran's Day. Thank you for your service, and know that you and your compatriots are in my thoughts and prayers.

i sure hope this story gets finished. and whatever your doing or were doing good luck i will say no more.

oh shit man you dead?

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