• Member Since 8th May, 2020
  • offline last seen July 15th


I just want to write stories for fun.

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  • 87 weeks
    Updates and Plans

    Sorry for not posting any new stories for the past year, life just got super busy, and I wanted to focus on finishing College. Going to work on a story that's been on my mind for the past several months to not be rusty for future stories.

    A major thing that I am doing is participating in Jinglemas2022. Wanted to spread some happiness to some people and make some good holiday cheer for everyone.

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    0 comments · 121 views
  • 183 weeks
    Bat Pony Marriage Rituals edits done

    I have finally completed editing the story. If you want to read it then you can and if you do not want to, I fully support why you do not want to read it. I added a lot more detail to the second chapter to give more details on the rituals and backstory of the Thestrals/Bat Ponies. The other chapters are the same with added scenes to pace out the chapters better.

    0 comments · 113 views
  • 185 weeks
    Editing 'Bat Pony Marriage Rituals'

    I am now in the process of editing the story 'Bat Pony Marriage Rituals'. Expect the chapter 'The Rituals' to have the most edits and changes as it is the one chapter that needs a lot of more context for the story to be better paced and more understanding about the ritual itself. First chapter 'The Proposal' is finished with editing but the other two chapters will be finish by tomorrow.

    0 comments · 218 views

Updates and Plans · 3:11am Nov 24th, 2022

Sorry for not posting any new stories for the past year, life just got super busy, and I wanted to focus on finishing College. Going to work on a story that's been on my mind for the past several months to not be rusty for future stories.

A major thing that I am doing is participating in Jinglemas2022. Wanted to spread some happiness to some people and make some good holiday cheer for everyone.

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Report IgnisKitsune · 121 views ·
Comments ( 6 )
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2987524 LOL indeed! Knowing me, I would put money on me forgetting something instead of site error.

Lol, at least the problem is solved.

2987468 Had my filter set to mature and it wasn't showing up hours ago. Now it is.

I have no clue what you are talking about. Are you mistaking me for someone else? I did not take my current story down and that story is the first one I posted on this site.

Ah man, I missed reading your story before you took it down.

  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6
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