• Member Since 21st Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen May 24th


I am trying to be Writer but, my english is not so good. ONE PUNNNCHCHHH!

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This story is a sequel to A hero for fun.

My name is Georg Filipe Mendoza and, I went to a con dressed as Saitama from one Punch Man, and then I appeared in Equestira and the Equestira Girls world and I had all of Saitama's powers and his Bald, and I went to Canterlot High School where I met my best friend Rainbow Dash and my girlfriend Fluttershy and the Defenders of Canterlot and after an ordeal we set up the Hero Association to protect Canterlot from threats sent by Phantom Wizard, the One who brought me and the others from One Punch Man here to the cartoon human world. I will continue my adventure as a hero but, not for fun anymore but, a hero for justice and what it takes to be a true hero for all. My will will be tested more and will I break under the pressure of being a hero for justice or will I succeed and be the hero I never thought I will be?

This is a sequel to my first story a hero for fun. If you haven't read it you should, to know, what has happened before this. Again I'm sorry for my bad english I will continue to try and improve just let me know what I can change in the comments and thank you for helping me write better!

Chapters (10)

My, name is Georg Filipe Mendoza and I went to a con dressed as Saitama from one Punch Man and I go to Esquestira then I go to Canterlot high to help fight monsters that could attack it. I don't know much about being a hero but now that I have all of Saitama's abilities I reckon, I should start learning.
Their is a remake by Cinders of war if you want to read of a better english.

Chapters (30)