• Member Since 28th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 8th, 2014


A reader and reviewer. Nothing more, nothing less.


Author Recomendation: Thyrai · 12:02pm Jan 13th, 2014

Thyrai was one of the first fimfiction writers I had the privilege of reading, and was one of the very first authors I started following. After getting into the show for the first time, accepting the label of brony, I stumbled across this site. I, of course, being a lover of sadfics immediately HAD to filter all stories to show only Sad in the tags. Oh, I read some memorable stories; The Light Goes Out comes to mind. It was a powerfully

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With one of the biggest fucking swords I've ever seen in my life. Cloud Strife doesn't have anything on the Buster class weapons.

Dat God Eater pic...


I am invisible and unknown! You cannot see me!

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