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This story is a sequel to Five Score – A Prench Tale Vol.1

Change is a simple fact of life, affecting us all in big and small ways, may we want it or not. Few know this better than the hundreds of people who, on their twenty-fifth birthday, found themselves with brand-new cutie marks on their thighs, and soon ended up in equine bodies to match. Between this and being forced into a clandestine existence, making do with what little they have left and with no place in this world but the one they'll be able to carve for themselves, it sure ain't easy being an Equestrian on Earth.

Now six months in, despite authorities trying to keep the pony problem a secret and preserve a crumbling status quo, the ripples of change cannot be contained for much longer, slowly building towards an explosive revolution. Ponies have had to learn to live with change, to find ways to adapt to their whole world being upended... But how will humans react, when it's their own reality that's threatened, and it's their turn to make a choice over what kind of future they want, for themselves, for their country, and for a planet on which they're not alone anymore..?

This is the second volume of a sidefic set in the 'Five Score, Divided by Four' universe created by TwistedSpectrum. I'd recommend reading Volume 1 first to fully appreciate the current story, but this short recap will bring you up to speed on the essentials if you'd rather dive right in. If the Five Score setting piques your interest, consider giving the original fic a read, as well as the various subsequent sidefics by other authors, and if you have any questions, feel free to drop a comment, or to check the Five Score FAQ!

Chapters (3)

The kirin Fizzy Glitch has opened the Book of All Stories, letting loose its power to rewrite reality as its pages are scattered all over Equestria and beyond.

One of these pages, carried by fateful winds, could now change the tragic destiny of a cursed princess...

This is my written contribution to Ponyville Ciderfest 2023's Interactive Storytelling Adventure. During the convention, attendees could find special codes (#Scattered in the present case) to unlock a story, then decide which of the three factions would claim a magical page – heroes preserving the status quo, villains vying for victory, and agents of Chaos hoping to have some fun. More stories by a plethora of awesome writers can be found in the dedicated group!

Edited by Shade Hunter.

I also contributed to this project as an artist, producing the cover and some of the interior art for the book Scattered Pages: Tales from the Book of All Stories!

Chapters (5)

In 2013, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls came out in theaters. We know the story, of Twilight Sparkle crossing a magical mirror to reclaim her crown, stolen by Sunset Shimmer, making new friends at Canterlot High along the way.

Seven years later, humanity would realize that this movie, and the animated series it was a spinoff of, were far more than a cartoon for children. The truth had been obscured by half-remembered dreams, the trappings of Flash animation, and the demands of a TV-Y rating.

That truth?

In 1993, a young woman stumbled out of a statue, looking for her stolen crown through the alien streets of Dubuque, Iowa...

Tri-State Area Girls is an exploration of the events of Equestrial Girls in a more realistic setting, with a few twists. What if Sunset Shimmer hadn't left Equestria for a school of colorful human versions of familiar ponies, but for our world? How long has she really been living there, if Twilight wasn't even aware of her existence? What would, one day, motivate her to go back to Equestria, and steal that crown? How would Twilight go about claiming it back, when she wouldn't deal with mirror images of her pony friends, but regular human teenagers? Does the magic of friendship truly never change, even when confronted to 90s America?

This story serves as a prequel to Five Score, Divided by Four by Twisted Spectrum, though knowledge of the original and its extended universe isn't required.

Chapters (2)

Ambre, Sarah, and Laurence do not seem to have that much in common besides living in the same city of southern France, and sharing a birthday on May 1st. However, the three of them will soon have to come together, as chance and fate force upon them the greatest change they ever experienced – forever altering their bodies, their minds, and their very lives.

How would you react, if suddenly you were cast into a skin not your own, and all you thought you knew about yourself or your place in the world was upended?

Treat it as a blessing, a new beginning, letting go of what once was? Try to hold on to yourself, while adapting to circumstances?

Or fight and reject it all, whatever the cost..?

Though we follow the same characters from start to finish as they learn to deal with their transformed lives, each Part of this tale is its own adventure, focusing on a specific plot and themes:

Chapter 0

Part 1 | Change
Chapters 1 to 7

Part 2 | Rights
Chapters 8 to 14

Part 3 | Community
Chapters 15 to 21

Part 4 | Family
Chapters 22 to 28

This is a sidefic set in the 'Five Score, Divided by Four' universe created by TwistedSpectrum. I recommend the original fic, as well as the various subsequent sidefics by other authors, but neither are required for enjoying the present tale, which is conceived as a stand-alone story exploring other corners of this universe. The fic does not currently take into account the 2019 update of Five Score, Divided by Four.

Chapters (29)