• Member Since 16th Mar, 2019
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A Prench Tale Volume 2... · 12:51pm May 1st

TFive Score – A Prench Tale Vol.2
Almost six months since our lives were upended by Discord's curse. Six months cutting ourselves off from the world, to prevent the spread of chaos. But we all knew it couldn't last, and now things will never be the same – for both ponies and humans.
Alsey · 44k words  ·  15  2 · 332 views
Report Alsey · 96 views · #A Prench Tale

Sorry... · 5:00pm Dec 31st, 2021

Well folks, six months ago I said that, if all went well, Volume 2 would be finished well before year's end.

So, uh... Needless to say, things didn't go well, and I'm so sorry I couldn't deliver as promised... :pinkiesad2:

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A Prench Tale – Chapter 16, ver.2 / Vol.2 News · 3:59pm Jun 13th, 2021

Hello dear readers!

After so long, I finally bring some Prench Tale news!

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A Prench Tale Part 4 & Volume 1 Conclusion · 12:37am Nov 8th, 2020

Hello dear readers!

Well, it's been a stressful week, in an already stressful year, but there's still cause to celebrate! I'm talking about, of course, the completion of Part 4 and of A Prench Tale Vol.1 as a whole! :raritywink:

First off, what's that 'Vol.1' business about?

tl;dr: the whole of A Prench Tale is now divided into three Volumes, first one concluding today, next one debuting in the near future, with other, smaller projects in the meantime!

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Update on Progress · 5:52am Aug 17th, 2020

Hello folks!

So, at the end of Chapter 25 I said, optimistically, that we could get back to regular posting... And that was a little over a month ago. One reason for this distinct lack of a Chapter 26 is that life always finds new ways to throw things at me when I manage to get back on my feet, but the other, more prevalent and positive reason is that I'm currently reviewing and editing past chapters.

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A Prench Tale: Five Score Dreams · 12:07pm Oct 24th, 2019

While we wait for Part 4 to debut, here's a small chapter's worth of bonus material!

(it is highly recommended to read Parts 1 through 3 beforehand, of course)

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A Prench Tale Part 3 Conclusion & Part 4 Release Date · 4:02pm Oct 18th, 2019

Hello dear readers!

Part 3 of A Prench Tale comes to an end with Chapter 21. The story will resume with Part 4 and Chapter 22, which should be posted on October 31st!

A big thanks to all of you for following me on this journey – I'll do my best to keep delivering quality Prench content for weeks to come!

And a little note before getting to the behind-the-scenes stuff: no new chapter next week, but some bonus material instead!

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September Delays · 8:47pm Sep 2nd, 2019

Hello dear readers,

As the title may have clued you in, this month will not be kind to our usual publication schedule... The reason is that I'll be taking a month-long course starting tomorrow, and it will use up most of my time and energy in the coming weeks.

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Chapter 17 Delay · 8:22pm Aug 14th, 2019

Hi dear readers,

Chapter 17 of A Prench Tale isn't ready yet, and will be published next week.

I've also been working on other little things on the side, that I hope to show you soon!

Thanks again for taking time to read my story, and see you next week!


Amber Reference / Part 3 Delay · 6:02pm Jul 17th, 2019

Hi everyone!

So, uh, like I feared, the first chapter of Part 3 isn't ready yet, and will be posted at a later date...

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