• Member Since 16th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


I just really need a nap.


Shining Armor endures the typical and everyday trials of dealing with an infant daughter as he attempts to simply feed her, play with her, and put her down with a nap. However as the day goes on he finds his mind drifting off and his curiosity is piqued by small things like "what does baby food taste like?" and "how fun could these toys really be?"

Cover Art By Piinky

Contains diapers, diaper usage, mental regression, and magic usage. Please don't keep reading if you disapprove of any of these themes.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna wakes up to find, much to her surprise, no Royal Caretaker waiting to change her diaper.

Contains diapers, adult baby themes, and diaper usage. Please don't keep reading if you disapprove of any of these themes.

Chapters (1)

Princess Cadance stood quietly, calm, and wearing a patient expression on her face. Across from her, standing bow legged and fidgeting uncomfortably was Chrysalis, former queen of the changelings, wearing nothing but a diaper.

Contains diapers, diaper usage, and spanking. Please don't keep reading if you disapprove of any of these themes.

Cover Art By SkitterPone

Chapters (1)

For several nights now Twilight has been plagued by the same dreams. What did they mean? Why was it always her brother that she dreamed about? And why did it always leave her with such a fluttering feeling in her chest? Following Princess Luna's advice, she talks things over with Shining Armor in hopes that he will help her find answers. Although it'll be embarrassing to admit she dreams about him taking care of her like a foal.

Cover Art By Cuddlehooves

Contains diapers, diaper usage, and baby paraphernalia. Please don't keep reading if you disapprove of any of these themes.

Chapters (6)

Amidst one of their heated debates in trying to figure out who the best flyer is, Smolder and Gallus make a bet on a race of theirs. The race would be lap through The Featherbreaker and who ever lost would have to wear and use a diaper.

Contains diapers and diaper usage. Please don't keep reading if you disapprove of any of these themes.

Chapters (1)

To fight off the icy cold weather, Twilight invites her friends over for "A Warming Party". It's sort of like a tea party where they get together and join in some pleasant conversation, but the big difference here was the strong desire to stay as warm as possible against the cold weather outside.

Contains diapers and diaper usage. Please don't keep reading if you disapprove of any of these themes.

Chapters (1)

For their quiet private time, Discord invites Fluttershy to his home.

Contains diapers, adults wearing diapers, and diaper usage. Please don't keep reading if you disapprove of any of these themes.

Chapters (1)

With Cheerilee acting as his pretend teacher for the day, Big Macintosh is roped into playing a number of childish games at school involving silly tests, drawing, and diapers.

Contains diapers, diaper usage, adults wearing diapers, and teacher/student role playing. Please don't keep reading if you disapprove of any of these themes.

Chapters (5)