• Member Since 16th Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I just really need a nap.


An Open Q&A Before Naptime · 6:35pm June 16th

Hello everyone! Hope everyone's been enjoying the summer so far!

I wanted to feel things out and open up a Q&A, first of it's kind, just to see how that goes!

So please let me know if you have any questions. Questions about my stories, characters, my writing process, or heck maybe even the top five songs I'm listening to right now! I'll try to answer as best I can!

Report Naptime · 73 views · #q&a Naptime

LIST OF ENTRIES for Naptime’s Crinkle Writing Contest! · 8:38pm April 2nd

Here is the final tally of story entries for Naptime’s Crinkle Writing Contest with a mix of links from both Furaffinity and FIMFiction. Thank you again to all who sent in an entry!

LIST OF ENTRIES (alphabetically)

  1. A Day in the Life of Rainy Drops by TheTikiman

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Report Naptime · 126 views · #contest #diaper #writing #links

WINNER OF Naptime’s Crinkle Writing Contest! · 5:58pm March 31st

It’s time to announce the winner of Naptime’s Crinkle Writing Contest!

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END OF Naptime’s Crinkle Writing Contest! · 4:15am March 31st

And there we have it!

Naptime’s Crinkle Writing Contest has come to a close! Thank you to everyone who entered. We had nine stories entered in this time and it’s been a delight reading through them. I still have a few more entries to read through, but once that’s done, I will announce a winner. Look forward to my next update!

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LAST REMINDER Naptime’s Crinkle Writing Contest! · 7:05pm March 23rd

Hello everyone! This is just a quick reminder that there is only ONE week left of Naptime’s Crinkle Writing Contest! You can find the contest's group here: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/217511/open-naptimes-crinkle-writing-contest

Contest ends on Saturday, March 30th at 11:59 PM EST. Please have your stories submitted before then!

Hope everyone has a good rest of your day!

Report Naptime · 96 views · #writing #contest #diaper

REMINDER Naptime’s Crinkle Writing Contest! · 2:23pm March 16th

Hello everyone! This is just a quick reminder that I'm running a writing contest where the winner can win a prepaid commission slot! You can find the contest's group here: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/217511/open-naptimes-crinkle-writing-contest

Contest ends on Saturday, March 30th at 11:59 PM EST. Please have your stories submitted before then!

Hope everyone has a good rest of your day!


(Closed) Naptime’s Crinkle Writing Contest! · 4:21pm March 2nd

Group For the Contest Can Be Found Here

It’s time for a writing contest! There just aren't enough stories about diapers out there and I’ve decided to help fix that!

The objective is simple, write a story that contains diapers inspired by the single word prompt and post it!


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“Another Contest? This Time With an Art Prize?” Asks A Curious Pegasus · 10:41pm February 19th

Happy Monday everyone!

I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a writing contest.  Entries would require certain themes (most likely diapers to stay on brand, but might include other themes as well) and would have to be over a certain length (I’m thinking at least 3,000 words). Stories would be judged on quality, theme, and creativity, with the winner getting some art.

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Report Naptime · 85 views · #contest #writing #diapers

Refer-a-thon Winner! · 10:08pm Nov 26th, 2022

And that's it! The Refer-a-thon is over!

I'd like to thank everyone for participating, especially those of you who took the time to refer my stories to others. Not all of them turned into new followers, but I was happy to hear from people and what they had to say about my stories. Writing for stuff online can sometimes be a lonely hobby so feedback was lovely to see!

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Reminder! Naptime Refer-A-Thon Ends November 26th! · 4:04pm Nov 19th, 2022

Just a quick reminder that the Naptime Refer-A-Thon ends on November 26th at 5pm EST! If you haven't already, be sure to send me a message to cast your vote! Referrals are always appreciated!

You can find all the details on the raffle's journal!

Report Naptime · 104 views ·