• Member Since 17th Apr, 2018
  • offline last seen July 5th


Call me Prince Procrastination.


Soarin asks to meet Rarity’s parents – naturally, Rarity would rather die.

And as the horrid day continues on its merry way, you'll find that there are no good guys here; just lessons to unlearn and battles to choose.

Slight crack, so the characters do come with a grain of salt.

(Also you'll notice I had to edit the coverart because Soarinxanypony is harder to find than I initially thought. Original art is linked)

Chapters (1)

As Rarity’s days pass her by, all she has to show for them is small town coffee, slow corporate Wi-Fi, and a distant hope for inspiration.

But change paces about slow and unsteady, and Rarity – well, Rarity’s hardly ever been the patient type.

A three-part narrative, brought to you by the next three days of your life.

Chapters (3)

As often following a break up, Sunset starts repeating days; as often following Sunset, it's never as simple as that.

And, finally, the day that never ends is yesterday. The girl who left learns to move on.

Chapters (1)

The Windigos, tempestuous and starving, tower over Sunset and the girls in a staring contest for the town surrounding them.

And willingly does Sunset blink.

Chapters (1)

But real life doesn’t have endings like movies do; real life doesn’t give you neatly tied ends and closure upon a steady build up. Sometimes, it just ends.

And you just have to go along with it, because it’s going to go on without you.

Chapters (1)

To Rarity, spring always feels like the the worst part of the movie. Rainbow doesn’t get it, and so she doesn’t like it.

That’s why today finds them in a 1979 Cadillac on the road going nowhere.

Well, sort of.

Alternatively: unwound in a fake car on a freeway that’s the same as all the others, like in every other low budget movie you’ve seen on that odd movie channel

Chapters (1)

It doesn't take a mountain to move a person.

But Rarity’s always been a bad judge of things. And kind of extra about stuff. And a bit of a slut, in a good way.

Additionally: Things are sometimes what they seem.

Chapters (1)

Rarity and Rainbow Dash pose as Sweetie Belle’s parents in the age-old story of I-can’t-let-my-parents-talk-to-my-teacher-they’ll-ground-me-for-life.

But things, of course, get worse in the not-so-sensible way before they get better – the good better.

Up ahead: Shenanigans of the Less Sensible Variety; Things, Just Things; Something Heartfelt, Hopefully.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, when you fall out of love, you fall face flat. Sunset makes the most of it.

And it’s a slow afternoon when Twilight decides to join her.

Warning: [Rated T For Language]

Chapters (1)

Procrastination isn’t too much of a problem until it’s got you doing Secret Santa on New Years – or later, knowing the girls’ luck.

It all starts with a cup of tea.

Alt. Title: Holidays, But Things Get Out Of Hands Because What Else Could You Expect Out Of This Group Of Lovable Dumb-Dumbs?

Chapters (1)