• Member Since 17th Apr, 2018
  • offline last seen Nov 11th, 2024


Call me Prince Procrastination.


As often following a break up, Sunset starts repeating days; as often following Sunset, it's never as simple as that.

And, finally, the day that never ends is yesterday. The girl who left learns to move on.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Alternate chapter title. Sunset doesn't know how to let go

Damn, angry Rarity knows how to dish out the verbal abuse.


What's with Sunset and time loop? The girl keeps getting stuck on them..
Anyway, great story! The answer is kinda obvious, and I bet Sunset knows that, but the way you intertwined all these subplots really makes reading it worthwhile. Sunset probably knows by the nth iteration that the breakup is probably inevitable, but she just didnt want to acknowledge it, didnt want to move on, and thus the universe opened her friends problems to her (or atleast that's what it felt to me). Great characters, great callback to the title and problems mentioned before. Felt like no stone unturned.

Author Interviewer

Okay, so the argument over bowling is maybe the best part of this. You completely captured what relationship arguments are like, how they don't make sense to an outside observer because they're founded on a thousand tiny things no one else has seen in their entirety.

I do find it surprising you decided to write a time loop after Backstage Pass, though.

“ Sugarcube, we’re two pees in the only sensible pod around these parts.”

God, I hope they aren't.

Wow, this made me stop and really reflect on myself.

Oh, man. This was beautiful. Have an upvote while I add this to my ‘Most Beautiful Stories’ collection.

Now this is an adventure from start to end.

I won't try to talk about everything in this story, because this story is an intricately crafted web of how relationships work, and to focus on everything would be a mighty task. Instead of doing that, I'm gonna focus on some details about the story I loved.

First off, the plot device you used here was incredible. The date appearing after every new loop was the perfect way to hit home how endless the whole thing is. It also helps that the story is long enough that you wonder just when Sunset will realize, and after another five loops have passed, you realize it won't be anytime soon.

Sunset hearing all of her friends highs and lows are really well done, but the best part is that they're all split into pieces. Sunset is learning about the little things, about little inside jokes, and expressing your biggest worries and issues. It fits really well into the whole concept of the story. Speaking of, the concept is one I haven't seen yet, and you handled the whole thing really well. It captured relationships through the lense of what's happening in the now, without giving us a chance to see all of Sunset and Flash's small moments, where they're just together, making memories. We don't get a chance, because since we're seeing it through the lense of Sunset, she doesn't see all the little things. All the cogs to the machine that are relationships, and without those cogs, the machine couldn't function.

I also really like your characterization. All the characters feel just like the ones in the show, but with some extra depth and wisdom from their experiences. They have little tics and parts to them that make them unique, like Rainbow and her phone. It just gives them that much more life. The dialogue especially is just pure, unfiltered Mane Six.

Small aside, there are several spots spread throughout the story where there are some grammar issues, or it feels like a word or two is missing. It didn't detract from the experience as a whole, but it never hurts to add some extra polish to what is already an extremely polished story.

I want to make a final note to the plot device from earlier, particularly when the date moves over. The image next to it changes from a sun, to a sun on a cloudy day. The sun is no longer the main focus anymore, just like Sunset. It's a small detail, maybe not intentional, but I really love it nonetheless.

Amazing story about relationships with great characters, pacing, and a stunning moral. With some work on the patches of grammar mistakes and odd sentences, this could definitely be a masterpiece, not that it doesn't already feel like one. Well done!

On that, she stormed away in a very old-Sunset-slash-Rarity fashion. She didn’t hear him say anything by the time she reached the door and couldn’t tell if that was a good sign or a bad one.

fun meta bit, and great setup! establishing the relationship and the story mechanic with "It felt new every time he said it". now this is storytelling

“I like being with you. But that’s it.”

oof! i can imagine how that would feel to hear. my reaction would be the same as Sunset's. definitely intriguing, the insistence that it is because of him. what did Flash mean by this

I might be jumping the gun here, but do you think you’re repeating days? Like, restarting them from a fixed point in time?”

had to check whether or not this was written after Sunset's Backstage Pass!

Great, the one day Sunset was stuck on had to be the day Rarity was in a crabby mood.

what is it with Rarity and crabs?

“Finish that sentence, Pinkie, I dare you,” Rarity snarled evenly.

“ – stinct person who shows signs of something up her that seems to be a stick.”

ha, loved this bit

You horse folk are stubborn, I'll tell you that.

aaaaaa i love the way Applejack calls her this, as well as this Applejack, as well as her relationship with Sunset here, all very good

He paused, weighed his words. “Any of them, Sunset. All of them. But – look, I’m – I think I should tell you I want to break up.”

Sunset was sure this one hit hardest. “Still?”

oof! worth a shot, but there's definitely more going on here

Sunset woke up, but didn’t remember falling asleep.

ah definitely reminds me of nights where i didn't want to deal with something so i just stared at screens until i passed out, very #relatable

“I really don’t, my dude. You know I got a strict no-dating-friends policy. I hafta deal with enough of your drama just hanging around you guys.”

very wise of Rainbow Dash

Pinkie recoiled as if shot multiple times. “Ack-ack-pack-ack! Finishing move, death by gift!”

haha, love this Pinkie! really getting that Sunset/Pinkie vibe from Sunset's Backstage Pass

Something old and tired ached inside of Sunset. Something that wanted more than a smile because everyone else was doing it. Something that wanted that unexplainable understanding that became its own humour, its own love language.

ah, dang! it's been so long for me that i forgot this was a thing to miss, and now i miss it too, damn you fictional Sunset's thoughts

It worked in Sunset's favour: hanging out with another happy almost-couple would double on the good atmosphere. At worst, Flash wouldn’t try to ruin the mood and maybe she’d be free to face the next day and take the long road to fixing things.

delightfully devilish, Sunset!

Then why did she have to convince herself that what was before her wasn't what she wanted?

aaaaaa oof

“First of all, I don’t know what you’re trying to say, but people don’t just own bowling balls and bring them to parties, so it’s not a party sport. And, so what?” Sunset raised a mocking eyebrow at him. “What, you’re breaking up with me because we didn’t do something you liked? Your missing the whole point if – “

oof! seeing more of this side of their relationship is outside of Sunset's head, wow. really well-done transition here, unexpected but not at all jarring.

It sounded like Applejack was slamming her hand on the table. “Sugarcube – oh my God, sugarcube, it – sugarcube, listen. It’s true, I promise you. And it makes you madder than a bull when you look back at all the attention you gave ‘em, and everything else –”

oh mare, a lot of things here feel recontextualized now! oh wow, i love this

. “Sure, you don’t gotta agree with it, but if you even give a damn about them you’ll let them be them and you’ll do all the changing so they don’t notice and things work right and you never tell them why and – “

oof, so much to unpack here

Rarity was the Marilyn of acerbity.

real missed opportunity to make this "Marelyn" smh

On her way out, Rarity called, almost cheekily, behind her. “Oh, don’t look so blue, darling. I’m sure it’ll all work out for you soon. After all, it’s always sunny in Equestria.”

oof! definitely paid off the line

But where Sunset was the high school mean queen, Rarity was the Marilyn of acerbity.

and i'm guessing

After all, you don’t have to tell yourself that a place to eat and sleep are all you need when its all you have. You aren’t broke and ashamed of it.

is about Rarity, by elimination? maybe i'm misreading that but that is a fascinating situation for Rarity to be in

Sunset was surrounded by supportive friends at every step.

and it all comes back to friendship in the end. reconstruction!

Flash couldn’t bring himself to ask someone to change and wouldn’t lay the weight of the consequences of that on someone he loved. And so the small things snowballed, and the big things, well, he'd have to find out one day.

For Sunset, it was the Equestria in her, the magic that weaved between the threads of her skin and soul. It set her apart in a way no one on this side could ever fully understand, even herself. All that she could hope for was that she could meet someone else who could.

And in that room, between the two of them, they both knew that neither could Sunset be compliment to bring out the best of Flash’s shortcomings, nor could Flash be the compliment to Sunset’s.

This is what it really came down to when people weren’t meant for each other. When it wasn’t distance, and not for lack of trying. Seeing it clearly, Sunset could now come to terms with that.

ah, i really love this! especially weaving in Sunset's unique background into this, with a weaving metaphor no less. i definitely see parts of Sunset and Flash's weaknesses here in myself. it's really making me reflect on things

And so, with the sunrise barely breaking through over the cloudy, overcast day, Sunset looked ahead.

a beautiful ending, and one that is truly earned. the time loop was a classic high-concept trope but this story was a low-concept masterpiece through and through. i loved these characterizations of the Humane Seven, each feeling like a logical extrapolation of their canon selves, but deepened and rounded out as adults that could exist in this real, complicated human world. and the tiny little details and idiosyncracies in each of their relationships and ways of being in the world, ugh, it all just seems so full and real.

i really loved this. it's criminal that this fic does not have more views and comments.

Howdy, hi!

This is actually one of my all-time favourite stories on the site (I'm a sucker for a good time loop story). How you wrote out the underlying emotional problems between Sunset and Flash were masterful and I love the characterization of everyone in this. Each of them is like their canon counterparts but with the added depth of realism that makes them relatable and fun to read about.

I love the subtlety and multiple angles in which to look at everything, the jabs, and the realistic arguments that occur. They *feel* like they're at the end of their relationship, like that they still love each other in a way, but the accumulation has finally hit the tipping point, and now it's falling apart and nothing can be done to stop it. Just that subtle snowball that rolls forever despite Sunset being trapped in a never-ending day.

Regardless, gorgeous work. Absolutely amazing start to finish. Thank you so much for this.

Bravo! The idea of a time loop has its own set of clichés, which this takes and uses with its own grace. One of which is after a couple repeats, Sunset gets frustrated and decides to takes paths where she doesn’t pay for the consequences. This handles the trope with care as it propels the plot forward in Sunset’s soul-searching.

Of which made me think. Overthink. A lot. This story is laced with relationship nuance and intricacy. To be honest, I haven’t the slightest clue about relationships, so it takes me a bit to read in between the lines and I didn’t get most things unless it was spelled out (for example, Rainbow’s hidden envy). But even with limited knowledge, the feel is there to fill in the blanks.

For instance, with Rarity’s vibe-check (to put it crudely), I couldn’t get what the problem was about (obviously Sunset venting, but that's scratching the surface- there is something deeper than that), but I could feel the tension between her and Sunset and the frustration.

In the end, the ending left me both satisfied and empty with Sunset finally letting go and coming to terms that the breakup will happen, regardless of what happens. What the loop was teaching her is how to learn from it and be a better person because of it. Again, Bravo!

Alright, let's see.

I believe it has been stated that the idea of the loop mixed with the break up and the message of letting go was a match made in heaven. And you rightfully took it and executed it the best way I could have imagined.

This story, I believe, is one of the few stories I won't nit pick for scene jumping and actually give a thumbs up for doing simply because it makes sense, the jumps are to moments that impact the story and overall it really feels like we are repeating the day, over, and over, and over again to a point we don't even notice how long it's been going. (I also loved the added detail for the date and weather.)

Sunset's character, along with others are portrait properly. Though, I feel like the Fluttershy is... a bit detached from the one I know and am used to but it makes sense still cause quite some times has passed and she has a new ship that I would have never ever guessed in a billion years. (WTF is up with the stop signs though?)

And one last thing, I am not a fan of FlashXSunset and I won't lie, I am happy they broke up. But, I'm saying this to emphasis on the fact that the moments in between Sunset and Flash felt... genuine to me. Even the break up, I actually saw Flash as a character with personality and I could clearly feel they both had something for each other.

Good job.

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