Rarity is by far the prettiest and most beautiful girl at my school. When I ask her if she would like to go to prom with me, she says yes! The story that follows is going to dinner with her before the dance, and the prom itself.
I am a HUGE fan of MLP and Equestria Girls (I have seen every episode). I am glad to be able to share my creations with you all.
Found 7 stories in 23ms
Total Words: 27,042
Estimated Reading: 1 hour
Rarity is by far the prettiest and most beautiful girl at my school. When I ask her if she would like to go to prom with me, she says yes! The story that follows is going to dinner with her before the dance, and the prom itself.
I have a deep admiration and romantic feeling for Princess Luna. One day while I am talking to myself in the park about my love for her, I see a certain blue alicorn laying down behind a bush like a lion. I immediatly fall in love with her and decide to introduce myself to her. For two months she lives with me and during that time we form a wonderful relationship.
I really love Twilight (Sci Twi). She is the sweetest thing that I have ever seen in the Equestria Girls series, and is someone who I think would make a good daughter. After I hear a lecture about the possibility of Reanimating dead bodies in science class, I immediately set to work creating an artificial Twilight. I am successful in creating Twilight and she becomes my daughter and a good friend...But will it last? Inspired by Frankenstien and Edward Scissorhands.
After four long years of dating, getting to know each other, and vacationing. Hourglass finally asks Luna to marry him. Luna says yes and the preparations begin, Hourglass is in charge of planning the event with Celestia as well as getting his best suit for the occasion, Luna gets herself ready (physically and emotionally) for the marriage, and the wedding rings come in. This is something very special indeed.
After a whole month has passed, Hourglass and Luna arrange to meet again at the Grand Galloping Gala. At the biggest party of the year Luna and Hourglass get to dance as partners on the grand dance floor, Socialize, drink punch and eat apple pie, and even hang out in the Canterlot Gardens. This is sure to be "The Best Night Ever" without a doubt.
Luna is overjoyed to be finally being invited on a Date by a respectable Unicorn Stallion. The stallion's name is Hourglass, a 20 year old Stallion who works as a railroad conductor and who takes sympathy with Luna's social awkwardness. Will they both hit it off well?
Principal Celestia has sent out an email to some students telling them that a summer trip to London has been planned, and the students are all excited. Twilight and Sunset Shimmer invite the rest of the Mane 7 to come along. Flash Sentry, Micro Chips, and Sandalwood are signing up as well. Snips and Snails are coming. And others are coming too. What awaits them is a two week stay in London filled with R&R, taking in top attractions, seeing all of London, going to a football (soccer) game at Wembly Stadium, standing on the Prime Meridian, and riding on the London Underground as well as other public transit.