//------------------------------// // At the Gala with Luna // Story: At the Gala with Luna // by Hourglass //------------------------------// Hourglass was so excited tonight. It was the night of the Grand Galloping Gala and he had gotten a ticket for the evening party, even if he wasn't part of the upper-class elite that would be mostly be coming. He had just gotten ready for the whole thing, he had his usual black top hat and silvery vest, but he also had a black tailcoat as well for the occasion. "I sure hope that Luna hasn't forgotten over a month that I had asked her if we could meet at the Gala." he told himself in worry, but then he thought. "She should remember, this is probably the first time anypony has ever asked her to come and spend time with her at something this extravagant." He kept getting ready for the big night and tried his best to comb his crazy ruffled mane. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile at the Palace, Celestia and Luna were getting ready themselves. Luna getting herself done up the same way that she did a month ago, and Celestia going in her dark lavender and pink dress with a sun symbol. They both looked very wonderful when they had finished. "So Luna, who is that young stallion that you met a month ago?" asked Celestia. Luna was caught off guard by the question. "What!? I..um...oh." She started to blush in embarrassment. "Go on," teased Celestia. "Who is that young stallion? Is he your coltfriend? My My, my own sister finally has a..." She was cut off by Luna's outburst in the Royal Canterlot Voice. "DON'T TRY TO TEASE US CELESTIA! WE HAST OUR OWN EMOTIONS TOO!!!" She calmed down and confessed after a sigh. "Fine...Yes, I have met a wonderful stallion. Is that good enough for you?" Celestia regained herself after the 100.1 decimals of Luna's R.C.V. "I just wanted to know about that. Who is he?" Luna continued. "His name is Hourglass, he is about 20 years old and is a really good unicorn stallion. He has blue fur and a ruffled blue mane and tail with white stripes in them, and he is a unicorn." Celestia asked another question. "Is he like you in any way?" Luna answered. "He really is. He is not as popular like others, similar to my own self being overlooked by you (no offense). He is socially awkward like me, as much as I hate to admit that I am. He is also lonely like I am, he only has a few friends and has never had a marefriend, I myself only have a few friends and...have...nev..er..had..a." Luna quietly burst into tears at the thought that tore her apart the most. Celestia held her poor sister close. "I understand your feeling Luna, it's hard to deal with emotional feelings like that especially when they are that deep. I to have gone through the same feelings when I was your age, It is very very hard to deal with sadness and depression like that when it feels like you'll never make amends that special and pure. But keep your head up sister, you already have someone liking you who understands your same feelings. Remember that." Celestia Let her sister go. "You are right sister, I think I should spend more time with him. That is as long as I can find some time in my very incredibly long and busy schedule to do so." Luna replied. "Good," Celestia said. "Now go and get your last few things ready, the biggest party of the year is starting in 2 hours and Hourglass will be here, seek him out and find him. Enjoy yourselves." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The whole castle and palace were open to all ponies who had been invited, including Hourglass who was just getting into the Grand Ballroom. "WOW! This is the ballroom, it's huge. I've never seen anything like it!" Hourglass had never been in such a place in his life, and so he was really surprized to see how many things had been put into making the party the event it was. "I really hope that Luna's here." Hourglass said to himself. "Maybe she'll be just as lovely as she was a month ago, maybe she's just now getting ready, maybe she's waiting for me." "Or maybe she's asking you to come over to the table." A angel like voice called him in a sing song voice. Hourglass turned to see his lovely alicorn sitting at the table behind him, looking like she did a month ago. "LUNA! YOUR HERE!" Hourglass shouted, grabbing the attention of the entire room as all heads and muzzles turned, and as the band stopped playing. "Hey look everypony," Shouted Octavia from the bandstand. "It's our Princess of the night making her first Gala appearance!" The whole room erupted into a great applause. Luna grinned slightly as she blushed and waved to the crowd like she was trying to fix a lightbulb. "And look at THAT! She's got a unicorn stallion with her," another said. "Boy, I bet She's the lucky one tonight. Let's give 'em another round of applause." The whole crowd applauded again as a spotlight shown on the both of them. "So much for laying low." Hourglass sighed. "I'm used to it Hourglass, if I make any appearance like this, I always draw attention." "So you are O.K. with it?" Asked Hourglass. "Yes." Luna replied. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first thing that the 'Lucky Couple' (as they were called by the guests) did was to go to the dance floor. The song that started playing was "wedding Dance" and Hourglass took Luna onto the dance floor and started waltzing to the tune with her. "I like how gentle you are with me Hourglass." Luna said as they continued. "Your welcome Luna, anything for you." Hourglass returned "Do you think we could spend time with each other more after this Hourglass?" She asked. "It would be my upmost joy to spend time with you Luna." Hourglass answered. "Would you like to go and see an orchestra concert or a pipe organ performance. Your choice." "I would love to go to a pipe organ performance. That's my favorite instrument, I even had one in the old castle before you know what happened." Luna answered. "O.K. sounds good to me Luna. would you also love to go to Ponyville sometime?" Hourglass asked. "Sure, I would love to see Ponyville." Luna replied as the music stopped. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the dancing was finished, Luna and Hourglass both headed off to eat some apple pie and to drink some punch at the nearby concession stand. Because Luna was their, both she and Hourglass got apple pie and punch free of charge. "On the house for you...Your Highness." The chef mare spoke as she bowed to Luna. "Thank you Chef Cappalus, and can you please pass the benefit onto my special friend Hourglass?" Luna asked. "Of course...Your Highness." Chef Cappalus bowed and gave Hourglass the same benefit. "Princesses Orders! You can take as much as you like." "Thank you." Hourglass said. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the time at the concession stand, both Luna and Hourglass went outside to the nearby Canterlot Gardens. They both found a nice peaceful park bench by a small pond and waterfall to sit at and started talking. "So, do you like being in charge of our country?" Hourglass asked. Luna answered. "Like any powerful position, it is a very big responsibility to keep up with. I've got to make sure that all of the nation is safe, I've got to take care of ponies during the night by visiting their dreams, I've got quite a big job to meet up with members of the Equestria Dark Force Defense league (or as you know it as the E.D.F.D.L.), and on top of all that, I've got to make sure that the Moon gets up and down on schedule. But it is a rewarding occupation to say the least." "What do you like doing in spare time?" Hourglass asked. Luna answered. "I really love to travel to amazing places, I love playing the Pipe organ, I love taking care of nocturnal animals, I like seeing what ponies dream of (you would not believe some of the incredible imaginative dreams I've been able to see), and I love stargazing." Luna asked a question for Hourglass. "How does your job go on the railroad?" Hourglass answered. "I've got to make sure that my train gets to where it needs to be on time, I've got to work closely with the engineer, I've got to keep track of how many passengers I've got on my trains. I've also got to make sure to check with Dispatch and Yardmasters to make sure I am clear ahead for the line I'm on." Luna asked again. "Do you have anything that you like doing?" Hourglass answered. "I like going to see plays at our local Canterlot Theater, I like traveling too (it's my life really), I like drawing pictures and being creative, and I like being knowledgeable on many different topics." They both started talking about little things as well, like if any of them loved to read comic books or novels, and the places that they would love to travel to. They finished with a simple hoof bump and headed back inside. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At midnight exactly, the party was over and all of the ponies left the Palace (saying goodbye to both Celestia and Luna as they left). Hourglass was with Luna the whole time until the last guest left. "I will see you again, won't I Luna?" Luna smiled as she hugged him. "I shall count the minutes until then, see you at the organ performance, and at every date after." "You as well Luna, have a good night." Hourglass whispered as he kissed Luna. "Goodnight Hourglass." Luna whispered as she watched Hourglass leave. "You two are a perfect couple, do you know that?" Asked Celestia in a tell-tale way. Luna nudged her sister sweetly. "Yes, I know that. We are quite the pair."...