• Member Since 17th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen July 11th


Oh. Five years?


When an alicorn dies, their magical imprint lingers for a week before it finally dissipates into nothingness. One week. That’s all the time Celestia has, to bring back the sister she accidentally killed. If she even tries.

Chapters (1)

Apparently, the Elements trading hooves means Rainbow Dash is supposed to sit around and wait for them to fix everything. She found the map, though, so she's going, no matter who's with her.

Idea more than story, again. Inspired by a series here I tried to read a long while back. "Rainbow Dash flies West," I believe was the terse, intriguing description. I bounced off right at the start. It just didn't manage to hook me, for whatever reason, but that description still drew me. If I were to build something off of that alone, I'd probably start it with something like this.

Note: as per RyRy, a detective of unrivalled capability, the story I'm thinking of actually has her flying East.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow gets a breakup speech, along with all the reasons she sucks. She can fix it, though, right?

I'm quite happy with this piece, so I'll let it speak for itself.

Chapters (1)

Cadance just got done dealing with the end of the world. Turns out, it never stops ending.

Another piece that's more concept than story. Here, I try to place Cadance into the world in a way that makes sense to the confusing mess of headcanon I've got up here in this noggin of mine.

Chapters (1)

Someone's gotten into the mirror realm, and Sunset Shimmer is on the case. She just hopes it isn't Sunbutt again.

I'm not gonna promise any more chapters, but the idea behind this is that Sunset really, really wants to meet up with her alternate self, who is the one who actually stole the crown here. If we get that far, I'll delete that spoilered part, as it'll be in the story proper.

Chapters (1)

Despite their estrangement, the Princesses never come to blows. Instead, Luna goes her own way.

Give Luna her moonbase already. It's what the fans crave.

Chapters (1)

Discord finds a way to slip away from stone. It comes with caveats.

This one's a short, self-contained little ficlet. The goal here is to get across the emotion, so if you feel that, mission accomplished. Not meant to lead into a larger story, what you see is what you get.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash gets an idea to fix a relationship she broke. Being Rainbow Dash, this idea lacks common sense


An experimental snippet, this little thing is meant mostly for processing some emotions, and as a writing exercise in expressing the same. Not meant to be completed. Not a story, in the usual sense. Navel-gazing nonsense, really.

Chapters (1)