• Member Since 17th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen Oct 16th, 2024


Oh. Five years?


First person? Tell, don't show. · 2:25pm Oct 17th, 2019

First person's kind of odd. Most of us, at least here in America, go through three stages of writing. You start with personal narratives, where you voice your opinions, research, and ideas in essays from your point of view. You're probably completely apathetic at this stage. Someone's telling you to do something, and it's work, and for a grade, so you do it. And maybe you do it well—but you do it well within the confines of the system. You say what your teacher likes, you obsess over the

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The Last Enemy—Thoughts on Starscribe's Knight of Wands · 2:47am Jul 29th, 2019

EKnight of Wands
Jacqueline Kessler has accomplished incredible things, but now she is almost finished. There is only one more mission to complete. One more pony left to find, and nothing in the waking or sleeping world can keep them apart.
Starscribe · 21k words  ·  117  9 · 1.6k views

Trigger warnings:
1. Spoilers. Many, many spoilers. Read Starscribe's Last Pony on Earth series for the rest of the context.
2. Religion, and my opinions about it.

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"With Celestia as my witness" · 10:16pm Feb 26th, 2019

From telekinesis to rewriting reality, magic in the MLP universe can do a lot. There is an entire branch of magic affiliated with crystals and the mind called "dark magic" that's completely forbidden for anyone other than Celestia, Twilight, and (presumably) Luna to even know about. I'd also say that Equestria is not free of crime, though crimes of the more ugly sort are likely much rarer. Still, when a pony's future hinges on their innocence Celestia is likely to be called in.

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A short treatise on mental defense, by Luna · 9:30pm Jul 8th, 2018

A/N: This is from an earlier time in my alternate history when Equestria was at war with other nations. 'Person' was a word widely used, and Luna was never happy with it having fallen out of favor.

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Writing irrational characters · 6:36am Jun 19th, 2018

I'm going to be writing some non-pony fiction before I resume any long works that need endings. I'm in the planning stage, and at the end, I'll probably only be able to put ten percent of what I have in the story. But right now I'm doing characters. And I realized I wanted someone a bit crazy, with a goal someone in the know can see clearly won't work, but who's smart anyway. He just has a very specific blind spot.

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Not a sociopath, just depressed · 5:29am Jun 6th, 2018

So, I wrote something a while ago:

EThe Youngest Dragon
On her vacation in the town of Gold Springs, Rarity finds a dragon. He won't let go of her coin, and now she has no idea what to do with him.
Lightwavers · 4.2k words  ·  787  16 · 8.5k views

There have been some people eager for an update. The second chapter was...rushed. The timing for the events were bad and it didn't follow the promises set out in the first chapter. There was someone who said it felt like someone else wrote it.

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A Plethora of Personal Preference: IMPLACABLE · 2:12am Apr 18th, 2018

A lone wanderer in the final days of Man. An impregnable fortress work-camp to stand against the total emigration of humanity to virtual Equestria. The artificial intelligence called 'Celestia'. Everything has been accounted for. Everything.
Chatoyance · 17k words · 3.7k views

What I liked:
•Formatting. The title, the first word of the chapter, and the image breaks between scenes.
•Plot. From the first word, I was drawn in. The big question was asked: who exactly is Raymond, and why does he hate Celestia? And what's up with Ford Denver?
•Exposition. Understated, no info dumps, no maid and butler dialogue—everything progresses naturally.

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Writing Music · 2:30pm Mar 28th, 2018

Sights Unseen has a large playlist of music. The lyrics are farther in between than in most other music, and the words fit into the music instead of popping out to get your attention. It's a great selection of songs to write to.

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A Candle · 12:24am Mar 23rd, 2018

Violence is bad.

Sneering. Mocking. I wore the armband, they argued, and so I had to put up with them. I wore the armband, and so I deserved it. I bore it, for a time. I waited for them to stop.

They escalated. Kicks turned to openly-displayed fists, turned to bloody cuts, uncovered bruises. Salt from the cafeteria was brought and poured in open wounds. They thought it funny. I thought it hurt.

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Telluric Fields · 3:27am Feb 26th, 2018

In Scott Alexander's excellent story, The Girl Who Poked God With A Stick, there's a thing called a telluric field that artificially limits technology. In some spots, it's weaker. These places are major sites of civilization, where maglevs and cars are used—until the field shifts, and the people in one city have to go back to steam trains and horses, while another place can suddenly support an air force.

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