I shall deconstruct, make fun, and parody everything in existence. And whether you like it or not, I don't care.
Found 21 stories in 32ms
Total Words: 41,577
Estimated Reading: 2 hours
Pandering ponies pinch, punch, popping pleasant pleasantry, please. Think twilight tires Twilight? Think trinket tracing, that tires Twilight through the twilight. Seeking somewhere safe, Silver Spoon? Sprint, something seeks.
Along the path that I walk I find myself in many places, doing many things. I've just never thought that I'd be here, doing this. Why me? Quick, look at that bird!
What exactly does Celestia do while she waits for Twilight and her friends to solve all the problems of the world?
What if the ponies were actually ponies?
There are three steps to gaining recognition in Equestria. Step one: Find the batmare. Step two: Kill the batmare Step three: Make sure everyone knows you killed the batmare.
The hardest part is step one.
"I choose trick."
The door slammed.
Well, what do we do now?
It's Nightmare Night, and the ponies are all having fun at Twilight's house, until the lights go out.
Twilight Sparkle goes on an adventure when she accidentely takes a dose of a dangerous drug. Luckily, Spike is around to keep her locked up in the library. Right?