"When I get old, I am going to be: Rice. Frisco style." - Ed 2004
Hey! I like Derpy. And butts. And Derpy's butt. Other butts are cool too, though. ~TOOWC
Some men just want to watch the world burn. Me? I'll be standing at a safe distance with a marshmallow on a stick
TittySparkles is pretty based, writes great porn that I can rub one off to on a weekly basis, and she has no problem telling societies leftie rejects to fuck off. - Anonymous
Other than a Cybertronian writing utensil, I am an avid brony that is partial to writing novice-level stories whenever an idea pops into my head, whether I like it, or not. It's mostly the latter.
I write stories. Some good, some bad, some funny, some stupid...we'll see where my madness takes me.
hi im ICE. i am a single male, i love halo, fluttershy is my favorite pony, im a pixel artist. (my gamma and spelling is rubbish) and the one thing like doing the most is read MLP Fim and Fan fictions