• Member Since 26th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 23rd, 2014

Thars the deer canine

hey, Discord is best pony...your argument is invalid


my average day · 10:33pm May 27th, 2014

Today on the bus, I was talking to my friend, Keana, and I randomly started impersonating fluttershy (specifically from the rainbow dash presents series, go watch it) Before she got off the bus this is what happened
Me: Sometimes, people think I'm straight, but I'm really a lesbian :I
Keana: :I ... XD
And we were laughing our asses off until she got off, but then this happened
Random bitch behind me: bye Keana!!!!!

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1261702 hay beautiful, you're very welcome:moustache:

Thank you for the Favorite on Dear Derpy :heart:

I don't mind at all, in fact, come here and ask me to read any fics you think I would like:pinkiehappy:

Would you mind checking out a short one shot I wrote called "The Line". I would really appreciate it, and constructive criticism is always highly valued! ^-^ Sorry for posting it on your userpage, but my PM's don't seem to be working as of right now.

1195669 Reference I don't understand!

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