• Member Since 20th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Nov 14th, 2021


I write fictions, primarily those of the HiE kind, though I do dabble in other categories as well. I am heavily critical of myself, so a story is difficult to put out.


a craftsman's story · 1:18pm Feb 24th, 2014

A few of you may be wondering where my story went. I have deleted it in hopes that I can reboot it and make it better. I apologize to those of you who liked the story.

Report Toobert · 306 views ·
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Thank you for the follow, good sir :moustache:

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a craftsman's story · 1:18pm Feb 24th, 2014

A few of you may be wondering where my story went. I have deleted it in hopes that I can reboot it and make it better. I apologize to those of you who liked the story.

Report Toobert · 306 views ·