• Member Since 24th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 11th, 2023

Downunda Thunda

I'm an Australian brony, who's also an aspiring writer. Other than that, I let my stories do the rest of the talking. Thanks to Corina93 for the avatar art corina93.deviantart.com

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This story is a sequel to The Execution of Starlight Glimmer

It's been a week since Twilight had a horrible nightmare about being ordered to execute her student and friend, Starlight Glimmer. Since this dream, she had been unable to concentrate. Usually dreams would fade within minutes of waking. This one was different. This one was strong. Twilight needed to tell somepony about it, and who better, than the one who's responsibility in Equestria was to watch over the dreams of Ponies? Who better than Princess Luna?

Chapters (1)

The inspiration for this story came to me after seeing a picture of Harry, Hermione and Ron in the immediate aftermath of being accidentally transformed into ponies by Hermione. I hope you all enjoy it.

Chapters (2)

Twilight has served as Princess of Equestria for over a millenia alongside her sister, Princess Celestia, High Princess of the land. One day, they recieve a note from an unknown source with dubious intent. Their first assumption is that it's a new evil to threaten the peaceful and prosperous Equestria... but they are mistaken. This is not a new evil. It is one which Equestria has faced before, and now, the two rulers must work together in order to prevent it from destroying their home.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Torn from the Sky

This story is being written as a collaboration between myself and Brush Stroke. You may know Brush Stroke from such stories as Instant Mom and Angel Wings.

In this story, Rainbow Dash is struggling with life on the ground after the events in the prequel story. But now, a new friend has come along to help her along the way, to give her advice and guidance after she had been torn from the sky.

Chapters (2)

One night, desperate to prove she's not a chicken, Scootaloo accepts a dare from Sweetie Belle and Applebloom to spend one night in Fluttershy's abandoned cottage. the house, which has started to be reclaimed by the Everfree Forest, has more than it's share of mysteries. Was Twilight's invitation to Fluttershy living at the castle the only reason she left her once cosy home, or is there something more sinister still living there?

Either way, Scootaloo will find out tonight.

Scootaloo is also aged up in this, she, and the other crusaders are now young-adults.

This is my first attempt at writing anything sort of horror/thriller genre. I hope it's good, and I hope that you all enjoy it. Depending on the feedback for this story, I may or may not continue it. (Though probably will, as I want to see what happens next.)

Chapters (2)

This story was a spur-of-the-moment thing. I was looking through a bunch of stories that I had stopped working on due to my Writer's Block, and I thought of this storyline. I hope you enjoy it.

This story ties into the episode Daring Don't toward the end, so if you haven't seen it yet, then it may not be advisable for you to read this story, as it may contain spoilers for Daring Don't.

Chapters (1)

Warning: This story will contain minor spoilers for the movie, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. If you haven't seen it yet, it is advised that you go watch it BEFORE reading this fic. If you have seen it, the go right ahead.

Spirit is a pure-yellow Mustang, who has roamed free on the Cimarron plains for almost all his life, but one day, he finds himself separated from his herd and his mate by more than just distance, but whole dimensions. He has somehow found his way into Equestria, the land we all know and love from the Television Show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
He's taken in by Twilight Sparkle, who has to teach him about her world, while trying to figure how to get Spirit home.

Please keep reading this description for some personal notes. These notes are not directly relevant to the story, and so are not required to be read, but I would appreciate it if you could read them.

I should hopefully be able to keep writing this, as well as my two other stories I have up on this site and my one other story, that I still have in the developmental stages. All stories I put up here, I do fully intend to finish, but please, don't wait around for upload times. I'm an extremely casual writer, and I don't write at too great a speed. All the stories (before this one) had some sort of pre-planning done before being written.

I hope you can enjoy this story :)

Chapters (5)

This story came to me as a sudden spur of inspiration, and I'm not sure if it's going to actually go anywhere. I guess I'll just see how well the first chapter is recieved, and if I get enough positive feedback, I'll continue to work on this. Please note, that I do also have two other fics in progress, Torn from the Sky, and one other which is still in the planing stages, so if I do decide to go ahead with this story, then it may be a while between chapter uploads. However, I will try to keep a semi-regular upload schedule.

Cyrus is a veteran of a pony-changeling war that ended three years ago, but now, Manehattan, where Cyrus was raised is very different from the pre-war metropolis it once was. Crime is at an all-time high, the guards are crooked, and it would seem that Cyrus and his friends are the only hope that Manehattan has of justice.


I've tried countless times to get this story going again. unfortunately, nothing works. Every attempt I make at the next chapter just ends up feeling cheesy. So for that reason, this story is now cancelled. I will not be doing any more work on it. If anybody wants to have this story, and continue working on it, please send me a PM.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash loves to fly. It's all that she lives for. And now, a tragic accident has caused her to lose this ability forever. How will she cope?

Chapters (1)