• Member Since 24th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 11th, 2023

Downunda Thunda

I'm an Australian brony, who's also an aspiring writer. Other than that, I let my stories do the rest of the talking. Thanks to Corina93 for the avatar art corina93.deviantart.com


Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron on hiatus again? · 6:37am Feb 19th, 2015

Hey everyone. It is my unfortunate duty to tell you all that due to my schedule becoming a bit more busy, I won't be able to update Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron meets My Little Pony for a while.

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Report Downunda Thunda · 418 views ·

Wee update · 5:35pm Jun 7th, 2014

Hey guys. For those of you who are watching my profile, and waiting for some new updates for my stories to come out, I'm sorry that I haven't been working on them. The reason being is because I recently had a hard-drive crash, and had to get a whole new hard drive. Meaning that all the progress on the stories that I had made, and not uploaded, as well as a couple stories that I had started and planned to upload... it's all gone D: There is no way to get the stuff I lost back, and so I'm

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Report Downunda Thunda · 357 views ·