• Published 5th Mar 2014
  • 3,252 Views, 23 Comments

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron meets My Little Pony. - Downunda Thunda

Spirit, from the Cimarron herd finds his way into Equestria. He's taken in by Twilight Sparkle. How will he cope in this strange, new world?

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Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron meets My Little Pony

Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron meets My Little Pony

I open my eyes. I couldn’t remember what happened. One minute, I was running free with my herd, and my beloved Rain, and the next, I’m lying here. I look around. The world around me was… peculiar. There were horses… no… ponies… all of bright colours… colours too bright and obtrusive to be natural. There were the usual browns, reds, yellows and whites… but there were also strange colours like purple, pink and blue. I look a bit further, and I see a whole town, filled with these strange equines.

“H-hello?” I heard the voice behind me. It sounded like the words those two-leggeds spoke. I turned and saw one of those ponies. She was purple in colour. “Are you alright?” The voice came again, but no two-leggeds were in sight. Just this purple… unicorn? I looked again. Yes. This pony had a horn sticking up through her mane. I nicker slightly in curiosity. “Oh, can you not understand me?” She asked. Yes, this pony just spoke the language of the two-leggeds. She screws up her face in concentration, and then she nickered and neighed softly. I learned from this that her name was Twilight Sparkle.

We had a brief conversation, in which she told me that I was in the land of Equestria, and the name of the town was called Ponyville. The whole country is run and populated by ponies. After we finished speaking, she showed me into town, where I got a lot of curious looks. We eventually reached a tree, which at first glance, seemed normal enough, but then I noticed windows and a door. I stopped and looked at the curious… thing. Was it a plant? Was it a building? I wouldn’t know what to classify it as. Twilight Sparkle then went up to the door and opened it… without touching it. She walked right up to it, and it opened, seemingly of its own accord. She then motioned for me to come inside. I went in, having to duck under the top of the door, not being built for a full-sized horse. Once inside, I was greeted with a sight unlike any other I’d ever seen.. The walls were lined with these things… made of all different colours, and filled with paper. Twilight told me that these were called books, and that she reads them. I had no idea what she was talking about.

Once I was done looking around, I looked to Twilight, and nickered. She told me that she had no idea where I came from. She hasn’t seen any other horses in this land, and they were thought to be extinct. She just found me, lying on the grass, unconscious, and apparently… seemingly dead. I wasn’t breathing…then, as she tried to speak to me, I apparently started to breathe, and my eyes opened. No sooner was she done with explaining how she found me, that the door bust open, and another of these ponies, bright pink this time, bounced into the room… was it possible to bounce like that? “Hey, Twilight, there’s a new…” She started, then her gaze fell on me. “OMIGOSH! A THING!” I cringed. Her voice was akin to the sound of those metal things that the two-leggeds used to haul heavy loads across the land.

“Pinkie,” Twilight said; a lot softer. For which I was grateful. “This is a horse. His name is Spirit, and he’s lost.”

“Oooh! Hello Spirit!” The pink pony that was apparently named Pinkie , stared at me with impossibly large eyes. Twilight chuckles softly.

“I don’t think he understands us, Pinkie” Twilight said. “He doesn’t seem to have any language skills other than neighs and nickers. Thankfully I studied ancient Equine languages.”
I told her I COULD understand her... I just couldn’t speak that language. And personally, it’s not a language I’d care to learn. The way that they treated animals like us. I still get nightmares about that sled we were pulling up the mountain... the men yelling at us… the whips... It makes me shudder every time I think about it. Those creatures were cruel, and they didn’t care for anything other than themselves… well… most of them, anyway. The dark-skinned one was alright. The two ponies brought me out of my remembrancing, by showing me one of these books. It had a picture of lush green fields and… horses! I could have sworn that the book showed my herd. I could pick out ones that looked like ones I knew… I even thought I saw Rain. I got so excited, I started jumping, and trying to get into the book, before Twilight snapped me out of it, and closed the book on me. I was sad, but grateful at the same time. I shouldn’t have gotten excited like that. I knew that my herd were worlds away from me now.
Twilight offered her place for me to stay, until I could meet the pony ruler of the land, Princess Celestia, she said her name was. She has to write to her. Yet, another thing I had no idea what it meant. This world had so many strange and new things to learn. She also said we should be able to see her as early as next week. I figured that Celestia’s role in Equestria was akin to my role in the Cimarron herd. To look out for all its members, and protect them from danger. Maybe she could send me back home. Or at least, tell me how I got here in the first place. These were all thoughts for another time. Now, it was time to sleep. After my ordeal today, I was exhausted, and fell asleep in no time.

At some point in the night, I awoke to strange sounds. The room was dark, and I could barely see a thing. I squinted against the blackness, but to no avail. Suddenly, a brown rush of feathers flew right in front of my face, and perched upon a twig near the window, with a soft “Hoot”. I mentally laughed at myself for being afraid of an owl. I chase Mountain Lions away, and an OWL frightens me? I shook my head and lay back down to sleep.

When I awoke the next morning, I found myself looking at two purple feet. They ended in claws. I followed the legs up, to see a purple and green… lizard… thing. “Twilight wanted me to tell you that she had to go out, but will be back soon” I was startled this thing spoke… just like the ponies. This world was getting stranger and stranger. What was next, a talking cow?

Author's Note:

This is a story that I really want to continue, but unfortunately, I have no idea where to go from where I ended it. This was one of my stories that I had plans for... before I had to get a new hard drive. All plans for this story are gone, and there's no way to get them back. I may get back into it in the future, but for now, this story shall be listed as "On Hiatus"