Hope ya guys like this chapter... if you don't mind that is...
“My head…” Normal talk
“My head…” Inner demon, conscience, telepathy talk.
“My head…” Thoughts, Inner talk.
Colt: Adult pony
Mare: Adult pony
Filly: Girl pony
Foal: Boy pony
Chapter 2
Foal Necromancer… NO!
[Location… Equestria/Manehattan/Central Mane Park] 1 year before the mane 6 gets their cutiemarks…
Vincent awoke as the first rays of light illuminated his face. He was sleeping on a bench in some park he did not recognize.
“My head…” Said Vincent starting to get up, only to find he was shorter than what he remembered.
“The f**k!” Taking a look at his hands, were the hands of a 12 year old boy.
“What happened to me?” He said to no one but himself. “All I remember was a flash and… Oh… Right, I was hit by the Elements of Harmony...” He started to remember only to be interrupted by a small pain in his head.
“Truth be told, you were send back in time.” Someone said, yet the voice sound familiar.
“Who’s there? Show yourself!” Vincent looked around to find no one but himself alone in the park.
“I am in your head!”
“Who are you?!?” He started to get worried, for getting possessed by some random spirit or demon, tends to end up with really bad consequences.
“It’s me, Nightmare Moon, did you miss me?”
“But, but they hit you, us, you are supposed to be dead and me cleaned or something!”
“Oh silly, The Elements can’t be used to kill and since you were soo evil, I took the opportunity to escape with you instead of being locked in the moon... Again.” Nightmare Moon smiled.
“I am not that evil.” Said Vincent trying to sound innocent.
“That’s what you think; your head is filled with evil thoughts and plans that makes me surprised you haven’t turned yourself into some super villain yet.”
“You may call that procrastination.” Said Vincent realizing Nightmare Moon was not only stuck on his head, but also reading his mind like an open book.
“Have you checked my memories of my favorite websites? They have some info and pictures about you.” Said Vincent with an evil smirk.
“I don’t know what a website is. Mmm how you know about me? I have to check this, be right back…”
Vincent started to take a look at himself while Nightmare moon wander in his twisted mind. His clothes were the same only refit for a 12 year old boy. Luckily he still has his balisong knife, kunais and just what’s left of the pepperspray. The only thing missing is his favorite party hat and this time it was nowhere to be seen.
“You sick bastard!” Vincent started to laugh knowing which websites she found and what pictures she saw.
“How could you, how could they make such things about me and my sister!” Said Nightmare Moon angry with a huge blush in her face.
“All I have to say… Haha…. Is you have a nice royal plot… Hehe” He said, still laughing. Nightmare Moon's face was as red as a tomato, she never expected to see firsthoof the horrors of the internet.
“Now that you know… Let me warn you first hand for something more terrible than that.” Said Vincent starting to recover the lost breath from too much laugh.
“What can be worse than that?” Said Nightmare Moon still embarrassed.
“4chan. Been there, lost my soul, my innocence, my mind, now I left those dark memories in chains to never, EVER remember what I saw in that website.”
Nightmare Moon could only shiver with fear of such website. Now she knows better than walk around Vincent’s mind without permeation.
“Well let’s get down to business. Where are we?” Said Vincent looking around.
“Manehattan.” Said Nightmare Moon, trying to forget what she saw.
“Ooooo-kaaay… Nightmare, we have a problem…”
“What is it?” Said Nightmare Moon with a small blush in her face now.
“I am not a Pony and I might cause some chaos if somepony finds me this way. Soooo, I will need your help."
“Ha! What makes you think I will help you hobo, especially after what you make me see.” Said Nightmare Moon with indignation.
“One, I am not a hobo, Two, I am sorry for what I did, it was bad and I regret nothing…”
“HOBO!” Said Nightmare Moon angrily.
“Ok, ok, I am really sorry: three, you are stuck with me and if something happens to me so will happen to you. Picture a mob of Manehattan or one of the guards, killing me, just because I look dangerous… What ya say Nightmare. will you help me?”
“I should have paid more attention to my spell and summon that sexy Necromancer instead of a pervert Hobo.” Said Nightmare Moon with regret in her voice.
“Again, I am not a hobo! And I am also a necromancer”.
“You don’t make me laugh.”
“Hey! I am still training to be a good Necromancer!”
“If is true why don’t you summon some minions?” Said Nightmare Moon not believing him the slightest..
“Truth be told, I haven’t gone that far, again I am training to be able to do that, but for now I just can’t without spirits or corpses to experiment with!” Nightmare Moon got tired and chose to drop the comment.
“Fine you are a hobo necromancer, whatever. Now what do you need my help with?”
Vincent was angry at Nightmare Moon for calling him hobo… Again… Still, he chose to shut his mouth in order to cooperate with her.
“I am going to shapeshift into a pony and I need your help.”
“How are you going to do that?” This got her interest.
“I will give my body to your soul to possess it so it can change form. I will be able to keep control of my mind, think, act, feel, and move the pony body to my will. Yet the body is partly yours Nightmare. We will act as one… Almost.”
“How do you know this will work?”
“I read it on a book, it should work more easy in a planet where magic moves more freely. In my home planet that could take years of training.”
“Fine then, I am ready when you are hobo.”
“Now… Arggghh...” Vincent forgot to remove his clothes during the transformation, making them join his skin as one and then disappear in the fur that was now growing all over his body. Vincent fall to his hands as they started to change into hooves.
Once the transformation was over… Where it used to be a human, now is replaced by a small unicorn foal of 6 years old, with dark grey fur, dark purple mane, blank flank. A new Top hat appeared on his head, with the symbol of nightmare night instead of the Jack skellington skull. The hat was just magic nothing to do with the bodyshift.
“Hobo are you alright.” Said Nightmare Moon getting worried.
“Ugh… I heard it was painful but never like this… Did it work?”
He tried to stand on his new body, it felt strange and familiar at the same time. Like, he was always a unicorn.
“Well so far so good” He said taking his first steps. “I can easily move on this body… F**k Yeah!” Vincent was so happy to be able to shapeshift for the first time of his life. He started to run in circles and jump with joy.
“Good that it worked, what do we do now hobo?”
“I am not a hobo, I have a name and it’s Vincent.”
“Hobo is easier to pronounce.”
“You won’t stop calling me hobo will you?”
“Nope!” Said Nightmare Moon with a sweet voice, Vincent never thought he would hear her say. It made him blush.
Quickly, he snapped out of it, before he could become bothered by Nightmare Moon for the rest of the day.
“Fine you win Nightmare, but first there is something I always wanted to try on this body”. He quickly seat on the bench just like Lyra and starts to grin like a mad pony. It definably felt comfortable.
“You're done or you definably lost your mind.”
“Yes that felt awesome, now let’s foalnap(kidnap) somepony for information”.
“You WHAT!” Said Nightmare Moon with disbelief. “You said that let’s not call any attention and now all of a sudden you choose to foalnap?!?”
“Nightmare you worry too much, I also trained to be a Spy/Ninja/Assassin. If I remember correctly Manehattan is filled with assponies and if I ever ask somepony for help they more likely will tell me to piss off.”
“Foals these days are crazy and wear ridiculous hats.” Said some noble unicorn stallion in fancy clothes, taking a morning stroll in the park, making fun of Vincent’s hat.
“Also… No witness” Said Vincent finding a promising target.
Walking closely behind his target Vincent was whistling some awesome tune.
“Can I help you” Said the noble unicorn clearly mad for listening to that whistle for a while. He turns around to watch in front of him the HARMLESS foal with ridiculous hat.
“Yes, who is that lady with the sexy flank?” said Vincent pointing one of his hooves behind the unsuspecting target.
“Were?” said the noble, quickly turning around eagerly to see some flank. Only to be quickly bucked by the small colt, leaving him out cold in the floor of the park.
“Wow you sure are something hobo.” Said Nightmare Moon enjoying the view.
“I am not a hobo” Vincent said as he used his grey color unicorn magic to lift the unconscious unicorn adult to a more secure place for interrogation.
“Wait… How you are able to use unicorn magic?”
“I am using your body, kind of, it also allows me to take a small look at the basic uses of unicorn magic, but if I wish to use advanced magic I will need to learn to use it.” He said, leaving the park and been careful at the same time to not get caught.
[Location… Manehattan/Random abandoned alley] 1/2 hour later after leaving Central Mane Park….
The noble unicorn was starting to awake in what could be some abandoned alley, just to find he was tied in chains and a strange dagger he never saw before floating dangerously close to his neck. It was surrounded by a grey aura.
“It’s about time you wake up!” Said Vincent He was still a foal unicorn, using his horn magic to float his balisong knife in order to get some answers out of his victim.
“Who are you, what do you want, if it's bits, I don’t have right now, please don’t kill me!” Said the noble unicorn almost wimping, even that Vincent knows he lied; he already emptied his pockets and kept all the bits he was carrying.
“That’s just sad, being afraid of a little foal.” Vincent said while using his balisong knife to caress the face of the Noble Unicorn, making a small cut in his right cheek. He started to cry.
“Shut up you big baby! I have some questions and you are going answer them, if you lie or don’t answer my questions, you are going sleep with the fishes, if you know what I mean.” Said Vincent with an evil smirk, revealing his foal form has canines instead of normal pony teeth.
“Okay, okay, just don’t hurt me!”
“Good boy. Now where can I find a town near Manehattan by the name Sleepy Hollow or a name close to it?”
“I know the place... It’s called Sleepy Hoof.” The Noble said sobbing quietly. “North of here, a bit far from Manehattan.”
“Next. Where can I find really rare books specialized in advanced unicorn magic?”
“There are many libraries here in Manehattan with many books like that… But now that you mentioned it… They bring the Grimoire of Star Swirl the bearded for exhibition. It’s at The Mane Library of Manehattan right now.” The noble said trying to stay on his foalnaper good side.
“Mmmmm…. Just because of that bit of information…. You are free to go.”
“What?… Really?!?” Asked the noble.
“Yes get out of here before I change my mind!”
While the noble unicorn started to remove his chains Vincent had a conversation with Nightmare Moon in his mind, standing on what could be a circle marked with strange runes.
“Nightmare Moon tell me something quick.”
“Did a creature by the name Medusa existed on this world, if so was she killed?”
“Why, yes, she existed and in the end she was slain by the legendary hero, Commander Hurricane. Why do you ask?”
“Perfect! Now watch this!”
All of a sudden Vincent still standing in his circle, was chained by the noble unicorn.
“Now brat, I will take you to the guards for treating somepony like me!” Said the Noble Unicorn with the upper hand now, at least that’s what he believes.
“Yeah, like the guards will believe you an INNOCENT foal like me could be a TREAT to some wuss like yourself.” Said Vincent with sarcasm.
“I will just make them see your Teeth and then they will believe me you are not so innocent after all!” That was a big mistake.
“Thanks for signing your dead warrant my good sir, have a nice day.” Said Vincent and started to chant something Nightmare Moon nor could the noble unicorn comprehend.
Once Vincent stop the chant… The noble unicorn started to turn into stone little by little. The screams of horror were his last words before turning completely into stone.
“That’s for messing with a necromancer you bitch.” Said Vincent as he started to remove the chains from his body.
Nightmare Moon inside Vincent’s head was horrified because she knew only the Elements of Harmony can cast such a spell, yet this hobo did it without the Elements and without unicorn magic (Cockatrice is not a spell, just an animal with that kind of ability).
“Hobo… Just what are you?” Said Nightmare Moon still not believing what her own eyes saw.
“Just a necromancer/ninja/assassin/spy, nothing more, nothing else, also not a hobo.”
“Is he dead?”
“I will be honest with you Nightmare, I don’t know, it's the first time I cast such a forbidden spell, yet something tells me… You just need a golden needle to turn him back to normal… Hopefully”.
“What happens now?”
“Now we are going to make the biggest library theft, for I am not planning to go to Canterlot School of Gifted Unicorns and make Celestia know who is in my head.”
Vincent’s stomach started to roar.
“But first let’s find something to eat.” He said leaving the new statue decorating the now no longer abandoned alley.
[Location… Manehattan/Unknown Street] 20 min after leaving the alley…
Walking around the crowded city of Manehattan, munching some apples Vincent bought from a store with the bits he stole, he was trying to find The Mane Library, to know the place before making his big hit. Only to get distracted and bump with somepony just around the corner, making a small cloud of dust.
Once the dust was lifted Vincent picks up his hat.
“I am so sorry; I didn’t watch were I was going.” Vincent said helping the orange filly he bumped to. By Celestia's beard he could not believe he bumped with the filly Applejack... Kawaii
(note: all mane 6 are 6 years old, except Fluttershy she is 7).
'Must... Not... Hug... The Hell... Out of her...'
“It’s… Okay. I was also distracted.” She said picking up her small travel bag on a stick.
Vincent already knowing she travels from far away, He offers her one of the apples he bought.
“For me?” Asked Applejack
“Do you see another pretty filly like yourself around here?” Vincent asked kindly and a bit embarrassed for some pony adults passing by find them adorable in such awkward situation.
Applejack blushed a bit.
“Thanks partner!” She said grabbing the apple with her right hoof and taking a big munch from it.
“Don’t worry Applejack, you will be fine, say hello to Uncle Orange for me.” Said Vincent trotting away.
By the time Applejack tried to ask him how did he know her name, he was nowhere to be seen, getting lost from view in the waves of pony crowds.
“Aww, that was so sweet of you hobo!” Said Nightmare Moon teasing Vincent.
“Just shut up Nightmare. Also, I AM NOT A HOBO!” Said Vincent with a thought to Nightmare Moon, his face red as a tomato from embarrassment.
Now he knows in what part in time he was sent to in Equestria...
Vincent only thought about it for a little time, because a Piano fall on top of his small foal body interrupting is thoughts.
"Sorry, you okay down there?" Said a small grey filly pegasus with blond mane.
"This is why... I love Karma..." Said Vincent falling into unconsciousness.
[Miny Grimoire Time!]
(During these miny Grimoires you will learn how to use the spells Vincent use in the fanfic or tell you why he can’t let you learn it)
o) Shapeshifting…
If you wish to learn how to shapeshift get this >Book< in your local library or order it from another library.
I can say is a good book even if I haven’t shapeshifted myself yet, for it takes years of training and great mental concentration. Even I say it could be a great spell idea if any of us end up in such a place as Equestria.
o) Medusa Spell…
I would need to be EXTREMELY IRRESPONSIBLE if I were to post such a forbidden spell here, I mean seriously people why do you wish to learn something like this!
Sadly I have a pigeon who works excellent as a paper weight; till I find a real way to break such spell (I won’t post pictures you sick f**k).
[Important]: Necromancerx69 is not responsible if the spells actually work or not and you get killed.
Any complains in relation to my Magic/Believes and you been an Atheist, Christian, Non magic believer, Scientologist, etc.
Please call 1-800-I-DON’T-GIVE-A-F**K
I know this chapter wasn't so great but next one will come with lots of Action & Explosions :D
Again if possible please leave a comment.
spelling mistakes........bad sentance composition......anoying short chapters......and yet

keep up the good work
Everything is fixed now except for the longer chapters.
Glad you like my fanfic, my good sir.
"You may call that procrastination."
I know and I am ashamed of it...
pics or the pigeon didn't happen!!!
184299 THis.
Wouldn't the word stallion be more fitting than colt for an adult ...