Happy Valentines day to one and all! Also New Chapter Here!
All thanks to my friend Zephyr for helping me with it!
Hope you people like it!
Its begins...
“LoL WooT…” Normal talk
“LoL WooT…” Inner demon, conscience, telepathy talk.
“LoL WooT…” Thoughts, Inner talk.
Colt: Adult pony
Mare: Adult pony
Filly: Girl pony
Foal: Boy pony
Chapter 4
Headless Horse… NO!
[Location… Sleepy Hoof Town/ cemetery gates] later that day…
Standing in front of the cemetery gates was Vincent who could not enter the cemetery, and not because the gates were close but because the spirits were blocking the entrance.
They do not trust Vincent for not being a real pony and also because they could feel the entity of Nightmare Moon inside Vincent’s head.
Now Vincent was more than happy because he could see the spirits of many earth-ponies, pegasi and unicorn who passed away.
In planet Earth Vincent was never able to see the spirits of the dead but feel them, and now with the great flow of magic in Equestria, Vincent’s 3rd eye was working wonders right now.
“Please I am not here to do any damage or harm somepony.” Said Vincent to the Spirits. The spirits did not answer at all they were just standing in front of the gates throwing angry sneers to Vincent.
“I still can’t believe such a thing can exist as ghosts.” Said Nightmare Moon.
“Not now Nightmare.” Said Vincent mentally to Nightmare Moon.
“Is there anything I can do so I can win your trust my good spirits?” Said Vincent giving the spirits a sheepish smile.
The spirits just keep getting angrier each passing second as Vincent kept standing in front of their gate.
“Fine I don’t blame you guys nor do I hate you for that. I will try to come back later so we can at least have a civilized talk. Good day my friends.”
Said Vincent now trotting away from the cemetery and going back to town again. Once Vincent was out of the spirit's reach he was thinking of possible ways to win their trust.
“Aren’t you supposed to be a necromancer and force the spirits to work for you against their will?” Said Nightmare Moon
“Nightmare Moon, I am not like the old necromancers who forced the spirits to do their bidding. I am working on my new age ideals to make friends with the spirits of the dead. Once I help them, they help me back.” Said Vincent smiling a bit to Nightmare.
“I am still a necromancer for the fact of using spirits to help me on my duties or work even if we are just friends, only doing it the right way, so in the end the spirits won’t revel against me and kill me.” Vincent stopped for a second.
He turned around as he thought for a second that somepony was following him.
“Is something wrong hobo?” Said Nightmare Moon also seeing nothing.
“Nah, I have always been paranoid for playing too much Killing Floor and for a second I felt been watched.” Said Vincent.
“We better find someplace to stay or we will end up in trouble.”
“You are right let’s head back to the shopping district.”
“What do you mean by Killing Floor by the way?”
“Oh, that is one of my top ten best zombie killing games, it all started when professor Clamely started to work on a secret proy…” Said Vincent trotting back to the market.
Yet Vincent was truely followed by our mysterious foal.
“Talking alone in the cemetery gates… Is he a mad pony or just something else?”
Said the foal watching Vincent from around the corner of a building. Yet he still doesn’t know why he keeps following him, normally he would just stay for a while and leave as soon as possible or the guards will find him and send him back to Canterlot.
[Location… Sleepy Hoof Town/ shopping district] later at night…
Walking around the shopping district was Vincent. He was surprised to find not a single soul outside at the time.
“Ok, I know ponies need to sleep but this is ridiculous, it's not even that late.” The sun was about to disappear in the distance to give way to the night.
“Psss! Kid, what are you doing there get inside quick!”
Said an earth-pony mare with lime colored fur and orange mane, with a cutie mark of a Muffin with lemon-slice garnish.
He turned to the store. It was the same store Vincent bought the muffins, yet he is the kind of guy to never pay attention to details including the people or in this case ponies.
“What is the problem miss?” Said Vincent taking slow steps to the store.
“Get inside before He finds you!” Said the mare with panic now in her voice.
“Who is going to find me?” Said Vincent waiting just a few steps away from the store.
Far behind our mysterious foal hid behind some crates, he was watching Vincent getting close to the store in the distance.
“What is going on and why there is no pony in the streets?” Said the foal. Only to hear a sudden scream in the distance. Vincent also heard it.
The Mare in the shop was now not only scared but also cried a bit.
“Please get inside now! It's not safe!” Said the mare.
Vincent not thinking twice he chose to obey and entered the house.
Once he was inside, the mare brought Vincent to the basement of her shop, to hide. Once both were inside the mare started to cry.
“Miss… you ok?” Said Vincent trying to calm the lady.
“Yes everything is alright darling… *sniff* Where are your parents? They should never allow their kid to go alone especially in this town.” Said the mare, as she tried to calm down.
“I don’t have any parents miss, I am just a hob.. Traveler passing by.” Gun dammit now he is starting to almost refer himself as hobo (Yes my parents are still alive but they stayed in planet earth).
“Such a young foal as yourself should not be alone.” Said the mare sniffing a bit.
“What is going on miss?” Said Vincent hearing another scream in the distance.
“It’s nothing; we are safe down here that is what matters now.” She said making a small tear run along her beautiful face.
“Hell no miss! I want some answers NOW!” Said Vincent for this situation reminds him a bit of the city where he lived, and he definably would never allow an innocent get killed, at least not on his watch.
“No can do, you're too young for this.” Said the mare a bit surprised by Vincent.
“TELL ME or I will go out and find the problem MYSELF!” Said Vincent with determination.
“You will die if you step outside my door… Please I beg you, don’t go outside...” Said the mare starting to cry again.
“Since you are not telling me… I am going out.” Vincent started to go back upstairs only to be stopped by the mare standing in front of him.
“No! I have already lost my only child and my husband because of him! I won’t allow him to claim another innocent life!” Said the mare with tears on her face and a look that could almost rival Fluttershy.
“Who?” Said Vincent almost as a whisper.
“What?” said the Mare.
“Who dare to do such a thing to a mare as pretty as yourself!” Said Vincent now clearly pissed.
The mare somehow blushed a bit yet it keep blocking the way.
“The Headless Horse, and there is nopony who can beat him for he is already dead!” The mare said angry.
“Is that a challenge?” Said Vincent now smirking.
“What!?! There is no way a foal like yourself can beat the Headless Horse.” said the Mare a bit surprised by the foal in front of her.
“Let’s make a deal then. If I beat the Headless Horse you will allow me to live with you until I need to leave this town.” Said Vincent not wanting to waste this opportunity.
“What are you talking about you are just a foal!” Said the mare getting angry.
“A foal that beat Celestia's four best unicorn guards and a loyal dragon.” Said Vincent with an evil smirk in his face.
“Don’t forget the robot.” Said Nightmare Moon smiling.
“Not now Nightmare, daddy is talking.” Said Vincent mentally to Nightmare Moon.
“There is no way a foal like you could have done that!” Said the Mare.
“No… Watch me then.” Vincent used his unicorn magic to move the mare out of his way and head back to the street - not before stealing 5 candles from the basement and bringing them with him.
Once he got outside, he place the candles in formation of a circle in the middle of the street and with a stick he found in the empty streets he made a pentagram inside the candles. It was large enough to make him fit in the middle. He sat inside the circle and lighted the candles with his magic. Now all he has to do is wait.
The mysterious foal was still watching Vincent from the creates and was scared a bit by the screams.
“I don’t know what is going on here, but this is ridiculous! Why do I need to keep watch on a simple commoner? And what are those awful screams?” Said our mysterious foal.
Only to hear a very, Very evil laugh behind his back. Turning around he found a stallion without a head, dressed with dark ropes and carrying a simple bloodied axe floating in brown unicorn magic.
The foal could only scream as he started to run like a mad pony for his life. The Headless Horse was right behind him with axe at the ready to claim another head.
Vincent was surprised to see a foal running right at him… It looked familiar.
“Hobo! It’s him the Headless Horse!” Said Nightmare Moon a bit scared.
“Silly Nightmare, Headless horse has no head at all” Said Vincent
“I am not talking about him but the one coming right behind HIM!”
Vincent then saw the Headless Horse, he could almost scream of joy like the kid in a candy store when he finally found what he was looking for.
Only to end up tackled by the foal. Vincent took a good look at our mysterious foal, finding him more than familiar.
“Unicorn, white fur, golden mane, cutiemark of a compass rose… BLUE BLOOD!” Said Vincent surprised to find none other than the prince himself.
“Do you know who I am?” Said the prince. Both were interrupted by the Headless Horse walking slowly towards them making evil laughter.
“Please save me!” Said the prince, hiding behind Vincent.
“Yes definitely Blue Blood, still a wuss.” Said Vincent unimpressed.
“And you Headless Horse your time of terror is OVER! You will obey your new master! ME!” Vincent activated his spell, using it's aura to try and take control over the Headless Horse. Yet he was still moving and getting close to them.
“Hobo! Do something he is getting close!” Said Nightmare Moon.
“I don’t know what is going on! It should work!… Unless.”
Said Vincent now getting a bit worried. Just to find the owner of the shop in front of him with a knife in her mouth.
“Foals get inside! Now!” Said the mare in front of Vincent and the prince.
The prince didn’t think it twice, he went inside. Vincent just got up from the circle and didn’t move.
“I say get inside!” said the mare now facing the headless horse with hate in her eyes.
“Dammit she’s just making this harder for me!” Said Vincent to Nightmare Moon.
“Look out!” Said Nightmare, for the Headless Horse throw his axe at the mare.
The mare could only close her eyes and pray she will see her foal and husband in the afterlife… Only to open her eyes and find Vincent in his Human form using his hands to stop the axe just on time.
“GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN!” Said Vincent trying to keep the axe still, for it was surrounded by magic. The mare was surprised, but went back inside immediately.
“Now you Headless impostor! Prepare to meet your doom!” Vincent used is own Unicorn magic to take out his throwing knives from his backpocket and made them fly to the Headless Horse.
The Headless Horse got no choice but release the concentration in his axe in other to avoid the knives Vincent throw at him.
Now with the axe no longer controlled by the Headless Horse, Vincent grabbed it by the handle and charged his target.
“I am going to axe you a question and it won’t be nice at all you bitch!” Said Vincent with an evil smirk.
Vincent tried again and again to hit him with his own axe, but the Headless Horse could move a bit faster than Vincent, avoiding his attacks. In one lucky swing Vincent cut a bit of the Headless Horse face?????
After hitting him, some spell was broken making his head turn visible, it was a beige unicorn stallion with grey mane, also with a cut in his left cheek were Vincent hit him.
“I knew it! My spell should have been able to control something undead and not work on a living being!” Said Vincent smirking a bit.
“I don’t know what you are! And for ruining my plans, your price is dead!” Said the beige unicorn, throwing a dangerous lightning bolt from his horn.
Vincent managed to step aside in time but he drops the axe, while the unicorn's attack leaves small craters where it hit.
“Two can play the same game!” Vincent said, and he made lightning appearing on the tip of his fingers. Although, his own elemental attacks won’t be as strong as the unicorn's for not having a strong mind concentration but will do the job.
Vincent throw a small ball of lightning to the unicorn making him stunned, with enough time for Vincent to charge at him with his balisong knife and try to make a quick stab in the impostor's back.
The unicorn was quick to react making a pulse with his horn sending Vincent flying to one of the shops, and launching a fire ball to Vincent’s location, making the building blowing up. Thank Celestia there was nopony inside the building.
Vincent was surrounded by his spiritual shield just in time to save himself. Getting up from the ground Vincent used his own unicorn magic to throw the building's still burning debris to his attacker.
The unicorn managed to evade the debris on time but got distracted and he didn't saw Vincent coming right at him. Vincent punched his face with his right hand with all the strength he got, sending the unicorn to the other side of the street… It’s not over yet.
The unicorn got up and surrounded his horn with fire magic making it a huge ball of fire. Vincent did it at the same time with his hands making a small ball of fire.
The Unicorn fired first his ball towards Vincent.
“Hell, I always wanted to say this.” Thought Vincent.
“HADOUKEN!” Vincent said using both hands to throw his small fire ball. Once both fire balls meet in the middle it caused a huge explosion.
“Why don’t you die!” screamed the unicorn throwing another lightning spell.
This time it hit Vincent making him get some nasty damage. Vincent was barley even standing because of the injury, then he got hit in the back by a glowing axe.
He fell to the floor, spitting blood from his mouth… Damn…
“Hobo!” Nightmare Moon was scared for what happen to Vincent yet she knows he is barely, but still alive.
The unicorn got closer to Vincent and picked up his axe... He raises it above him ready to decapitate Vincent.
“By the heavens hobo please get up! Don’t let him win!” Nightmare Moon was crying.
“Any last words freak!” Said the unicorn smiling wickedly.
His answer was got beheaded by Vincent, who used his last strength to make his aura get solidified in his right hand making it look like a small blade.
“Never… Underestimate your… Enemy…” Vincent let his body rest in the street while the corpse of the unicorn fall next to him with his axe; Vincent was losing a lot of blood because of the wound on his back. The mare come running, falling on her knees next to Vincent.
“No… No… Please don’t die. Everything is going to be fine, please hold on.”
She was crying. Everypony was getting out of their homes and get closer to where Vincent and the now definably Headless Horse lied. Every single one of them was grateful for the terrible Headless Horse reign come to an end and sad at the same time for it seems it is the end of our hero.
“Nightmare, turn me back into a foal… So they… Can heal me…” This was Vincent’s last thought before everything went black.
“HOBO!” Said Nightmare Moon crying.
[Miny Grimoire Time!]
(During these miny Grimoires you will learn how to use the spells Vincent use in the fanfic or tell you why he can’t let you learn it)
o) Controlling the Undead Spell…
I will post this spell later on. For you need to keep reading my fanfic in order to know how and when this spell must be used. Especially since is a very risky spell.
o) Black Mage Spells… (Fire, Ice & Thunder)
You will need:
> Background knowledge of Aura.
> A bit of Experience with Pirokinesis, Cryokinesis and Electrokinesis.
> Good mental concentration.
> Experience using your energy.
Yes just like the videogames (Example: Final Fantasy) only the REAL DEAL my friends.
Hold your hands out palms facing each other sending your energy down your arms and out your hands to form a ball of energy.
Now visualize that ball of energy becoming a ball of fire or ice or thunder.
Then launch it towards your target, if you have a really powerful mental concentration you can even make my favorite spell Thundaga.
If ya ask me if I ever try it. I can just barely make a ball of energy (pathetic to say the least), still can’t change it into anything else.
o) Energy Blade…
You will need: Good mental concentration & Experience using your energy.
Doesn’t need to be exactly a blade, you can play with your energies changing its shape. Example: Mace, Hammer, Dagger, Sword, Katana, etc.
Now normally I just use this spell in case I need to fight demons or evil spirits.
Yes it can be used to harm a living being. Yet is really rare when someone can make it enough solid to harm something living.
All you need to do is send your energies to your hand and with your emotions (love, hate, what you feeling) give its shape.
Same use your emotions to keep your weapon sharp or powerful enough to harm your enemies or demons. The bigger the emotion, the bigger the enemy will regret messing with you.
The weapon must stay stick to your hands or hand like it was forged with them.
[Important]: Necromancerx69 is not responsible if the spells actually work or not and you get killed.
Any complains in relation to my Magic/Believes and you being an Atheist, Christian, Non magic believer, Scientologist, etc.
Please call 1-800-I-DON’T-GIVE-A-F**K
That's it my friends hope ya like it and maybe...
There are chances of you people getting an early chapter this week.
Cross your fingers for it.
Thanks again Zephyr!
Have a nice day my friends.
Indeed my friend... 
Was wondering why Blue Blood is on the cover
Now you know my friend.
I knew some one would like the idea.
Why did I find it sexual when he said: HUDAKIN!
Cause we know we <3 it.
i can only say this HADOUKEN HADOUKEN best part of the chapter right there