New Chapter 4TW!!! Hope ya ppl like it ~ ♪
Before getting started: it will be just like 3 to 4 or 5 maximum of Oc kind of chapters before returning to Ponyville.
Also Thanks to Zephyr for helping me!
I <3 YOU ZEPHYR! (In the good way).
Its beggins...
“LoL WooT…” Normal talk
“LoL WooT…” Inner demon, conscience, telepathy talk.
“LoL WooT…” Thoughts, Inner talk.
Colt: Adult pony
Mare: Adult pony
Filly: Girl pony
Foal: Boy pony
Sensei: Teacher in Japanese.
Chapter 6
Necromancer Sensei… NO!
[Location… Sleepy Hoof Town/ School] 3 weeks later…
Vincent was having a good sleep in his classroom desk, only to receive a chalk thrown to his face.
“Wake up rock head, and tell me what I just told to the class.” Said professor Hoofson the class professor of sleepy hoof school. He is a pink earth-pony with red mane.
Vincent was in his unicorn form for a while taking classes to know the story of Equestria, and learn other useful things of the pony culture. Yet as always he ended up sleeping in history class.
“That Starswirl the bearded was the father of alquimian theory during his time?” Said Vincent not giving a damn.
“Saved… for now Hobo, don’t let me catch you sleeping again in class.” Said professor Hoofson. He continued giving his lessons to the rest of the class.
“Quite impressive considering you were napping in class.” Said Blue Blood in his typical arrogant self, he was seated next to Vincent in class.
“One more word from you and I swear your training will be compared to hell and was actually heaven to this point.” Vincent warned Blue Blood.
Blue Blood could only shiver a bit and keep his mouth shut.
“Egghead!” Said Red Pepper.
From the back seat of Vincent was the bully of the class, big and strong, his name is Red Pepper a red earth-pony with green mane. With his gang the Tunnel Cockatrices, made out of four other members were one is a unicorn, two pegasi and another earth-pony.
Red Pepper thrown a ball of paper on the back of Vincent’s head just to bother him. Yet Vincent is the kind of guy to not get angry so easy, but when he gets angry people or in this case ponies, won’t see the day light ever again or he just murders them in their sleep.
But for now he is training so he just allows Red Pepper to bother him, although Red Pepper likes to bother more Blue Blood, so Vincent enjoys it.
This was the first week of class Vincent has been having in the town of Sleepy Hoof since the incident….
I believe you guys need a bit of flashback…
[Flashback Location… Canterlot/ Palace] 3 weeks back…
(Nothing sexual happen... that is all or is it..)
Vincent was exploring the Palace with Celestia as his guide and having a little chat.
“Celestia I forgot to tell you something.” Said Vincent.
“What is it Hobo?” Said Celestia sweetly.
“What is Blue Blood doing in Sleepy Hoof?” Asked Vincent remembering the prince hiding behind him while he tried to control the fake Headless Horse.
“Oh… So there is where he hide now.” Said Celestia giggling a bit.
“Blue Blood has the dream to travel all Equestria to make a huge map from it.” Said Celestia to Vincent.
“He still doesn’t understand that the world is dangerous for a foal like him, so I have been sending guards looking for him, yet he keeps avoiding them.” Said Celestia.
“I am worried for his safety. But I know no matter how much I try to make him stay, he tries to escape again… Sometimes I wonder if I should just send him back to his parents in Gemareny.” Said Celestia.
“Blue Blood is from Gemareny, I always thought he was from Canterlot.” Said Vincent.
“No Hobo, he is indeed from Gemareny but his parents send him here to learn the royal manners of Canterlot. But as it seems I will have to send him back to his parents.” Said Celestia.
Vincent only then realized why Blue Blood is such a d**k, too much manners got to his head, yet right now he was been trying to avoid that kind of life in order to be what he always wish to be… An adventurer I guess.
“Celestia I don’t think that would be necessary.” Said Vincent smirking evilly.
“For the look on your face you have a plan. I am listening.” Said Celestia to Vincent.
“I can train Blue Blood, so he can take care of himself. Making him kind of Daring Do if you know what I mean.” Said Vincent giving an offer she cannot let pass.
Celestia started to think of the offer Vincent give her. If Blue Blood was giving good training he could be the prince every one wish to be or else he would more likely end up being a snob like the rest of the royals… Royal pain in the ass to say the least.
And has her mischievous ways Celestia will enjoy to see the look on the faces of Blue Blood's parents when they see their son all muddy for his many adventures.
“We got ourselves a deal Hobo… But what’s the catch?” Said Celestia.
“Oh. Princess, don’t think bad of me. I am doing it more for a friend than for the simple joy of torturing Blue Blood.” Said Vincent thinking of Rarity during the gala.
“Ok I will allow you to train Blue Blood, but I expect a mail every week of his training.” Said Celestia.
“Speaking of mail, can you teach me how to send you private letters before I go with Muffin back to Sleepy Hoof?” Asked Vincent.
“It will be my pleasure, especially for lifting two huge burdens from my shoulders, Blue Blood and my sister.” Said Celestia.
“HEY!” Said Nightmare Moon.
Celestia only giggled.
Vincent received the books he needed for study while he was in the palace, all the books were more of pony anatomy and other stuff he might need. He will also receive money from the princess while he stays in Sleepy Hoof practicing his death magic’s.
The next day Vincent and Muffin returned to Sleepy Hoof in a chariot, also followed by many guards with orders to bring back to the palace all the guards who were stationed in the town, as well the Mayor of the town for interrogation of the incident with the Headless Horse massacres.
During the first week Vincent stayed with Muffin and managed to convince Blue Blood to become his apprentice if he can’t beat him in a simple duel… Let’s say Blue Blood got to stay in the hospital for a week after that.
Also during the same week Vincent spend the time to befriend the spirits of the cemetery, for the husband and the child of Muffin spoke highly about Vincent to the other spirits for saving Muffin from the fake Headless Horse.
The next week Vincent spent in training Blue Blood and try to remove the awful royal manners he always carry.
During that time the Mayor who was sent to Canterlot was found guilty as well as other ponies who were involve in the Headless Horse incident. Their punishment was been turned all into statues, now they are decorations for the Canterlot gardens.
A new mayor was sent from Canterlot to lead Sleepy Hoof, his name is Mayor Puff and he is a fat orange earth-pony, with brown mane, and his cuty mark is a Pumpkin with a scroll. He is a really jolly fella, better than the last Mayor.
Also new guards were sent to take the place of the old guards for the others were found incompetents for not performing their royal duties of protect and serve. They were just dismissed and saved from being turned into stone.
A week later after that professor Hoofson was hire for the school of Sleepy Hoof, because the last professor was also one of the Headless Horse's conspirators along with many other who pick up later the guards.
Vincent started to attend to School ever since along with Blue Blood. Not to mention The Tunnel Cockatrices gang who just can’t stop bothering Vincent and Blue Blood, well more Blue Blood than Vincent….
[Flash Back End… back to present time]…..
The School bell rang
There was a collective cheer from the students as soon as the bell rang, they all left to their homes to do what kids like and don’t like to do. Homework and play.
While Vincent was inside a trash can thanks to The Tunnel Cockatrices gang.
Blue Blood was next to Vincent in another trash can.
“I don’t get it sensei. Why did we allowed to be tortured by those comm..”
“Blue Blood what did I told you of using that word.” Said Vincent inside his trash can meditating.
“Sorry sensei... But seriously we can’t allow those ruffians to get away with it!” Said Blue Blood in his trash can.
“Remember Blue Blood this is part of your training and mine in order to not get angry for whatever ponies do to us. It’s what I call the path of dark tolerance. Once you learn to control it well, I will allow you to kick their butts like there is no tomorrow.” Said Vincent like a boss.
“Fine…” Said Blue Blood with a sigh.
“I still say that sounds stupid Hobo.” Said Nightmare Moon inside Vincent’s head.
“You know there are other ways to tolerate without allowing yourself to end up like this.”
“Nightmare this is Blue Blood's training, he needs to learn his place and tolerate those bullies. Only then he will win endurance. Believe me I learned it the hard way.” Said Vincent mentally to Nightmare Moon.
“This also works for you Nightmare, remember the only way to win a troll fight is to ignore him and whatever he throws at you, in the end he is the one who ends mad and you win the game.”
“Hobo you're crazy.” Said Nightmare Moon.
“I know, right?” Said Vincent laughing.
“Well Blue Blood, I believe they are gone let’s get out of here and head to our training ground.” Said Vincent.
They both get out of their trash cans and headed to the Cemetery.
[Location… Sleepy Hoof Town/ Cemetery] 1 hour later…
Blue Blood and Vincent in his human form were trotting inside the Cemetery while at the same time levitating large objects so they can win both strength in their magic and in their bodies.
Vincent was training his human body because the spirits of the Cemetery made an illusion barrier in the entire cemetery so he can train in his true form with nopony knowing what’s going on inside.
Blue Blood already got used in working with Vincent in his human form, knowing a bit more of his sensei's secrets including Nightmare Moon inside him, he also still hates getting dirty. But the training is interesting because his sensei has shown him many tricks and other things for survival on its own. And learning how to open something he never heard before… The 3rd eye an ability that will allow him to see the future, the aura, ghosts and demons.
“Stop.” Said Vincent recovering some air still floating a giant boulder with his magic. “30 min. break and then we can continue Blue Blood.”
Said Vincent. By break is just stop running and still keep carrying heavy weight with magic.
“By Celestia's mane sensei, this is tiring as it is.” Said Blue Blood panting and tired of running and carrying his own boulder with magic.
“You will get used to it. For now get some meditation and try to open your 3rd eye as I told you, I will come and call you to keep practicing.” Said Vincent heading to the center of the cemetery with the boulder still floating.
Blue Blood just took a seat on the floor of the cemetery and started meditating while at the same time he kept carrying his own boulder with magic.
Once Vincent got in the middle he took a seat and started meditating, while his own boulder move round him slowly.
“In the last two weeks you are getting better as well as that Blue Blood fellow.” Said the eldest of the unicorn spirits in the cemetery.
“WAA!” Vincent got scared a bit and his boulder fall next to him.
“How many times have I told you to not sneak on me like that!” Said Vincent to the elder.
“Ha-ha, you know an old habit is really hard to break especially from a long time.” Said the elder as always, he likes to sneak on ponies like that or in this case human.
“Fine, do you need something elder, I know you only come when you need a favor.” Said Vincent.
“Yea it’s those bunnies again eating the flowers of the cemetery, deal with them permanently and I make it worth your time.” Said the elder.
“Hey! There is no need to harm them.” Said the spirit of a mare earth-pony.
“Those furballs always make a big mess, they deserve some discipline.” Said the elder.
“They may make a mess but they are just so cute.” Said the mare. Both of them kept arguing... again.
“Here we go again 4rth time this week, nothing new.” Said Vincent mentally to Nightmare Moon.
“I told you already; turn those rabbits into stone or something so they can stop bothering you.” Said Nightmare Moon.
“If I hurt the rabbits or kill them some of the spirits will get angry with me, and believe me you don’t want a spirit with a grudge against you.” Said Vincent.
“What can I do, what can I do so I can fix this situation, and they can stop bothering me…” Vincent thought.
Then from the distance in the woods next to the Cemetery he could swear he saw a timber wolf.
“Timber wolf…” Said Vincent for it made him remember of his familiar companions from back in planet earth…
“Wait that’s it!” Said Vincent finding the solution to the problem.
The spirits stopped arguing and looked at Vincent.
“What ya talking about Hobo?” Said the earth-pony spirit. Sadly also the spirits call Vincent hobo…
BULL F**[ Mute ]
“Don’t worry guys I know how to fix the problem with the rabbits, but I will also teach this to Blue Blood… Just give me time and by the end of the day or early you won’t have to worry of those rabbits.” Said Vincent getting up to find Blue Blood.
“I am a mare you know” Said the Earth-pony spirit.
“Ha, I could also mistake you by a boy.” Said the elder, yea those two like to argue a lot, sadly that they will argue for an eternity... maybe.
“Oh you didn’t!” Said the mare. Yep they will keep arguing for a while.
Vincent went back to Blue Blood to teach him something that will help both of them in the future.
Blue Blood was having a nice meditation, with his boulder still floating.
“BLUE BLOOD!” Screamed Vincent in the ear of Blue Blood, making him get scared, scream and drop his boulder.
“Sensei! Don’t you have anything better to do than sneak on ponies!” Said Blue Blood.
“Yes and that is TRAINING you, now get ready I am going to teach you something that might save your life one day.” Said Vincent to Blue Blood.
Blue Blood could only nod and took a seat in the ground next to Vincent, while Vincent also took a seat in zen mode.
“I am going to teach you how to get your own familiar companion.” Said Vincent.
“What do you mean sensei?” Said Blue Blood not knowing what he meant.
“A familiar companion is an animal that can be either physical or spiritual, that will help you in your magic training, protect you from harm, help you spy and be a very special pet.” Said Vincent.
“You can have as many as you like, but remember that physical companions will need to eat while spiritual companions don’t eat at all. Now just watch Blue Blood, I will call my own familiar companions of this planet.” Said Vincent closing his eyes.
He took deep breaths and after like 15 minutes a timber wolf was coming right at them.
Blue Blood saw it and definably got scared. What better place to hide than behind Vincent… again.
“S-ss-sensei, T-tttt-tt-t.” Said Blue Blood scared as f**k.
“I know Blue Blood.” Vincent didn’t got scared and with his eyes still closed he rise his right hand to the timber wolf telling him to come closer.
The timber wolf obeys Vincent and sniff his hand. Once he sniffed it Vincent pet his wooden head.
“Good boy.” Said Vincent opening now his eyes.
I can say timber wolfs does look beautiful at close distance and more if they are your allies.
“Can you do me a favor wolf? Please scare those rabbits who keep eating the flowers of the cemetery, but don’t kill them, just make sure they don’t come back and in exchange I will invite you to eat something with me tomorrow. Just need to be patient.” Said Vincent to the timber wolf.
The timber wolf obeys and went after the rabbits that were now munching some flowers.
“H-hh-how did you do that sensei?” Said Blue Blood still behind Vincent.
“It’s a spell to call your familiar companions, but he is not the only one. I already made more; spiritually of course, you just need to open your 3rd eye to see them.” Said Vincent.
Nightmare Moon in this case was impressed for she could see them: foxes, dogs, bears, bats, spiders, snakes and many others.
“This is beautiful Hobo I didn’t know you could summon something like this.” Said Nightmare Moon amazed.
“This is a spell learned by some mages and witches in my planet. After all a good mage can’t exist without his familiar companion.” Said Vincent mentally to Nightmare Moon.
“Now Blue Blood keep practicing your 3rd eye, once you open it, which I know it won’t take too long, I will tell you how to make this spell.” Said Vincent.
“Count on me then!” Blue Blood went back to meditate and lift his own boulder with magic.
Vincent just got up on his feet and went to talk to the elder.
“I deal with your furry problem, now what did you mean by making worth my time.” Said Vincent to the elder unicorn spirit.
“Excellent, with those pests out of the way the cemetery will remain clean, now about our deal… I have seen the darkness that lies within you… Nightmare Moon is it, isn't it?” Said the Elder.
“Why yes, it' her, and she’s changed as I already told you, now what does our deal has to do with her?” Said Vincent.
“Well do you know there are some obsidian stones hidden in the woods, left by the last of Nightmare Moon’s personal mages? Stones full of arcane power perfect for someone like you young hobo.” Said the elder.
“Nightmare Moon is what he claims true?” Said Vincent to Nightmare Moon mentally.
“Why yes, I used to have my own mages, bunch of fanatics I could say. Most of them helped me just for the bits.” Said Nightmare Moon to Vincent.
“Thanks for the info elder I will pick up those stones tomorrow.” Said Vincent to the elder.
“Ya welcome young hobo.”
The day kept going on and Vincent kept on training with Blue Blood, till dusk.
Before getting too dark Vincent said good bye to the spirits of the cemetery and headed back with Blue Blood to Muffin’s house which is her own store.
[Location… Sleepy Hoof Town/ Muffin House] 15 min later… Night time.
“Welcome back my little foals, how was your training.” Said Muffin very happily.
“Fine Ms. Muffin, but I believe Blue Blood needs a bath first.” Said Vincent in his unicorn form watching Blue Blood barely even standing from all that training.
“Don’t worry Blue Blood the water is hot and ready, go ahead and take a bath.” Said Muffin to the exhausted Blue Blood.
“Thank you Ms. Muffin.” Said Blue Blood to Muffin and headed upstairs for his bath.
“Remember Blue Blood is also better to meditate in the shower, try opening your 3rd eye, will ya?” Said Vincent from downstairs.
“Yes sensei… I know.” Answered back Blue Blood, closing the door of the bathroom behind him, and entered the shower for his well-earned rest.
As soon the shower started rolling getting Blue Blood's mane and fur wet he started again to practice what his master told him of opening the 3rd eye.
“What is this feeling… What could it be?” Said Blue Blood mentally in the shower with his eyes closed.
He then open his eyes, checked his hooves and saw for the first time his own aura.
“I, I did it! I opened my 3rd eye!” Said Blue Blood.
“Is that so.” Said somepony behind him.
Blue Blood turned his head around and saw the headless ghost of Muffin’s husband, Brownie Muffin. He was carrying his head, in one of his hoofs.
“Howdy mate.” The Ghost said to Blue Blood.
Blue Blood screamed… Like never before he did in his entire life…
Now he was running around Sleepy Hoof and screaming like a little filly, still wet from the bath.
Many of the ponies living in the town were shouting him to shut up, for most of them need to get up early to work.
“Blue Blood ya coward get back here!” Screamed Vincent from the door of Muffin's house.
[Miny Grimoire Time!]
(During these miny Grimoires you will learn how to use the spells Vincent use in the fanfic or tell you why he can’t let you learn it)
o) Familiar Companion/s…
There are many, MANY, methods & spells for calling your familiar companion ether spiritual of physical.
My best recommendation is read this >Book< again you can find it in your local library or order it from another library.
I can say it works for I tried it and my experience was… different from many who did it.
In my case in the spiritual realm a tortoise lead me to a cemetery where I meet many of my pets who passed away, they were glad to help me, and also help me found more spiritual familiars like wolfs, bears, etc (fitting for a Necromancer I can say).
o) Opening your 3rd EYE…
Again there are many ways to open your 3rd eye and most of them work.
My best recommendation… search on the internet ya lazy bastards.
[Important]: Necromancerx69 is not responsible if the spells actually work or not and you get killed.
Any complains in relation to my Magic/Believes and you being an Atheist, Christian, Non magic believer, Scientologist, etc.
Please call 1-800-I-DON’T-GIVE-A-F**K
Well hope you like it my friends.
Also the next chapter will be a long one for I can't just chop it in half, it will be kind of 2 or 3 chapters in one, if luck is on my side I will be able to post it earlier... if not next week.
Well thank you every pony!
thanks again Zephyr!
Good day.
Good day my friend.
Okay, I can't über this.

Doctor Whooves is gonna smack a bitch once this is all over
How dare you to give spoilers already!
Naaaa just messing with ya man.
Thanks 4 comment.
BotB, here to say what an AMAZING story this is. I totaly agree with the grimoire, as I myself is a Necromancer in training. Anyway, its a really entertaining story that kept me reading untill the latest chapter.. Looking forward to seeing more.
-BotB: Ruler of all things awesome and proof-reader
The Necromancers has been double!
~ ♪ YaY ♪
244110: Yes i'm the proof-reader Zeph talked about... I've been proofin his stories lately. It would be a pleasure to become your proof-reader.
-BotB: Ruler of all things awesome and proof-reader
Most Excellent!
244151: Until next day good sir.
-BotB: Ruler of all things awesome and proof-reader (As not indicated by this comment seeing as how lazy it was put together... Being awake late is a b*tch)