• Published 2nd Feb 2012
  • 5,847 Views, 240 Comments

Not so Evil Hobo Necromancer - NecromancerX69

Vincent is just a normal Shy Necromancer who is sent to Equestria by mistake to obey Nightmare Moon.

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The Hobo and the Stalker… NO!

Hi! The New Chapter is Here! The New Chapter is Here! Hope you ppl like it!
Also Thanks to Zephyr for helping me with it! Thank you Zephyr!
It begins....

“LoL WooT…” Normal talk
“LoL WooT…” Inner demon, conscience, telepathy talk.
“LoL WooT…” Thoughts, Inner talk.

Colt: Adult pony
Mare: Adult pony
Filly: Girl pony
Foal: Boy pony

Chapter 3
The Hobo and the Stalker… NO!

[Location… Manehattan/ Mane Library] midnight….

Midnight hour, the Mane Library is asleep, not a single soul to be seen, all the books waiting for the morning to arrive, so they can help bring information to anyone who care to read their precious pages of knowledge… *CRASH!* Until now.

Vincent in his human form entered the Library through a broken window, luckily there was no alarm for no one ever dare before to steal from this peaceful library. Vincent was dressed almost like a ninja.

He had his balisong knife with him, just in case there was anypony home.

With a saddle-bag in hand, he started to pick up magically the books he might need for his trip to Sleepy Hoof, using his right hand to channel his unicorn magic…

I think you guys need a bit of a flashback……..........

[Flashback Location… Manehattan/ Central Mane Park] 4 hours before midnight…

After been wreak by a piano, Vincent somehow managed to quick recover consciousness thanks to some strange medicine and all his wounds got healed in an instant.

He woke up to find Derpy, a grey pegasus filly with blonde mane and a nurse earth-pony, taking Vincent to the Hospital only to find him running for his life.

Once Vincent found the library, he spend the entire day in it, memorizing the books he might need to steal, all advanced for grown up unicorns.

Also, Nightmare Moon helped him by suggesting him which book was the best to help him study advanced unicorn magic.

Especially his target the Grimoire of Starswirl the Bearded, it's a golden book exhibited on top of a marvel book stand decorated with alicorn figures, the book has been guarded by two grey unicorn guards dressed in golden armor.

Once the library closed, Vincent went back to Central Mane Park to practice a bit before making his big hit, not before buying a saddle bag for the books he was gone steal…

The park was empty and not a soul could be seen, this was the time to start practicing.

“Nightmare, let’s try turning myself back to normal, now that there is no one around.” Said Vincent looking around the park late at night.

“You can do that? I thought this was permanent.” Said Nightmare Moon in his head.

“No Nightmare, you can shapeshift and change back to normal every time you want if you are experienced, if not, only during full moon.”

“Sounds good, how do we do that?”

“Just make your soul release my body and I will be back to normal.”

“Ready when you are.”

“Now… Arggghh...” Vincent started to change back to his human form in the ground of the park twisting a bit his unicorn body, his hoofs disappearing and turning back into hands, same for his body.

Once it was over he was back in his human form of 12 years old kid, still wearing his clothes.

“Ow… Oh well, I guess I will start to get used to this….”

Said Vincent getting up from the ground. He quickly scanned his body to make sure he was completely human. Yeah everything seems be back to normal again.

“Now time to check something.” Vincent started to use unicorn magic with is right hand to levitate the saddle bag he bought.

“Hobo you are full of surprises!” Said Nightmare Moon looking the saddle bag float around surrounded by a grey aura.

“Yes this is one of the perks of being able to shapeshift you can keep your shapeshift abilities in a minimum level. Example: if I shapeshifted into an eagle I still could be able to use his eyes after turning back into human.” Said Vincent.

“Now that is one useful spell.” Said Nightmare Moon, surprised.

“I know, right?” Said Vincent smiling a bit.

Vincent changed his clothes to make him look almost like a Ninja, just removing the zombie-vampire shirt and placing it backwards on his head and adding his skull jaw bandanna.

Once he was ready, he headed back to the library, using the shadows of the night to his advantage and passing some guards who were guarding the streets at night, they were kind of looking for somepony. Luckily no one have seen Vincent.

[Flash Back End… back to present time]…..

After grabbing more than enough advanced magic books, Vincent moved to pick the last and most important of all books… Starswirl's Grimoire.

To his luck the book was unguarded and there was not a single trap to be seen. Vincent thought this was like stealing candy from a baby.

He picked up the grimoire, and THEN…. Nothing happened.

“Man this was too easy.” Said Vincent placing the book in his saddle bag.

When he was about to walk away, a secret magical alarm activated as soon as it detected the book was leaving its book stand. Four unicorn guards teleported with a loyal dragon that was almost as tall as the library, the only difference is that it could fit inside the building.

The dragon was dress in a beautiful detailed golden armor. All of them surrounded Vincent immediately.

“Hobo! What do we do now? There is no way you can fight a dragon who is loyal to the Princess!” Said Nightmare Moon with fear in her voice.

“Nightmare, hang on tight, we are going for a ride.” Vincent said to Nightmare Moon mentally.

“Alright you d**k heads, let’s dance!” Said Vincent to the unicorn guards, charging them with his balisong knife. The loyal dragon made a mighty roar to sign: this s**t just got real.

[Since I am such an epic asshole, I skip the action scene… ]

[Location… Road to Sleepy Hoof, outside Manehattan] 2 days later in the morning…

Vincent was walking along the path to Sleepy Hoof, in his unicorn body, dressed in a beaver suit.

“Wow that was awesome Nightmare, the way I dealt with the unicorn guards, the escape from the Library, the pegasi guard chase…”

“What I liked the most was when that giant robot Celestia started to shot laser beans at us.” Said Nightmare Moon to Vincent. In the distance behind Vincent could be seen a few sky scrapers in flames.

“What matters now is that I managed to steal Starswirl's Grimore!” He lost the rest of the books in the chase of the Pegasi guards.

“Well what are you waiting for, open the Grimoire, I always wanted to know what that old fool wrote in it.” Said Nightmare Moon with excitement.

“I am surprised young one. Never in my years of rule have somepony managed to escape one of my security systems.” Said a sweet melodious voice.

Vincent froze in place like he just saw the Devil himself, he recognized that voice… Celestia was just behind him escorted by two pegasi guards.

Maybe if he is lucky, he might just be sent to the moon.

Turning around to face the princess, Vincent’s mind was trying to find a way to escape this situation.

“Well, well if it isn’t Princess Celestia herself. How can I be of service?” Said Vincent bowing in front of the princess sweating a bit due to nervousness.

I have to say he look cute consider his unicorn form is nothing more than a foal dress in a beaver suit.

“Well you can begin by removing that beaver suit, it definably doesn’t suits you, young one.”

Having no choice in the matter he remove the suit and replaced it with his top hat, making it appear magically over his head. He still had the Grimoire of Star swirl on his back.

Taking a good look at the foal in front of her, Celestia found him cute and mysterious at the same time, for the reports claim it was a bipedal creature that stole the book, not a little foal.

Yet there was this strange familiar aura surrounding the foal in front of her.

“Were you the one who stole the book, young one, or where is the one who give you that book?” Asked kindly the Princess of the sun.

“Yes it was me, your highness.” Vincent said knowing lying would be the worst to do right now, he shivered a bit by nervousness.

“Fear not, my little pony, I won’t hurt you. Now, will you kindly give me back the book you stole?” Vincent tried not to laugh at his inner joke of Celestia’s request.

“Sorry, no can do, your highness and now if you excuse me I have a book to study.”

Vincent activated one of his favorite spells, invisibility.

Now, an invisibility spell used in planet Earth works just to make people not notice you, especially people you wish to avoid, like the cops or thieves.

Here on Equestria there are more chances to actually turn you invisible to the naked eye.

First Vincent was surrounded by a black light, then the black light fused with his body, finally it disappeared along with Vincent’s body. It’s more of an Illusion spell for he was still there only invisible.

Taking the opportunity he makes a run for it to Sleepy Hoof. The Princess wasn’t a fool for she could still see him while being invisible, now the guards were surprised for they could definably not see him anywhere.

One of the Guards approached the princess who was looking in the distance. She saw the invisible figure of Vincent getting away.

“What are your orders princess?” Said the Pegasi guard.

“Let him go.”

“Princess, he..” The guard was stopped by the raised hoof of Princess Celestia.

“Do not worry; we got for what we came for.” Levitating near her in a golden aura was Starswirl's Grimoire. The guard was stunned.

“At the moment he turned invisible, I took the book without him even knowing.” Giggling she look at the distance where Vincent run and with a smile she said mentally.

“We shall meet again, young one.” In a blink of an eye she and the guards disappear teleporting themselves back to Canterlot.

Vincent was still running only to stop next to a post sign that says Sleepy Hoof north, Manehattan south.

“I can’t believe that worked.” Said Vincent trying to catch his breath, and dispelling the invisibility spell.

“Hobo, I believe you forgot something.” Said Nightmare Moon who just somehow could not talk in front of Celestia. And then, Vincent realized, he no longer had the Grimoire with him.

“La puta madre! I lost the book and after we went through that lot of things… Oh well, I deserve that for stealing.”

Vincent always believed in Karma, looks like Equestria is definably no exception. Then all of a sudden a scroll magically appeared in front of him.

“A scroll, you got to be kidding me pal.” Said Vincent, knowing the message came from Princess Celestia herself. He takes a look inside the scroll and reads it.

Dear little hobo.

You got me surprised once more by your ability to use such magic.
If you really wish to learn magic, you don’t need to steal books and live alone anymore in the streets.
For I, Princess Celestia personally invite you to join my Magical Unicorn Academy and become my personal student.
I will be waiting for you with open wings in your new home
In Canterlot if you ever choose to study under my wing.

Yours Truly. Princess Celestia

Ps. You are cute.

“That TROLLESTIA!” Said Vincent in rage for both knowing she stole the book he stole from him and also for calling him hobo.

Nightmare Moon had a good laugh inside Vincent’s head for the same situation.
After a small tantrum of curses by Vincent, he started to calm down and took a good look at the situation he was in.

One, he lost all the books he needed for study.

Two, Celestia personally invited him to join her Academy in Canterlot after causing a good amount of destruction in Manehattan… Sounds legit.

Three, either she was being Trollestia or the invitation was a trap.

Four he can still go to Sleepy Hoof…. Yeah he will go to Sleepy Hoof and will consider if joining Celestia's Academy later on or never.

“I say that message of waiting for me with open wings sounds like the weirdest wingboner I ever hear of her.” Said Vincent trying to find funny the situation to calm him down.

Once Nightmare Moon stopped laughing she choose it was time to ask a very important question.

“Why are we heading to Sleepy Hoof by the way? You never told me.” She said.

“I chose Sleepy Hoof for two good reasons: one is to practice my necromancy there, along with a few spells now that I have the time of the world, also to get ourselves a very, VERY powerful ally… The Headless Horse!”

A lightning appeared out of nowhere behind Vincent, giving a more scary look for the said thing.

“How did you do that?” Asked Nightmare Moon about the lighting that just happened.

“Magic… I guess…” He also didn’t know.

“Well there's still a long way to go to Sleepy Hoof, let’s keep moving, the last thing I want is to know if the guards are looking for us right now.” Vincent said trotting to Sleepy Hoof.

What Vincent didn’t realize was that somepony was watching him hidden on top of a tree next to the sign post. By the look of his shadow it was a foal of 7 years old.

“So he was the commoner that made all that commotion in Manehattan, crazy as a nut if I can say, because of him I almost get caught by the guards… No matter I will head to Sleepy Hoof and then move on as planned”. Said the mysterious foal.

[Location… Sleepy Hoof Town] mid-day, looking to the town in the distance….

“Finally!” Said Vincent tired of walking still in his foal body.

“Hobo, don’t be like that it’s a good exercise.” Said Nightmare Moon enjoying the free ride in Vincent’s head.

“Yeah right, since I WAS the one who WALK all the way to HERE, not to mention what happen YESTERDAY.” Said Vincent with sarcasm.

“Ok, first things first, let’s buy some food I am starving.” Said Vincent walking to Sleepy Hoof. Just behind him a bit far was walking our mysterious foal.

“Consarn it, how can these commoners have more energy than I.” Said the foal, also getting tired.

[Sleepy Hoof town it’s a bit OC, with a bit of crossover with the Sleepy Hollow movie, only less colorful than ponyville]

Entering the path to the town of Sleepy Hoof is separated by 2 sides one is the cemetery and the other a cornfield. The shopping district was the first thing to be seen entering the town, with various restaurants, stores, a salt bar and 2 motels.

Surrounding the shopping district were homes of all the ponies that live there, a hospital, firefighters, one guard post, a school, mills, silos and a few farms.

At the very end of town is located the mayor’s office surrounded by a huge pumpkin field except for the path that leads from the town to the mayor’s office.

Vincent bought some muffins along with an Orange Juice and enjoyed them just outside the store.

He looked to the shopping district as many ponies were moving around, each heading to their destination.

“It’s a nice town here, but we need to find ourselves a place to live.” Said Vincent mentally to Nightmare Moon otherwise they will call him crazy.

“Well you are not exactly a grown up pony and you don’t have enough money to buy your own house, yep definitely you are more hobo, now than ever.” Said Nightmare Moon teasing.

“Luckily I have a plan Nightmare, we will live in the cemetery.”

“Are you crazy, how can you live in a cemetery by yourself?” Said Nightmare Moon.

“Oh, Nightmare I read a book about how to survive without food and shelter.” He takes a sip from his juice.

“Besides in my home planet some people actually live in a cemetery.” He sips again, finishing his drink.

“And if I end up with the spirits good side, we will receive free protection in the cemetery.” Said Vincent leaving the empty juice on the table, trotting to the fore mentioned place.

The mysterious foul watched Vincent leaving, from the other side of the street, in a fancier restaurant, after a good meal.

“I wonder what he is up to… As long he doesn’t ruin my plans.” He said and he wanted to know more about the Commoner who caused all that commotion in Manehattan.

“It will be 100 bits for the food.” Said the waitress.

“Here.” Said the mysterious foal giving the waitress a small bag fill with bits.

He leaves the restaurant in order to keep spying on the commoner that caught his attention.

This is going to be interesting…

[Miny Grimoire Time!]
(During these miny Grimoires you will learn how to use the spells Vincent use in the fanfic or tell you why he can’t let you learn it)

o) Invisibility Spell…
You will need: Just your mind

Close your mind and picture a black light surrounding your body, then the light turns into your body making you look shiny black, last it disappear with you.

This one works like a charm when you definitely not want to be noticed especially after some embarrassment, or be bothered by the bullies that always pick on you.

One note of advice it might not work the first tries, you need to practice it every day till you can archive your goals. If you get as experienced as me you can even activate it without the need of closing your eyes.

If ya wish to cancel the spell just picture yourself back to normal with your eyes closed.

[Important]: Necromancerx69 is not responsible if the spells actually work or not and you get killed.

Any complains in relation to my Magic/Believes and you being an Atheist, Christian, Non magic believer, Scientologist, etc.

Please call 1-800-I-DON’T-GIVE-A-F**K

Till next time my friends! also new chapter next week bye!