• Published 2nd Feb 2012
  • 5,846 Views, 240 Comments

Not so Evil Hobo Necromancer - NecromancerX69

Vincent is just a normal Shy Necromancer who is sent to Equestria by mistake to obey Nightmare Moon.

  • ...

Trollestia's Deal... NO!

Early chapter is early my friends hope you like it!
Also thanks to Zephyr for the help!
Thank you Zephyr!
It begins...

“LoL WooT…” Normal talk
“LoL WooT…” Inner demon, conscience, telepathy talk.
“LoL WooT…” Thoughts, Inner talk.

Colt: Adult pony
Mare: Adult pony
Filly: Girl pony
Foal: Boy pony

Chapter 5
Trollestia’s Deal… NO!

[Location… Canterlot/Palace] Next day in the morning…

Vincent awoke panting, getting up in what could be a luxurious room, but what surprise him the most is that he was in his human body, instead of being an unicorn.

“Didn’t Nightmare turn me back into a pony…” Vincent thought and realized he wasn’t wearing any clothes and had bandages in his body. Next to his bed was the mare he saved, she was still asleep.

“Hobo you are awake!” Said a very happy and relieved Nightmare Moon, if she could hug Vincent she would do it now.

“Nightmare… What happened…” Said Vincent a bit weak.

“Well besides getting me worried and you losing too much blood, we are in Canterlot.” Said Nightmare Moon glad to know Vincent was ok.

“Canterlot…” Said Vincent trying to comprehend what Nightmare told him…

“CANTERLOT!!!!” Vincent ignored the pain, got up from the bed and went right to one of the windows taking a look outside realizing he was in the palace.

The mare started to awake, just to end up seeing Vincent putting on his clothes really quick.

“Hobo? What are you doing?” Said Nightmare Moon

“We need to get out of here!” Said Vincent wearing his hat.

“Hobo I thinks you sh-" Nightmare Moon was about to say something only to be interrupted by a new voice.

“You are okay! Thank Celestia!” Said the mare, happy to know Vincent was fine. “You shouldn’t move you are not fully healed.” Only to find Vincent running to the door, like if hell was coming for him, opening and closing the door behind him.

“Was it something I said?” said the mare not knowing what happened.

Outside the room were two pegasi guards protecting the room Vincent was in.

Vincent looked at the guards and they saw Vincent… Just after a second of awkward pause, Vincent spoke up.

“Gentlecolts.” Said Vincent tipping his hat to the guards, and walked away.

After few seconds of walking away, the guards realized what happened and started to give a chase to Vincent.

Vincent was running at random through the palace hallways, not knowing the place, trying to find a way to escape.

“Hobo I don’t know what are you doing but you need to-” Tried to say something Nightmare Moon only to be interrupted by Vincent.

“Not now Nightmare!” Said Vincent as he kept running. The guards were right behind him.

Taking a turn to the left he found… Six guards; four of them were pegasi and two were unicorns. Not to mention the two pegasi behind him.

“Well f**k me.” Said Vincent quickly changing direction to the right and kept running; now there were eight guards chasing him!

He kept running at a random direction, only to end up in a hallway with no exit at all, on the wall was hanged a familiar picture of Celestia and Luna. No escape at all, he turns around to find 12 guards now blocking his only exit. They were in a formation of unicorns in the back and pegasi in the front with at least four of them flying.

“Gun f**kn dammit!” Said Vincent facing the guards.

“Hobo if you just allow me to TELL YOU SOMETH-” Nightmare Moon was interrupted again.

“Hold it right there criminal scum! In the name of princess Celestia you are under arrest!” Said one of the pegasus.

“The Hay with this!” Said Nightmare Moon now irritated because being interrupted again.

Vincent was trapped like a rat in a cage… Yet an evil Idea came to his mind to help him escape this situation.

“Hey guards what’s cheap and stinks?” Said Vincent smirking evilly making at least a few of the guards get scared a bit.

“Sheep!” Vincent activated for the first time a polymorph spell. He chanted some strange words making all pegasi turn into simple sheeps, for the exception of the now remaining four unicorn guards who somehow were not affected by the spell.

The unicorns were both surprised and scared, because only a large group of unicorns can cast such a spell, yet this creature could cast it on its own.

Adding icing to the cake Vincent activated one of his favorite spells: miasma. In the real life miasma can only be used to weak people, making sickness, giving bad luck to anyone who gets close to you, among another things. Now here in Equestria there are chances of making most of the effects lethal or just more effective, again only if you have good mental concentration.

Vincent started to get surrounded by a small purple mist; in that hallway next to him there were some flowers inside a pot on top of a table… They died as soon as the mist touched them.

“Screw this! I wanted to quit today anyway.” Said one of the unicorns, throwing is helmet to the floor and walking away.

The rest charged at Vincent, but once they got near the mist they activated some kind of bubble shield ready to enter the mist where Vincent was hidden, only to realize it was a well-made trap - the mist pierced their weak shields and stunned the unicorns, making them fall asleep. Then the mist was lifted. Vincent passed the sheep’s and the sleeping unicorns, to keep trying to find the exit. While whistling some awesome tune.

“It waaaas aaa reaaally baaaaad Joooke by theee waaay.” Said one of the guards turned into sheep watching Vincent getting away.

Vincent kept walking around the palace… Man this place is a maze. He just doesn’t know where to go.

All of a sudden, he stops as he sees a pair of pegasi guards coming, one of them was munching a bag of chips and the other was talking to him. Luckily they were too distracted to see Vincent, so he enters the only door in that hallway to hide from the guards.

Once inside he places one of his ears on the door to know when the guards will pass. Sadly they got station in front of the door where Vincent hide.

“Hey you know we should never leave our post, what if Celestia find out we went for some snacks.” Said one of the guards.

“Don’t worry rookie, I know Celestia and she always does this every day, except when she needs to attend something important, In other words she is still taking her bath.”

Vincent could not get paler than white after hearing the guards' conversation. He turns slowly his head to see the room where he was locked. To find a naked, wet mane Celestia in some kind of royal pool made out of gold, with three royal mare servants.

The mares were looking at Vincent and Vincent was looking at them. There was a very long awkward pause…

“Damn Celestia looks hot with wet mane.” Thought Vincent. Only to hear a collective scream from the three servants. Making the door open and the guards enter to see what was the commotion. One of them was still munching a chip. Now I don’t know why but the guards also screamed along with the servants, for seeing Celestia in the bath, making them turn around blushing.

“Sorry for interrupting your highness!” Said the rookie.
Vincent could only facepalm… And this is supposed to be the best what the Equestrian Army can offer.

“Enough!” Said Celestia. Making every one in the room silent…

She got up from the pool and got out from it the most glorious way; you could almost hear angels sing. She walked to stand in front of Vincent leaving a small trail of water.

“Hot, hot, hot, hot.” Could only think Vincent.

“Hey! She is my sister, show some respect!” Said Nightmare Moon a bit jealous.

“We need to talk little hobo.” Said Celestia with a very nice voice, it could melt the heart of any stallion or brony in this case. Yet Vincent thought about it…

“Just when I didn’t wanted to spend my time here or on the Moon. Also did she just call me what I think she called me?” Vincent thought.

“Please wait for me in the throne room while I get ready little hobo. These two guards will take you there.”

“Gun dammit she DID!” Thought Vincent again.

Vincent just surrendered and followed the guards outside the bathroom to the throne room.

Once all of them were outside of Celestia's range...

“Man she sure looks hot with wet mane.” Said Vincent.
The guards could only blush.

Once inside the Throne room Vincent and the guards waited for the princess to arrive.

Trying to break the silence Vincent tried to talk to the guards.

“So your training is really that bad to allow someone like me to enter the princess' bath time without being spotted?”

“Hey! It's not that bad!” Said the rookie.

“Silence you are not allowed to talk with anyone and you know it!” Said the other guard, must be a veteran (You don't say).

“Sorry.” Said the rookie, falling back in silence again.

“So Nightmare Moon what should we do to kill time in the moon?” Vincent thought of his imminent future in the moon.

“That’s what I have been trying to say! My siste-”

Nightmare Moon was silenced again by the doors of the throne room opening and revealing Celestia, dressed back in her royal clothes, (if they can be called clothes actually) followed by the mare Vincent saved in Sleepy Hoof.

“Why do I even bother anyway?” Just thought Nightmare Moon tired of getting interrupted.

Celestia walked to her throne and took a seat. The mare stayed next to Vincent and the guards.

“Guards leave us! Also no more interruptions for the day.” Said Celestia.

The Guards only nodded and exited the throne room leaving Vincent and the mare with Celestia.

“Before we can have a proper talk little hobo, there is something I must know.” Celestia looked at the mare.

“Your name and what really happen in Sleepy Hoof?” Said Celestia with the voice of a mother to her children.

“My name is Lemon Muffin, your highness, and there was this monster, the Headless Horse who killed any ponies who dare to walk the streets at night… Including my husband and my only child… Why didn’t you help us princess?” Said the now named Muffin a bit sad to the princess.

“Honestly, I never received a single report of the town being attacked.” Said Celestia.

“But the Mayor said he send you the reports and that everything was going be fine! And yet that thing kept killing!.... Sorry your highness.” Said Muffin now crying a bit.

Celestia got up from her throne and walked slowly to the mare and gave her a warm maternal hug using her wings.

“Don’t worry my little pony, I will get to the source of this and all responsible will be punished.” Said Celestia, trying to keep her anger for knowing somepony have dared to hurt her precious subjects and never inform her of it.

“But also you did told me when you arrived to the castle, that somepony not only saved you, but also slayed the Headless Horse, is that true?” Said Celestia.

“Yes your highness.” Said Muffin.

“Who was that somepony?” Said Celestia smiling a bit to Muffin and releasing her from her wings.

“Him, but I don’t get it you were just a foal when I meet you. Now you are something else.” Said the Mare pointing her hoof to Vincent.

Vincent was only listening to them and was a bit angry to know somepony allowing such a thing to happen in an innocent town.

“You might say I am just special.” Said Vincent turning into a foal in a blink of an eye. Now he is experienced to quickly shapeshift into unicorn and human really quick.

“It was both a pleasure to help you and your kind miss.” Said Vincent smiling in his unicorn form.

“I just don’t know how to thank you for what you did.” Said the now happy Muffin.

“Hope our deal still stands.” Said Vincent smiling to her.

“If I don’t end up sent to the Moon.” Also thought only to be interrupted by Celestia.

“Muffin don't you mind to wait outside the throne room? I need to talk to hobo in private.”

“Don’t worry for me your highness and thank you so much.” Said Muffin leaving the throne room. Once she was out, Vincent changed back to human.

“I believe you two own me a big explanation.” Said Celestia.

“F**k!” was Vincent's only thought.

“I am waiting.” Said Celestia, getting serious.

“By two you mean Muffin and-” Vincent was interrupted.

“Don’t play dumb with me. I know my sister is inside you and I expect a full explanation!” Said Celestia now really serious.

“Wait, wait, wait, before you start asking questions, I have one for you Princess, How did I get here in the first place?” Said Vincent trying to buy time.

“Oh, didn’t my sister told you? She brought you here via teleport after you got seriously wounded and also brought along Muffin with you. And once I scanned your body I found her inside you, begging me to save your life.” Said Celestia.

“Nightmare why didn’t you tell me?” Though Vincent.

“THAT’S WHAT I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO SAY ALL ALONG!!!” Nightmare shouted in Vincent’s head, giving him a small headache.

“Now, now, Luna there is no need to shout.” Said Celestia telepathically for now on.

“I am no longer called Luna, my name is Nightmare Moon!” Said Nightmare.

“Even if you change your name you are still my little sister, Luna.” Said Celestia.

“Wait! Does it mean I was carrying the real Luna all along! Then who is in your body?!?” Said Vincent to Nightmare Moon.

“Just my subconsciousness, I don’t wish to know what she will do to my body if I don’t claim it back.” Said Nightmare Moon. Vincent could only think of the Nightmare Night disaster and the royal canterlot voice.

“That explains everything.” Vincent thought.

“Now if you are the real Luna why do you call yourself Nightmare Moon?” Said Vincent.

“Why? Because it's awesome!” Said Nightmare Moon.

“You haven’t changed a bit at all, Luna.” Said Celestia smiling a bit.

“How does she even know those words? Actually never mind.” Said Vincent.

“You still haven’t explained yourselves. How can you be here and still locked on the moon at the same time sister? And just what is a human doing in Equestria?” Said Celestia.

“Well you see it's a really funny story, it all began when I was at home and then.”

Vincent told Celestia all that happened; from he appearing in the castle ruins, to the Elements of Harmony attack, to being sent back in time as some sort of punishment by the Elements of Harmony, to the battle of the fake Headless Horse. Yet he forgot to tell her about him being a Necromancer.

“I have to thank you hobo for saving one of my little ponies. What can I do to pay your heroic act?” Said Celestia to Vincent.

“I AM NOT A HOBO!... Well you can allow me to keep the corpse of the fake Headless Horse. And allow me to take some books from your library.” Said Vincent.

“Good heavens why do you need the corpse for?” Said Celestia surprised by the unusual request.

“I am a necromancer still in training and I plan to make my own Undead Headless Horse to work for me.” Said Vincent to Celestia.

“I promise that all my undead creations will never be used to kill any INNOCENT pony, same goes for me and I also swear loyalty to Princess Nightmare Moon as her personal bodyguard till the day she or I cease to exist.” Said Vincent with determination.

“I will also Pinkie swear it; cross my dark heart, hope to fall to the underworld and stick a dagger in my eye if I ever brake that promise.” Celestia just didn’t know what is a Pinkie swear but she somehow knew he was been more than honest and determined.

“What, why?” Said Nightmare Moon blushing a bit.

“Nightmare I owe you my life for saving me from that mistake I made while fighting the fake Headless Horse, and the least I can do is work for you as the necromancer you always wanted.” Said Vincent.

“Very well… I will allow you to keep the corpse of that mean pony. And yes you are allowed to take the books you need from my personal library.” Said Celestia. “But don’t you wish to study here on Canterlot? Hobo.”

“For the love of Jashin! My name is Vincent not HOBO!” Said Vincent angrily.

“Hobo is easier to pronounce.” Said Celestia.

“Not you too...” Vincent facepalmed while Nightmare was having a good laugh inside Vincent's head.

“Yes I wish to study here… But I ask to allow me to join one or two years later so I can study my own death magic. I will come back to Canterlot and study unicorn magic only then. Don’t worry I will stay in Sleepy Hoof during that time.” Said Vincent.

“And you, Luna, will you keep the promise you made?” Said Celestia.

“What promise?” Said Vincent.

“Yes dear sister…” Said Nightmare Moon sound kind of sad and happy at the same time.

“She promised me that she will never try to make night time eternal ever again or try some sort of vengeance against me or my little ponies, If I save your life little hobo.” Said Celestia smiling for knowing the sister she knew and loved is back at least till she can get back to her body to be fully back.

“Then I will do my best to serve you from now on Nightmare Moon.” Said Vincent also smiling.

Nightmare Moon was lucky for being inside Vincent’s head, or they could have seen her crying tears of happiness, because she really missed her sister when she was locked inside the moon, and also she got a new friend and now loyal bodyguard.

Well at least for now, she will allow Vincent to do what he wants until she can return to her body.

*Roar* Came from Vincent’s belly. Yea he’s hungry.

“Well you are allowed to stay for today and eat something first. Later you can pick the books you need, hobo.” Said Celestia normally.

Celestia and Vincent left the throne room to get something to eat.

“Now Hobo, is it true that I look hot with wet mane?” Said Celestia teasing Vincent.

Vincent could only blush. Glad to know she's just been Trollestia and not Molestia… Right… Celestia winked at Vincent.

“I am so screwed.” Vincent thought.

[Miny Grimoire Time!]
(During these miny Grimoires you will learn how to use the spells Vincent use in the fanfic or tell you why he can’t let you learn it)

o) Polymorph Spell…
You will need:

>Good mind power.
> Magical power.
> Experience with hexes.
> Help of a god or goddess if you have not much power.

The most funny of spells. Turn your enemies into sheeps, goats, cows, etc.

Look or point at the person you want to change and chant:

This boy/girl/creature is now not a >[name of something funny (example: Sheep)]< shall fill his/her/its place.
Would be better if you can say it in Latin.

I never tried it before, so many spells to use. But I might try it if I ever get in problems (Use at your own risk). From what I have hear of this spell is only temporal not permanent.

o) Miasma Spell…
You will need: Just your mind.

This spell has many uses Example: Sickness, Bad luck, Repel, Slow movements, Death and other evil ideas you can add to the Miasma.

To use it remember my spiritual shield. Only this time you will close your eyes and picture your self-surrounded by a mist, this mist will have the property you wish to give it or even mix with many properties at the same time for maximum effect.

The spell can be used just to target certain kind of people just picture the mist attacking the kind of people you wish to keep away from you or that you wish to harm.

Also if you add your emotions to the mist specially the hate you have against your target. Will get ticker the mist with deadly power of more effectiveness.

I always use this spell when I go outside, so any thieves or people with bad intentions will keep away from me.

Another thing the longer the target stays near your mist, the more you will see the effects working on the target (Example: if you choose sickness, your target will begin to sweat or turn his face green).

To cancel the spell close your eyes and picture yourself with the mist gone (again use at your own risk).

[Important]: Necromancerx69 is not responsible if the spells actually work or not and you get killed.

Any complains in relation to my Magic/Believes and you being an Atheist, Christian, Non magic believer, Scientologist, etc.

Please call 1-800-I-DON’T-GIVE-A-F**K

Honestly I didn't like to much this chapter... hope that at least was of your interests my friends.
Have a nice day you all!
Thanks again Zephyr!