New Chapter is here and the longest I have ever made!
Even that I though I was gone end up posting it next week. LUCKY!
Still hope you guys like it and leave a comment if possible.
Also Thanks to BotB for fixing my chapter this time and thanks to my friend Zephyr to chairing him with me.
It begins...
“LoL WooT…” Normal talk
“LoL WooT…” Inner demon, conscience, telepathy talk.
“LoL WooT…” Thoughts, Inner talk.
Colt: Adult pony
Mare: Adult pony
Filly: Girl pony
Foal: Boy pony
Sensei: Teacher in Japanese.
Chapter 7
Beer and Slender Mane in Equestria?… NO!
(Better name for this chapter: What the f**K have I done!)
[Location… Sleepy Hoof Town/ School] 6 weeks later…
Time had passed by since Blue Blood opened his eyes to the painful truth… spirits love to spy on humans or ponies in the bathrooms… Yea… There might even be someone watching you right now while you take a bath or while you clop and you don’t even know it (I will place a spell in the Grimoire so the spirits can’t spy on you any more during your private moments. I am not joking).
The next day Blue Blood learned the familiar companion spell, his physical pet ended up being a crow, he also got a few spiritual familiars, owls, snakes, ravens, etc.
That aside Vincent found the obsidian stones the next day after that and ever since he keep soaking those stones with a bit of his own blood every single day, for personal reasons and forbidden rituals.
Weeks passed by and Vincent got along with Blue Blood they both give their best in the training they were both having, making Blue Blood get better in self-defense thanks to his sensei. And also got used to The Tunnel Cockatrice’s gang abuse, making them both more resistant, and since the gang can’t make them mad, or sad, they started to only bother Vincent and Blue Blood, once in a while.
Now today is the day Blue Blood has been waiting for… The day he learns to tolerate what many ponies can’t handle, the day Blue Blood has the permeation of his sensei to kick the flanks of The Tunnel Cockatrice’s gang.
Now they just need to wait after class to give the gang their own surprise.
In the end it was Vincent who got the biggest of surprises, for indeed Equestria is a small planet. Today’s class they are about to welcome a new student, a student Vincent never, ever thought in his life on Equestria would find him here, a small foal of also 6 years, white fur, blank flank and sky blue mane.
“Class allow me to introduce you to our new student, his name is Pants.” Said professor Hoofson to the class.
“Hi pants!” came from the class.
“Hi.” Said a bit nervously Pants.
Vincent was in his seat still in unicorn form, he was almost screaming of joy in his head knowing that he is going to the same school Fancy Pants went.
“No matter what. I must be Fancy Pants friend.” Said Vincent mentally.
“Why hobo, do you know him?” Said Nightmare Moon.
“If I know him! He will become one of the most important ponies in Canterlot!” Said Vincent to Nightmare Moon.
“How, do you know all this?” Said Nightmare Moon a bit impressed.
“I will tell you the truth one day Nightmare Moon, not now, and don’t try searching in my head for the answer, for you know there are many horror’s you definably don’t wish to see.”
“Now I have one problem… how am I gone talk to him, if I am shy as f**k?” Said Vincent a bit sad.
“SHY! You were talking normally to everypony since you got here and I have never seen you shy before!” Said Nightmare Moon in disbelieve.
“Nightmare Moon I am really bad at meeting new people or in this case ponies, and I only talk if they talk to me, or make me angry, or I need to know something important… otherwise I would be as shy as Fluttershy.” Said Vincent a bit embarrassed.
“Really? A kid like you with the knowledge to take down armies by himself, a necromancer with the power to command spirits, an assassin and somepony who doesn’t even fear death… is shy!” Said Nightmare Moon until she remember what her sister told her once before turning into Nightmare Moon.
“It’s always the shy ones isn’t it?”
“Yes…” answer Vincent a bit angst.
“Pants, why don’t you take a sit in the empty desk so we can begin the class.” Said professor Hoofson to Pants.
“Oh, alright.” Said Pants heading to his desk.
Sadly for Pants someponys were watching him as their new toy… The Tunnel Cockatrice’s gang.
Once the classes were over, everypony were getting ready to leave to their own homes… wile poor Pants was surrounded by the gang.
“Well, well, new meat boys, how should we welcome him?” Said Red Pepper evilly.
“H, hi, how can I help you Gentlecolts?” Said nervously Pants, already kind of knowing what it was going to happen to him.
“Well if isn’t well minered, I am going to enjoy this.” Said Red Pepper licking his lips.
“You mean ‘mannered’ not ‘minered’ Red.” Said the Unicorn of The Tunnel Cockatrice’s gang.
“Not, this again. What are you a dictionary?” Said Red Pepper a bit mad.
Pants use the opportunity to try and get away only to be blocked his exit by the two pegasi of the gang.
“Going somewhere.” Said the pegasi in unison.
“Why, yes my good sirs, I need to head back home.” Said Pants with a really bad pokerface.
“Well, you are not going any were smart pants.” Said Red Pepper behind Pants.
Only to be interrupted by a tomato thrown to the back of his head.
“Ha take that you scum bag.” Said Blue Blood eager for some revenge.
Vincent was the one who thrown the tomato, with a face of deal with it.
“You guys are so DEAD! CHARGE!” Said Red Pepper really pissed to his gang.
Every single one of them launch themselves against Vincent and Blue Blood.
Pants only close his eyes blocking them with his own hoofs for he could tell that fight was indeed brutal.
Once the sounds of hoof meeting hoof, and the
Screams of pain ceased, Pants open his eyes to see The Tunnel Cockatrice’s gang, been wasted on the floor in form of a pile with Vincent and Blue Blood on top of them like bosses.
“Well Blue Blood, you still need more training for I saw some flaws during our fight with the gang, so we must reinforce you, lets head back to the cemetery.” Said Vincent.
Now Blue Blood and Vincent were trotting back to the cemetery only to be stop by Pants.
“Please wait!” Said Pants.
Vincent and Blue Blood turn around to watch Pants in front of them.
“I wish to thank you for saving me from those bullies.” Said Pants with a smile.
“Hey no problem Pants, glad to help.” Said Vincent to Pants.
“Hell yea luck is on my side!” Said Vincent mentally.
“I have to say you both were impressive back there, mind if I ask you who is your personal trainer for I do need to learn how to defend myself.” Said Pants.
“Well I am indeed impressive, but the one who teach me is right here.” Said Blue Blood pointing one of his hoofs to Vincent, making him blush a bit.
“Most excellent, will you mind Hobo if I join your lessons?” Said Pants to Vincent.
“It would be an honor to train the very same Fancy Pants.” Said Vincent to Pants getting a bit shy.
“I am not called Fancy Pants… but I have to say I do like the name!” Said Pants.
“It’s a deal then! Welcome to the fight club Fancy Pants!” Said Vincent to, from now on Fancy Pants. Making all three at the same time brohoof.
Now they were all heading to the cemetery.
“Fancy Pants… do me a favor.” Said Vincent.
“Yes my friend.” Said Fancy Pants, Vincent could almost scream of joy for calling him friend.
“Don’t call me Hobo.” Said Vincent.
“Then how do I call you?”
“Vincent if you please it’s my real name.”
Yes this is the beginning of a very long friendship…
“Not to be rude but Hobo is easier to pronounce than Vincent.” Said Fancy Pants.
“Arg!… Just call me sensei.” Said Vincent trying not to choose to strangle Fancy Pants right there were he stands.
Or a short one…
[Location… Sleepy Hoof Town/ Market district] 4 Months later…
Sleepy Hoof Town was in celebration and everypony with mugs filled with beer were singing along some song in the market district, sang by no other than Vincent??? Let’s go check…
Vincent was singing using the Royal Canterlot Voice spell thanks to Nightmare Moon.
“♪ What is the malted liquor. What gets you drunker quicker? ♪”
“♪ What comes in bottles or in mugs?♪”
“BEER!” Scream the ponies.
“♪ Can't get enough of it, ♪”
“♪ How we really love it, ♪”
“♪ Makes me think I'm a stallion, ♪”
“♪ I can kiss and hug it, ♪”
“♪ But I'd rather chug it, ♪”
“♪ Fill my belly up to here, ♪”
“♪ I could not refuse a, ♪”
“♪ I could really use a, ♪”
[Location… Fail… sorry for that… Stupid A.I. work dammit
*Wild blue screen of death appears* Fuuuuuuuuuu]
[Restarting program… fixed]
[Location… Sleepy Hoof Town/ Cemetery] 2 Months later actually…
All three friends were meditating and lifting their own boulders. Vincent in his human form said.
“Ok, let’s call it a day my friends, I am hungry and I feel like eating chicken.” Said Vincent, making his friends go a bit green, they know that humans eat both meat and vegetables, but they still can’t get use to him killing chickens to eat them. He even offer them the chance to grow guts by watching him butcher chickens and removing all their insides so his friends grow backbone, and don’t get scared so easily.
“I pass.” Said both Blue Blood and Fancy Pants.
“Fine then, I will meet you guys later; enjoy the rest of the day.” Said Vincent.
Blue Blood and Fancy Pants went both to their respective homes. While Vincent enters the forest where his Timber Wolf familiar was waiting for him.
“Let’s go eat something Wolf.” Said Vincent making his
Timber Wolf follow.
In the same place were Vincent found the obsidian stones, he made the place into a grill location to cook his food. With an enchanted chicken coop to keep predators away from his food. Also enchanting the area to make ponies feel uneasy when they got near the spot.
Vincent enters his chicken coop and grabs one of the tasty chickens, makes an awesome trick he learn when he live once in a farm, and with the same axe the Headless Horse try to kill him removes the chicken head, cleans the full chicken, and roost it. Giving half of the chicken to his Timber Wolf familiar. Right now the only thing he had for drink is his water.
“I want vodka so badly…” Said Vincent a bit sad starting to miss his daily Vodka shots. By now Nightmare Moon got used to seeing Vincent eat meat.
(Let’s be honest gentlecolts and ladies, Equestria is a free beer planet, and every single fanfic that claims they have real beer is fake, we all see it in that Appelosa episode that the only way they get drunk is eating salt, SALT! Back to the show).
“What is this vodka you speak of Hobo?” Said Nightmare Moon.
“It’s the most beautiful drink you could ever drink Nightmare, but I believe you would like wine more than vodka.” Said Vincent missing his alcohol for here on Equestria they never before made alcoholic drinks.
“We have wine-” Said Nightmare Moon only to be interrupted by Vincent.
“Does it have alcohol in it; does it make you dizzy if you drink too much wine?”
“No…” Said Nightmare Moon
“Then is not wine, is just juice…” Said Vincent sad.
“Do you know how to do it?” Said Nightmare Moon.
“Sorry Nightmare I don’t know how, I only learned to make beer & wine, but I don’t remember the recipe so well…”
Said Vincent getting sadder.
“I can help you.” Said Nightmare Moon smiling.
“How?” Said Vincent a bit sad now.
“I can read your forgotten memories and pass you the recipe.” Said Nightmare Moon. Vincent never ever thought of that before.
“Will you do it for me Nightmare, I will be more than in depth with you.” Said Vincent with joy in his voice.
“Well then… You owe me a date when I return to my body.” Said Nightmare Moon searching inside Vincent twisted head, it makes Vincent blush.
Thanks to Nightmare Moon, Vincent obtained the recipe on how to make both beer and real wine. As soon he got the recipe he started to work during the week to obtain the ingredients and asking Celestia for bits in exchange of telling her the truth of Equestria once he gets back to Canterlot, so he could buy the bar in Sleepy Hoof to show the ponies for the first time in their life’s the glory of beer and real wine.
Vincent in order to buy the bar since he is a minor unicorn foal got no choice but to tell the truth of his human form to the Mayor, so he could allow him to buy the bar, along with permeation of Celestia in a scroll signed by her.
He bought the bar with all its contents and the owner along with his workers, for Vincent still needed to train his black magic and can’t take care of the bar at all times, not to mention he must join Celestia’s school of gifted unicorns in the future.
He closed the bar since he bought it, till the day the beers and wines were ready to be sold, for it takes time to make such brews. He also renamed the bar by the name Sleepy Nightmare Bar, follow by the nightmare night symbol.
Some of the ponies of Sleepy Hoof were informed of the new drinks that were now been produced inside the closed bar thanks to the Mayor. Now most of them are eager to try the new drinks that will change history for ever in all Equestria, waiting patiently for the bar to open its doors in two months’ time.
Time passes by with Vincent taking care of his bar business making many barrels full of beer and wine, and training with his friends…
[Location… Sleepy Hoof Town/ Sleepy Nightmare Bar] 2 Months later…
Today is the time… It finally arrived, he was about to test his first homemade wine & beer…
Vincent was in his human form where he served in a crystal cup a bit of his real wine and in a mug his beer…
Everypony was nervous, the bar manager with his assistants, Vincent’s friends, and even Muffin was present for this great step in pony history, also Mayor Puff was invited follow by two guards.
Vincent drinks, the real wine first… sip… everypony in the bar is silent… now Vincent takes the mug and drinks it… glugluglu… ahh… everypony was waiting for his final answer…
“Everypony… I have news for you.” Said Vincent to everypony in the room.
“We did it.” Said Vincent. Some clop and others were not so sure for they haven’t taste it yet.
“Mayor, Muffin, Friends, Workers, Guards, will you do me the honor to be the first ponies in history to taste my drinks… drinks that will change forever pony history.” Said Vincent almost like he was making the Constitution of United States.
Every one drink their respective drinks, all beers except for Muffin she receive real wine. Once they drink it their faces were of shock…
“T,tt,t,this…” Said one of the guards.
“By Celestia’s mane…” Said Blue Blood along with Fancy Pants (Yes they are minors I regret nothing!).
Mayor Puff was stunned he could not say a single word… same for Muffin and the workers…
There was a long silence in the room… the Mayor broke it by starting laughing, the rest follow.
“Hobo!” Said the Mayor with a huge smile on his face.
“This is the best drink I have ever had in my entire life!” He said still laughing.
“Same here, good job Hobo!” Said another of the guards.
Everypony was happy to try Vincent’s brews, once they stop congratulating Vincent’s drinks they headed outside were every single pony in Sleepy Hoof Town were waiting in the market district for the news in front of the bar.
“Fillies and Gentlecolts!” Said the Mayor happy to the ponies of Sleepy Hoof.
“The drinks are ready and will indeed change history for ever in all Equestria. What makes me more proud is to know WE are the town where it all began!” Every pony was cheering and clopping for the success.
“I congratulate our hero, Vincent for he not only saved the town of Sleepy Hoof from the Headless Horse once, but for also charring with us his delicious drinks that change forever history!” Making the pony crowds cheer even more.
“The Bar will be open by the end of the next month!” Said Mayor Puff making every single pony say a collective…
“Ha! It was a joke! It will be open by the end of the week!” Said Mayor Puff making now every single pony cheer again.
“Now for the success of such drinks we are going to make a full celebration exactly the day Sleepy Nightmare Bar opens his doors. Every pony is invited, for I will pay the first round of drinks!” Now the ponies of Sleepy Hoof gone wild with joy, cheering, clopping, it will indeed be a nice celebration.
Lucky for Vincent that he managed to make enough barrels of wine and beer for the full town.
“Now time to make a letter to Celestia along with a bottle of real wine.” Thought Vincent.
The Celebration was a success they dance and party all day and night, were Vincent sang some songs from his home planet for he was too drunk to allow shyness to get in his way and allow him to sing to his hearth content.
Once the Celebration was over the next day was just pure gold… Their first hangovers, I can almost tell the hospital was full for many ponies almost believe it was a disease or there was poison in the drinks.
Vincent already knowing of the outcome, he got ready his own special sauce to remove hangovers in 10 seconds flat for the full town. After that some of the ponies actually return to the bar later days for some beer or wine, while others who simply could not handle the hangover, they just chose to drink only on special occasions.
In the end Vincent just doomed Equestria by showing them the beautiful addiction of alcohol, well at least they must be glad he didn’t offer them cigarettes (I hate cigars).
[Location… Sleepy Hoof Town/ Cemetery] New Year almost time for the mane 6 to earn their cutie-marks…
Vincent is now the owner of the only Bar in Equestria selling beer, not salt s**t, during these past months
Vincent made connections with many drinking companies including the one who serve the fake wine in Equestria. Now Vincent was getting rich in so little time. Maybe in the next 2 years or less there will be a real bar in every part of Equestria.
Not to mention Blue Blood was getting better at self-defense, he even learned to use weapons thanks to Vincent, same goes for our new friend and member Fancy Pants whose dream is to become the most important pony in Equestria or Canterlot at least, for falling in love with Fleur de lis, the most beautiful filly of Canterlot. He met her when he and his father Banker Pants went to Canterlot recently, for his father had a meeting with some important ponies. Ever since he wished to win her love by being the best Equestria has to offer.
Also Vincent got a new summon on his side, the Slender Mane along with his Timber Wolf….. wait, wait, wait… were the hell did he even get a Slender Mane!
[Flashback Location… Sleepy Hoof Town/ Cemetery] 3 Months back… midnight…
Vincent besides working on his bar and training with his friends, he also practiced his personal Necromancy in secret in the cemetery at midnight with no pony knowing about it. For now he was practicing with one of the bloody obsidian stones (remember he coats them in his own blood), trying to control the shadows of the night…
“Are you sure this is going to work Hobo?” asked Nightmare Moon.
“Indeed it will work, I always like to play with the powers of darkness when I was back in planet earth, and here it will be a piece of cake.” Said Vincent in his zen mode with stone in hands.
“What are we trying to accomplish again?”
“I am trying to control the darkness like an extension of my body, once I make it happen, I can begin to make creatures made out of darkness to work for me. After all I spend most of these passing months getting my mind concentration to the best of my ability so I can begin to work with my necromancy without breaking a sweat. Now please remain a bit silent, this… won’t take long…”
Said Vincent entering the powers of eternal darkness true his body, making them part of him, his love and soul to the dark will become as one. It looked like a whirlwind of darkness was surrounding his body on the outside and entering his body at the same time.
Some of the spirits of the cemetery were enjoining the show, while others were just simply not interested at all.
Once it was over all the darkness, enter his body, the stone Vincent had in his hands started to glow midnight dark. He open his eyes, they were pitch black.
“Ok… let’s do this.” Said Vincent lifting one of his hands pointing it to his training boulder.
Shadows emerge from the nearby tombs like tendrils and snare the boulder to lift it, not by telekinesis, but by darkness like an octopus playing with a beach ball.
Nightmare Moon was impressed as always by Vincent’s magic skills.
“You can use the shadows, to just move objects then?” Asked Nightmare Moon.
“Nope there are lots and lots of spells you can make with darkness from healing, summoning, teleportation, etc.” Said Vincent making the tendrils leave the boulder on the ground again.
“That’s very interesting Hobo.”
“Indeed but now that I could accomplish this, I can begin with summoning my first shadow servant.” Said Vincent with an evil smirk on his face.
He got up from the ground and went to pick up a small figure he made out of wood in his free time; it has the form of an earth-pony with long legs with a face like a ponynikin.
“You can make a servant out of wood?” Asked Nightmare Moon.
“Most of the summons can be made out of wood yes, while others require different ingredients making different kind of summons, which many call elementals.” Said Vincent with the figure in hand.
“Now watch and observe the birth of a shadow servant.” Said Vincent closing his pitch-black eyes, and focusing his dark energies in entering the small figure.
Vincent was chanting again strange words that Nightmare Moon could not recognize, then a whirlwind of darkness appear all of a sudden on top of Vincent and the cemetery, blocking the light of the moon covering the cemetery and the town of Sleepy Hoof in darkness.
Once he stopped the chant, all the darkness of the sky was sucked by the figure in a blink of an eye. Vincent… opens his eyes… They were back to normal… he was watching the figure in front of him like nothing really happen to it.
“Slender Mane, appear before me, I am your master. OBEY!” Scream Vincent the last word, making the figure explode in his hands, turning it into an orb of darkness, it float from his hands a bit away from him, then he fall to the ground, making a small explosion of darkness, turning it into a gust of dark winds that Vincent can barely stand.
“Did it fail? Or what is happening!” Said Nightmare Moon a bit scared.
“I think it work!” Said Vincent trying to not fall from the gust of darkness.
Once the wind stopped, Vincent was stunned… in front of him was his creation… a Slender Mane made out of pure darkness.
It look like an normal adult earth-pony wearing a dark business suit with a red tie, his legs are very long, hell it’s at least taller than Celestia thanks to the legs, its face his withe without eyes, mouth, nose and mane.
The Slender Mane was kind of watching his master even if it has no eyes, like waiting for orders.
“Slender Mane, you will from now on be my personal guard, and obey me at all cost, is that clear.” Said Vincent to his creation.
The Slender Mane only nods his head to his master.
“Hobo… Are you a god from your planet?” Said Nightmare Moon more than impressed by Vincent’s creation also a bit joking. While Vincent almost feel sick by hearing Nightmare Moon said that.
“No, no, no, NO! Gun dammit Nightmare, I rather burn myself alive than turning myself into a god, or claim myself a god.” Said Vincent really angry.
“Claiming myself a god is a dead sentence in my planet, all of the mages and witches who dare to claim they are gods or are more powerful than the gods, died the most horrible of deaths.” Said Vincent.
“I, I am sorry Hobo I had no idea…” Said Nightmare Moon a bit sad.
“It’s… ok… you didn’t know… just please don’t mention it again and we are just fine.” Said Vincent smiling a bit, Nightmare Moon smiled back.
Vincent didn’t realize for talking with Nightmare Moon that his Slender Mane was piling wood for his master, using tentacles of darkness that came out of his back.
[Flash Back End… back to present time]…..
As we said Vincent now has a Slender Mane that follows him every were he goes, yes everypony in Sleepy Hoof knows about it, at first they were freaked out, but by now they got used to the tall creature.
Vincent along with Blue Blood and Fancy Pants were inside one of the crypts of the cemetery, while his Slender Mane waited outside making sure that nopony bothers his master while he works.
Inside the crypt it was really freezing for Vincent was using cryokinesis on it so he could store the body of the fake headless horse till the day he could try and work on the body to make his first undead minion. Blue Blood and Fancy Pants weren’t there to learn necromancy but out of curiosity of how it could be possible to bring a corpse back to life.
“Excellent, the obsidian stones are starting to work on the corpse; soon I will be able to raise the Headless Horse, back to life.” Said Vincent to his friends, watching the obsidian stones placed in various parts of the fake Headless Horse corpse.
“You sure this is a good idea Sensei, remember that guy tried to kill us.” Said Blue Blood a bit worried of the outcome.
“I may have not been here when that happen but if what Blue Blood claims is true… this situation could backfire.” Said Fancy Pants.
“Don’t worry my friends, I am not planning on returning that pony back from the grave. The corpse can be reanimated with any spirit or ghost… but for now I must leave the corpse to keep reacting to the stones so it can be a suitable host of any spirit or ghost.” Said Vincent to his friends, leaving the Crypt along with them. Once outside he told them.
“For now take the day off my friends, I must start searching for a perfect spirit for the job.” Blue Blood and Fancy Pants nod and headed back home… Vincent turned his head to the crypt were the body was stored…
“Soon my friend… soon… HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA.” Said Vincent really evilly. His friends a bit far away managed to hear him laugh like a maniac… again… they only sweat drop.
[Miny Grimoire Time!]
(During these miny Grimoires you will learn how to use the spells Vincent use in the fanfic or tell you why he can’t let you learn it)
o) Spell to stop ghosts or spirits from spying on you…
You will need: Your Mind or Dragon's Blood Incense.
One way is to close your eyes and picture the place you wish to not be spy on by ghosts or spirits, like a black box surrounding it, so they can’t see what is going on inside, don’t forget to add spikes or fire to keep them away from the box.
My most honest truth is that I even question myself if it works…
The other way is to use Dragon's Blood incense to keep the spirits away from a room, try to use to a minimum for if you use to much you can scare them away from your house.
The problem with this one is stronger spirits may still stay and keep spying on you.
o) Enchanted chicken coop, or Area spell…
You will need: Just your mind.
Is just like the miasma spell the only difference is that you need to focus it in an object and add it the effect of keeping animals or people away. It works if you wish to keep your annoying brother or sister away from your room.
For it to work you must do it every single day and night the spell on the room or object you wish to keep people away from.
Again to cancel it just close your eyes and picture the object clean of miasma.
o) Working with the Shadows spell…
You will need: Just your mind.
You need to do this every midnight, go to a dark room with not a single light and embrace the darkness wile meditating at the same time. So one day you can work with shadow magic more easily. You will know when the time comes.
Note: This is not recommended for those who love white magic, or have great affinity with the powers of light.
o) Shadow Servant…
You will need:
>A Figure made out of wood or clay.
>Good affinity with the powers of darkness.
>Help of a god or goddess of darkness if possible but not necessary.
First you make your figure the way you wish your servant to look like, made out of wood or clay (the clay must be of dark colors, purple, black, brown, etc.).
Once you make it, give it a name by writing on it, preferably on the head of the figure or one of the legs.
Wait for midnight during a full moon for the ritual of the servant.
Once its midnight with full moon, hold the figure in your hands and channel your shadow magic to the figure, close your eye and picture your figure starting to get engulfed in darkness.
Chant this:
(Name of your shadow)
I make a form, I make a name, For my shadow, who shall be the same. it shall perform its destiny, For in truth it is made of darkness. It shall be my shadow servant, for the shadows are its only food. A shadow servant of eternal darkness you shall be. Your name is (name goes here), SO MOTE IT BE!
This chant is better if you said it in Latin.
This shadow servant will help you by boosting your shadow magic or been your personal guardian. He will live inside the figure you made, best if you place it in a dark place.
Always make sure to give him rest when you don’t need him by telling him to get some rest, and calling him from the figure when you need him.
I tried this spell and its taking a while for me to work, for it needs great mental concentration, and shadow magic. for I work with death magic. I am trying to make a shadow with the form of Sweetie Belle, for she’s my fav pony. For it would be awesome to have Sweetie Belle as my personal assistant only with a different name.
Note: as I said the servant can have the form you want just make sure it has a different name so it doesn’t get confuse when you name him from the object you choose for model. Also use at your own risk servants can harm you.
o) Cryokinesis spell…
You will need: Just your mind and resistance to cold.
You must every day meditate while at the same time you close your eyes and picture yourself being in middle of a blizzard.
The result will end up in freezing the room and being able to work on ice magic including the dark mage spells I post in one of the miny Grimoires. But I say it would be better if you find someone to teach you serious Cryokinesis.
[Important]: Necromancerx69 is not responsible if the spells actually work and/or if you get killed.
Any complains in relation to my Magic/Beliefs and you being an Atheist, Christian, Non magic believer, Scientologist, etc.
Please call 1-800-I-DON’T-GIVE-A-F**K
That's it folks one more chapter and we can say good bye to Sleepy Hoof town.
Also yes I do know how to make Beer and Wine! if you wish to learn I recommend you to BUY this >book<, it could save you during the apocalypse or a zombie invasion! Its a must have book for every manly guy or tomboy girl (just kidding ladies).
hope you like this chapter till next week have a good day my friends!
Also Thanks again Zephyr and BotB! I <3 you guys ~♪
Now.. I don't do punctuation... So if the punctiation is off then please tell me... I was pretty tired when I read this through but I still hope that its good 'enough'
I don't know what ya talking about, I check it before posting and find it ok.
Thanks 4 the help by the way.
Also... sleep tight!
Thats ok, I wasn't going to go to bed tonight, or ever
258926 BotB? or some pony else?
There is nothing wrong in been molested wile you sleep as long is Molestia.
Lol, I have no fucking clue who BotB is, also her name is D
Her current look is her: Ravager.
See, she seduces stallions, but in real life shes actual a carniverous pony that is a cannibal and if she succesfully seduces you, your dead and your flesh will be her dinner or lunch or breakfest.
I might post her seducing side for you.

What Ravager? What the hay are ya talking about? What this has to do with what I say?
I did not understand a thing you just say besides of been cannibal.
Care to explain...
You asked if my character is BotB or something, which I have no fucking clue who that is
Oh... Sorry for that what I ask is if you were BotB my pre-reader 
Sorry again for the misunderstanding mate.
Seriously, who the fuck, or what the fuck is that?
U don't know?
Mate a pre-reader is a person who checks your fanfic. looking for mistakes on it including spelling and pronunciation, kind of a Grammar Nazi.
BotB is the name of the user who pre-read my recent chapter: 'Beer and Slender Mane in Equestria?... NO!'.

Its cool, its cool.
I really like your story, I find humor in most of these things
Glad to know you like my fanfic!

Of course!
If you read ALL of it, I said you can use my character!
Just remember what she will do!
Perfect then!
With her I could be able to use one of my forbidden spells!
I just could not find the perfect victim for it, and she will be a nice challenge, track me and wait for her, she may appear in 2 chapters future or 3 
Of course I will give you recommencement for allowing me to use your Oc.
Ohh forbidden?
Is it like: Mind reading?
Turning her into a soul servent, making her a guard?
I just wonder what juicy, forbidden, mind controlling, spell casting, FUCKING EPIC SPELL, will be put apon her, also, you should read up about her, the only picture of her:Looking at the camera: Showing her fucking teeth!
Which are sharpened carniverous teeth.
I just like your spells, thats all
Also, just out of curiousty, are you seriously a Necromancer?
261137 "recommencement"
Sorry for my bad English I mean 'credit' for it.
dac nuit cutch.
Fuck english. Who said we can't speak different languges on comments?
Also, are you seriously a necromancer? Cause if you are, thats fucking awesome
Yes I am. The rest just private mail me.
Lol, english is for suckers.
Es diablo buanos diase.
A slender pony, very intresting, have you seen the human form of slender pony?
Quite a sight I do say so myself
I see
your quiet, too quiet
I am Just to busy my friend. please be patient I am not the kind of guy to post every 24/7
Also I am planning to work on another fanfic at the same time so the busy me as been double.
spoiler of what is it gone be the crossover. >>Link<< or >>Link<<
I can wait, just telling your quiet.
Because I like it quiet because people can't annoy you, carry on
it would be funny as hell if hobo had a servant (shadow or otherwise) named Bob!