• Published 16th Mar 2013
  • 665 Views, 4 Comments

Nox Invictus - Darkwing Dash

The road to redemption is not an easy one. And few can walk it. As Luna returns to this world after being banished for a thousand years, she realizes that the fight to return home hasn't ended and the fight for her soul has just begun.

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Master of My Soul

Sombra’s attack nearly caught her off guard, but she rolled beneath his blast and back up to face him, launching a beam of her own. Sombra did not move, merely melted his shape, creating a hole which the beam passed through harmlessly.

“Your attempts to resist are pitiful,” Sombra intoned, stalking towards Luna, billowing out into a cloud of inky blackness. He towered above her, a roiling cloud against a small blue pony. “You cannot hope to defeat me. You have no knowledge of your form or the limits of your power. I have had many years of experience with the body of a Shade. You are outmatched, outclassed-” He broke off, his attention diverted. It returned with an evil smile. “-and outnumbered.”

A swirling vortex of midnight blue energy formed in the middle of the room, building in size and speed until it burst, releasing a purple unicorn, five of the stone orbs Luna had seen in the courtyard and the twisted amalgamation of Sombra and Luna that called itself Nightmare Moon.

“I’m not outnumbered,” Luna said slowly, looking at the scene before her, her eyes landing on the purple unicorn. “I have... her.”

Sombra scoffed. “Little good she will do you. She has no idea you exist.”

“I have her as much as you have your monster,” Luna shot back. “What good is your puppet to you now, King of Shadows?”

“My puppet is nothing more than a shell,” Sombra growled, his shape undulating menacingly. “It is I who controls her power. Against the strength of a goddess, what hope do you have?”

“You are wrong!” Luna shouted, gritting her teeth. “That power is mine and it will obey me!”

“Such insolence!” Sombra roared. “Die as your hopes crumble around you!” He fired.

Luna fired back. Her blast met his in midair and held, pushing against his, slowing its descent. She strained with all her might, but she could not force his energy back. Each time she tried, her concentration slipped and Sombra’s beam moved forward.

“You are weak,” Sombra growled. “Your power cannot hope to match mine. It is futile.” Luna redoubled her efforts, but she knew it was futile as well. She was nearly collapsing under the pressure. Movement caught the corner of her eye. She saw the five orbs in formation, crackling with energy, the purple unicorn standing in the middle. Luna’s mind froze. The Elements, she thought. Even now, from a separate plane of existence, her sister was fighting for her. It was about time Luna trusted her back.

“Alone, I may not have the strength to defeat you, but this time, I am not alone,” Luna said to her attacker. Her magic changed. The beam, struggling and waning against Sombra’s assault, flattened and spread, arcing over the scene, the blue burst of energy transforming into a shimmering midnight shield, encasing Luna, Nightmare Moon and six other ponies, five of which had just entered.

“You think a shield will save you?” Sombra growled, not relenting in his attack. “ You are merely delaying the inevitable.” His eyes narrowed as he caught sight of the glittering shards of rock that were beginning to lift into the air. “So, you mean to use the Elements? It will not work! This shield shall crumble and those ponies will fall!” His attack redoubled.

Luna quaked under the force of his magic. Cracks appeared in her forcefield. Her strength was waning and the Elements were just taking too long. She looked out the window, into the sky and saw the moon. The moon, which for so many years had been her charge, her duty, her gift to the world. Her nerves hardened.

“No,” she stated, her anger rising. “I am here. I have been given a second chance at this world. I have come so far and I am not about to lose it all to a miserable old ghost!” Her magic flared. The cracks vanished. Sombra roared in anger, but another sound could be heard above the roar. A low-pitched hum that grew higher and higher until it peaked. A blinding light tore across the chamber. As it struck Nightmare Moon, Luna was blasted off her feet, the world revolving around her in a tornado of colors. Everything settled. There was silence. Luna lay on the floor, her body aching with a pain that she welcomed more than any feeling she had ever felt. It was a solid, physical, mundane ache and she wouldn’t have traded it for anything in the world. She heard a voice, a voice she had dreamt of hearing again for over a thousand years. She opened her eyes to look up into the face of her sister.


The rest of the day passed in a blur for Luna. She could barely follow anything of what went on. Disjointed fragments sprang up here and there. A party. Flowers. Ponies. Cheering. A massive celebration that felt like days, but in reality lasted only hours. She wanted to go somewhere and rest. Eventually, her sister, whose side Luna hadn’t left since she’d returned. leaned over and spoke to her.

“Why don’t you go on back to our castle and get some rest.” Celestia said quietly. “I have a few matters to take care of here and then I’ll meet you there. Just head for the city on the mountain. It’s about a three hour flight, not too long.” Luna nodded numbly, unfurled her wings and took to the sky. Her mind was spinning and she needed some time to think. Now that she had her old life back, what was she to do with it? How would Equestria see her? Was there still enough room for a second princess?

Her flight passed uneventfully and Luna soon found herself circling over the castle grounds to the light of late afternoon. As her hooves touched down on the neatly cut grass, the golden palace doors swung open and she was greeted by a stallion guard in full uniform.

“Your Highness,” he began, bowing respectfully. “Princess Celestia has sent word that she wishes you to accompany her on the highest balcony. The princess arrived not long before you, via teleportation,” he explained to Luna’s inquiring gaze. “She said she would have extended you the same courtesy, but was not sure that your strength was sufficient or that you had enough familiarity with the location.”

“It is quite alright,” Luna replied. “We would indeed be most happy to attend to our sister. Lead on.” Luna followed the stallion through the castle hallways, taking in every room that they entered. Eventually, she became aware that the stallion kept glancing at her, becoming increasingly tense. “Captain,” she started, noting the unicorn’s rank. “Is there something wrong?”

“Is it true that you came from Ponyville?” the stallion began.

“Yes,” Luna replied. “What of it?”

“I was just wondering...” the stallion said, looking at his hooves anxiously. “If you might have any news about my sister, Twilight Sparkle. She left for Ponyville the day before it was attacked and i want to know if she is alright. Our whole family’s been worried about her.”

Luna sighed tiredly. “We are sorry, Captain...?”

“Shining Armor,” he replied.

“We are sorry, Shining Armor,” Luna continued. “But though we hath arrived from Ponyville, we were not present at the time of the attack, so we can bring no news.”

“Please,” Shining Armor pressed. “Even if you saw her once. She’s a light purple unicorn with a dark purple mane with a lighter colored streak in it.” The description caught Luna’s attention.

“Did she perchance have a six pointed star for a cutie mark?” Luna asked.

“Yes!” Shining Armor replied excitedly. “That’s her!”

“Your sister is fine,” Luna assured. “Thou shouldst be proud. Thy sister has done much for Equestria this day.”

Shining Armor beamed. “Thank you, Your Highness.”

Luna winced. “Please, Shining Armor. We ask that thou refer to us as Luna.”

“Alright,” Shining Armor said slowly. They walked on in silence for a few minutes. “So, Luna. May I ask you something?”

“Thou mayest.”

“Why do you talk in thee’s and thou’s?” Shining Armor wondered. “I’ve never heard anyone talk like that in normal conversation.”

Luna grimaced. “It is called the Royal Canterlot voice,” she replied. “I am told I tend to slip into it when I become nervous.”

“Ah. And may I ask why you don’t want me to call you Your Highness?” He queried.

Luna snorted caustically. “I have not been a princess for what I’m told has been a thousand years. I don’t see why ponies should pretend as if I am one. My sister has done the ruling for the both of us. Equestria no longer needs me.” Shining Armor was silent for a moment.

“May I tell you a story?” he asked. His request caught Luna off guard.

“I suppose,” Luna replied.

“It’s a story we tell to new recruits in the guard,” Shining Armor began. “Most ponies think it’s a legend, but I believe it’s true. It’s said that hundreds of years ago, Celestia held a meeting with most of her governing staff. It was an annual meeting, nothing too large. Toward the end of this particular meeting, one pony asked the princess why she had not taken the title of Queen. It was a much more commanding title, she reasoned, and would surely inspire unity. The Princess merely smiled and said that Queen was a much too singular title. Equestria could and did have two princesses, but it could never have two queens. We tell that story to illustrate to the new guards that each title and position has a meaning, but I’m guessing that’s not what you’re worried about.” Shining Armor finished, looking at the princess.

Luna shook her head. “Equestria doesn’t need a princess like me,” she said bitterly.

“The princess doesn’t seem to feel that way,” Shining Armor remarked. “And so far, neither does the rest of the country. I don’t see why you should be the first.” The idea made Luna pause. They stopped outside a golden set of double doors. “Well, this is the balcony. I’d better get back to my post. It was nice meeting you, Luna,” He turned and walked away.

Luna remained, thinking over what Shining Armor had said, listening to his hoofbeats fade into the distance. She supposed that now was not the time to think about such things. Her sister wanted to see her. She turned to open the doors. They burst open from the inside and a fast moving pink body slammed into Luna, sending them both tumbling.

“Sorry!” The pony pony called as Luna got to her feet. The pony was looking back and forth hurriedly, searching for something. Luna noted with great interest that this pony was an alicorn as well. The alicorn looked around, listening intently, before turning away with a crestfallen face.

“He went that way,” Luna gestured to the hallway, easily guessing the target of the pony’s search. The alicorn smiled gratefully and dashed off down the hallway after Shining Armor. Luna turned, shaking her head. Another alicorn. The future certainly was interesting. She entered the balcony to find her sister sitting there, gazing at the darkening sky. Luna stayed silent, taking a seat beside Celestia. She smiled at Luna, her horn glowing softly as the sun descended below the horizon. They both looked out at the sky and together they watched the moon rise.

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