• Published 25th Mar 2013
  • 469 Views, 0 Comments

Equinox - RegentSwarm

"Go back" a statement that could mean many things you could go back on a promise, you can go back the way you came. Or you can go back in time. Is it possible to retrace your actions, to change your decisions. To change the future.

  • ...


Have you ever tried to help someone but in fact made things worse?
Have you ever stared into a mirror and seen a stranger glaring back at you?
Have you ever witnessed someone in dire need of help, but merely stood there?
Have you ever wanted a second chance?
Have you ever desired to right your wrongs?
Have you ever wanted to go back...

"Soldiers. They are a complicated concept, the thought of winning a war without shedding a single drop of your own blood can be perceived as alien at first, but when you get down to the heart of the matter they are no different than any other tool, they can be refined, they can be bought and sold but more importantly they can break. It takes a lot to completely destroy someone, to take them to the breaking point of they're sanity, a broken soldier could have once been strong, powerful and brave but once they are pushed over the limit they'l soon start to fear they're own shadow. Unfortunately I too have bared witness to such an act, I have witnessed allies crying in the corner, drenched in they're lovers blood, breaking changes people, sometimes they never fully recover, sometimes they accept the horrors of the world and attempt to mend they're life. I wish to one day know how it feels to be at peace again".

"What do you think they're talking about?"
"I don't know man, maybe tactics or they're planning something"
"Is it just me or is there something off putting about them, like they're not supposed to be here"
"Yeah... Where were they transferred from again?"
"Not sure, they were with a group when they were shipped in, but the rest of the group doesn't know who they are either"

"I fucking hate it when it's quiet."
"Why, because it's paradise here when there's noise?"
"What? Fuck no! It's just that when you can hear gunfire and shit like that, you know to be on edge but when it's like this you don't know jack! A sniper priss could be staring at us down the barrel and we wouldn't know until it's too late."
"*Heh* If you want noise we could always go over there and talk to the troops they always have something to say about us"
"Oh yeah. You know what fuck the noise. I ain't going over to those bastards, if they got something to say I'm all fucking ears"
Upon finishing her sentence she spat in the direction of her conspires as a gesture of her mood.
"Has anyone ever told you that you have a delightful personality"
"The fuck's that s'pose to mean?"
"Oh nothing"

"It's true her personality left something to be desired, she's aggressive, antisocial and as sharp as her teeth. Her ally on the other hand is the polar opposite, he is a ladies man and a rue hero at heart, it almost makes me feel bad for assigning them together. Cheyenne and Butterscotch, or as the Wonderbolts have started calling them 'Mr Mercy and Mrs War', fitting. We were assigned to this outpost to ensure the safety of one particular cadet and to aid the Wonderbolt forces in taking over a vital Minotaur foothold in Axiom."

Private Gabber had only a split second to dodge Cheyenne's 'I know you're there message'. After what could have been a disgusting encounter, Gabber took a second to recall his namesake, and realized that his blown cover and name could be related.

Fjord the Ox's dictionary classes 'Gabber' as a Limey slang name literally meaning loud mouth.

"Sooo reckon they know that we're talking about them?

"Hey, do you reckon that they know that we know that they're talking about us?"
"Who cares"

"Any idea why they're guarding the Captains quarters?"
"I heard that they're bodyguards to protect some kind of diplomat"
"Yeah, here to provide some support I guess"
"But, why?"
"How the hell am I suppose to know? Go ask em', they should know"
"You ask them"
"No you ask them"
"No you!"
"ENOUGH!, i'll ask them, Jeez you two act like such babies sometimes"
"Uhhh. Sorry Shiny"
"Yeah. Thanks Shiny"

"It was common that Shining had to draw the short straw, in fact he often volunteered, It's one of the reasons why everyone loves him, a natural leader, the ability to make quick judgments and to put his squad before himself. He could go on to do amazing things. Which is why we must protect him at any cost."

Shining approached the his Captain's bunker and the two denizens guarding it, followed in tow by his two bickering comrades, he neared the entrance when his instinct as a soldier kicked in, making him halt immediately and Salute, Gabber and Adler mimicked in unison.

"The fuck are you doing, kid?"
"Oh. My friends, comrades and I were wondering, why are you here exactly?"

Shining could feel her eyes stabbing him with her glare even though her right eye was concealed by her hair. He surrendered his arm from the salute and met her gaze, she must never know that Shining was a little intimidated by her.

"Depends, who want's ta' know?"
"I'm Francis, Francis Sparkle, Airman first class, but around here people call me Shining Armour"

Adler nudged Shining to ensure him that they still in-fact existed.

"And these are from my squadron, Airman Adler and Airman basic Gabber.
Cheyenne paid no attention to the two goons, but that particular nickname piked her interests.
"Shining Armour huh?"

She then did something that not even Butterscotch could have predicted. She saluted. She shot Shining a smile, one which could even make a puppy contemplate suicide.

"Pleasure to meet you, the names' Cheyenne, but the pricks around here tend to call me Mrs War, the fruit next to me goes by Butterscotch and you, we've been expecting you"

MOTHER OF FAUST. That smile again.


"To the Wonderbolts knowledge we were merely a visiting diplomat and her escorts, here to provide a little extra firepower to the troops, usually whenever a wealthy patron visits the troops they come baring gifts in effort to win a few favors that could pull them out of a 'questionable' bind in the future. But alas as you may have already realized we may have extended the truth, we are here to provide support and we do have several treats in store for the Wonderbolts but we'd prefer our favor up front, we want Shining Armour."

"So my dear it's settled then"
"Why yes sir I do believe it is"
Iron fist rose from his chair and turned to face his cabinets, he had spent most of his free time pruning his tent, his 'abode', to a civilized presentable standard, just because he is a hardened veteran doesn't mean he can't keep up appearances, The room is of reasonable size, enough to have his own space but more than enough room to entertain guests, the room consisted of several cabinets, his desk and a small table with 4 chairs surrounding it. He reached into his personal drawer and emerged with a bottle of vintage Jura and two glasses.
"Well then my dear, this calls upon a celebration, painfully sorry, but I seem to have run out of ice"
He chuckled to himself at the irony of running out of ice in a frozen wasteland, I even forced myself to laugh along just to keep up his high spirits.

"Despite following the same routine over a number of years I still hate the whole dress up and smile sweetly shtick, I much prefer the standard blend in with the shadows and strike fast jobs. There have been times where I had to use my talents for 'questionable' methods and some times I had to try flattery tricks, when dealing with a man like Iron fist I have to diversify. I have to feign the perfect women to play him.

"So darling, here's to us"
I met his offering and drank the potent brew. It tasted foul.
"Simply divine isn't it?"
"Yes... it's quite... something"
The shit was acid.
Iron began pouring a second round of Jura, when we were interrupted by an associate of mine grinning as she dragged an associate of Iron's. I hate her smile. The man being dragged looked no older than 25 and he was trying his hardest to break her grasp, she had a habit of getting whatever she wanted. At least I didn't have to drink another glass of swill.

"Hey hey hey, lookit what I found"
She swiped at Shinings' feet, bringing him to his knees, this only seemed to piss him off even further.
"You didn't find me, I walked up to you, saluted, then you socked me in the jaw"
She grimaced down at her prey, she liked a man with defiance. Well, technically she hates everyone, she just hates the ones who fight back a little less.
"Like a fly in a web"
"Please if you're gonna kill me, For Fausts sake at least stop smiling, call it a last wish"
Cheyenne snarled at his remark, and was about to retaliate by putting him in his place, but she was not the only one in the room who was about to lose their composure .

The diplomat had been relatively quiet until now, but she was not going to sit back and watch as her 'ally' assaulted the one man that was supposed to emerge unharmed in all of this mess. Her sudden outburst had without her knowing confirmed Iron's suspicions that this diplomat was indeed an impostor. Her performance was near immaculate, but she had made several vital errors:
1) It is uncommon for a lady of her caliber to drink Whiskey
2) Despite her claiming to be from the south she used Western words.
3) She had lost her accent completely in the outburst
Iron Fist laughed to himself and resumed pouring the Jura.

"This is some get together, eh cadet?"
"Sir. Help. Please."
"Settle down Mr... uh... say my boy, what was your name again?"
"Francis Sparkle"
The diplomat, Cheyenne and Shining said in chorus.
"Ah yes, the knight in Shining Armour..."

He pulled Shining onto his feet and offered him his glass, Shining stared at the concoction and dove in. Meh. He then took this moment of peace to sidestep away from the psychopath who dragged him in there.

"And what would a get together be without Whisky?"
"What was that my dear?"
"I said 'of course'"
"Bullshit she hates that stuff"
"Cheyenne calm down"
"Cheyenne please, be professional"
"Mr. Fist I'm terribly sorry about this"
"I think nothing of it darling"
"Wait... why are you apologizing to him? I'm the one who was kidnapped"
"CHEYENNE!, I promise Mr. Fist my associates are more professional"
"Perhaps we could arrange to meet all of your conspirators together and discuss the arrangements with Mr Sparkle here"
"Can't I just leave?"
"Ma'm would you care for a glass of Jura my dear"
"I meant no offence Ma'm, would you care for anything else to drink"
"NOW, Send Butterscotch in and go gather the others"

Cheyenne made it her personal mission to trash as many objects as possible on her way and no tantrum would be complete without slamming the door on the way out. The diplomat buried her face into her palms and sighed at the shit she had to put up with, of all the people stationed at the Outpost it had to be her who found Shining, thinking about Shining she remembered that he had just been forced into here and was probably a little shook up. He looked a little more at ease since Cheyenne had left but he still stood to the side of his Captain, probably for back up.

"Mr Sparkle I am dearly sorry about her and all of this but you have to understand that we're doing this for the good of everyone"
"So you are going to kill me"
"No, no, quite the contrary, we're here to save you"
"How is this a rescue exactly?"
"Now Shining, be a gentleman and let the lady finish"

Iron gestured the diplomat to continue, she met with a nod of approval and released another sigh and resumed her story.

"As you may have guessed by now, I am no diplomat, to my team I am known as Spectre, the man outside and that brat are not my bodyguards and the recent transfers that arrived at this outpost are all my operatives, they merely feigned ignorance. You see we are not evil, we are not monsters but we will do anything to ensure the greater good, you have to understand that it is essential that we do everything right to create a better future. This next part sounds a little far fetched but I can personally guarantee it's authenticity"

She stood firm and stared straight into the eyes of her spectators, looking back both Iron and Shining could see the pain and exhaustion in her eyes and expression, they stood silent and awaited her to finish.

"If everything does not go to plan, there will be no survivors, not here and now but tomorrow a great evil will awake, your rulers will corrupt, your cities will fall and your planet will shatter. You see it is fore sought that a being known as 'the big bad' will rise and create the beginning of the end, his supporters are everywhere, some in very high places which is why I need to match them with our own army of supporters inserted into the mix, so that we can combat these cultists and prevent this event from happening"

Silence fell upon the room. The captain, the cadet and the impostor stood in silence, it was a lot of new information to take in, just thinking about it all made Shining feel sick, Iron had rested his glass of Jura onto his desk, he was no longer in a celebratory mood, Spectre on the other hand was in dire need of a drink and took the opportunity to polish off Iron's unwanted whiskey. Booze usually tastes better when you're depressed. Nope still awful.

"Why me?"

Shining was the first to break the silence, sparking life into the room again.

"Why pick me? There's literally hundreds maybe thousands of Wonderbolts out there, better fighters, better leaders, better choices than me, so why me? Why am I so important?
"You're not. Well not yet anyway. In fact the events of the following days are supposed to be the tipping point that molds you into the man that we desire"
"Why what's about to happen"
"Goliaf iz kamen. The Goliath of stone"

Iron Fist was well aware of the upcoming assault, after all it was his call, Goliaf iz kamen was a barrier like fortress that's the only way into Axiom by road, any attempts to fly into Axiom were stopped instantly, so if the Wonderbolts were to have any chance at all to win the war then Goliaf had to be taken. Most considered this a suicide run, getting close to the fort was hard enough let alone getting inside and capturing it. The Minotaur have an affinity for big machines, big explosions and dying in battle, they combine most of these elements with their mechanical suits, known as Mashina.

"We're taking the fort Thursday"
"With our support, we have weapons and vehicles that can aid the assault"
"We also have the support of several outposts, we shall initiate the attack in three days, in the mean time I recommend that you start preparing with Spectre and her men, I shall hold a briefing for the rest of the troops tonight, I hope that it'l be enough"
"B-but it'l be a massacre, all those people out there are going to walk into a slaughter house just so I can become stronger?
"Not stronger, we wan't you to become a leader"
"Why? Iron Fist is our leader. What about all of the other Wonderbolt captains?"
"Because one day this old man and his mustache horseshit will no longer be here, and the people will look for a new leader to guide them through the gathering storm"

Despite being in his early seventies Wallace 'Iron Fist' Vulcan was incredibly healthy and active, his hair had gradually converted from it's natural brown to a faded silver, he kept his hair neat and short sans for his bushy mustache, for the best part of his life he had served with the Wonderbolts even turning down the role of Chief Master so that he could resume working on the front line where he was at his peak, he even lost his left hand in an IED explosion, which he had replaced with a steel one, to which he received his nickname. But beneath his tough exterior lies the heart of a veteran, which had undergone a Triple bypass two years ago.

"We also don't want you to lead the Wonderbolts, but the royal guard instead"
"Why the Royal guard?"
"Because we believe that the Wonderbolts have already been compromised by 'the big bad's" worshipers and we don't know how deep in the ranks they are, but with you as the captain of the royal guard we will have a formidable ally during the final days"
"How do you know all of this? How do you already know about something that hasn't happened yet?"
"Because she was there"

The response came from across the room, Shining recognized the man leaning against the wall, he was the second doorman (Second fake doorman), although he just stood there whilst Cheyenne flipped out. Although he did not seem as intimidating but he still had a mysterious vibe to him, he's very tall compared to Cheyenne and had a visibly muscular but sleek built, like the diplomat he was a Daedalus although he concealed his wings beneath his coat, he had messy pink hair and a roughly trimmed beard with a disarming smile accompanying it, and to add the cherry on top of his dark teenage girls dream style were his sapphire blue eyes conflicting with his pink bangs.

"Butterscotch how long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough to see the three of you wash away your sorrows"

He let out a sly snicker then approached the group, he took pride in his strides and was clearly the type of man who loved himself a little too much. He glanced across at Spectre before drawing his attention to Shining.

"Sorry about my friend kid, she can be a little... playful"

He snickered and climbed onto the table, so he could sit with down with his legs crossed. Sitting down you could visibly see the scabbard containing a twin pair of makeshift tomahawks that he had adorned around his waist.

"You were left out there with them, where are my friends?"
"Hmm well once you were tagged and bagged your friends tried to get you back, so I did what I had to do, I put them in a sleeper hold"
"You knocked out my friends!"

Butterscotch pulled his best innocent charm and shrugged. At this point Shining had no more patience for Spectre's cronies, not a loudmouthed bitch, not this smug pretty boy and not to any other freaks but this one had crossed a fine line. He lunged and the fake guard and grabbed him by the collar, he pulled Butterscotch close to his face so he could get his point across.

"How dare you! How dare you assault my friends"
"Ya' know I could have left them out there in the snow right? I could have left them in Cheyenne's warpath, I mean she almost broke your jaw when she was in a good mood. Imagine what could have happened to two unconscious cadets when she's pissed off and want's to get her own back on a certain someone, shame if she were to find out where I hid them"

Shining hadn't planned on Butterscotch helping him out, he had no idea what he was supposed to do in this situation, does he thank this man or break his nose? Butterscotch on the other hand had a clear conscience, he simply smiled and released himself from Shining's grasp. Shining had just had firsthand experience of the S.O.L.E.'s manipulation tricks, making him realize that these people are not to be trifled with. Butterscotch knew that his words had metaphorically slapped Shining across the face, now for his next prey, not the old man he couldn't be played with so easily, ah yes, the beloved second in command and loyal lapdog.

"Say, Spectre why are you still wearing that ridiculous costume? I find your usual attire much more alluring"
"Yes darling I was wondering when you'l be slipping into something more comfortable"

Spectre's cheeks flared red, she always hated being discovered, but was she really that obvious? How long was Iron stringing her along for? It doesn't matter anymore, if she were to win the trust of Shining she would have to be brutally honest.

"Slip into what? Spectre what do they mean?"
"Promise that you won't freak out?"
"It's been a weird morning, what else could you throw at me?"
"10 bits says otherwise"

Spectre closed her eyes and rose from her seat, in a flash she was engulfed in green flames, that created no heat and didn't burn, the flames began to smolder her skin leaving it burnt and an ashen black, her eye reopened as again but her once hazel eyes emerged a neon green they were no longer the eyes of an impostor but instead the eyes of a creature. Her flawless blonde locks dyed a midnight blue, two broken and bent horns emerged from beneath her hair, they grew to several inches and were as sharp as they were distorted, her disguise as a Daedalus gave her a beautiful pair of wings but even they had undergone the metamorphosis, converting them into a broken and insect like husk of there former self. The flames subsided disfiguring the diplomat into a creature of bizarre beauty.
She's a changeling.

"So... that'l be 10 bits"

An uneasy smile spread across her face, putting her venomous fangs on clear display. Shining was true to his word, he didn't run away screaming, he didn't pull out a pitchfork and a torch from mallet space nor did he slip into a coma. He simply nodded, reached into pocket, pulled out a 10 bit bill and paid his dept. For the following minutes he stared at her, not saying a word. In front of him was this creature so beautiful, so terrifying, so mysterious and once again he had no idea what he was suppose to do, he decided then and there that this will probably be a common factor when dealing with the S.O.L.E.

"Shining, are you okay? I'll change back if you're uncomfortable"
"No, it's fine, I mean you're fine, shit I mean..."
"It's okay, I know what you mean"
"Sorry I'm just not used to Changelings"
"Bet you can't wait for your wedding"
"Oh nothing"
"*cough* *spoilers* *cough*"

Butterscotch could of indulged in the awkwardness of the matter but Spectre's slip of the tongue could have fucked something up down line so he had to intervene. He could feel his pocket vibrating which was odd because there were no occupants in the room that he'd like to 'get acquainted' with but then he remembered the temporary PDA that Merii had rigged together in her free time.

LOG: 12 CHNL: 1

MER33: Heeeeey Butters, care to explain why Chey Chey just stormed in here and ordered me to go to the Captains tent
BUTRS: Shit's going down
MER33: :/ Really so soon? I was kinda getting used to the who Comm officer gimmick :3
BUTRS: Yeah we found Shining and he pissed off Cheyenne
BUTRS: It was pretty funny seeing her charge off and throw a tantrum
MER33: So what do I have to do?
BUTRS: Just head back to the Captains tent
BUTRS: If you could fucking your boyfriend for 10 minutes and bring him along that'd be great >:)
MER33: Awww sad that you ain't got noobody >:3
MER33: Just playin, I'll head over


"Hey Spectre by the sound of it Cheyenne has torn through the site and everyone's heading over"
"Excellent, Mr Shining now I must ask of you this proposition, you may not like it but it is our offer, we will aid you and the Wonderbolts over the course of the following days but on one condition. Join us. If you do not wish to be a part of our little clan then we will not assist the Wonderbolts but we shall ensure you're survival, but if you decide to run with us then we will provide as much support to the Wonderbolts as we can"

Shining paused for thought, was this the kind of decision that a god leader had to make? If he joined them what will they do to him? What if this has all been some elaborate ruse? Does he put himself before the lives of others?.

He looked up to Iron for guidance, he was smiling, he knew that Shining already had the answer, he rested his hand on Shining's shoulder and awaited his new favorite cadet's response.

"Just remember to bring the rain"

For the first time since he had entered the room Shining Armour was smiling, Spectre returned the smile, the way her fangs stuck out in the corners of her mouth was kind of adorable, Iron rewarded Shining with a nod of approval. 3/4 of the attendees in the room we're Jovial but at the corner of the table, PDA in hand, Butterscotch had other ideas.

LOG: 13 CHNL: 9

BUTRS: The kid and the coot are in
M1SRY: Oh, I see T.T
BUTRS: It's a total cheese fest over here :T
M1SRY: That sounds... nice... ~,~
BUTRS: This again?
M1SRY: No, it is fine, do not concern yourself with me
BUTRS: C'mooooon you can trust me <3
M1SRY: I know it is just that I do not know how to say this
BUTRS: Pretty please :3
M1SRY: I have this feeling, this terrible, miserable feeling,
M1SRY: That this battle on the horizon, It will end badly for everyone
M1SRY: That one death will lead to a great disaster
M1SRY: That we shall suffer for it
M1SRY: And we shall die for it
BUTRS: I see...
M1SRY: I. Have to vacate.


BUTRS: Did you get all of that
?????: Every word

Author's Note:

Autors nose
Be gentle it's my first time :T
Any grammar errors just flood the comments informing me of such abominations.
Tell me what ya think I love hearing feedback even if it is spam :3
Also a huge shout out to anyone or anything that I referenced like the awesome FiW guys and gals for the whole Francis Sparkle thing, I recommend you check them out <3 Also the character Emerald May is based upon the beautiful and talented EileMonty I advise ya'll to give her as many views as you can :3
Also I'm 98% sure that she had a smile like this:

It was that of ol' Jeffie but I wanted to have at least something pony related down here.
Lookin' forward to giving you guys a couple of tumors and feels. - Love RS

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