• Member Since 13th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen January 25th

Campanula Monkshood

I'm not smart enough to do everything but I'm dumb enough to try anything. -Beast Boy

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Comments ( 39 )
  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

I had the similar question a while back about a story I deleted and wanted back; I found the answer in the FAQ, direct quote.

If you wish to transfer a story, please PM a moderator with your intent to transfer a story. Both the new account and old account must send a pm to confirm the intent.

We cannot under any circumstance transfer a story to your account without PM'd approval by the original owner.

Thanks! And no, I never got a answer.

Like... shortly before I clicked follow. So sometime last night/yesterday morning? I currently trying to find the place were all the fanfics that are featured automatically go. Also on a note from one of your blogposts about transferring a story; did you ever get an answer?

  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39
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