I have the worst luck... ever... of all time. For the first time in fourteen years I get sick and it's terminal but I mean it can't all be bad right? I mean one of the doctors offered me a cure, who wouldn't take that?
Diamond Dogs are the bane of most civilized races, they treat everyone they find horribly. Not even their pups escape their treatment which just creates an indefinite circle of mistreatment. My name is Gem Stone, I am a Diamond Pup and I will change.
A strange young stallion wanders into Ponyville on Nightmare night and sweeps a certain mare off her feet, can her and her friends find out who this guest is before the night is through?
If you could have one wish, one nearly godlike wish, but you had to track down and document mythical and dangerous creatures for some 'Tome', would you do it? I did and now I'm paying the price.
Mordane StronghoofAfter an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?by Mr Stargazer
26,617 words
· 1,865 · 128
My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic!What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.by DarkWing
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An Alien Walks Amongst UsA normal human gets transported to Equestria. Lyra sees this, and goes out to confront the alien. It is her job, after all.by Hazardus_Havard
265,199 words
· 1,710 · 110
2480433 I had the similar question a while back about a story I deleted and wanted back; I found the answer in the FAQ, direct quote.
If you wish to transfer a story, please PM a moderator with your intent to transfer a story. Both the new account and old account must send a pm to confirm the intent.
We cannot under any circumstance transfer a story to your account without PM'd approval by the original owner.
2480414 Like... shortly before I clicked follow. So sometime last night/yesterday morning? I currently trying to find the place were all the fanfics that are featured automatically go. Also on a note from one of your blogposts about transferring a story; did you ever get an answer?
Thanks for the follow!
I had the similar question a while back about a story I deleted and wanted back; I found the answer in the FAQ, direct quote.
Thanks! And no, I never got a answer.
Like... shortly before I clicked follow. So sometime last night/yesterday morning? I currently trying to find the place were all the fanfics that are featured automatically go. Also on a note from one of your blogposts about transferring a story; did you ever get an answer?