• Published 8th Mar 2013
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The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted - defender2222

Season 2 sees Luna, Celestia, Tydal, Shining, Cadence and Chrysalis on the run and attempt to clear their good names. Needless to say, they are sidetrakced... alot

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Tydal vs. Tirek: He Who Held the Line

Discord was sure he was dying.

No... this was worse than dying. Dying would have been quick. A stab to the chest, a crushing of his skull, the snuffing out of his essence leaving nothingness in its wake. This was something else, something worse. Pain... pain not just to his body but also to his mind and spirit. Not so much a crushing but a tearing and shredding, reducing him to something... less.

He'd been betrayed. He'd thought Tirek was his friend, that the two of them would have their fun, spread some chaos like he'd done in the old days, and then when they grew bored he'd be able to convince the centaur to give up that which he'd taken. Perhaps... perhaps they'd gone a touch too far. Sending Celestia, Luna, and Cadence to Tartarus might have been overkill. And the draining of all magic from Equestria was a bit extreme. But it had seemed like such a fun idea when Tirek had suggested it! And Discord was sure his friend would grow tired with power and ruling... he knew he had. Discord had taken over many different lands during his eternal life and had always walked away after a decade or two. The only reason things had been different when he'd been turned to stone was that he'd threatened Celestia and Luna, failing to realize they were under the protection of another Elder God. It had been merely some hazing of the new kids... nothing more.

But now it wasn't fun and games. Tirek wasn't his friend... worse Discord had lost all his true friends because of his games. And now Tirek was ripping away his magic, adding it to his own so he might better conquer the world.

Some might have equated it to losing a limb but that wouldn't have been accurate. Yes, the lose of an arm or leg was painful but one could still live. His magic, his godhood... they were HIM. His very self was being ripped away, making him... small.

And there was nothing he could do.

No... there was. There was one thing. A fool's hope... but hope none the less. Born out of fear and terror. Born out of the comfort that could only come from family.

With the last bit of his magic Discord sent out the call, giving warning to the other Elder Gods. Fuzzy would take his sweet time, of course, and Zeena would choose her herd over him, and his Mother always did let her children handle their own affairs...

...but the youngest of the Elders, the Great Protector... he would come.

Many miles away, in a sandstone castle... Tydal's eyes snapped open.

The God Squad: Equestria's Most Wanted
Episode 41- Tydal vs. Tirek: He Who Held the Line

"I'm coming with you," Merida said, glaring at her husband.

Tydal ignored her comment. He stood on the high balcony of his Keep, the sea churning in response to its god's mood. He'd already had this conversation with his daughters when they'd made the same demands. "Sink the castle the moment the last guard is inside. Drag it deep under the waves and envelope it with every spell you can think of. Bury it in the deepest trench."

"Are you listening to me?" Merida asked, her accent growing stronger with her concern and worry and frustration. "I'm not letting you go alone!"

"Yes... you are," Tydal said softly. He looked towards the shore, towards Equestria, and closed his eyes. "This is my task. Should I fail it will be up to you to lead our subjects and to avenge-"

"-you?" Merida asked in anger.

"Everyone," Tydal said. "Wait for Zeena and Fuzzy... and if you can get them to stay put for Polar as well. I'd prefer if you could get a few more of my brothers or sisters together but if not those three will lead the companies. Fuzzy was once a warrior and Polar would have taken the title of God of War from him had he been born first. Zeena is a wild card but she'll fight for you, I know it."

"Tydal..." Merida pleaded, tears in her eyes, her anger forgotten as despair overcame her. She remembered the last time her husband had left her to fight for Equestria. She remembered how that had ended.

The war god slowly turned to her and smiled sadly. "Don't ask me not to go. Our daughters are out there...Celestia and Luna…"

"Then why can't I join you?"

"Because I'm not strong enough to lose you too," he said honestly. Merida, despite her tears, nodded at last and watched as the God of the Sea leapt from his Keep and onto the sands of Bridle Bay. The guards stood at attention, bodies still before as one they saluted their king. "Goodbye my love," Tydal whispered before he turned towards the forest, sensing before he saw Chrysalis and Sunset join him. "There is nothing I can do to get you two to run, is there?"

"I follow you to the very end," Sunset declared.

"That is very well where we may be going," Tydal stated before looking at Chrysalis. "Your sole task is her life. Nothing else matters, you hear me?"

The changeling queen for once wore no smile and smirk. "I swear."

Tydal nodded and his horns glowed, pulling water from the ocean and having it swirl in front of him, creating one of his transportation portals. It wasn't his most favorite ways to travel but he couldn't afford to waste even a second. "Hold your breath then and let's go."

"You know," Sunset said softly as Chrysalis entered the portal, "this is usually the moment when you crack a joke or something."

Tydal once more turned his gaze towards Equestrai and Sunset realized that, if the world had been truly flat, he'd be staring right at Canterlot Castle. "Unfortunately little one I think the time for jokes has past."


Shining Armor was sure he was hallucinating. That was the only thing that made sense. His wife wasn't trapped in Tartarus. Discord hadn't betrayed them (ass had even called him 'Stinkybutt' while Tirek sucked him dry). He hadn't been drained of his magic.

He wasn't currently being cradled by the half-mad goat-fish Cadence called Uncle Tydal.

"Tydal, let me," Chrysalis said softly as Shining's vision cleared. The Capricorn nodded and passed Shining over to her and he felt another rush of magic flood through his system. He realized belatedly that the two were giving him a bit of their own magic, replacing what had been taken from him. It wasn't much... only enough to really allow him to move and stay awake, but for Shining Armor it was like giving a glass of water to a stallion in the desert.

"What happened here?" Sunset asked, looking around the castle. When they'd emerged from the portal they'd found that all the guards had been knocked out and looked completely worn down. They'd been planning on rejuvenating a random guard until Chrysalis had spotted Shining Armor and the three had hurried over to him. "What did this?"

"Not what," Shining groaned. "Who. Discord betrayed us."

"And now he has been betrayed as well," Tydal stated, staring at the fallen forms of the guards. He had a bad feeling it would be the same throughout Canterlot. It was like a waking nightmare. "His magic has been drawn from him the same as yours. That's why he sent the distress message to me."

"Good," Shining said darkly.

"Not good!" Tydal snarled. "Unless all of your magic went into the sky and has become happy little rainclouds then it is far from GOOD, Captain Armor!" He let out a snort of frustration, Sunset moving to pat him on the side while Chrysalis remained next to Shining. After a moment Tydal calmed himself. "My apologizes. This is... this is not merely Discord's work. Even he would not be foolish to steal magic. Who did this?"

"Some centaur. He calls himself Tirek." Tydal raised an eyebrow. "Heard of him?"

"Must have shown up after my battle with Discord," Tydal admitted.

“What did you mean about Discord not stealing magic?” Sunset asked.

Tydal considered his words carefully, the warrior god falling away as he became once more The Teacher, the one who had taught Celestia and Luna the art of magic. While they teased him about being a 'grumpy old goat' for once he actually looked his old age. “All life has magic, even if it is a very little amount. It… it is in our blood, our cells, our bones, our…” Tydal grimaced, hating that he couldn’t find the right words to explain. “Magic is… everything. And it is unique. Taking your magic would be like… me ripping your leg off and attaching it to my body. It is an abomination and it is unnatural… and highly dangerous. Madness, death… all these await not just the one that attempts such a thing but those around them. As long as this Tirek lives none are safe. Magic simply can't be crammed into one space... it doesn't work like that. It will demand to be freed, violently so if needed, and if not returned to those it belongs to soon the damage will be beyond reckoning.”

Shining frowned, swallowing as a thought occurred to him. “The Princesses… their plan was to give Twilight their magic-“

The War God's eyes widened when he realized that his kids might still be in the castle. “Celestia… Luna…” Tydal turned and ran into the throne room, leaving Chrysalis to answer the question Shining had posed.

“That’s a touch different. They gave it up willingly, which means a bit more stability... but still, that is a dangerous tactic. Twilight can't last long with all that power in her. Why did they-"

Shining lowered his head. “They knew Tirek would come for them… and he did.”

“No…” Sunset whispered before giving chase after her grandfather. She remembered the castle well and soon found herself standing in the throne room. She’d never seen it empty like this… usually there was at the very least a guard or some pony about. But now only one sat in the middle of the opulent room, staring off into space, feeling the magic that had been performed hours ago. “Tydal?”

Sunset took a step forward and suddenly it was as if she could hear the past and all that had come before her.

“Higher, Tydal! Higher!”

“Are you sure, Celestia?”


“Daddy, look at me!”

“I am! Good girl Luna!”

“Can we stay here forever and ever?”

“If that is what you wish, my little princess.”

“I love you.”

“Me too! I love you too, daddy!”

“I love you both very much.”

"Don't do this!"

"There has to be another way!"

“I will not risk either of you. I am selfish that way…and I will not live in a world without either of you."

Tydal lifted his head up, tears spilling from his eyes, and let out a heartbroken bellow that shook the very foundation of the castle. The stainglass windows shattered and winds swirled around him as he screamed his despair to the heavens. Sunset trembled, her own eyes watering at the sight of his pain, his wail echoing through his daughters’ empty castle.

And then he wiped his tears away and a mask of cold fury slammed down upon his features.

“He sent them to Tartarus,” he rumbled, his eyes like a midnight storm on the darkest of hours. “He sent my babies to Tartarus.”

“HEY!” Chrysalis shouted. “YOU NEED TO GET OUT HERE!”

Sunset hurried back to the changeling queen and Shining but Tydal was slower, his steps measured. Sunset found Shining leaning against the balcony rail, Chrysalis holding him up but for once not making a lewd comment or trying to get in his non-existent pants. The orange unicorn looked out past Canterlot and gulped when she saw a massive centaur battling what looked like a firefly packing a ton of magic.

“Twiley,” Shining groaned, trying to lean closer but his traitorous body refused. “She’s… she’s fighting him.”

Tydal rumbled, and nodded at the giant in the distance. “Tirek?”

“Yes.” Shining locked eyes with Tydal. “There is… no permission needed. You have the chance… you kill that son of a bitch. You do it for all of us.”


“Does he… look a lot bigger than he did a few moments ago?” Chrysalis asked nervously. She’d turned into a massive eagle to get them down the mountain but now the trinity was running through the Everfree, Tydal having declared that stealth was their ally. As the two mares weren't war gods they decided to stick with the ancient king’s advice. They had just emerged from the treeline to spot Tirek bellowing and boasting about how great and powerful he was.

“He’s defeated Twilight Sparkle,” Tydal said. “He now has her magic and the powers Celestia, Luna, and Cadence gave to her.” He picked up the pace a touch. “And he’s hungry for even more.”

“Good thing we have you on our side to knock him down, huh?” Sunset said with a smile.

Tydal merely kept running.

“Some ponies are coming!” Chrysalis called out. “They're… oh, wonderful, it’s Twilight Sparkle and her Twiletts.”

“… that is a horrible nickname,” Sunset said as Tydal came to a stop before Twilight, her friends, Spike, and Discord. “And it is REALLY weird to see all of you as ponies.”

“Uh, what now?” Applejack asked.

“Sunset?” Twilight said in confusion. “What are you doing here? And I don’t mean here as in Ponyville I mean here as in… not being a human with icky toes.”

Tydal rolled his eyes.

“Really long story, involved Sombra and some guy named Faith.”

Spike scoffed. “Sounds overhyped.”

“It really is,” Chrysalis muttered.

“We found out what happened,” Tydal said, looking to Discord. “Are you alright?”

“Why do you care about this traitor?” Rainbow Dash asked with a snort, Discord wincing at her tone. “He’s the reason this happened.”

“He is my brother,” Tydal said simply. “And he made a mistake. A grave one… one he is going to live with for a very long time… and regret for reasons that have not occurred to him just yet.” The chaos god dropped his head and sighed sadly while Tydal turned his attention back to Twilight. “He took your magic?”

“Yes, but we have a plan to stop him,” Twilight said, holding up the pendant Discord had given her. “When we gave up the Elements of Harmony-“

“When Celestia and Luna were beaten by a tree,” Chrysalis said with a slight smirk.

“-it revealed a box. We think this will be the final key to unlocking what is inside… and that the contents can defeat Tirek.”

“There’s only one small problem,” Spike said nervously, glancing behind the group. “I think Tirek might want to go a few more rounds with us!” Sure enough the massive centaur was growing broad with bellowing his triumph and was now looking for something to amuse him. “We won’t get to the Tree of Harmony in time.”

Tydal shut his eyes. “1500 years…”

“What was that darling?” Rarity asked.

The god of the sea snapped his eyes opened and set his jaw. “Go… I’ll hold the line.”

“What?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“I’ll delay him… I’ll buy you the time you need. Get the box… do what must be done.”

Rainbow let out a whoop. “Hey, maybe with the great Lord Tydal on our side we won’t even need the Tree of Harmony and what’s in the mystery box!”

“Better safe than sorry though,” Twilight reasoned. “Lord Tydal, we’ll be back as soon as we can.”

The group began to hurry off but Tydal stopped Discord as he passed. “You have to protect them now.”

“I don’t know what I can do, without my powers,” Discord admitted. “Twilight and her friends-“

“That’s not who I was referring to,” Tydal said softly.

Discord looked at his brother and then at Tirek… only for his shoulders to slump. “Oh…”

“Protect them, brother.”

“I will… and I’m so sorry.” Discord leaned down and hugged his baby brother before hurrying off, moving to catch up with the Mane 6.

“What was he talking about?” Sunset asked. “And what’s the plan?”

Chrysalis nodded. “Perhaps I could cause a distraction… take Celestia’s form? Sunset could get on that ridge-“

“You’ll run,” Tydal said, unable to look at them. “You run… and you never look back.”

“What are you talking about?” Sunset asked. “We’re going to help you… we’re going to defeat Tirek…” she noticed the way Tydal stopped, the clenching of his jaw and the small tremors that went through his body, starting at his tail and ending at his head. He’d been off all day, acting so strange… Sunset’s eyes went wide. “You can’t beat him.” Chrysalis looked at the unicorn in shock… then at Tydal when he made no move to correct her. “He’s grown too powerful… you know this… how… how long…?”

“The moment Discord sent the signal,” Tydal admitted. “He wasn’t thinking… not then. He was scared and cried out… never realizing the strength of this foe. He realizes now.” The war god let out a shuddery breath. “I knew the moment this began I was walking to my death.”

“…then why?” Sunset pleaded. “Why do this?”

“Get her out of here, Chrysalis. Get her as far away as you can. She’s under your protection now.”

“Tydal…” the changeling whispered, tears in her eyes.

“WHY?!?” Sunset screamed as Chrysalis tugged at her. “There has to be another way!”

“There are many,” Tydal murmured. “But I will not risk any of you. I am selfish that way…and I will not live in a world without any of you. Now… go.”

“Please!” Sunset screamed as Chrysalis began to pull him away. “Don’t do this!”

“When you are an old mare, with grandfoals of your own, and they ask you who taught you your spells… tell them ‘he who held the line’. And… let that be enough.” Tydal smiled sadly before turning away from them and trotting towards the scarred battlefield. “Let this be enough.” Sunset continued to scream but her cries grew faint as Tydal stepped into Tirek’s line of sight.

“And what’s this?” Tirek bellowed, juggling two orbs of chaos magic. “Another come to play with me?”

“Not to play,” Tydal stated. “It’s over, you know… by the end of the day you’ll be back in your chains.”

“You’re rather sure of that!” Tirek declared, lobbing the orb at Tydal. The old goat easily leapt away but made no move to attack. “I’m curious… before I swat you away like the fly you are… what is your name?”

“I… am Tydal. You attacked my daughters,” Tydal said darkly, body trembling with rage as stared up at Tirek. “You trapped them in the depths of Tartarus, weak and in torment!” Tydal’s eyes flashed and storm clouds began to roll in. “You drained my baby sister of Love itself and now twist it into your dark power. You attacked the greatest stallion I have ever known and left him weaker than a foal! You seduced my brother with your lies and then betrayed him when he was of no use to you! Oh Tirek… if you wanted my attention consider it gotten!”

“Is that supposed to impress me?” Tirek asked with a laugh. “News flash, little bug… I just defeated Twilight Sparkle, Equestria’s greatest hero… and she had the power of four alicorns.”

“She was a foal playing with power she did not understand.” A bolt of lightning struck Tydal, engulfing him in electricity even as the earth and the nearby river rushed to him, joining with him as he rose up. Tirek actually looked a bit concerned as the ethereal form swelled large until at last Tydal stood before him, able to stare him in the eye. And even though he was in his 40% form he held more control than he’d held before. “Today… you fight a god.”

Tirek took a step back as Tydal rolled his shoulders, water droplets that could drown entire towns falling from his body as the Lord of the Sea snorted, lightning crackling along his horns. The mighty centaur however quickly regained his nerve and began to channel his own magic. “You think I fear you, old goat? The magic of the alicorns flows through my veins! The sun! The moon! Love! The Elements of Harmony! Chaos! They, and the power of this land, flow through me and-“

Whatever threat he was about the issue died in his throat… most because Tydal’s stone left hand wrapped around his neck and squeezed so hard Tirek’s eyes nearly popped out. The War God merely smirked before drawing back his other fist, charging it with the rage of the hurricane.

He would hold the line.

No matter the cost.

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