• Published 6th Mar 2013
  • 21,676 Views, 1,447 Comments

A New Home - APoeticHeart

A young human child abused by his father wishes to live in a new home, and wishes for someone to love him.

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Chapter Ten: The Adoption (Edited)

A golden glow of Celestia's sun cascaded all over Equestria as dawn began to break. Atop of the hill of Ponyville the kind, and timid Fluttershy was beginning to tend to all of her animal friends' needs. Outside of her cottage she fed the morning birds juicy worms, which she reluctantly pulled from the ground with her teeth. She retrieved fish from the little stream, which flowed near the cottage to feed to the ferrets, and then she made sure to give Angel Bunny a fresh, crunchy carrot.

Finally she trotted around back to feed her chickens who had their own little chicken coop.

After making sure all of her animal friends were well fed, Fluttershy happily trotted inside to feed those that hadn't been feed quite yet. She fed the birds, a mix of corn kernals, seeds, and berries. For the squirrels, and badgers she feed them nuts, and acorns. She was usually full of cheer while tending to her animals, but today was different, she was extra cheerful. Today she was going to finalize the adoption of her own little colt, Toby. She finished feeding all her animal friends inside, and quietly trotted up the stairs to her bedroom, where the small child slept comfortably in her bed.

She smiled warmly at the little colt as she carefully trotted up to the bed. She leaned her head forward, and gently nuzzled at his cheek. "Toby sweetie, it is time to wake up my precious little one." She gave him a soft kiss on his forehead.

He blinked his eyes opened triedly, and smiled softly at a yellow, and pinkish blur. Fluttershy reached over on the side table with a forehoof, and carefully picked his glasses up, and gently gave them to him. He rubbed his eyes a little, and put them on.

"G-good morning momma." He smiled at her and carefully crawled out of the bed. He gently climbed down onto the floor, and warmly wrapped his arms around her neck, laying his head against her soft chest fur.

She smiled down at her little colt, and wrapped a foreleg around him gently. "Good morning sweetie. Did you sleep well last night?"

He looked up from her chest and smiled warmly. "Y-yes I did momma. I-I didn't have any bad dreams." He gently let go of his grip on her neck.

She smiled, and kissed the top of his head gently. "Well, that is good. Momma wouldn't want her precious colt to be scared." She gave him a small nuzzle on his cheek.

"Are you hungry? I could make you some of my oatmeal..um..if you would like, okay sweetie?" Her heart just melted as she looked down at her little colt.

He smiled nodded happily. "Y-yes momma, I am hungry. P-please momma, will you make your oatmeal? Th-that is my favorite"

She giggled lightly at his excitement, and leaned her head down to gently nuzzle at his cheek. "Of course my precious, I will make you some oatmeal. Um..would you like to ride on my back down the stairs or would you like to walk on your own Toby?" She asked softly.

He looked up into her sky blue eyes "I-I think I would like to walk downstairs on my own momma, b-but could I maybe hold onto your tail?"

Fluttershy nodded, and smiled warmly down at him. "Of course sweetie, that would be okay with me." She turned around to face the stairs, and slightly lifted her tail for Toby to take it in his hand. Which he did ever, so lightly as she started trotting down carefully as he followed behind.

Toby took careful steps down the stairs while holding onto Fluttershy's tail, and watched to make sure he didn't trip. He smiled warmly as he saw all of the animals downstairs enjoying their breakfast. As he reached the bottom of the staircase the critters greeted him with a wave of their paws and talons.

He waved back at all of them. Speaking ever, so gently. "H-hi everyone." He smiled happily at them.

Fluttershy turned back, and smiled warmly at her little colt. Speaking very tenderly. "Toby sweetie, you can wait in here with the animals while I go fix your oatmeal..um..if that is okay with you." She leaned her head toward him, and gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead.

He nodded, and smiled up at her kindly, and spoke softly. "O-okay momma. I-I love you!" He gave her another warm hug around her neck.

She smiled warmly closing her eyes softly, so to subdue her tears of happiness as she gently wrapped a foreleg around his small frame. "I love you too my precious little Toby!"

They gently broke the embrace as Toby went to sit in the center of the den on the rug along with some of the animals. The birds were chirping happily as they perched in their birdhouses, which were positioned all around the room. Fluttershy smiled warmly as her animal friends were welcoming the new addition to the family with opened hearts.

As she trotted toward the kitchen, there was a light knock at the door. She trotted to the front door, and opened it slightly to see Rarity. "Hi Rarity, please come in."

Rarity smiled warmly at her kind friend, and Rarity trotted in carrying her saddlebags on her back. "Thank you Fluttershy darling."

Toby looked up to see Rarity enter the cottage, and carefully stoot up. "H-hi Auntie Rarity!" He said happily as he walked up to her, and gave her a warm hug around her neck, and laid his head against her chest fur.

Rarity d'awwed at the little colt, and gently wrapped a foreleg around his back, and gently kissed the top of his head. "Aww..good morning Toby precious." He gently broke the embrace as he smiled up softly at her which she returned the smile.

Fluttershy smiled at the two, and gently spoke. "I am going to go into the kitchen, and make your oatmeal now Toby sweetie." She turned toward Rarity with a soft smile. "Um...Rarity...if you would like...you can stay in here with Toby...if you aren't too busy."

Rarity nodded. "Of course darling, I don't mind at all keeping this precious little one company while you go fix him something to eat." She leaned her head near Fluttershy, and whispered in her ear. "Besides I have something special to give the little darling. It's his other clothes that I washed, and dried, but also a new outfit." She smiled warmly, and lightly giggled as she gently waved her horn toward the kitchen. "Now why don't you go, and fix the precious little one some oatmeal."

Fluttershy nodded, and trotted into the kitchen with a warm smile.

Rarity watched Fluttershy trotted into the kitchen, and smiled at him. "Toby darling, come sit with your Auntie Rarity, I have something special to give you precious." She gently trotted close to him offering her a shoulder to hold while she trotted to the center of the den. She carefully sat down tucking her legs underneath her as Toby carefully sat down beside her crossing his legs over each other.

Toby looked up at her with curiosity, and smiled. "W-what is it Auntie Rarity?" He asked with excitement, but sitll with his usual politeness.

Rarity smiled, and blushed at his excitement. She turned toward one of the pockets of her saddlebags , and opened the flap with her magic. She carefully levitated a small stack of finely folded clothes over to him. "These are your night clothes that you were first wearing when you came to Equestria, and the other set is the first outfit I made for you."

He very gently grabbed them, and settled them in his lap with a smile. He looked up at her happily. "Thank you Auntie Rarity."

She untucked her foreleg closest to him, and reached up to pat his back gently. "You are very welcome precious." As she leaned her head down, and gave him a little nuzzle on his nose. "Now close your eyes little darling, so I can give you the other surprise."

He nodded, and closed his eyes as he folded his hands on top of the stack of folded clothes.

Rarity giggled lightly, and smiled gleefully, and she looked at the other pocket of her saddlebags as she opened the flap with her magic. Carefully levitating the new outfit. It was a combination of chocolate brown jogging pants, a plaid short sleeve top of forest green, cardinal red, and deep orange. To finish off the outfit, she made a matching chocolate brown light jacket with hood.

She spoke softly. "Okay Toby darling, open your eyes!" She said happily.

He opened his eyes and a bright smile formed across his face. "O-oh, Auntie Rarity, it is very pretty." He gently reached for the clothes, and smiled warmly at how soft the texture was. "I-I love it Auntie Rarity, thank you!" He carefully folded the new outfit, and placed it on the stack of other clothes in his lap, and reached over to gently hug her around her neck.

She wrapped a foreleg around him, and kissed the top of his head gently. "You are very welcome darling. I was hoping you would like it." She rubbed him along his back as she hugged him.

Fluttershy carefully came trotting in with the bowl of oatmeal on her back, a cloth placed carefully underneath it, so not to burn her back since it was still very warm. She smiled as she saw Rarity, and Toby sitting beside each other happily, and she trotted up next to them. She carefully turned her head, and picked the bowl up by it's rim with her teeth, and set it down in front of Toby with a spoon in it.

She kissed the top of his head as she sat down beside him. "Be careful now sweetie, it is still very warm." She smiled softly at him and nuzzled at his cheek.

Rarity very gently levitated the clothes out of his lap, and placed them on the red velvet lounge in the den. "Oh, do not worry darling, I am just moving them out of the way, so that you can eat." She gave him a warm smile.

He reached for the bowl, and carefully placed it in his lap. He grasped the spoon by it's handle, and scooped out some oatmeal and took a bite. A happy smile formed across his face as he was eating, and looked up at Fluttershy. "Mm..th-thank you momma. I-it is very good like always when you fix it." He continued to eat at it happily.

Fluttershy smiled, and kissed the top of his head. "Well, I am very happy that you enjoy it my precious little one."

After a few minutes, Toby finished off his oatmeal. He looked up at Fluttershy. "Mm..that was, so good momma, th-thank you."

Fluttershy carefully stood up on all four legs, and nuzzled the top of his head. "You are very welcome sweetie. How about you go get washed up for today?

I will take care of this dish, okay?" She gently picked up the bowl with her teeth.

Toby smiled happily at her. "O-okay momma." He carefully stood up, and turned toward Rarity making sure Fluttershy was gone from the den.

He gently said ."I-I can't wait for momma to see my new outfit Auntie Rarity."

Rarity smiled, and nodded softly. "I know darilng, I am sure that Fluttershy will love it. Now you go wash up precious, and I will be out here when you get done." She nuzzled lightly at his cheek.

He smiled with a blush as he went over to the lounge, and got the stack of clothes. He carefully ascended the stairs up to
Fluttershy's room first, so he could lay his pajamas, and other outfits on her bed. Until they can find a place to put them, and then turned back to go to the bathroom to get washed up.

While Toby was getting washed up Fluttershy came trotting back into the den, and over to sit down beside Rarity. "Oh Rarity, I feel so happy that Toby will officially be my precious little colt after today." She smiled warmly at Rarity.

Rarity returned the smile with a light blush. "Oh Fluttershy darling, I am, so happy for you, and the rest of the girls are too. I talked with Twilight before coming, and she said the surprise party will be ready soon. Princess Celestia will be arriving in a little bit with the adoption papers for you to sigh. Also, Rainbow decided to take the little darling for a little flight to buy us more time with any extra preparations that need to be done."

Fluttershy swallowed nervously. "Oh... my. Um..Rarity...do you think Rainbow will fly carefully with Toby on her back? I don't want him to be scared."

Rarity nodded softly, and reached a foreleg up to gently rub at her friend's back. "Fluttershy darling, I know Rainbow can be a bit reckless at times when it comes to flying, but she promised to be easy with Toby. She cares for the little darling just like the rest of us, and won't ever think about scaring the sweet little colt."

Fluttershy sighed in relief. "Thank you Rarity. I just want Toby to know that he is loved by all of us, and that we will never hurt him." She looked at Rarity with a worried look. "Um..Rarity..um..do you think he will like the surprise party?"

Rarity giggled lightly, and looked at Fluttershy with a warm smile. "Of course darling. If he enjoyed the celebration at Canterlot, I am sure he will love the party at Sugarcube Corner." She patted at her back gently with a forehoof.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and Fluttershy carefully stood up, and trotted over to it. She opened it, and smiled warmly. "Oh, hi Rainbow Dash. Please. Come in..um..if that is okay with you."

Rainbow smirked, and shook her head lightly as she trotted in. "Heya Flutters, and Rar." She smiled at the white unicorn.

"Hi Rainbow Dash darling." Rarity nodded her head softly at the cyan pegasus.

Rainbow sat down on her haunches across from Rarity, and Fluttershy. She looked around the room. "So, where is the kid at? I can't wait to take him flying, he is going to love it!"

"A-Auntie Rainbow!" The three mares turned to the sound of the small happy voice of the little colt as they saw him descending the stairs in his new outfit. He walked over to Rarity first to give her his previous outfit to wash. He smiled happily at her, and walked up to her giving her a warm hug around her neck laying his head against her chest fur.

Rainbow smiled and placed a wing around him to hug him back. "Heya kid." They gently broke the hug as Rainbow looked down at him in his new outfit. "Ooh, very cool outfit there Toby. Did your Auntie Rarity make that for you?" She looked over Rarity with a smirk.

Toby smiled up softly at Rainbow, and nodded. "Y-yes she did Auntie Rainbow." He turned toward Fluttershy, and Rarity. "H-how do you like it momma?"

Fluttershy smiled warmly at her little colt. "I like it very much sweetie." She turned to Rarity. "You did a great job just as always Rarity. Thank you for doing that for him."

Rarity blushed, and shook her head softly. "There is no need to thank me Fluttershy darling." She looked toward Toby with a warm smile. "I am honored to make the little darling a new outfit."

She gently looked over at him, and gently asked. "How does it feel precious, is it soft, and warm enough?"

Toby nodded at Rarity. "Y-yes Auntie Rarity, it is very soft and warm. I-I love it!" He smiled happily as he felt a gentle hoof on his shoulder. He tilted his back a little to look at Rainbow with a soft smirk on her face.

"Hey kid, how would you like to go flying with your awesome Auntie Rainbow, hmm?" She rubbed at his shoulder with her forehoof gently.

He looked up with a nervous look. "F-flying? I-I never been flying before."

Rainbow gently patted his shoulder. "Don't worry kid, it will be fun. I will fly carefully, I promise."

He smiled softly, and gently look over at Fluttershy. "I-is it okay momma if I go flying with Auntie Rainbow?"

Fluttershy smiled warmly at him, and nodded. "Of course sweetie, it is okay with me."

He smiled happily, and walked up to her wrapping his arms lightly around her neck."Th-Thank you momma!"

She wrapped a foreleg around him, and gave him a gentle kiss on the top of his head. "You are welcome my precious little one." She gently broke the hug to look into his eyes. "You just listen to Rainbow Dash, and be careful, okay sweetie?"

He nodded as he turned to give Rarity a light hug around her neck. "G-goodbye Auntie Rarity, thank you again for my new outfit."

Rarity smiled warmly, and wrapped a foreleg around him rubbing at his back gently. She gave a soft kiss on the top of his head. "It is quite okay darling, you don't need to thank me. I will see you later precious." They gently broke the hug as Toby walked over to Rainbow.

Rainbow kneeled on her forelegs. "Hop on buddy."

He smiled softly, and carefully climbed on top of Rainbow's back as she sat back up on her forelegs.

She looked at Rarity, and Fluttershy. "See you girls later." Toby waved at them both as Rainbow turned toward the door, and carefully trotted outside. She turned her head to the little colt. "Are you ready kid? Just hold on tight, okay?"

He nodded. "O-okay Auntie Rainbow." He wrapped his arms around her neck as she bent down on her forehooves. She made a soft smirk, and shot up in the air, and he tightly clenched his eyes shut. He held onto her tightly, shaking.

Rainbow flapped her wings as she stopped in the air, and looked back when she felt him shaking. "Hey kid, it's okay, your Auntie Rainbow won't let anything happen to you. You can open your eyes." She said reaching up with a foreleg to rub at an arm.

He carefully opened his eyes, and peered through his eye glasses. He calmed his shaking a little as he looked to see he was up in sky with the white puffy clouds that surrounded them. He carefully looked over Rainbow's mane, and shoulder to see that they were high above Fluttershy's cottage.

Rainbow smiled as she glanced behind her. "See, I told you kid, there is nothing to be scared of. Just as long as your Auntie Rainbow has you. Are you ready to fly some more?"

He nodded. "Y-yes Auntie Rainbow." He smiled softly as he hugged her around her neck.

She nodded, and started flapping her wings as she flew forward. She flown above Ponyville in a slow, and very steady motion, so that the little colt won't be afraid.

He looked down at Ponyville as he felt the wind blow against his face. "Oh, th-this is fun Auntie Rainbow. I-it feels good up here, and the wind feels nice." He giggled lightly.

Rainbow smirked at his excitement "I knew you would love it kid. Hold on tight, because I want to show you someplace totally awesome!" She smiled as she felt him tighten his grip, but making sure not to hurt her.

She flew upward above the clouds where they came into view of what appeared to be a whole city sitting on a giant bed of clouds. Toby looked at it in wonder as he gently asked. "A-Auntie Rainbow, what is that place?"

Rainbow looked ahead. "That is called Cloudsdale, and it is the home of yours truly, and other pegasi, including
Fluttershy. Although she lives in her cottage." She turned back towards him. "Don't worry though kid, someday I will bring you, and take you on a tour, okay?"

He nodded. "Th-that sounds like fun Auntie Rainbow, I would like to visit Cloudsdale one day." He smiled softly as he looked out at the cloud city.

Rainbow smirked softly. "Now kid, I want you hold onto me real tight this time, because I want to show you something really awesome. Don't worry, you won't hurt me little guy, I am strong, and it takes alot to hurt me."

He nodded and squeezed around her neck tightly."O-okay Auntie Rainbow."

She looked back to make sure he was ready then shot upward, then around into a loop. She then shot down toward Ponyville turning like a corkscrew in the air before suddenly coming to a safe, and careful landing in front of the Sugarcube Corner. She felt Toby shaking on her back, and turned around to see him smiling softly yet nervously.

"W-Wow Auntie Rainbow! Th-that was fast, and scary, but fun!" He giggled as calmed his shaking.

Rainbow laughed, and smiled. "Haha...I am glad you enjoyed it kid. Anytime you want to go flying, you just let me know, okay?" He nodded as Rainbow looked into the Sugarcube Corner to see all the lights off. She turned back to Toby. "Hey kid, close your eyes right quick, I just want to show you one more thing, but you need to close your eyes.

He nodded "O-okay Auntie Rainbow." He closed his eyes loosening his grip on Rainbow's neck.

Rainbow smiled as he closed his eyes, and carefully trotted into the Sugarcube Corner. The lights turned on, and she turned around to the little colt. "Okay kid, you can open your eyes now!"

He opened his eyes carefully.

"SURPRISE!!!" A group of ponies shouted as they looked on at the small child with big warm smiles.

Toby looked around at all the ponies who were in attendance as Rainbow trotted towards the other six who were waiting. Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna were both in the center with Princess Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie on one side, and on the other side was Rarity next to Fluttershy. They were all standing behind a long wooden table with an array of all different sweet treats lined on it.

Toby smiled warmly, and closed his eyes as he felt tears builiding up, but didn't want everypony to see him. He opened them back up, and gently asked "I-is this all for me?"

Everypony nodded as Rainbow knelt on her forelegs to let him climb off which he did, and walked up beside Fluttershy, and hugged her warmly around her neck.

She wrapped a foreleg around him and gave a kiss on the top of his head. "Yes sweetie, this is all for you. You deserve it my precious little one." She smiled down at him softly, and he looked up returning the smile.

Celestia smiled warmly at the two, and turned toward the small crowd. "Citizens of Ponyville, I welcome you here today to celebrate the offical adoption of this dear child Toby Mason." She levited a scroll, and quill over toward Fluttershy. "My dear kind Fluttershy, if you are ready, you may sign the legal adoption first."

Fluttershy nodded, and smiled warmly down at the little colt who has touched her heart. "I am ready Princess Celestia."

She gently grasped the quill between her teeth, and signed the scroll. She looked down at Toby, and kissed the top of his head gently. "Thank you Princess Celestia for allowing me to adopt this precious little one. I promise to love Toby with all my heart." She wrapped a wing softly around him hugging him close.

Celestia carefully levitated the scroll back, and rolled it up. "Well, dear Toby, I along with all of my little ponies would like to officially welcome you to Equestria." She smiled warmly down at the little colt as he gently get go of Fluttershy, and looked up with teary eyes.

"Th-thank you Princess Celestia. I-I have a new family now!" He said happily as he looked up at her, and at all the others.

Everypony in attendance d'awwed, and stomped their hooves, clapping for the little colt. Celestia smiled, and looked at everypony. "Let the celebration begin." With that Vinyl Scratch, who was in audience, started her record table, and started playing retro dubstep music as everpony started dancing, and conversing.

Rarity trotted around to the front of the table to where her, and the others sat at, and set up her camera. "Fluttershy darling, could I maybe get a picture of you, and the little darling together?"

Fluttershy smiled softly at her friend, and nodded, "oh..um..of course Rarity." She looked down at Toby "um...will it be okay with you sweetie if we get a picture taken together?" She leaned her head down, and nuzzled at his cheek.

He smiled warmly up at her. "Y-yes momma! Th-that would be nice." He gently turned toward Rarity, and her camera while Fluttershy carefully sat on her haunches, and placed a wing over Toby's back and shoulders.

Rarity smiled, and blushed. "Alright my lovelies, on the count of three. One.....two.....three!" She pressed the flash button as Fluttershy, and Toby stood beside each other with bright happy smiles. "Oh, simply splendid! That was a marvelous picture you two." Rarity smiled, and giggled lightly.

Toby looked up at Fluttershy with a warm smile "I-I love you momma!" He hugged her warmly around her neck, laying his head against her chest fur.

Fluttershy laid her head gently on top of his as she wrapped him up in a foreleg. "Momma loves you too my precious little one!" She kissed him gently on the top of the head.

After gently breaking the embrace, Toby turned to look at the others, then back up at Fluttershy. "M-Momma, will it be okay if we get another picture. With all of my family this time?"

She smiled warmly down at him, and nodded. "Of course sweetie." She looked at the others. "Um..if that is okay with you all."

They all nodded with bright smiles.

"Well darn tootin' it would be mighty fine with me sugarcube." Applejack tipped her hat, and crossed her forelegs with a smile.

"YIPPEE! PICTURE TIME WITH LITTLE WITTLE TOBY!" Pinkie Pie cartwheeled all the way around the table with the others just laughing at her randomness.

"Sounds cool with me!" Rainbow said as she hovered just a little bit above the group.

"Oh, that sounds like a marvelous idea darling Fluttershy, and precious Toby." Rarity chimed in as she began to set the timer on her camera.

"Sounds good to me." Twilight spoke.

Spike smiled, and blushed. "Yea, me too."

"Hey, don't forget about us!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders rushed over to the group.

"Well Tia, what do you say? Will you join your sister with them?" Luna asked her older sister.

"Of course my sister. Dear Toby, we are proud to be your family!" Celestia smiled warmly down at the little colt.

Everypony gathered around Fluttershy, and Toby. Toby smiled brightly. "I-I love you all!"

"We love you too Toby!" They all said in unison as the camera flashed with Toby, and his new family together.

After the photo was taken everypony along with Toby enjoyed the rest of the party together.

The broken heart which Toby once suffered from due to the loss of his mother, and the mistreatment by his father has finally become completely mended. The memory of his mother, and her love forever remains in his heart. Finding a new family who cares for him, and loves him made him feel whole again. The young human child who touched the hearts of many in the land of Equestria has found a new home.

Author's Note:

Nope, not the end, not just yet! I don't want to spoil anything, so I will live the guessing up to you all about the next chapter will be about. Thank you all again for the continuing support and comments. I truly appreciate it. :)

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