• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 11,744 Views, 990 Comments

Friendship is SHOWTIME!! - MangaKamen

A Kamen Rider Crossover Magic – a mysterious force in this world, and each creature possess magic within itself. A gift to many, but to a few, it is nothing but a curse. And when Twilight sees a new form of magic, she'll learn that life is

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Spell 34 - Trending Threads, Despair Deducing

Spell 34

Trending Threads, Despair Deducing


Within Carousel Boutique second floor, Rarity stood tall and proud before the five dresses and three jackets that she had poured her heart and creative soul into. Even her usually well groomed mane was a little messy, she had neglected to put as much time and effort into her usual grooming, so there were a few out of place strands…

But it was totally worth it.

The looks on her friends’ faces were enough to make it worth the late nights and hours of hard work. Each article of clothing she had made for her friends was tailored to their interests and styles.

A blue dress adorned with stars for Twilight, star horseshoes and a regal collar for the studious mare.

A green and tan dress for Applejack, complete with apple symbols on the bolo, saddle and front boots.

Something green and flowing, just like how nature was, for Fluttershy, compete with flower and butterfly charms around it.

Colorful and flowing for Dash, a dress that had just as many colors as her rainbow colored mane with a head ornament made of golden leafs.

Of course for Pinkie, something pink and bright, with blue bows and swirls, adorned with plenty of sweets (not actual sweets, just small pieces of jewelry that resembled them).

For Spike, Rarity had decided to go with a classic – A black suit with a matching bowtie and top hat.

Now for Haru, Rarity had decided to go for a design that she’d made for a young colt a few weeks ago – Essentially what she had prepared was a more mature version made for a dragon, namely a black surcoat with red sections on the chest area and shoulders. The young colt named Baron certainly had a unique idea for an outfit, and had said that he’d return when he needed more of the same.

And last, but certainly not least, Kosuke. It was an interesting experience working with the griffon (with her vowing to not reveal his secret to Fluttershy or Dash), and designing an outfit for a griffon was challenging. But taking inspiration from Kosuke’s Beast armor, Rarity had created a black vest with a golden feathered boa for the collar. In addition, she’d managed to recreate the Beast Symbol and stitch it on the back of the vest.

“So, what do you think?” Rarity asked, her head held high, waiting for the words of praise from her friends.

“Wow! They’re amazing!”

That was Spike. The small dragon’s reaction was expected, after all, she knew that he had a bit of a crush on her. Still, it was nice to hear that.

“Uh, yeah, they’re great.”

So Rainbow Dash spoke up next. Well, Rarity wasn’t too distraught on that opinion. Dash rarely wore clothes, barely did anything with her mane, and had so many split ends to said mane that it was a miracle that she had a mane at all.

“They sure are… Something!”

Applejack, you’re such a bad liar.

“Um, I like it.”

Dear Fluttershy… Was something wrong with the clothes?

“I actually really like this. This looks to be one of the nicest things I own.”

Well, Mister Souma was genuine. Then again, he only wore jackets most of the time.


That last one was in unison – Mister Nitoh and Pinkie obviously seemed to share opinions, but there was something off in their voices.

That was it.

“Is there something wrong?” Rarity questioned looking over her group of friends and then towards the dresses. “If there’s anything that I can do to make them look better, please let me know.”

“Oh no, we don’t want to be any trouble,” Twilight spoke up with a wave of her hoof. “And you did a lot for us already and…”

“Nonononono!” Rarity announced before she slammed her hoof into the ground. “I couldn’t call myself a modiste if my clientele wasn’t happy with my work. Just because I think the dresses are perfect, that doesn’t mean that my perceptions and tastes would suit yours, and a modiste should tailor the clothes for the wearer of the clothes.”

“Oooh! Great speech Rarity!” Pinkie Pie cheered, but then she tilted her head. “What’s a modiste?”

“It’s just a fancy way of calling yourself a dressmaker,” Kosuke pointed out with a large grin. “A very fitting title for Rarity though.”

“I learned one new thing today! YAY!” Pinkie cheered again, confetti actually popping from her mane and tail.

“Well, shoot, if it ain’t any trouble,” Applejack stated as she pulled her hat off and held it to her chest.

“Trust me, it isn’t,” Rarity answered back.

TTT – And thus… - TTT

While it was no trouble for Rarity to easily make five dresses and three suits, customizing would be another matter. While it would be easy for her to read a list of suggestions and changes, the fact that everypony wasn’t exactly sure what they were looking for in their clothing was stress inducing.

Thus, a schedule was made.

The schedule would allow Rarity a chance for a one on one with each of her friends so that way they could bounce any and all suggestions towards Rarity. With only three days before the fashion show, Rarity had the schedule all set so she could get the job done.

First one on the list was Rainbow Dash.

“Okay! Let’s do this!” Dash called out loudly as she pumped a hoof up into the air.

“My, I wasn’t expecting such vigor from you Rainbow Dash,” Rarity admitted, a little shocked to see her friend so pumped up. Still she smiled at her rainbow haired friend, “Perhaps have you awakened to the world of fashion?”

“Nah!” Dash answered bluntly. “I just wanna have something cool to wear to impress the Wonderbolts.”

“Oh, so do you want something similar to their uniform?” Rarity suggested. “I could go with the lightning bolt design for your dress.”

“Wait, what about a flight suit like theirs?” Rainbow Dash questioned, a large smirk on her face. “Only, ya know, twenty percent cooler.”

“Dash, it’s the Grand Galloping Gala,” Rarity sighed loudly. “You can’t go waltzing in there with a flight suit… Besides, knowing you, you’d probably fly all over the place with the thing on and ruin it, several times probably.”

Dash whistled innocently back, not looking Rarity in the eyes.

“Still, I can make a dress that’s similar to the Wonderbolt’s flight suit,” Rarity offered with a smile. “Hmm, now that I think about it, blue and yellow centric with lightning bolts would probably be a good fit for you.”

“Whatever,” Dash sighed. “Just so long as the dress is cool.”

Rarity grimaced. “Okay, but should we start with the color?”

“Color, schmulor. It just needs to be cool.”

Rarity slapped her forehead, a little offput by the lack of descriptiveness that her friend was giving her…

TTT – A few hours later… - TTT

“Pinkie Pie,” Rarity coughed as she levitated a rather intricate drawing from her pink friends hoof, albeit while leering at the crayon drawing with ever growing disgust. “While I do appreciate the fact that you came up with your own design…”

“Thanks Rarity!” Pinkie Pie replied with a large smile on her face. “I really, really, really, REALLY worked hard on that!”

“But Pinkie,” Rarity sighed as she turned the drawing around. “This isn’t even a dress! This is armor and… And is that a tire around the chest? I’m not a blacksmith, Pinkie Pie!”

“Well, where’s the blacksmith?” Pinkie Pie asked as she stroked the pink mustache she now had on her muzzle. “Where’s the blacksmith?”

“Where did that mustache come from?” Rarity questioned.

TTT – Eventually...– TTT

“So, how’s this all work again?” Kosuke asked as he tapped his talon against one of the models that Rarity had in her room.

“If you have any ideas for what you want to wear,” Rarity explained, preparing herself a drink. “Let me know – But please don’t expect any armor and please try to be descriptive.”

“Lemme guess,” Kosuke mused, his talon at his lower beak. “Twenty percent cooler?”

Rarity took a rather long sip from her drink.

Kosuke chuckled under his breath, “Well, trust me, I know exactly what I want. I do like what you’ve got for me, but I wanna make a real good impression with the Canterlot highbrow.”

“Oh, I know exactly how you feel,” Rarity sighed as she rubbed the side of her head. The mare turned her head towards her own dress, which was still a work in progress. “I still need to finish my own dress. But enough about me, let’s talk about your idea for what you’ll be wearing.”

“I was thinking something classic,” Kosuke chuckled before he stood up on his hind legs and pumped his talons up into the air. “So how about we go with a tuxedo?”

“Hmm, I never thought that you’d be interested in something like that,” Rarity admitted. “You kind of struck me as one of those characters like in those Daring Doo books I used to read to Sweetie Belle.”

“Well, I kinda am,” Kosuke admitted with a nod of his head a few times. “I should tell you about some of my adventures sometime, they’re a great way to burn through an afternoon.”

“If you don’t mind me asking,” Rarity stated as she looked over to the side. “Was it one of your misadventures that led to… Well… You know…”
Kosuke sighed and shook his head, “No, unfortunately I didn’t. Maybe I’ll tell you and the others someday. But for now, do you have enough orange fabric to make that tux?”

“… Orange?” Rarity asked with a bead of sweat rolling down the side of her head.


While the designing was going on at Carousel Boutique, Haru was out and about handing out more fliers for the Fashion Show at the end of the week. However, with it being mid-afternoon, Haru was taking a break with his favorite snack food, fresh from Sugar Cube Corner.

Powdered donuts.

The red dragon was seated at a bench in the park, in the shade of one of the nearby trees, the bag of donuts seated warmly on his lap. Haru looked left and right as he licked his chops, ‘I’m not taking any chances this time. I feel as though the life of my donuts is short-lived… So, everything seems to be all set on the left and right.

Alright! Ishimori, you better not try anything this time, I just wanna eat these in peace, and actually finish one.’

Opening the bag, Haru reached into it and drew out a plain sugar donut. He took a quick whiff of the donut and slowly brought it to his opening mouth…


Haru’s mouth remained open before he shoveled the donut right back into the bag, fearing for its existence. When he closed the bag, Haru turned to the side to see a slightly familiar mint green unicorn smiling at him. “H-Hello, can I help you?”

“Yes, I certainly hope you can,” Lyra answered back. “I was wondering if you could answer a few questions, if it’s no trouble.”

Haru eyed the strange mare, but then smiled back. “Well, I guess that’s okay. What’d you want to ask?”

“First, my name is Lyra, and let me say, it is an honor to finally meet you!” the mint green unicorn, Lyra, introduced as she lifted her hoof up.
Haru took the hoof and shook it. He smiled, but he noticed that Lyra seemed to quiver as he did. As Haru took back his claws, Lyra chuckled nervously “W-Wait! Can I see your claws?”

The dragon didn’t know what to make of that, but nonchalantly lifted his right claw up again for the mare. For a few moments, Lyra just stared at the claws, almost lifting a hoof to them. But then pulled it back with a snicker, “Now, could you move your claws about? Clench them in a fist or something?”

Okay, this was getting a little weird, but Haru did what the mare asked. He waved his claws about and then balled up a fist, and Haru couldn’t help but notice that Lyra gasped when he did that. “Uh, is everything okay?”

“Oh, it’s just simply amazing,” Lyra giggled with a large goofy smile on her face. “It’s just like watching fingers on a hand!”

“O… Okay,” Haru coughed out as he pulled back his claws. “If that’s all you wanted…”

“Actually, I wanted to ask you about your transformation,” Lyra added as she trotted around before leaping onto the bench, sitting in a...rather odd position. She sat like Haru did, with her back to the bench and her hind legs dangling off the lower seat. Wasn’t that uncomfortable for ponies? “Bon Bon’s seen you transform a few times in the middle of town, and when I saw you the other day in the town, in that suit of yours…”

Haru had placed his bag of donuts on the bench next to him, and began to listen to the mint green unicorn, occasionally answering one of her many questions about what it’s like to walk on two legs, have claws, and how Haru’s face wasn’t scrunched up when he wore his helmet.

As the questioning continued onwards, neither Haru or Lyra noticed that a small red armored hand was floating low to the ground near the bench. The hand slowly crept up the legs of the bench, stopping to look at the two talking before it snuck into the bag and pulled out a donut. “It’s no popsicle or iced candy, but this will do nicely.”


The hand snapped up to see both Haru and Lyra looking right at it. It was almost as if the hand had its own eyes at the tips of its fingers. The hand then flew off as fast as it could, “I’ll be taking this!”

“My donut!” Haru cried out just as he was about to dive after the hand.

“I got it!” Lyra yelled out loud as she leapt over Haru and began to chase after the hand. “A HAND! AN ACTUAL HAND!!!”

Haru just sat there watching as Lyra chased after the flying hand, then he looked down at the bag of five donuts, ‘This town’s getting weirder, it’s getting to the point where a dragon can’t even eat his donuts in peace any more. At least I’ve got five more…’


Haru then looked up into the air, seeing a small, white pegasus colt flying overhead with a short chestnut mane that was feathered in front of his face. The odd thing about the pegasus was that he was wearing a black surcoat with red trim on it. Haru thought he had seen the clothing before, somewhere.

The pegasus dropped to the ground and leered at the dragon, “You’re on my property. If you want to sit there you either need to pay the toll or fight me for it.”

“This is a public bench,” Haru commented back. “I’m free to sit here whenever I want and I don’t see your name on it.”

“That’s cause you’re sitting on it,” the colt answered back.

Haru stood up and noticed that there was a crest plastered on the bench, a fancy black and red emblem of a top hat and cloak that had the word ‘Baron’ written on it. ‘How did I miss that?’

“And, I also have this property slip,” Baron answered back before he lowered his head into his surcoat’s inner pocket and pulled out a piece of paper with his mouth.

Haru took the paper in his claws and read it. Sure enough, it said that the park bench was officially property of this little colt named Baron. “It’s even got the mayor’s signature on it…”

“Now, either pay the toll for you and that mare,” the young colt Baron barked out as he pumped a hoof up and snatched the paper away from the dragon. “Or you’ll have to beat me and take the bench from me!”

Beating a colt in public? That’s social suicide.

So, Haru sighed loudly, “Fine, fine, what’s the toll? A couple of bits?”

“No, but a couple of those donuts will work,” Baron replied with a smirk. “One for you and one for the mare.”

“WHAT?!” Haru barked loudly.


Back at Carousel Boutique, after taking the odd request for the orange tuxedo for the one winged griffon (and making sure that she wouldn’t be talked into making a sky blue suit for Mister Souma), Rarity sighed in relief when she saw Twilight walk into the boutique. Twilight was the last of the group that Rarity would see for the day, the rest would be taken care of tomorrow.

“Hello again, dear,” Rarity greeted her friend with the wave of her hoof. Then after taking a moment to push up her mane in an attempt to make it look a bit presentable, Rarity smiled at her fellow unicorn. “I do hope that you’re ready to create something simply fabul… Twilight, are you alright?”

“Huh? Oh, I’m sorry Rarity, I just have a lot on my mind.”

“Care to share?” Rarity asked as she levitated up a few empty glasses and a pitcher of iced tea. “After all, you’re here to share your thoughts on how we make a dress just perfect – We can’t have things on your mind muddling your creativity.”

“Well, I don’t really know,” Twilight replied softly, watching as Rarity poured her a glass of iced tea. “I mean, I don’t have anything solid to really talk about…”

“Even if it’s just harmless gossip,” Rarity answered back before she took a sip of her iced tea. With a slight sigh, Rarity looked her friend in the eyes with a kind look. “I am your friend Twilight, if it’s something that’s troubling you and you need to tell somepony, you can rest assured that I shall not speak of it to anyone else.”

Still, Twilight fidgeted a bit. She looked conflicted, but then the unicorn sighed, “Alright Rarity, I trust you.”

After taking in a deep breath, Twilight looked Rarity in the eyes, her gaze not wavering, “It… It’s about a stallion…”

Rarity’s gasp made Twilight wince, “Oh darling! Could you have fallen for another? Oooh! This is just like one of the novels! Tell me everything! Don’t leave out a detail! Wait, does Mister Souma know?!”

“Rarity! It’s not like that!” Twilight sputtered out with a large blush on her face. “But, I haven’t told Haru about this, I mean, this might be like what happened with Dryad.”

“Oh yes, I believe you mentioned that,” Rarity recalled, tapping her chin with her hoof. “Still I must admit that you’re quite the magnet to these Phantoms. And after the last time, shouldn’t you inform Mister Souma about this? Even Mister Nitoh would be a wise choice to talk to this about.”

“Well, it’s just that this particular Phantom,” Twilight whistled out innocently. “He didn’t actually come to me for help, I just managed to figure out that he was a Phantom…”

‘I’ll just leave out the fact that Sweetie Belle and the others told me…’

“Please continue, Twilight,” Rarity requested. “I don’t find it surprising that you’re able to discern the identity of a Phantom. After all, you managed to find a way to return Princess Luna to her normal self.”

Twilight coughed slightly, “It’s nothing. Anyway, this stallion… If I’m correct is actually Phoenix.”

There was an awkward silence throughout the entire boutique, before the sound of crashing glass echoed loudly, making Twilight reel backwards. Despite the fact that Rarity had dropped the glass, she still carried that rather calming demeanor. “Oh, I’m sorry dear, but I thought you said that the Phantom was Phoenix. But that’s impossible, we all saw Mr. Souma defeat Phoenix right before our eyes.”

“Well, that’s the thing,” Twilight coughed out. “I’ve been studying the Phantoms’ abilities. A lot of them are based off of many creatures in our world, but stem from mythical legends about the creatures. Manticores are said to have a very lethal poison that attacks a pony’s magical core, Gnomes were theorized to have tunneling and geomancy abilities, and in the case of Phoenix...”

“I’m familiar with the lore of the firebirds,” Rarity interrupted. “Sweetie Belle was very interested in the topic of the rather elegant birds, and I do remember a few details about it from my school years. You don’t seriously believe that dreadful Phantom is able to revive himself?”

“I’m not sure,” Twilight answered back. “Like I said, I don’t know if this guy is really Phoenix. There could be other Phantoms similar to Phoenix, but the possibility is there.”

“Twilight, you need to tell Mister Souma or Mister Nitoh about this,” Rarity stated rather bluntly.

Twilight began to open her mouth up, but Rarity lifted her hoof up to stop her friend, “I know that you want to believe that there’s a good heart in these Phantoms, and I believe that some of them do – But we know Phoenix. We’ve seen what he’s done to Mister Souma, and he nearly caused all of Equestria to become covered in dragon smog.

“If this stallion is Phoenix, then he’s very dangerous!”

“That’s the thing, Rarity,” Twilight replied. “If he is Phoenix, then his behavior is weird – He’s had plenty of times to attack me, but never took them.”

“… Twilight,” Rarity sighed under her breath with a shake of her head. “I honestly don’t know what to say about this. But, if this stallion is Phoenix, then you need to let one of our resident colorful costumed friends be near you the next time you see him. For all we know, he’s biding his time.”

Twilight finally turned away from Rarity, she knew that her friend was completely right about this situation. But, there was an opportunity here – If this was Phoenix, one of the more powerful Phantoms that Twilight knew about, perhaps he could give more insight about what the Phantoms’ goals were and maybe be an ally.

That was still a pretty big ‘IF’.

But, even if Phoenix did try attacking Twilight, she had a few tricks of her own.

She wasn’t helpless.

“In any case, Twilight,” Rarity said with a smile. “I want you to be careful. Can you at least do that for me, your friend?”

“Sure Rarity,” Twilight replied with a smile. “I’ll be careful, you have my word.”

“Good, now, let’s talk about your dress,” Rarity suggested. “Do you have any ideas for how to improve it?”

“Well, how much do you know about constellations?” Twilight asked.

Unbeknownst to the two mares, perched outside one of the opened windows, a certain mint green pegasus with a colorful scarf and fedora was listening in on their entire conversation. His muzzle curled up into a wild smirk, ‘Oh, they just keep giving me things to have fun with… Now, how am I going to do this? Oh, so many things to do, but so little time! I especially since I have to deliver lunch to those battle hungry guys.

‘Here’s hoping they like fruit salad.’

And with that, Sora flew off, humming a little tune.


‘Kids are cruel now-a-days,’ Haru thought to himself as he leaned back on the bench. After giving the small colt, Baron, a couple of his doughnuts, the colt had ‘allowed’ the dragon to use his bench for an hour. ‘How’d a small colt get the Mayor’s signature?'

Still, he had doughnuts, which was all he needed. He just had less, not the end of the world.

As Haru began to open the bag, a silver and white blur flew down and snatched the bag out of the dragon’s claws. For a moment, Haru just stared at his emptied claws.

Then, after taking a deep breath, Haru roared loudly with smoke seeping out of the corners of his mouth. “ALRIGHT!!! WHO’S THE GUY WHO PULLED THAT STUNT?!”

Haru’s eyes traveled about, trying to find the silver and white blur that stole his food, but when his eyes turned up towards the sky, his jaw began to slack. Flapping its diamond wings was none other than the White Garuda, with Haru’s bag of donuts pinned within its mouth and a scroll caught between its talons.

The White Garuda noted that Haru’s eyes were leering at the diamond bird. Normally, the dragon was rather glad with seeing the bird, but there was nothing but contempt in the dragon’s eyes, all of it directed at the bird.

With smoke still puffing out from the corners of his mouth, Haru pulled out a ring from his jacket and immediately slipped it over his claws.
The White Garuda’s eyes widened as Haru threw his claws in front of his belt buckle.


Haru threw his arm through the magic circle that materialized in front of him, which stretched his arm out towards the surprised familiar. However, the White Garuda managed to dip and dive out of the way of Haru’s assault, barely, but still managed to keep airborne.

“I don’t care if you’re White Wizard’s familiar,” Haru growled throwing his other claw through the circle and allowed his other arm to extend towards the Garuda. “I’M TIRED OF EVERYONE TAKING MY DONUTS OR CRUSHING THEM OR EATING THEM OR WHATEVER THE TARTARUS YOU’RE GOING TO DO WITH THEM!”

When the two dark claws snapped at Garuda, the white familiar tossed the scroll into them and flew off with the bag of doughnuts. “DAMN YOU BIRD! DAMN YOU!”

With a loud sigh, Haru brought his extended arms down and looked at the scroll. “… This must be from White Wizard, but still…”

Snorting out some smoke from his nostrils, Haru unfurled the scroll and looked at the picture that was drawn on it. His eyes widened as he read the text on the scroll, “Holy Ishinomori – Is this serious? But, how am I going to build this damn thing? Guess I’m gonna ask Twilight about this… Or maybe see if Mayonaise knows anything about this sort of thing.”

‘Although, normally when I get something like this, there’s usually something about to happen – So, if something this amazing just falls into my claws, karma’s probably getting ready to bite me in the flank or something.’

TTT – Meanwhile – TTT


Outside of Ponyville, far from where any wandering eyes may be, three figures ran across the empty fields, one of which was a familiar purple armored knight with wolf-headed shoulder pads armed with just his shield.

That shield was at the moment blocking an incredibly large silver fist, “Good! But you need to throw from your waist if you want a more effective punch! Power is nothing if you do not know how to use it properly! Cyclops, try harder!”

“Cyclopsis!” The owner of the large fist growled before he pulled back his fist, spun around and began to deliver a powerful drop kick to Wolzard.

“Ein! Zwei! Drei! Ein! Zwei! Drei!”

Both Wolzard and Cyclopsis stopped their fight and turned to the side to see the third figure a few yards away waving his arms about with a conductor’s wand in his fingers. “Ein! Zwei! Drei!”

“Beelzebub!” Wolzard called out loudly with Cyclopsis scratching the side of his head. “Why are you not fighting?! We need to continue our training!”

“Armselig,” Beelzebub sighed loudly with a shake of his head. “You’re insistence on training is wasted – My skills allow me to not worry about taking a hit. I am the ubesiegbar Beelzebub! Polishing gold only makes it shiner, it will not make perfection even greater…”

“Cyclopsis, if you can knock out Beelzebub,” Wolzard stated bluntly. “Then I shall go into town and purchase the one thing that you desire.”

The largest of the three jumped up and looked towards the purple armored warrior before him, “Seriously? Melon!?”

“Yes,” Wolzard chuckled.

“YEAH!” Cyclopsis roared loudly before he charged towards the smaller Phantom. With a quick spin, the large Phantom threw a powerful punch towards Beelzebub.

Beelzebub sighed and turned his conductor’s baton towards Cyclopsis, and the air between the two shifting and drawing Cyclopsis’ fist into a vortex. Cyclopsis’ single eye widened before his own fist slammed into his face, forcing him to fall backwards with a loud slam.

And with another sigh, Beelzebub bent his baton slightly, “So since I was the one to knock out Cyclopsis, does that mean you’ll go buy me that new Octavia CD? I do miss listening to her classical music and…”

“Touza Wol Zazard!”

When several wolf howls echoed through the air, Beelzebub turned around to see many fiery, phantasmal wolves flying right towards him. He chuckled and shook his head as he waved his baton about, a large vortex appearing between him and the phantasmal attack, “Wie sehr dumm! Did you just not see what I did with Cyclopsis? Have you not seen my abilities!?!”

A second large vortex appeared just to Beelzebub’s right, unleashing the wolves back from whence they came. Beelzebub laughed loudly as the watched the wolves crash into the ground, “Dumm! Dumm! So very dumb, wie sehr dumm! How are you the leader of our group?!”

“Because I know that the element of surprise…”

Beelzebub turned around, just in time to get a shield slammed right into his face, knocking him to the ground at Cyclopsis’ feet. “AU!”

“Doesn’t work twice in the same fight if you only have one trick,” Wolzard sighed as he lowered his shield. “You’re too dependent on your warping abilities. They are strong, but even the weakest warrior knows to not depend on one tactic. Now, both of you stand, we’ll be continuing the training.”

“This is dumm!” Beelzebub snarled loudly as he threw his arm to the side after he got to his feet. “We have another means of making the Gate fall to despair! I’ve done it numerous times with my minions! Let me use them! I’ll have that Gate turning into one of us within a matter of seconds!”

“Our target is a mare,” Wolzard growled back as he shook his head. “I am a cursed soul and you two are Phantoms, we’re not monsters. We have a shred of honor left, and if we are to make a mare suffer, it should be quick and painless.”

“My, quite the gentlestallion, aren’t you, Bari?”

Wolzard and the two Phantoms turned to see Sora slowly float down to the ground, gently placing a sack in front of him. “Hello! Lunch time everypony!”

A dark aura seeped over Wolzard’s body before he transformed back into his black stallion form of Barikon, “Sora, what is the meaning of this? I requested that you bring us our nourishment within an hour. We have still much training and…”

“Oh yes, fighting each other till you knock out your teeth is such an excellent training method,” Sora sighed loudly with a shake of his head. “Then it’s a good idea that I brought lunch early, after all, I don’t know where to get dentures for you guys. So, come on, eat up!”


Barikon watched as Cyclopsis reverted back to his large stallion form and ran towards Sora.

“Au… meine jaw,” Beelzebub grumbled as he rubbed his jaw with his hoof, also reverting back to pony form. “I’m always sore after I transform back to this form…”

Barikon sighed and shook his head, “Whatever, I suppose we should take a break. Tensions are rising, and a chance to fill our stomachs might be just what the doctor ordered.”

“Good! Cause I brought some delicious fruit salads!” Sora announced as he tugged at the corner of the sack, opening it up to reveal a few lunch boxes and a few melons within it. “Although, I don’t know why they bothered giving full melons, seems like a bit of a flaw in sales, but who am I to judge?”

“Melon?” Cyclopsis questioned as he lifted up one of the melons up in his hooves.

“NO!” Both Barikon and Beelzebub called out.

“Huh?” Sora questioned as he watched Cyclopsis sniff the melon.


And just like that, Cyclopsis sank his teeth into the fruit, ripping the skin off and devouring the fruity flesh, bits and pieces flying about.
With a sigh, Cyclopsis dropped the remainder of the melon’s skin to the ground and got on his hind hooves, pumping his legs as a green aura rippled around him. “RRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH!”

It was then some very odd, yet catchy music began to play as Cyclopsis spun around and began to dance, waving his front hooves about. “♪VERY! ♪”

Both Beelzebub and Sora began to mimic Cyclopsis’ odd dance movement, spinning around as the large stallion continued to sing. “♪CATCH MY HEART! VERY MELON!♪”

“♪Very melon!♪” Both Sora and Beelzebub sang as a chorus.


“♪Very melon!♪”

Cyclopsis began to punch the air, somehow getting Sora and Beelzebub mirrored him. “♪It melts in your mouth! Very Melon!♪”

“♪Very melon!♪” Sora and Beelzebub sang with tears in their eyes.

Cyclopsis began waving his front hooves up and down, and once again, Sora and Beelzebub did the same, “♪One, two, one, two! Very Melon!♪”

“BLAGGH!” Cyclopsis sputtered out, actually shooting some green energy from his mouth a few times. “BLAGGH!


“♪Very melon!♪” Sora and Beelzebub cried out, now with tears in their eyes.

With a large grin on his face, Cyclopsis turned towards Barikon and threw his hoof towards the black stallion, “I’ll have some more!”


“GAAGGH! PAIN!” Cyclopsis cried out before he fell back, blood seeping from his nose, courtesy of Barikon.

“… No,” Barikon growled.

“What the Faust was that?!” Sora cried out, using his fedora to fan himself.

“Cyclopsis’ phantom ability,” Beelzebub grumbled while shaking his head. “He seemed to develop it when he transformed into a Phantom – Whenever he sings and dances, he can force other Phantoms to mimic his movements. Barikon over there was the only one of us who wasn’t induced by his power.”

“If it only affects Phantoms, that seems kind of useless,” Sora admitted with a flat look in his eyes. “Why even bother using him if his special ability would only hinder us?”

“Because he’s more than just his special ability,” Barikon replied with a smirk. “Cyclopsis is a capable fighter with more than just his special ability at his disposal.”

Sora smiled brightly at Barikon, “Nice words! But, let’s see you prove it on Friday.”

“You need not worry,” Barikon barked back with his eyes narrowed. “Now leave us, I’d rather not deal with a backstabber like you.”

“Whoa, whoa! No need to be like that!” Sora sniffled with his hooves waving in front of him. “Even I have feelings – They may be homicidal feelings, but feelings none-the-less!”

“… Backstabbing will only get you so far, Gremlin,” Barikon warned before he and Beelzebub walked away from the mint green pegasus. “It’ll only be a matter of time till you yourself get backstabbed by fate. You best remember that.”

Sora flipped his fedora back atop of his head and spread his wings, immediately flying away from the area. ‘Humph, I may not care for being a Phantom, but don’t underestimate me – We’ll see who’ll survive the longest here, Barikon.

‘I might be in need of Cyclopsis’ little ability though… So, this might be a good chance to capitalize on that. Ooh! I haven’t used that word yet! Thank you word of the day calendar!’


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