• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 11,744 Views, 990 Comments

Friendship is SHOWTIME!! - MangaKamen

A Kamen Rider Crossover Magic – a mysterious force in this world, and each creature possess magic within itself. A gift to many, but to a few, it is nothing but a curse. And when Twilight sees a new form of magic, she'll learn that life is

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Intermission 2 - Gear Shift

“The evil pizzas were no match for a simple stoplight.”
- The Blue Centurion


Intermission 2

Gear Shift
(Art by FlairNightz)

A few days had passed since Gilda was saved from the no longer around Djinn, and life in Ponyville had returned to a semblance of normality. Gilda had flown off early the next day. Well, as normal as it could be, especially with a familiar red dragon zooming around the outskirts of the city on his brand new Machine Winger. The roar of the vehicle echoed through the air as Haru tried to get the hang of the magically empowered motorcycle.

The first time that the magical dragon had revved the engine on the Machine Winger, which was a day or so earlier, most of the ponies in the town were scared that a weird beast had turned up outside Ponyville. It wasn’t long for a few of the ponies to figure out that Haru was the cause, with his weird machine.

Although some were annoyed with it, it didn’t take long for the town to get used to the dragon’s newest toy.

But that’s not where the story starts, rather it’s at the Golden Oaks Library, where it was the day that both Twilight and Spike organized the library.

“The Foal of the Rings?”


“Little Ponies?”




“A Tale of Two Fillies?”

“… Yup.”

Much to Spike’s chagrin that meant going through every single book in the library, checking off what books weren’t checked out and making sure that any books that were damaged would get reordered from publishers. Spike was checking off a double check for inventory list while Twilight was listing off the books that she floated past her with her magic. The young dragon sighed as the last of the books floated onto the shelves, “And with that, we’re done Twilight!”

The young mare smiled brightly as she looked at her young dragon scribe, “A job well done Spike.”

“Yeah, it didn’t take as long with these guys,” Spike admitted as he turned to the side, watching as Garuda and Unicorn were fitting another couple of books on the shelves. “For being so small, they really work hard.”

“They are made from Haru’s magic,” Twilight explained as she trotted up to her dragon scribe. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they had some of his tenacity in them.”

“Yeah, well, they seem to love teasing me,” Spike sighed as both of the jeweled familiars snickered slightly before Garuda flew off into the library while Unicorn leapt to the shelves, trying to get to the top.

“After what you did to Garuda, I’m not really surprised,” Twilight said with her eyes a little flat at her dragon scribe.

“It was just one little bite!” Spike retorted with his arms slumped. “A tasty bite, but still just one bite!”

‘I’m glad he didn’t see that White Garuda,’ Twilight thought to herself as she looked around the library. “We’ll drop that for right now, but are you ready Spike?”

“Huh? I thought we were done,” Spike gasped with fear appearing in the green of his eyes. “We just double checked everything!”

“Yes, and now we need to do our triple check!” Twilight announced with a bright smile on her face.

Spike just fell backwards with a loud grown, “But I have a claw cramp! And why couldn’t we get Haru to do this? He’s got good enough claws!”

“I asked him if he wanted to help,” Twilight answered as her horn began to glow brightly once more. “But he said that he wanted to get some practice on that weird vehicle, but he did say he’d pick up lunch for us. And he’s going to get something special for you Spike.”

Immediately the small dragon sat up with his eyes gleaming, “R-Really?! What’s he going to get?”

“Well, he told me he was going to get some doughnuts for himself,” Twilight answered as a few of the books flew off of the shelves. “But he’s going to pick up some pizza for us, and I told him that you like extra cheese and emeralds on yours.”

Spike licked his chops as he jumped back to his hind claws, quickly producing a second quill pin and scroll “I’ll work through the pain Twilight! Your number one assistant shall work hard!”

Twilight giggled at her dragon friend, and just as she was about being listing off the books she had floating towards her, but that’s when a knock on the door caught both librarians’ attentions.

“Ooh! Pizza time! Pizza time!” Spike cheered as he threw his quill pen and scroll through the air.

Twilight dodged the quill pen, which caused her to lose concentration and drop all the books she had floating. “Spike!”

But the little baby was simply crying out ‘Pizza Time!’ over and over before he opened the door with his eyes closed.

“So! Where’s the pizza?” Spike asked with a lick of his chops after he opened the door.

“Oooh! Pizza? I love pizza!”

Spike jumped from the door at the unfamiliar voice, with the door wide open, the owner of the voice joyfully hopped into the library.

Both Twilight and Spike reeled back as an unfamiliar colt bounced into the library – He was a sleek, light green pegasus with a brown mane of hair that was brushed to one side of his face. His face was adorned with a large grin while atop of his head was a black hat and around his neck was an ornate orange scarf that billowed up and down with every hop he provided. He also had a black saddle bag that was slung behind his folded wings. At his flanks was his cutie mark, a trio of clouds circling his thigh.

The joyful pegasus sang in rhythm with his hopes, “Pizza time, pizza time! I hope you’ve got extra, EXTRA cheese! It’s a time that I really love, so give me a big pizza pie PLEASE!”

Twilight stepped back as the pegasus continued to sing and bounce around the room, ‘It’s a flying, green, colt version of Pinkie Pie!’

The pegasus stopped singing, but kept bouncing about, when he saw all the books on the floor, “Wow, for a pizzeria, you sure got a lotta books around here. You should open a library here!”

“It is a library,” Twilight replied, a little afraid what this colt would do next.

The green pegasus stopped bouncing and looked around with a bright smile on his face, “Oooh, you unicorns sure are quick workers! Hehehehehe!”

‘That’s a rather marish laugh,’ Twilight thought to herself as the colt trotted up to her. “Uh, is there something I can help you with?”

“Is there?” the pegasus asked as he looked up with his dark green eyes. “Oh! Right! I was looking for a library! Good thing this place is a library! That’s what the sign outside said.”

“Then why did you think this was a pizzeria?” Twilight asked.

“Well,” the Pegasus stated. “You’ve got books all strew about, but the little dragon was singing about pizza, there’s a banner outside that says dry cleaners, ponies are leaving here talking about noodles and you’re thinking about pies! So… I was confused, but since there was more food references, I assumed it was a restaurant.”

“I guess I can see that,” Twilight muttered before something came to her mind. “Wait, how did you know I was thinking about…”

“Hehehehehehehe!” the pegasus cackled before he waved one of his front hooves. “I was just joshing ya! Seriously, how could I read minds? I’m not Psycho Mantis, it’s not like I need scissors sixty-one.”

“What in Equestria are you talking about?” Twilight asked as the pegasus reached into his saddlebags.

“Uh, Twilight,” Spike whispered as he leaned closer to Twilight. “I think this pony’s a little… out there.”

“Now Spike, don’t be rude,” Twilight whispered back, unaware that the weird pegasus was pulling out a lot of weird stuff from his saddlebags – a lunchbox, a deck of playing cards, an video game controller, a rubber chicken, a real chicken, an extremely long oar, a bouquet of wilted roses, a rubber bat mask, etc.

“Found it!” The pegasus announced as he pulled out a very large red book from his saddlebags and placed it gently on the floor, quickly slipping the rest of the stuff into the inter-dimensional pockets that were his saddlebags. When he had mysteriously stashed his items into the saddlebag, he smiled brightly. “You see, I was just a passing through this charming little town when I found this book in the streets. I’m not the kind of pony to pick up stuff and carry it away most of the time, so, I thought I’d donate this book to the local book depository.”

Twilight blinked a few times at the book on the ground and smiled sheepishly. “Well, thank you very much, but we don’t really accept books from random ponies.”

“Aww,” The pegasus sighed with his lower lip pouting a little bit as he lifted the book up with one of his hooves. “You’re not going to give this poor little book a home? You’ll deny him a chance to be with his paged brothers? His chaptered sisters?! How cruel! To deny a poor little thing with blood of words the one thing that he desires – A shelf to call a home?”

Much to Twilight’s surprise, Spike was wiping away a tear. With a roll of her eyes, Twilight smiled, “Fine, maybe it’s one of ours anyway – Maybe somepony dropped it.”

“YAY!” The pegasus cheered as he placed the book on one of the nearby tables. “Thank you Miss… Miss… Oh my! How could I be so rude?! I haven’t given my name and I haven’t even asked for yours! I’m Sora! A pleasure to meet you two!”

Sora held out the same hoof that held the book, a bright smile on his face. Twilight smiled back as she placed her hoof next to Sora’s, “I’m Twilight, and my little scaled scribe here is Spike. It’s nice to meet you Sora, interesting name. I believe it means cloud or sky, right?”

Sora’s face curled up into a very bright smile, “Wow! You must be really smart! Most ponies in this country don’t know that, and just think I’ve got a strange name.”

“Well, we kinda know a guy with a weird name,” Spike admitted, getting a jab to the side from Twilight’s free hoof. “Oof!”

“Hehehehe, oh, don’t worry about it,” Sora chuckled pulling his hoof back. “When you travel as much as I do, you get used to getting weird looks and weird comments. Anyway, as much as I’d like to stay, I need to get me some lunch. All this talk about pizza and books has me hankering for a slice of Za and some classic Alfred Hitchhoof. Thanks for taking that book off of my hooves!”

And just like that, Sora just trotted past Twilight and Spike, leaving the library as quickly as he came.

“That was weird,” Spike admitted. “He kinda reminded me of a slightly tamer Pinkie Pie.”

“I don’t think there’s ever been such a thing,” Twilight replied as she trotted over to the table that the book was at. “In any case, let’s have a look at this book. I’m actually rather curious about this book.”

Twilight looked over the book and raised a brow at the cover, “Well, that’s an odd title.”

“What do you mean, Twilight?” Spike asked as he walked to his friend’s side.

“Have you ever heard of the ‘Racing Squadron of Pegasus Garage’?” Twilight asked back as her horn glowed brightly, the same aura around appeared around the book, lifting it off of the table. “I’ve never heard of a title like this.”

“It sounds cool,” Spike chimed in as he looked at the book. “But, I think I’d remember a book like that, especially when we usually double check the listings.”

“I wonder what it’s about,” Twilight muttered as her magic slowly creaked open the book.

The book’s cover snapped open with the pages glowing brightly, making Twilight and Spike jump at the unexpected light. Before the two could do anything, the light from the book completely covered the unicorn and little dragon. While the two were blinded, six bright lights flew from the pages, four of them were different colors while two were crimson. The two crimson lights crashed into each other before all of the different lights shot out of the library’s open window.

When the bright light died down Twilight and Spike stumbled around

With a shake of her head, Twilight regained her composure as the red light that remained began to take shape behind the two of them. “Okay, that was something new.”

“Were we just pranked?” Spike asked as he rubbed his eyes.

“I… I guess so,” Twilight sighed taking note that the book she was still levitating with her magic. When Twilight looked at the book closer and had the pages flipping, she realized something. “But, how did the flash happen? There doesn’t seem to be anything in here to cause a flash…”

Meanwhile, outside the library, Sora smiled as he watched the six lights stream through the air, “Nothing like a little chaos to break the ice. Hehehehehehe.”


Meanwhile in Ponyville, Haru was walking through the streets with his claws on the Machine Winger to walk it through. The red dragon didn’t think it’d be a good idea to ride the machine through the town since he didn’t want to run over a pony or something, besides, it made it easier to carry the pair of pizzas and bag of doughnuts on the seat.

And although the dragon was a common sight to the ponies as he walked through the town, the motorcycle was another matter, garnering attention from many of them as he walked through the farmer’s market. ‘I think I need to find a place to put this thing, it’s way too eye-catching.’

“Mistah Souma! Mistah Souma!”

Haru’s head perked up as he turned to the right to see a familiar yellow filly galloping towards him from the side with an equally familiar topaz octopus flying over her. Haru smiled as he unfolded the kickstand to let the Machine Winger stand on its own, “Why hello there Apple Bloom.”

“What’cha got there?” Apple Bloom asked as she zipped around the Machine Winger, tapping one of her hooves against the motorcycle. “It sure looks neat!”

The red dragon chuckled as he watched Apple Bloom look at her reflection in the chrome. “Well, Apple Bloom, this is my newest little trinket. I call it Machine Winger.”

“What does it do?” Apple Bloom asked as she jumped atop of the seat near the pizza boxes and doughnut bag.

Haru patted Apple Bloom’s head a few times before he tapped the dashboard with his claws, “This thing is a vehicle, and I can ride it to go really, really fast!”

“And it gets loud, really, really, REALLY quick!”

Haru winced as he heard that voice and turned around with a nervous smile on his face, “G-Good day, Applejack.”

Indeed, it was the southern mare trotting up behind the dragon, a rather annoyed look on her face. Applejack trotted towards the Machine Winger and looked to her little sister, “Apple Bloom, ya’ll git off that darn thing this instant.”

“Awe,” the young filly groaned before she leapt off the motorcycle. “Ah was just curious ‘bout it.”

“Ah know,” Applejack replied as she smiled softly. “But Ah don’t want mah kin to be on this whatchamacallit doohickey, ya’ll might crack yer head open on this thing. Ain’t that right, Haru?”

“I take it that you’re still miffed about yesterday,” Haru chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Ya think?” Applejack stated with a dulled look in her eyes. “Ya’ll come around outta nowhere and smash into mah favorite cart!”

“I didn’t mean to do it!” Haru barked back with his arms crossed. “I was driving along and when I turned, the cart was there! I’m just glad I had a helmet on.”

“Them apples weren’t cheap either ya know,” Applejack added with a nod of her head. “But, Ah can see an accident as plain as day, so don’t ya’ll worry too much about it. Just send a few bits to pay fer the repairs and we’ll call it even.”

“Sure,” Haru sighed with his arms slumped.

“Still, Ah’m surprise ya’ll still have this doohickey still,” Applejack stated looking past the dragon to look at the Machine Winger. “Ah’d of thought that ya’ll would ditch it.”

“Well, it’s not like this thing cost me anything,” Haru stated as he leaned back on the motorcycle. “And just imagine the applications – I can get around even faster thanks to this thing.”

The dragon smiled brightly as he snapped his claws, “In fact, if you ever need a delivery job, just let me know! With this thing, I can probably get anything anywhere in a flash!”

“Mighty kind offer, Mistah Souma,” the southern mare replied. “But the Apple Family still prefers to do things by tradition.”

“Still, it looks cool!” Apple Bloom proclaimed as she got closer to the motorbike. “C’mon Applejack! Just one little ride?”

The look that Haru got from the older Apple Sister was one that sent chills of terror through the dragon’s body and he couldn’t help but gulp loudly. ‘Oh Ishimori, if you’re up there, give me a distraction from this!’

Before Haru even opened his mouth, several lights slipped through the air, garnering the attention of most of the ponies in the farmer’s market. This was enough to get both of the Apple sisters to stop looking at the dragon, the six lights flew through the air before they quickly disappeared.

“Hmm, Dash must be practicing again,” Applejack mused as she adjusted her hat. “She’s cutting it a little close.”

“Uh, quick question though,” Haru stated with a claw lifted up. “Since when did Dash have two streaks of red and a line of pink to her hair?”

“Ain’t that beat all?” Applejack questioned as she rubbed the side of her head. “Then what were them colors then?”

Haru shrugged his shoulders and was about to speak, but stopped when a loud yelp echoed through the air. The two Apple sisters and their dragon friend turned to see that quite a few yards away a couple of fillies were staggering back from a large blue, bipedal creature dressed in blue retro rider attire with a large ghoulish head. The monster was holding up a large red ball and had its tongue stuck out at the two scared fillies. “ZOKU BLUE!”

“What in tarnation?” Applejack questioned as the two fillies ran off from the blue ghoul.

Before Haru could say a word, a loud shattering of glass sounded and from a window of a nearby shop, a sleek frog faced creature leapt with the broken glass. The creature spun around and struck a goofy pose, showing off the camouflage racing outfit. “ZOKU GREEN!”

Another yelp sounded through the town’s farmer market, at the far side, another weird, yellow racing outfit wearing being was stealing a popsicle from a unicorn filly. This one however had a roster head that had a pair of goggles atop of its head. “ZOKU YELLOW!”

A loud meow echoed, drawing attention towards a pink, cat-like creature dressed in a pink version of the rest of the ‘Zoku’ beings who was throwing dirt at random ponies and businesses. “ZOKU PINK!”

As the four being raced around the farmers’ market, causing mischief, a majority of the ponies galloped away from them. Haru, Applejack and Apple Bloom on the other hand were just staring at the weird sight before them. Applejack shook her head and whapped Haru on his back, “Hey! Mistah Souma! Are them more of those Phantoms?”

“I… I don’t know,” Haru sputtered with a few question marks popping around his head. “Out of the few I’ve seen, I’ve never seen a Phantom so… So…”

“Goofy?” Apple Bloom suggested.

“Yeah, that’s the word,” Haru stated as he reached into his jacket. “But, even if they’re not Phantoms, I’m not gonna let these guys pull these kinds of stunts while I’m around.”

The dragon pulled out a familiar ring, but just as he was about to slip it on…


Several apples flew through the air, sailing from behind the three and getting their attention towards the Apple Family’s apple cart, where two red figures were rolling from the turned over remains of the cart. Haru’s eyes widened as he grabbed both Applejack and Applebloom before the two red figures almost rolled over the two of them.

When Haru got the two sisters out of the way, they all turned to see that the two red figures broke from each other and with a few feet from them. The red figure closer to Haru’s bike was a sleek stallion covered in a bright red suit with white boots on all of his legs. Sticking out from the stallion’s sides was a pair of red wings that stuck out of his suit. The stallion’s head was covered with a helmet that had a large black visor, silver mouth-piece and weird chrome bars around the top of his helmet. At his covered flank, there was a weird triangle mark that had a wrench head in the center of it.

The red being across from him was quite different – like the other weird creatures causing mischief, this one was a tall, bipedal being covered in rather goofy red armor with a tall helmet that had a black Mohawk-like charm on it. The weird being had a long red scarf, black gloves and boots and had a mask over his white face. The weird red being threw his arms up into the air and cried out, “ZOKU RED!”

“Okay, this is just weird,” Haru admitted as he slipped a ring back onto his claws.

“Yer telling me,” Applejack stated.

“Give it up Red Racer!” Zoku Red proclaimed as he pointed a gloved finger at the red covered pegasus. “You cannot defeat the Zoku Rangers!”

“Whatever you say, SS Paaman!” Red Racer countered as he crouched closer to the ground, his wings flared out. “I managed to defeat you before, and I can do it again!”

“Perhaps,” Zoku Red laughed loudly as he snapped his fingers. “ZOKU RANGERS!”

The four strange beings stopped their mischief and leapt through the air, spinning about before they landed on either side of Zoku Red. All five of the Zoku Rangers struck a whacky pose. Zoku Red laughed as he drew a gun from his holster, “And in case you didn’t notice…”

All of the other Zokus materializing similar guns and all of them aimed at Red Racer. “You’re all alone.”

Red Racer shifted his head left and right, and audibly gulped.

“FIRE!” Zoku Red roared loudly.

Just before all of the Zokus could pull the triggers, Red Racer leapt behind the Machine Winger, and Haru’s eyes widened. “NO!”

Several shots blasted through the air as multi-colored blasts crashed into the poor, defenseless motorcycle. Sparks, bits of pizza, and remains of doughnuts flew from the attacked bike from the onslaught of ammunition. Haru’s eyes widened as he fell to his knees, “No… NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

“Ah think ya’ll might be overreacting a little bit,” Applejack sighed.

Haru growled before he took a deep breath, “AJ, Apple Bloom, you may want to stand back.”

When the shots stopped, Red Racer poked his head out from behind the now hole-ridden motorbike, “Okay, that might be a problem.”

Zoku Red and the other Zoku Rangers holstered their guns before they produced other weapons from out of nowhere. Zoku Red pulled out a sleek sword that was welded out of junk.

A cleaver with a sickle attached with a chain was the Zoku Blue’s choice of weapon.

The green Zoku had an axe that was chipped in several places.

The rooster headed being had drawn… A stick. That’s just it, a simple stick.

Zoku Pink’s weapon wasn’t as dignified, it was a rake.

“Boso Sentai – Zokurangers! Charge!”


“Hii Hii Hii Hii Hii!”

All five of the Zoku Rangers turned to the side just to see Wizard sail through the air towards them with his sword gripped tightly in his gloved claws. The five monsters were stunned when the mage spun around, quickly slashed his sword clean across their chests with sparks erupting from them and sent them flying backwards with loud yelps.

Wizard took a few deep, angry breaths as Red Racer trotted up from behind, “Oooh! That was very impressive! You a new sentai leader or something?”

The masked dragon growled loudly before he turned his attention towards the red suited pegasus, “And you! Are you stupid or something?!”

“Huh?” Red Racer questioned as he reeled back.

“Why did you dive behind my bike when there was a perfectly good stonewall to use as cover?!” Wizard snapped as he gestured to first his bike, then the stonewall fence that was only a few feet away.

Red Racer chuckled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head with a covered hoof. “Whoops, my bad.”

“Mistah Souma! Look out behind ya!” Apple Bloom shouted from her and her sister’s hiding place.

Wizard craned his head around to see that Zoku Red was right behind him with his sword raised up, and unfortunately for the masked dragon, he couldn’t turn in time to block the attack with his own sword.


A sleek silver blade appeared and blocked Zoku Red’s attack, both the fiendish Zoku and confused Wizard followed the blade to see that Red Racer was on his hind legs with a goofy rapier being held up by his right front hoof. Taking advantage of the situation, Wizard spun around and slammed the bottom of his foot into Zoku Red’s stomach and forced him back.

Red Racer chuckled as he rested the blade against his shoulder, “Look who’s the idiot now.”

Wizard remained silent as he quickly folded his sword into its gun version and quickly lifted it up, making Red Racer yelp loudly. “WWHAAA! I TAKE IT BACK! DON’T SHOOT!”

Red Racer ducked just as Wizard tilted the gun and fired, sending a red energy crashing into an oncoming Zoku Blue, knocking the ghoulish creature back with sparks flying from its body. The red covered pegasus turned his head back and sighed with relief.

“I believe the word you’re looking for is,” Wizard stated as he lifted his gun up and turned his back to Red Racer. “Irony.”

Getting back to his hind legs, Red Racer turned to see that all five of the Zoku Rangers were surrounding the two of the red clad warriors. The pegasus lifted his sword up defensively before he turned his helmeted head slightly towards the mage, “Oh plop.”

“Hey! Watch yer language!” Applejack shouted with her hooves covering Apple Bloom’s ears.

Zoku Yellow ran forward and jabbed with the plain stick, however Red Racer and Wizard slipped to the sides. With a quick spin, Wizard lifted and shot several red shots into the rooster based monster.

With his back turned, Wizard didn’t see that Zoku Blue had thrown the sickle portion of his weapon towards the mage. But the weapon didn’t reach the mage since Red Racer blocked the attack with his Fender Sword and knocked it to the side.

Wizard unfolded his gun back into its sword form and spun to the side just before Zoku Green tried to cleave the dragon in two with its axe. The frog themed monster’s eyes widened when Red Racer bucked both of his hind legs into the monster’s chest, spinning the Zoku Ranger through the air.

Zoku Pink meowed loudly as she began to bring down her deadly rake on Red Racer’s head, only to have a familiar tail catch the gardening tool. With a fast turn, Wizard pulled the rake from her and slashed his blade across her stomach and made the feline themed ranger cry out in pain.

Apple Bloom’s eyes were sparkling at the sight before her, watching as both Wizard and Red Racer countered each goofy attack that the Zokurangers tried to deliver. ‘WOW! Since when did Mistah Souma get even cooler?!’

“ENOUGH OF THIS!” Zoku Red called loudly as he charged towards both of the red themed heroes, two swords now in his hands.

Zoku Red brought down one of his swords at Red Racer, only to have his attack blocked by the Fender Sword. Wizard delivered a powerful horizontal slash, but it was blocked by Zoku Red’s second sword. The red monster leapt back from the two as the other Zoku Rangers lined up behind him, “Sentai Hero number one finisher – Zokurangers! Ranger Ball!"

Zoku Red, Blue, Green and Yellow spun around towards Pink who nodded and posed her arms goofily. All four of the other Zokurangers turned and began to run, surrounding Wizard and Red Racer, both of which were too distracted to see that Zoku Pink spun around to produce a colorful soccer ball. “Yellow!”

The feline monster tossed the ball high into the air, allowing Zoku Yellow to jump high into the air, and kick the ball towards the ground, passing both Wizard’s and Red Racer’s heads. “Green!”

The soccer ball glowed a bright yellow as Zoku Green crouched down and smacked the ball with his arms, bouncing it back through the air, this time giving the ball a tint of green. “Blue!”

While the glowing soccer ball flew through the air, both Zoku Blue and Zoku Red jumped high into the air, with Zoku Blue bouncing the glowing ball higher into the air. “Red!”

And with a blue color to the ball now, Zoku Red spun through the air and slammed his foot into the energized weapon. “ENDBALL!”

The ball quickly shot from Zoku Red, energy peeling off of it as it headed towards both Wizard and Red Racer. Wizard tilted his head slightly, “… A soccer ball attack? Really?”

However, Red Racer’s wings fanned out before he dashed into Wizard’s back and propelled both of them from where they were standing. But before they could get too far, the Ranger Ball slammed into the ground and exploded into a flurry of multicolored energy that sent both of them falling face first into the ground.

Both Applejack and Applebloom watched in awe as the energy disappeared, leaving nothing more than a rather large patch of scorched ground… Well, that and a bunch of broken bike parts.


“Oy, oy,” Red Racer comforted as he nudged one of the wheels that had bounced near the two. “Don’t worry ‘bout it pal, we got bigger things to deal with!”

Although Red Racer was right, with all five of the Zokurangers now with their weapons drawn once more and slowly walking towards the two weaken red heroes, Wizard merely gripped onto the handle bars of the Machine Winger tightly. Then with a loud growl, Wizard slammed the handle bars into the ground. “THE FINALE!”

“That’s the spirit!” Red Racer announced as a bright red light surged from his body and flowed over his body. “The finisher!”

The next second, the red aura that was over Red Racer’s body washed over all of the broken motorcycle parts and even Wizard himself. The red light surged brightly, forcing the Zokurangers and the Apple sisters to turn away.

When the light died down…

“What in sweet Celesita’s mane?” Applejack questioned with her eyes dulled slightly.

“Wow! How’d they do that?” Apple Bloom asked with a bright smile on her face.

‘How DID this happen?’ Wizard thought to himself as he gripped onto the handle bars once more.

Right where Wizard and Red Racer were standing moments earlier, the two were now on a rather dated, red bike. With Wizard on the seat, pedaling and steering, while Red Racer was on the bars on the back wheel, waving his hoof over his head, “Two on a bike isn’t allowed! But I’ll let it slide for this one time!”

The Zokurangers weren’t impressed and simply charged towards the two as they shakily and slowly made their way towards the oncoming monsters. That’s when a familiar red aura shot around the two on the bike, the aura quickly transforming into a bright red flame that propelled the two across the grassy ground.

“WIZARD KURUMAGIC ATTACK – RED VERSION!” Both Wizard and Red Racer proclaimed loudly before they transformed into red streak of fiery energy that sped towards the surprised Zokurangers.

All five of the Zokurangers tried to dodge the fiery blaze, but the enflamed bicycle crashed into them! A powerful burst of fire erupted as both Wizard and Red Racer skidded to a halt behind the flames that flickered up into the air. The red covered pegasus hopped off the bicycle and pumped his front hoof towards him, “Ah, that brought back memories.”

When the flames disappeared, the Zokurangers were gone, and Wizard just tilted his head before he turned towards the two Apple Sisters, “Okay, what the Tartarus just happened?”

“We were victorious!” Red Racer laughed as he slammed his front hoof into Wizard’s back, nearly knocking Wizard off of the bicycle. “Now, you enjoy that bicycle, but remember to practice proper traffic safety! Only one on a bike at a time, always wear a helmet, and always be attentive. We don’t need some poor pony getting run over.”

Wizard gripped the handle bars even tighter before he snarled loudly as he turned his attention towards the red covered Pegasus.

This didn’t go unnoticed by Red Racer who coughed and slowly began to back away from the apparent bloodlust in the air. “Uh, well, now if you excuse me, I need to go spread the word of traffic safety!”

Kicking his back legs up into the air, Red Racer quickly lived up to his name and began to gallop away, creating a large cloud of red dust/smoke with each step that he took. Wizard was already on his tail, pedaling as quick as he could to follow the odd pegasus, “OI! GET BACK HERE! YOU OWE ME A NEW MACHINE WINGER AND THOSE DOUGHNUTS!!!”

Applejack sighed as she watched the two masked heroes dash away, “Ponyville’s certainly getting weirder by the day.”

“That, was, amazin’!” Apple Bloom exclaimed loudly as she bounced around her big sister. “Ah didn’t know that Mistah Souma could do all that! Ya think he could teach me how to do some of that stuff?!”

The southern mare sighed loudly.

Meanwhile, atop of some of the clouds, Sora was laughing loudly, “Hehehehehe, just as I thought, Mahou-kun is certainly a barrel of laughs.”

Sora sighed in relief as his laughter died down, “Although, I think I can make it even more hilarious next time.”

With a bright smile, Sora reached into his saddlebags and pulled out what appeared to be a large, red, fiery feather with his teeth. Steam slipped from his mouth as his smile grew, 'Mahou-kun maybe akin to fire, but this burn might just be more than what he can handle.’


While the plague of insanity was going through Ponyville, back at Golden Oaks Library, the books were back on the shelves, Spike had his cramped up claw in a bowl of ice, and Twilight was going through the book that Sora had left. Ever since the triple check, her eyes were practically glued to the pages of the story.

‘Detrot,’ Twilight thought as she closed the book with her magic. ‘What an interesting thought! A city based around a new form of technology and transportation, and even with heroes that are based off of that technology, such a fun little tale.

‘But the heroes are kind of weird, especially that Red Racer. Who obsesses over traffic safety? I’m glad that this is just a story… Although, the Legend of Nightmare Moon was considered a story, but who knows? Maybe this will be a reality someday?’

Oh Twilight, if only you knew.


Author's Note:

Sora: Hehehehehehe! Hel~lo everypony!

What? Were you expecting MangaKamen? Sorry, he's a little tied up at the moment, but he'll be back in a little bit, I just wanted to have a little fun here with Mahou-Kun and a few of his pony friends.

Now, while I have your attention, MangaKamen will be back in a week or so with the next chapter and I'm sure you all know what's coming up next! The Great and Powerful Sora does! Hehehehehe!

Oh, and its come to my attention of something that any readers might've guessed... NO! I'm not the ponification of Sora from Kingdom Hearts - What I am is... Well... Spoilers!

And if you're still reading this, MangaKamen wanted me to let you guys know that the guy who does his art for him is taking commissions! All you need to do is go here: http://flairnightz.deviantart.com/ and he'll do some quality art for anypony at low prices. This artist needs all the help he can get, and when something like what you see above is only about 11 dollars, I like to think that's a good deal.

Now if you excuse me, I need to go cause some mischief! Bye bye!

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