• Published 30th Jan 2013
  • 1,121 Views, 38 Comments

Twilight's Library - Late_To_The_Party

Despite Celestia's warning, Twilight casts a spell from a book of dark magic and has to try to undo the damage she caused.

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A Quiet Evening in the Library

Twilight closed the book she had been reading. A single tear rolled down her cheek and splashed onto the purple and green cover.

“You were going to tell her,” she whispered. She looked at the smouldering remains in the fireplace, where she had thrown Spike’s letter hours before, ripping it out of his grasp just before he could send it to the Princess. He never even knew she was there. He didn’t understand that all she wanted was to keep him safe. Now she would never be able to tell him. The teardrop on the book was joined by another.

He was afraid. Afraid of her. Another tear hit the book.

Twilight sniffled and wiped her eyes. She stood up and carried Spike to the shelves. She gently wiped the tears off the cover and set him on the shelf next to Rarity.

“I know it’s where you’d want to be,” she said to him, trying to smile.

I’m scared.

“Don’t be scared, Spike. You’re safe now. You’re all safe.” She looked at Pinkie Pie.

It’s no fun being a book.

“Isn’t it more fun than having a broken leg?” She asked, looking at Applejack. “Or worse?” She added with a glance at Rainbow Dash.

I can’t buck apples like this.

“You couldn’t with a broken leg, either.”

How am I going to join the Wonderbolts now?

“Well, you...”

Mah leg would have healed.


Um, I can’t take care of the animals if I’m a book.


How will I ever design another dress?

Twilight’s lower lip quivered.

This is the worst party ever.

Her eyes brimming with tears, Twilight looked around the room. She realized that the last time most of the ponies she saw had been in the library was at the party welcoming her to Ponyville.

I just don’t know what I did wrong...

“You didn’t do anything wrong!”

Then why did you do this to us?

“I did it to keep you safe! How many times to I have to tell you that?”

Why would I want to be safe if I can’t do what I love?

What’s the point of existing like this?

This isn’t really living.

You killed us, Twilight Sparkle.

You killed all of us.

Twilight frantically looked around the deafeningly silent room, cowering under nonexistent accusing glares, her tears flowing freely. “I SAVED YOU ALL! WHY DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND?” She screamed before collapsing to the floor, sobbing.

Author's Note:

Eeyup. Now, before you break out the torches and pitchforks, allow me to direct your attention back to the description of this story. See that "Tragedy" tag there? You can't say I didn't warn you.

Comments ( 12 )

The only Thing Celestia will be mad about is not telling her her sooner.

2259943 If only Celestia had gotten the letter, and Twilight hadn't gotten to it first.

2259954 (Late_To_The_Party)

Excellent story. Nice twist that the story was what we would read from Spike's point of view if we read him as a book. I would like to offer my two cents on what I would think would happen latter on, and what I think happened in this story.

WARNING; This comment has spoilers! If you want to read this story, do not read this comment just yet!

-Considering that you did not put an AU (Alternate Universe) tag on your story, that would mean that the story would be as close to canon as possible or is canon. This would mean that the ending will get resolved somehow, since every pony in season 3 seems to be not a book. This would also mean that even though Twilight stopped the letter from reaching Celestia, she was delaying the inevitable.
-Celestia would have some pony investigate the matter when shipments from Ponyville stop coming in. Remember, some ponies have businesses, like Carrot Top, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie as well as the Cakes. Stopping those shipments as well as any and all contact from Pony's family and friends would bring suspicion sooner or later.
-It is possible that Twilight did not get everypony in town. Twilight did go from Applejack from Apple Acres to Fluttershy down the road. There may be a few ponies who saw what Twilight was doing and wrote a note like "Out of town will be back soon." and put those on their doors, then hightailed it out of town towards Canterlot to request an urgent summons for the Princesses. OR they may still be hiding in Ponyville.
-Twilight could become so depressed and racked with guilt that she eventually does get help after she tries to keep up the businesses of the ponies in Ponyville for a few days and ends up failing miserably.
-Is it possible for the spell to be reflected back at the user if a strong bubble shield spell is used? (Shining confronting Twilight)

Also, in the story "Where is Everypony" If you replace Applebloom with Ms. Cherilee, Gummy (with his mouth closed) with Spike, and Gummy (with sharp teeth) with Twilight, you were literally foreshadowing that story into this one.

By the way, I was wondering, because I asked this a while ago; what would you make the name of the spell and spell book?

Seriously. So many spoilers here. You have been warned.

-Considering that you did not put an AU (Alternate Universe) tag on your story, that would mean that the story would be as close to canon as possible or is canon. This would mean that the ending will get resolved somehow, since every pony in season 3 seems to be not a book. This would also mean that even though Twilight stopped the letter from reaching Celestia, she was delaying the inevitable.

Indeed so. Am I just leaving it up to the reader to decide how things get resolved in the end? I'll answer my own question later.

-Celestia would have some pony investigate the matter when shipments from Ponyville stop coming in. Remember, some ponies have businesses, like Carrot Top, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie as well as the Cakes. Stopping those shipments as well as any and all contact from Pony's family and friends would bring suspicion sooner or later.

Ah, yes, this is true. There's also another pony who might notice if an entire town stopped going about their daily lives, or to be more specific, their nightly dreams.

-It is possible that Twilight did not get everypony in town. Twilight did go from Applejack from Apple Acres to Fluttershy down the road. There may be a few ponies who saw what Twilight was doing and wrote a note like "Out of town will be back soon." and put those on their doors, then hightailed it out of town towards Canterlot to request an urgent summons for the Princesses. OR they may still be hiding in Ponyville.

While that's possible, for the moment we'll say that I think she got everyone in town. This includes pegasi who frequent the town but actually live in cloud homes nearby.

-Twilight could become so depressed and racked with guilt that she eventually does get help after she tries to keep up the businesses of the ponies in Ponyville for a few days and ends up failing miserably.

That sounds like a fun story in and of itself.

-Is it possible for the spell to be reflected back at the user if a strong bubble shield spell is used? (Shining confronting Twilight)

I.... don't know. I suppose it's possible. I'll have to give that some more thought.

Also, in the story "Where is Everypony" If you replace Applebloom with Ms. Cherilee, Gummy (with his mouth closed) with Spike, and Gummy (with sharp teeth) with Twilight, you were literally foreshadowing that story into this one.

I meant to do that.

By the way, I was wondering, because I asked this a while ago; what would you make the name of the spell and spell book?

I haven't come up with anything for it yet. The spell itself may not actually have a name. As for the book, I did say that it had a title, so I guess I'll have to think of something...

...in the sequel!
So, no, I'm not leaving it up to the reader to decide how this all gets resolved, unless said reader decides not to read the sequel. It's going to be considerably longer than this story, as I'm 5000 words in with well over 1000 words of notes and I'm barely scratching the surface on the story I'm about to tell. Unfortunately, due to the complexity of the story, I'll have to get a lot more written before I start uploading any of it, in case more foreshadowing is needed in early chapters.

Oh, and thanks. I'm glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:


You're welcome! Good luck on the sequel! I'm writing a Calvin and Hobbes fic, so wish me luck as well!

2265674 Good luck with that! I love Calvin and Hobbes, let me know when it's ready to read!

2327970 Pinkie wanted to talk to Twilight alone, so she asked Spike to leave them be. After all, she could tell this was a serious situation and does know how to take things seriously when necessary, and Spike is usually likely to make some kind of sarcastic comment that would not help matters. However, things may have turned out differently had Pinkie not asked him to leave her alone with Twilight.
As for the other two's thought processes, Twilight was too upset to think clearly about any of it at the time, and Spike was glad someone was there to take over for him, allowing him to just get out of there, which I believe I... *checks* yes, I did say that.

2361314 Yes, quite so. However, when I eventually get the sequel done, it will make more sense why exactly it escalated that quickly.

Seems like something from the Twilight Zone. Good job! You got a new follower. :twilightsmile:

2377399 Thanks! It's nice to see that someone is still following me for something less silly than Princess Luna Visits a Wet Dream.

2378384 (Late_To_The_Party)

Hi, it's me again.

You know, I figured out something. If Spike's dragon breath started to burn the letter, all that was needed was for these words to be sent to Princess Celestia;

I'm scared. Please help.


Then she would know that something was wrong. Just to confirm, how would your head-canon view of Spike's dragon breath work? Would there have been any way for even a partial letter to have reached her?

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