• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,564 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 68: Wedding among the Clouds

"Ow," I yelped in pain as I felt a needle prick me in the shoulder as it missed the two pieces of fabrics it was stitching together.

"Sorry Aceiro," a tired looking Rarity nervously apologized as she repositioned the threading needle in her magic back over the pieces of fabrics and resumed threading them together, "it's just that today's Fluttershy's and Shadow's special day and so we, her friends, want to see it go perfectly without any problems," Rarity explained as she finally stitched the sleeve to the rest of the suit, "now please stop moving, you don't want to get pricked again, do you?"

I stood still there on the pedestal for another thirty minutes as Rarity double checked her measurements and stitched some parts of the suits together, "there done," Rarity said a minute later as she stepped away from me, "have a look, tell me what you think."

I turned around and faced the mirrors behind me. There I saw that Rarity had made the dress tux formfitting around my build and the metallic wings, I shrugged my shoulders and moved about in it and felt the tux mirroring my actions with no restrictions on my chest or shoulders, "I have to admit Rarity, this suit has to be one of the ones I had ever worn."

"Glad you like it," Rarity said as she stepped up next to me, "now will you take it off so I can pack it so it won't possibly get ruined?" I nodded and then awkwardly took off the suit, trying not to accidently shred it with my wings and hold it out to Rarity, who then took it in the light blue glow of her magic, "alright if you'll wait for a moment, I'll be right back."

She floated the suit over her head as she made her way towards the back as I made my way to a nearby couch and sat on it and waited for Rarity to come back. As I sat there, my eyes drifted to the black Entropy Element marking and then remembered what Destiny said about its past, the first bearer had held this same element, I thought as I held the black marking in front of my face, and Shadow is a descendent of that bearer, but if he's really the descendent of the first bearer, then why did it give me the choice between me or Shadow to be its bearer?

I then lift the white marking of the Will Element up next to its opposite element, now what's the story behind you? I asked it and as usually I never got an answer in response. So in one hoof, there's power of creation, while the other has the power of destruction, I thought as I weighted the power of the two and then a thought formed in my head, what will happen if these two's powers combined?

I brought them closer and slowly brought them into together into a soft clap, "here you go Aceiro," Rarity called out and startling me, causing me to quickly pull the two elements away from each other and then to look up, and there I saw Rarity standing in front of me with two packages floating in her magic. I got up from the couch as Rarity floated the package on the right, "this one is yours," she said as she placed it on my back, "and this one is Fe's," she added as she then placed the other one on my back, "now I'm not sure if it'll fit her due to her customs not allowing to make contact with others, but if my estimations are correct, then it should fit her."

"Thanks Rarity, but I don't have much money on me to fully pay for these," I voiced my thoughts about the fee for them.

"You can always make small payments for them whenever you get the chance," Rarity explained with a wave of a hoof, "now you'll excuse me, there are a few hours left till the wedding and I absolutely look dreadful, so I need to get ready and I'm sure that you need to get ready as well."

"Thanks Rarity." I thanked her, "well, see you later at the wedding," I added as I made my way through the front door of the boutique, with Rarity making her way towards the back being the last thing I saw before I left the store.

I made my way through Ponyville, taking note of the pegasi above pushing clouds away to clear the sky while some of them are pushing in the direction of Fluttershy's cottage. Occasionally I will see a flash of light of Star's warping as he warps here and there, grabbing a cloud and then disappearing in the same manner, wow everypony is sure is working hard to get this wedding ready.

I made my way unto Star's and Arcana's street, while carefully keeping the packages containing mine and Fe's wedding attires safely between my wings. I walked up to my friends' front door and opened it and then strode inside, but as soon I made it inside the entry hall, the front door slammed behind me, "jeez they should really fix that door, it's starting to get annoying."

"I agree," I heard Fe agreeing as she spoke up from the kitchen. I turn my attention away from the door and ahead and there I saw Fe standing in the entrance of the kitchen, "what took you so long, because I thought you were only going to get a suit for the wedding?"

"So did I, but Rarity kind of ran out of suits my size, so she had to measure me up for a new one," I explained, "she also gave me your dress," I added as I reached over my shoulder and grasped the top package's ribbon in my teeth and then held it out for her to grab, which she then did, "she had to estimate what your measurements were, but she told me that she's pretty sure she got your measurements correct."

"Thank you Aceiro," Fe thanked as she took the package in her hooves, "Arcana just got home a few minutes ago and told me that the hot air balloon is being prepared for us right now and also said that Star's almost done with cloud preparations and would be back any minute now."

As soon as she said that, there was a bright flash of light coming from the living room next door, "I'm back Arcana," we heard Star call out as he walked into the hallway and almost bumped into Fe, who quickly sidestepped away from Star, "sorry Fe, oh hey Aceiro back already," he greeted us, "listen now, the cloud preparations for the wedding just got done ahead of schedule so they bumped up the wedding, so it's now going to be in an hour from now."

"That soon?" I questioned.

"Yup, so if I were you, I would be getting ready right now," Star suggested before walking back into the living room and soon heard him going upstairs to get ready.

"Well, best be getting ready now I suppose," Fe said as she placed her package on her back and then made her way towards the guest room, with me following right behind her. She stepped into the bedroom and closed the door behind her as I walked by and entered the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I set the package on the sink and grasped an end of one of the ribbons in my mouth and pulled it, causing the lacework to fall limp and away from the package. Placing my front hooves on both sides of the package and slid the top off, revealing the finished suit that Rarity had spent working on for me this morning, "well, time to get ready now," I said as I reached inside the box and pulled out my wedding attire.

After ten careful minutes of trying not to rip the suit with the metal wings, I finally got it on and was now having trouble with the bowtie, "jeez, how do Earth ponies tie these things," I whispered under my breathe as I stared at myself through the mirror trying to tie the bowtie with my hooves, "unicorns have their magic while pegasi have their finger-like feathers," I grumbled as I attempted to tie the bowtie again, but saw it fall apart around my neck.

"Are you ready yet Aceiro?" I heard Fe knocking on the other side of the bathroom door.

"In a sec," I called back to her, "just having trouble with this tie."

"Then come out here, I'll do it for you."

I attempted one more time to try to tie the infernal thing, but just like before, it fell apart. I let out a sigh of defeat as I step back away from the mirror and took a quick not of the suit that Rarity made for me, a light grey suit that compliments the darker grey of my coat and underneath the suit is a white shirt with a supposed tied black bowtie to complete the look.

I moved towards the door and pulled it open and there I saw the most beautiful creature standing in the doorway. Fe was wearing a golden dress with pearl white lace going around her neck and forelegs, the color of the dress went great with her brown coat and somehow brought out the blueness of her eyes, in other words she looks like a princess, "you look… amazing," I said, having trouble to come up the right word to describe her.

"You don't look that bad yourself handsome," Fe grinned as she slightly blushed from my comment, "well let me fix that tie for you," she stepped closer to me and fiddled with the tie. A few seconds later she stepped back and smiled, "there all fixed."

I quickly ducked back into the bathroom and there I saw the bowtie perfectly all tied up in its proper place, "how did you do that?" I asked Fe as I stepped out of the bathroom.

"All it needed was a mare's touch," Fe answered with a little grin, "now come on, the others are already ready and are waiting outside."

We made our way down the hall and there we saw Star and Arcana standing just outside the doorway. Star was wearing a sliver tux which blended perfectly with his silvery wings that you need to know before that he's a Pegasus. I then noticed that he doesn't have his trademark goggles on his forehead, he must have put them away for the occasion.

I looked over to Arcana and saw that she's wearing a slightly darker bare-back gold dress that shined in the afternoon sun and that it is cooperating her gem necklace into its design, Rarity sure have outdone herself this time.

"Are we ready folks?" Star asked as I was carefully closing the door as Fe and I stepped outside, "because we'll have to walk there due to me still recovering and Aceiro's special cases, along with Fe's as well."

"Then why are we still standing about here?" I rhetorically asked them which we then all soon set off after that. We made our way through town and towards Fluttershy's cottage, occasionally passing a fellow invitee of the wedding here and there. We soon arrived at Fluttershy's cottage and there I saw a huge bank of clouds above the cottage with a staircase made out clouds forming from it and coming to an end right behind Twilight, whom is standing in front of the small crowd that had formed in front of her while wearing a wedding dress that looked like her old one, but with a few alterations to it.

Twilight brought up a megaphone to her mouth and spoke in it, "alright everypony," Twilight called out to the crowd in a reverberating voice, "those that are pegasi, you can immediately go while those that are unicorns and know the cloud walking, would you please cast it on yourself and your partner, while the rest of you please line up in an orderly fashion so I can cast the spell on you myself."

Star and Arcana looked back at me and Fe, "see you ya'll at the top," Star said as he spread out his wings, catching the evening sun in them and making them shine like a new star, and took off into the air with the other pegasi in the crowd.

"Don't take too long you two," Arcana said as we watch her close her eyes in concentration and there we saw her gem necklace starting to glow in a golden color before the gems started to grow and shift around her neck and over her back where it then grew out into a pair of crystal wings through the exposed portion of the dress, refracting the sunlight into a series of mini rainbows, which she got all of the non-pegasi stallions' attention, causing them to stare at her while one somewhere in the crowd let out a wolf whistle that was immediately soon followed by a smacking sound.

Arcana took off into the air while some of the unicorns that knows the required spell, enchanted themselves and their partners and then started to make their way up the stairs of clouds. The rest of the crowd gathered themselves into an orderly line as much as they could with me and Fe standing at the very back, not wanting some pony to accidently make contact with Fe.

The line gradually moved forward every time there was a violet flash of light, until there was only a couple ahead of me and Fe, "alright you two," I heard Twilight spoke to the couple in front of us, "this is only a small enchantment, so it is going to wear off by tomorrow morning, so no cloud traveling after the wedding, now please hold still," I saw Twilight shut her eyes and her horn started to glow in the violet red light of her aura, which then started to glow around the couple and then there was a flash of light as the spell was casted. When the light faded away, I saw the couple looking at each other with confused looks while Twilight looks like she's about to faint, "okay folks, go right on up," she said as she held out her hoof towards the stairs.

The stallion and mare cautiously took a step on the first step of the stairs of clouds, their hooves sunk a bit into the cloud a bit, but their hooves never went any farther than that. They both looked at each other with amazed looks on their faces before making their way up the cloud stairs. Finally it was our turn, "whew, that sure was tiring," Twilight said as she wiped her brow of the sweat that was forming there, "I wasn't expecting this many to show up. Now if you two will please follow me, I have the hot air balloon already for you too."

Twilight lead us farther down the pathway, the bank of clouds now blocking out the sun above, and there resting in a safe haven of light that was shining through the hole above is Twilight's hot air balloon. She motioned for us to climb into the balloon and then started relaying instructions to us, "alright it's simple enough, you pull that one to ascend," she said as she pointed to one of the cords hanging above my head, "and you pull that one to descend," she added as she pointed to the cord above Fe's head, "now be careful and enjoy the wedding," she finished as she pulls some of the ropes that are holding the balloon down, undoing them and causing the bags to fall to the ground and the balloon to start rise as Twilight made her way towards the stairs.

Fe and I rose towards the hole in the large cloud above us and we soon passed through it and into a large hall filled with ponies talking to each other, while some of them were watching us as we ascended slightly above their heads and giving us an excellent view of where the wedding is taking place. It reminded me of the wedding layout of Cadence's and Shining's wedding, but instead of stone and glass, it was made out of clouds and ice with a pair of rainbow waterfalls falling behind the wedding alter, which I suspected that they must have gotten that from Dash's supply of the stuff from her cloud home and with songbirds perched among the clouds.

Just then I noticed that somepony is standing at the altar, looking nervous and as if ready to bolt at any second now; is Shadow, and standing next to him as his best man or in this case best stallion; is Star and with Big Mac next to him without his trademark yoke but now in a fancy tux, which I could see that he isn't really comfortable in it. Star finally noticed that I was looking at his general direction and the proceeded to wave in my direction, which I responded back with a wave of my own.

I heard a series of flapping wings behind me, compelling me to look behind and there I saw make me gasp, for there perched on the railing of the balloon is a Murphy Bird. I noticed that it appears to be staring at something, so I followed the direction of its gaze and found that it is looking at Star and Shadow, oh no. I quickly looked back at the Murphy Bird, "go away, shoo now is not the time for a prank," I whispered at it as I tried to shoo it away, but it ignored me as it continues to stare at Star and Shadow, all of a sudden, it got up and fly away through an open window.

I let out a sigh of relief, before looking back towards the altar, "oh shit," for there, roosting among the other birds, are Murphy Birds and a whole lot of them. I looked down at Star and Shadow, but it doesn't seem to appear that they noticed that their former torturers are roosting above their heads.

Before I can warn them, as if on some mysterious cue, the songbirds above started to sing an opening scale of musical notes in the same fashion as a musician would do when tuning an instrument, this caused everypony to cease their talking and hurriedly made their way to their seats as the light above us started to dim with the walkway the only thing now being lit up, oh please, don't do anything to disrupt the wedding, I thoughtfully prayed towards the birds. The birds ceased with their tuning and then started to sing the opening measures of the Here comes the bride as the doors on the opposite side of the altar, swung open and in stepped Fluttershy, wearing an extravagant white dress with a train following behind her that is being held up by Dash and Rarity near the beginning, Applejack and Pinkie in the middle and with Twilight and Arcana at the end. Her mane has also been done up into a fancy bun with a single phoenix feather that Philomena had given her holding it all in place.

"She's beautiful," I heard Fe whisper as we watched Fluttershy perform the Bridal Procession towards the altar with a shaking Shadow at it. I saw Star lean in and whispered something in his ear, which Shadow then calm down and nodded towards Star while whispering something back to him in response.

Fluttershy finally arrived at the altar and her bridesmaids quickly got into line with Dash at the beginning and with Arcana at the end. The bride and the groom stood there with their bridesmaids and best men for a moment before looking around confused as the audience started to whisper in confusion.

An elderly earth pony quickly waddled his way up from the front row and towards the altar and quickly got behind the pedestal and there I immediately recognized him as Mr. Waddle from some of shows, "terribly sorry everypony, but I got a bit distracted there when this amazing young mare was walking down the walkway," he said as he nodded towards Fluttershy, this got a few laughs from the audience below as the white and yellow Pegasus slightly blushed from the compliment, "alright, settle down please, settle down."

When everypony settled down, Mr. Waddles cleared his throat and spoke to the crowd in front of him, "ladies and gentlecolts, we have gathered here today to witness an eternal bond be forged between these two free-spirited Pegasus," he waved a hoof at Shadow and Fluttershy, "to fly forever as one beneath the Sun and the Moon; to enjoy each others' company during the day and to share each others' dreams during the night."

He then looks towards Shadow and spoke, "do you, Shadow Breeze, take Fluttershy here to be your lawfully wedding wife in her greatest need of time, to be there if she has fallen ill or to protect her from harm's way, are you even willing to be there on the ground if she loses her ability to fly and cannot reach the sky?"

"I will and do," Shadow vowed as he looked towards Fluttershy.

Mr. Waddles nodded in confirmation before turning towards Fluttershy, "and do you, Fluttershy, take Shadow Breeze here to be your lawfully wedding husband in his greatest need of time, to be there if he has fallen ill or to protect him from harm's way, are you even willing to be there on the ground if he loses his ability to fly and cannot reach the sky?" he repeat the vow to Fluttershy.

"I will and do," Fluttershy vowed in a strong and willful voice as she too looks away from the priest and towards Shadow.

"Excellent, now exchange feathers to show sign that you two love each other and trust each other as well," Shadow and Fluttershy nodded in agreement and they both extended out their left wing, they then each reached for one of their main feathers and pull them out, both of them wincing from the pain that the action might have caused them. They then reached out to each other and placed their feathers behind each others' ear.

"In the power that is temporarily granted to me, I now pronounce you mare and stallion," Mr. Waddles proclaimed as he raise his forelegs up and then wince in pain and brought them down. Shadow and Fluttershy leaned in close to each other and embraced each other before coming together into a deep kiss, which the audience took their cue to start cheering in congratulations as the birds above started singing only to be pushed aside by the Murphy Birds as they rang bell-like calls of different tones for the married couple below.

Author's Note:

My Dear Readers,

There is something I have to say, for this could possibly be my last day on this site. Now before you all freak out, I'm not leaving the fandom and never will till I'm six feet under (hopefully not in my young age). But I will say this though, you readers have made me the happiest writer there is and I'm thankful for it.

Now in case some of you readers ignored the lastest blog made by me, here's what's happening:

some of you know about my... predicament of my being mormon and nineteen years old, I'm finally able to go on my mission. The bad news; I'm leaving on next Wednesday for a three month mini (trial) mission in Salt Lake City and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get access to a computer. Now this doesn't mean I'll stop writting my stories, far from it in fact, I'll continue writing (on paper) and write some of it whenever I can get to a computer (will possibly get access once a week for an hour or so, not sure).

If I'm not able to get to a computer to update my stories, then I have a plan B. Plan B is writing the chapters and then mailing them to a trusted brony friend of mine so he can update the stories in my place so you readers can read them, and if for some reason plan A as well as plan B fails, well then, I have this to say; prepare yourselves for three months worth of writing to read when I get back from this mini (trial) mission.

But there are more bad/good news, I will be coming back home after my three month mini (trial) mission, but right after I get a proper fairwell (goodbye party) and my temple recommends vertified, I'll be leaving for my twenty-one month mission call. So overall, I'll be gone for two years. Now if for some reason my plan A and B fails again, then I have this to say again, prepare yourselves for twenty-one months of writing to read (and possible a real book as well that I've been planning to write that might have been inspired by ASiSaI), while I'll be catching up on two years worth of unread chapters (holy moly I can imagine it's going to be a freaking huge number when I get back).

So again, thank you all again for being such great readers, even to those that hangs in the shadows of the internet back there.

One very grateful writer,
Cyber V

"Life is full of possible roads, but only you can decide which you go down on."
-Cyber V

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