• Published 20th Jan 2012
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A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 5: Hydras, and Cutie Marks

Chapter 5

We all ran to the square and saw in the distance a creature I’ve only ever seen once.

"Is that a hydra?" I asked, scared when I saw it.

"Yes it is, but why is it here and not at Froggy Bottom Bog?" Twilight said answering my question.

"I don't know, but I think that Rainbow Dash is flying around up there," Arcana said, pointing at the hydra. I looked where she was pointing and sure enough, I saw a rainbow going in circles around the hydras four heads.

"We’ve got to get it back to the bog," I said as I started to run towards the hydra.

"I'm right behind you," said Arcana.

"Me too," Twilight said as they started running towards the hydra.

I must have been not thinking about it that much, for when I was running, I felt the ground underneath me go by really fast, and the next thing I knew, I was above the homes of other ponies.

I looked down and saw that I was flying, and I was going fast.

I quickly came upon the hydra and saw Dash weaving in and out of the hydra's neck and heads. I stopped and hovered there and yelled, "Hey Dash, need some help?"

Dash heard me zipped up to me and said, "Like yeah, we need to make it want to come and follow one of us to the bog. "

I nodded in agreement, she flew right back at the hydra and I soon followed her.

Okay we need a really big distraction for the hydra to came at us, I thought and then I heard a voice calling out, "Look out."

I looked down and saw Twilight and Arcana below with their horns glowing. I quickly got away from the hydra, as did Dash. There was a noise like something being sucked down.

I looked back at the hydra and saw that it's legs were in the ground to its stomach, and apparently the hydra didn't like that, for it let out a huge roar and started to pull itself out of the ground.

I flew down to Twilight and Arcana when they motioned Dash and me to come down. We quickly got down and Twilight said, "We need you two to distract it long enough so we can put the hydra to sleep with a knockout spell."

"Got it," both Dash and I said together. We both took off and started to fly around the hydra’s head. There were a few close calls as the hydra's mouth nearly snapped on me. I quickly pulled back, going in for another fly in.

As I was flying, about to fly towards the hydra's heads, I heard a young filly's voice crying out, "HELP ME! HELP ME!“ on the ground trying to get away from the hydra as it is was about to walk on her.

I quickly changed my flight path towards the filly, I need to go faster, I thought as one of the heads noticed the filly, faster, I felt myself going faster, as the hydra was above the filly ready to strike, faster, my speed increasing, FASTER, I screamed in my head as I came near the filly and the hydra.

I got to the filly first and scooped her up in my arms and there was a flash of light that surrounded me and the filly, when the light disappeared I found myself flying behind the hydra, looking back I saw the hydra shaking its head, as if they were blinded, I landed and the filly said, "You’re my hero!"

"Thank you, now get to safety young one," I said to the little filly. She ran for cover.

How the hay did I just do that? I thought as I took off and turned back towards the hydra.

On the ground, I saw Twilight and Arcana, each of them on a different side of the hydra, with their horns glowing, but I saw a faint white circle around Arcana.

What the hay is that? I questioned as I flew down to Arcana. As I got near her, I saw that it was a diagram with strange symbols in it .

It's one of those transmutation circles that Arcana talked about, the diagram release a white light around her and the hydra.

As I blinked away the spots in my sight, I saw Arcana on the ground panting, looking at the hydra. I directed my sights to the hydra and saw that it was swaying back and forth. Then, with an earth shaking thud, the hydra fell to the ground, asleep.

Twilight and Dash came up to us with their mouths hanging open, staring at us.

"What?" I asked.

Dash answered, "Star, I didn't know it was possible to go that fast, and I should know, because I broke the sound barrier, twice."

"Really?" I said skeptical at what she said.

"Yeah, you were going fast at the hydra, then you became surrounded in light, then you disappeared and reappeared behind the hydra. Star I think you warped right through the hydra. I have to say, I’m impressed," Dash said.

"Well I don't think I’ll be able to do that again," I said dragging my foot in the ground.

"Don't be so sure, because I did the sonic rainboom when I was a filly, then I did it again years later." said Dash reassuring me.

"Well, I think you should leave Star alone, he’s not used to a lot of praise," said Arcana as she got up from the ground.

"Well Arcana, you have impressed me," said Twilight.

"Why?" Arcana asked with confusion and surprised on her face.

"Because, I was still getting my spell ready," Twilight explained.

"So that means..." Arcana trailed off, realizing what it means.

"So it means that you put that hydra to sleep all on your own," said a voice to the left of us.

We were all surprised to see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna standing there.

"Holy guacamole, it's the Princesses," I said shocked.

Arcana looked at Twilight and asked, "Did you send a letter to the princess about us Twilight?"

Twilight looked at her and asked, "How do you know I send letters to Princess? "

Arcana and I looked at each other, realizing that we've blown it.

"I will explain that Twilight, but first, gather your friends and meet us at the library," Celestia said. As she was leaving she said, "Oh yes, before I forget," Her horn started to glow and the hydra disappeared in a flash, "There I sent the hydra back to it's home," and with that she and Luna disappeared in flash of light.

We all stood there surprised at what happened, then out of nowhere Pinkie appeared and said happily, "Now that's a doozy."

"What is, the hydra?" Twilight asked.

"Nope that wasn’t the doozy."

"How can that not be the doozy, again?" Twilight asked, wide eyed at the pink pony.

"I don't know, but that just wasn't the doozy."

"Okay, "Twilight said accepting what Pinkie said, "Was it the Princesses appearing? "

"Nope not that either."

"Then what is?" Twilight said getting upset.

"Them," Pinkie said, pointing to Arcana, then me, "they both got their cutie marks."

When she said that, we turned our attentions to our flanks and saw that she was right.

On my flank was a six pointed shooting star. The color of the star being gold and the tail was silver.

On Arcana's was a white transmutation with four different colored gems inside it like a compass colored green, blue, yellow and red.

"I’ve never seen cutie marks like these before," Twilight claimed.

"Well, let's get going, don't want to keep the Princesses waiting any longer then necessary. I'll get Fluttershy and Applejack," with that Dash flew off with a rainbow trailing behind her.

At the mention of the princesses waiting Twilight zipped off towards Ponyville saying that she will get Rarity, I dont know how she is able to do that.

Arcana and I looked at eachother then at Pinkie, who had disappeared once again.

"How does Pinkie do that? "I asked.

"Star, we’ll never understand her in a thousand years," Arcana said, "Now let's get to the library."

We walked to the library, but on the way I saw a very familiar pony with a bow tie and an hourglass cutie mark at a vegetable stand.

"Hold up, I want to do something," I said to Arcana as I walked towards the pony. As I neared him, he said as he turned around to face me with a smile, "I know what you’re going to say, and no I will not tell you where the TARDIS is, but she doing fine, thanks for asking."

I opened my mouth, but the pony said, "How do I know all this? Well that's simple, we already had this conversation," and with that he walked away to who knows where.

As I walked back to Arcana, she saw my expression and asked, "So how did it go?"

"I will never once again underestimate the power of a brony's imagination," I answered her. After that we continued toward Twilight's home.

When we got to the library, we both saw that the door was opened. We entered and saw that everypony was there waiting for us.

"Ah, glad that you could finally join us," said Princess Celestia, "Now come and join us."

We joined the the group and sat down.

"Princess, will you care to explain what is going on here?" asked Applejack.

"Of course, but first I have something to say to these two," she said as turned her attention to Arcana and I, "I welcome you both to Equestria, I haven't seen your kind here for a while. But I have to say though, I never expected you to be in pony form."

Arcana and I stared at her in shock. After a few seconds, I recovered and said, "You know who we are?"

"Sure we do," Luna said with a smile.

"Um, Princess what did you mean by their kind?" asked Fluttershy nervously.

"Well, Fluttershy it's just that these two are not from our world. In fact they are from a different reality," Celestia said, "In their reality the dominant species are what you call humans,"

Twilight and her friends gasped at that, "But I thought those creatures are just myth," Twilight said to her mentor.

"No my student they are true. The humans have appeared here and there, but it has been almost thirty years since the last visit of the humans."

"Wait that was about the time of gen one," Arcana said.

Celestia nodded, Luna spoke up, "Although I haven't been here for a thousand years, I still know about you humans and I have to say, it's a pleasure to meet you two, though I wish I could see you in your human forms."

"So these two have been lying to us all this whole time," Applejack said upset.

"We never lied, we just never told the whole truth, if we did you would have seen right through that Applejack bearer of the Element of Honesty," Arcana said.

"You know about the Elements of Harmony," Luna said surprised.

"Sure," I said and started to list them out, "Applejack is Honesty, Fluttershy is Kindness, Pinkie is Laughter."

"Rarity is Generosity, Dash is Loyalty, and Twilight is Magic," Arcana said finishing.

Everypony looked shocked, except for Celestia, who said, "Very good, I never expected any less from a brony and a pegasister."

This time it was our turn to be shocked, Celestia started to giggle at our shocked state, "Yes I know about what you call yourselves in your world, now if you'd care to explain to my student and her friends, because they look confused at what is going on."

We agreed and explained everything to Twilight and her friends about the show that they starred in, and how humans liked the show and them, and also explained that it is a kids show, so their private moments were never shone. After we both finished explaining, they all stood there shocked once more.

Pinkie was the first to recover and said, "Do you know what this calls for?"

"A party," Arcana and I said together.

Pinkie looked confused and said into the air, "Hey, this has already been done."

She turned her attention back to us and said, "That's right a party, I'll get my cannon," with that she stood still, a few second later Pinkie faded away.

"How in Equestria did she do that," Luna asked scared that the pony just faded away.

I felt a draft and looked behind, and saw the front door was wide open.

"Ah, everypony, I think that Pinkie just broke the Laws of Physics, Reality and other unbreakable Laws of the Universe, again," I said as everypony looked at the open door in wonder.


Hello everypony, I hope you liked the chapter, now if will be so kind please R&RR and no that is not a typo it means Read and Review Review, I need to know if this story is good, so thank you for those who are reading this story.

End A/N

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