• Published 20th Jan 2012
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A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 40: Peskiness and Discovered


I am glad that everyone liked the last chapter, so I hope that you all enjoy this chapter.

End A/N

Star POV

After a day of resting in the hospital and getting a bit stir crazy, I started messing with my Element by making it phase into the silver bracer that is the Element of Space and back into the silver marking on my foreleg, while thinking about what happened during attack.

We could've failed, phase in…

We could've died, phase out…

Arcana could've died, phase in…

I need to get stronger, phase out…

"Will you please stop that," Arcana protested, I looked over and saw her right eye twitching, "it is really annoying me."

I gave a sheepish smile, "sorry…"

I need to be stronger, phase in...

"…I am just getting a bit stir crazy here, Arcana."

"Then read a book like Aceiro here," Arcana suggested, and true to her word, Aceiro is reading a book and it looked like a science book about… metal?

"Well then, where is one supposed to get a book?" I asked her, she gave me an exasperated look and pointed. I looked to where she is pointing and saw a bookshelf, "oh right," huh can't believe I didn't see that before.

But before anything else can happen, the same doctor from yesterday walked in, "alright you three, I don't know how this is possible, but you three are completely fine, so you are being released today," and with that a nurse walked in with three wheelchairs following in her magic.

"Wait, just like that?" Aceiro asked, putting down the book he was reading.

"Yes, just like that," the doctor answered Aceiro, "and don't worry about paying the bill," I saw Aceiro looked a tad relieved at hearing that, "it was been paid and by the princesses none the less," the doctor said in a surprised tone, "whoever you three are, you must be very important ponies."

We were all then lifted off our beds by the nurse's magic and put into the wheel chairs and then lead out of our room and pushed down hallways and past other rooms filled with patients.

We soon reached the front doors of the hospital and got up from our wheelchairs, "now even though you are all somehow fully healed, I recommend that you shouldn't strain yourselves at least a day," the doctor recommended, "That means…," he mentioned towards Aceiro, "no running for you, your iron count is still low, not dangerously low, but still low, I recommend that you should food high in iron , dark green and leafy vegetables, like spinach" he then looked towards Arcana, "and you miss, should keep spell casting down to a minimum, you don't want to overload your horn magic nerves," I started snickering, but then the doctor looked at me, " and you young pegasus," he looked at me, which ceased my snickering, "I know how you pegasi are like, always want to fly, but I don't want you to fly, because you'll damage your wings, got it?"

"Yes sir."

"Good," the doctor reassured, "now before I forget," his horn started to glow and an envelope came out of his pocket, "this was left for all of you at the front desk."

Arcana took the envelope from him in her magic and replied, "thank you," and opened it and started reading it.

The doctor bowed his head in acknowledgement and went back inside the hospital, after a few seconds the doctor left, we heard Arcana said, "Oh buck."

"What does it say?" I asked her, "and who is it from?"

"It is from Princess Celestia," Arcana revealing the sender, "and she said that there is a story about us three floating around the around the castle and the city…"

"So, how is it bad?" Aceiro inquired.

"…I'm not done," Arcana announced, "They are calling us The Unsung Heroes, and that there are reporters also looking for us."

"Again, how is this bad?" I asked, repeating Aceiro's question.

"I am not sure about this part, but this is addressed to you Star," Arcana said confused, "this is just close to about the time at spring when I didn't warn you about the event."

"What event, Star?" Aceiro asked me.

I then remembered all those mares chasing me and the other odd sightings I saw that day, and then I released a shudder at the memory of Arcana in heat and how close she got me… close to her, ok I need to know when the next heat season is going to start, but never mind that right now, "ok, if it is bad as Celestia compared it to, then we need to avoid public areas."

"Like we are right now," Arcana pointed out, I looked around and I saw ponies looking at us with the look of wonder, oh crap!

"There they are," a stallion called out as he running down the street towards us with a camera strapped around his neck, "the Unsung Heroes are at this hospital," immediately a swarm of reporters came out of alleyways and rush towards us.

"If they reach us, they will call us the Re-healed Heroes afterwards," Aceiro gulped.

"We need to leave right now," Arcana proclaimed, I saw her horn started to glow and I remembered what the doctor said and flicked her horn, disrupting her concentration and shattering the spell she was about to do. She looked at me with offended gaze and asked, "What the hay was that for?"

"Sorry but doctor orders," I answered.

"Um guys…," Aceiro said nervously, "…they're nearly upon us."

I looked and saw that Aceiro was right and that they are almost up to us, I wrapped a leg around Arcana and Aceiro with the other, "alright everypony," I called out to the reporters as they finally made it to us, "I know you all want to interview us, but unfortunately we all have to go home."

"But Star, the doctor said you shouldn't fly," Arcana whispered to me.

"Who said anything about flying?" I stated giving her a wink and then I turn towards the crowd of reporters, "goodbye everypony, so now we'll… skedaddle."

As if the reporters detected something was about to happen the brought up their cameras trying to take picture of us, but I warped us in a flash just as their cameras went off… and reappeared in a flash at Ponyville square. I fell to the ground feeling tired and weary.

"Are you ok Star?" Aceiro asked at the sight I am in.

I waved him away, "Yeah I'm fine, I just never warped this many before, so give a few moments to get my strength back, alright."

"You should've listened to the doctor Star," Arcana alleged.

"I did listen to the doc, I didn't fly, I warped us here," I pointed out. After I rested a few seconds I was now back on my hooves, we were all now walking about, looking for something to do, "so now what?"

"I guess we can see the others now that we are out of the hospital, you know to let them know that we are ok now," Aceiro suggested.

"I'm up for that," I said and then I asked Arcana, "what about you?" Arcana nodded and I happily claimed, "Alright, its settle then. Let's stop a Sugarcube Corner first, because eating that hospital food killed my taste buds and I need something sweet to satisfy this sweet tooth I am having."

"I agree," Aceiro agreeing with me, "human hospital food is bad, but pony hospital food almost takes the cake," he said as we passed Lyra and Bon-Bon, and in the corner of my eye I saw Lyra's head turn when Aceiro mentioned humans, oh boy, I have a feeling that Aceiro is going to be stalked by the anthropologist.

"Speaking of cake," Arcana speaking up, "here we are," and I saw that we had arrived at Sugarcube Corner… somehow.

I quickly brushed off the weirdness of this world, "well let go and get some cake," I said walking towards the door, "I just hope the cake isn't a lie," I joked, making Aceiro and Arcana laugh.

"I hope that I don't get Pinkie attacked like last time," I heard Aceiro hoped as I reached for the door knob.

"Huh?" Arcana clearly confused.

"Nothing, I will tell you later," Aceiro said as they caught up to me.

I opened the and walked in and saw that it was completely dark and that somepony had blacked out the windows, after a second I knew what was going to happen next, but Aceiro beat me to it, for he said, "ah horse apples, not again."

There was a click and light switched on, revealing Twilight and others, "SURPRISE," they all called out as Pinkie blew into a noise maker and then she rushed towards and said in a quickly tone, "were you surprised? Well huh, huh, huh-."

I quickly stuff a hoof into her mouth and replied, "Yes Pinkie, we're surprised, but may we ask what this party is about?" I asked as I took my hoof out of her mouth to let her.

"Well duh," Pinkie said rolling her eyes at my ignorance, "this is a 'getting out of the hospital and welcome back home' party," and then she grabbed us all and rushed us to the others, "oh and one more thing," she added towards us, "the cake is not a lie," and with line the party started.

The next morning

Aceiro's POV

I felt a stinging sensation on my forehead and it was getting worse. I shot up and cried out as I rubbed my forehead, "Ow what the heck?" I looked around and saw that nothing in the basement I am sleeping has changed and from the way my eyes feel, it must be early in the morning, ok first I need to get a place of my own, and second I need to get a job, and third, what the heck stung me?

I then heard clucking above me, I turn my eyes upward and saw a baby bird standing and leaning over my head, peering at me, and I remember that this is Pee-Wee, Spike's pet baby phoenix, that Star explained and also his little… wake up calls, "so you're the one that woke me up, aren't you?"

Pee-wee bobbed his head up and down, "well, will you be kind to stop doing that to me?" I asked the baby phoenix politely, Pee-Wee shock his head left and right, "well why not?" his answer was to start pecking me like a woodpecker, "Ow quit it," I ordered as I waved my forelegs around to wave him off. He jumped off my head and ran up the stairs from the basements, with what sounds like Woody the woodpecker's laughter.

"Stupid bird," I groaned as I got up from the cot and made my way up the stairs feeling hungry and decided to get some breakfast, "geez with all that cake and pie I ate from the party yesterday, I would think I will still be full," I said to myself as walked up the stairs and enter the foyer of the library. As I halfway across the foyer, I heard pounding coming from the front door.

"Ok, I know that this is a public library, but this is still early for somepony to want a book," I said to myself again, as I change my direction towards the front door. When I opened the door, I was completely barraged by lights and noises, blinding me, "look we found one of the Unsung heroes," I quickly slammed the door and braced the door with my back, and started rubbing my eyes, trying to clear my eyes from the blindness I recieved, "wait a minute, Unsung Hero, oh pony feathers we screwed."

"Oh hay Aceiro," I heard somepony call out to me, I looked up and saw Star walking down the stairs, with his pair of goggles around his neck, "who's at the door?" he asked.

"Well Star, you know about the reporters back at Canterlot?" I anxiously asked.

"The ones that calls us the Unsung Heroes, right?" I nodded, "what about them?"

"Hehe, well they are currently at the front door," I answered, and then pounding started up at the front door again.

"We just want to ask you some questions," a muffled voice called out from behind the door.

"We're screwed, aren't we?" he asked as he finally made his way to ground floor.

"Eeyup," I quoted the famous pony of few words.

"What is up with all the banging and noises?" I looked up the stairs along with Star and saw Arcana there with a slight bed hair going on.

"Reporters found us," Star deadpanned.

"Hoover Dam," Arcana sort of swore, "we need to get out of here right now."

"Good morning everypony," Twilight greeted us as she exited the kitchen and then she saw me barring the front door and could possible hear the voices coming from the other side of it, "oh come on Aceiro, get away from the door please, there might be some ponies that wants a book," and then I saw her horn started to glow.

I then understand what she is going to do, I spoke in a hurried tone, "no wait Twilight, you don't understand, there's a-," but there was a flash of red light and I appeared next to Star and Arcana; Twilight had just teleport me away from the door, we're screwed.

The door burst opened and the reporters came rushing in, immediately swarming us with lights and questions, "that is it," I heard Star call out, I saw him raise his hoof and all the cameras flew off the reporters and made a pile at his hooves, this act alone silence every reporter in the room and looked at Star in amazement, "look I know you all are curious about us, but please this is getting really annoying, what do you want?"

There was whispering and murmuring coming from the crowd of reporters, and when it appeared they all got an answer, they looked back at us and said at once, "a interview."

"Ah, not going to happen," Arcana putted out in plain words, and with that she disappeared in a blink of an eye, this cause gasps of surprise to spread through the reporters.

"Good idea," Star concurred at Arcana's idea, he pulled up his goggles over his eyes, "see ya all later, maybe," he declared and with that he disappeared in a white flash… and leaving me with the swarm of reporters to deal with, well, I'm toast, and then there was a flash of light again and Star appeared next to me, "almost forgot something," he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and we both disappeared in a flash and reappeared in Ponyville park.

"Thanks Star, I thought I was a goner," I said as I sat down on a nearby bench, unaware that I am sitting human style.

"No problem and sorry about leaving you like that, I forgot that you don't have any form of teleportation what so ever."

"That's ok, so what are you going to do now?"

"I am going to try to get rid of those pesky reporters, you?"

"I am going to find a job, maybe visit my dad in the hospital," I answered listing the possibilities for today.

"Well good luck with that," Star said and then he took off into the sky.

I waited there for a minute enjoying the breeze and scents that comes by, and then my stomach started to growl in hunger, reminding me that I didn't get anything for breakfast this morning, sigh might as well get something to eat, but I can't help but think I am missing something.

I got off the bench and made my way to Applejacks apple cart to get some, well, apples. As I entered the Market District, I felt as if I was being watched and followed, I looked behind me and saw a flash of turquoise going around a corner of a building, oh boy, I hope that wasn't one of those pesky reporters, I thought as I as I continue my towards Applejack's cart.

After ducking and weaving through alleyways avoiding small crowds of reporters that seems to patrolling around and other flashes of turquoise going behind buildings, I finally made it Applejack's feeling hungrier than ever, "well howdy there partner, um what's wrong with you," she asked as she saw my hunger pained face, but before I can answer her my stomach let out a hearty growl, "well that answers mah question, but why didn't you get anything to eat though, partner."

"Star, Arcana and, I got swarmed by reporters this morning, and I didn't get anything to eat before they showed up," I explained.

"But what about all that cake and pie you ate yesterday?"

"I asked that myself this morning, cause maybe it is because of my metabolism. Well enough talking about how my body works, I need to get something to eat and fast."

"Well then you came to the right place," Applejack proudly stated and then she ducked under her cart and brought out a delicious looking fritter, and at the sight, I felt my mouth watered, "that will be two bits please," when she said the price, I remembered what I forgot, I facehoof and said, "that's what I forgot, I forgot to ask Star for some money."

"I'll take care of this," a feminine voice behind me, I saw a hoof past my head and drop two bits on the cart.

"Well thank you miss for helping mah friend here," Applejack thanked the pony that paid for the fritter and giving the fritter to me.

I took a bite out of the fritter and it felt like my taste buds just sang hallelujah, and for an added bonus, it is still hot, I swallowed and took another bite, while turning around to thank the pony that paid for my breakfast, "thank you for paying…" I trailed off at whom I saw paid for the fritter, and the flashes of turquoise that has been following me, for it was the anthropologist herself, "Lyra?"

She looked at me confused and said, "Funny, I didn't tell you my name."

"Oh um, my friend mentioned you to me."

"Oh really, then what's your friend's name is then," Lyra asked suspicious.

"Star Streak," I answered, "you meet him at the park before the eclipse."

"That's right, ok I believe you," and then Lyra became slightly anxious about something, "um, I want to ask you something, but it is kind of embarrassing to talk about it in a public area."

"I agree, it feels like I am going to be ambushed by reporters anytime soon now."

"Why is that?"

The universe must have been listening, for all of a sudden I heard a cry above me, "look there is one of the Unsung Heroes."

I looked up and saw a pegasus looking at and with a flock coming this way in the distance, "Crud!" I grabbed Lyra without thinking and made a rush to leave the Market district with the flock of pegasi following us, when we left the Market district and entered a residential area. I pulled Lyra and myself into a nearby alleyway and pressed ourselves up a wall, and a few seconds later the swarm of pegasi flew right past us, with some of them saying, "he's an earth pony, how hard is it to catch up to him?"

"Apparently hard," Lyra said, reminding me that she is still with me.

"Sorry about," I apologized as I left her hoof go, "I didn't mean to drag you into this," I joked.

She giggled at my pun and replied, "ah its ok, things like these usually happen in Ponyville about once a week, but I don't know why it happens here and not somewhere else."

"Hehe, ya it's a mystery," I said nervously, "well anyway, what were you going to talk me about, before the crazy mob of reporters decided to appear?"

"Well first I know a restaurant that is close by, we can talk there instead of here."

"Ok then lead the way," Lyra lead me out of the alleyway we both were hiding down towards to what looks like a shake serving establishment, what a minute is this the restaurant where Cerberus almost peed on?

Lyra went sat down at one of the tables that are placed outside for those that want to eat outside, and I also saw that they weren't much ponies here, I guess they are still a bit nervous after Cerberus dropped by. I sat down opposite of her, once again unaware that I am sitting like a human, I saw a little excitement jump across her eyes, but they quickly disappeared as soon as they arrive so I wasn't sure if they were they in the first place to begin with.

"So what do you want talk about that was so embarrassing that we had to talk here?"

"Well I am wondering if, oh Celestia this is so embarrassing to talk about this to somepony else," Lyra all worried, "well I was wondering if you can tell about humans?"

I was expecting this, so I said coolly, "sorry but I don't know anything about humans."

"Oh sorry for bothering you," Lyra said, but without the hint of disappointment, she stick out a hoof for a shake and I accepted it, and once again the look of excitement ran across her eye and this time I did imagine it, "oh and by the way I never got your name."

"It's Aceiro," I provided my name.

"Interesting name," Lyra said intrigued by my name as she shook my hoof, "but I would like to know, what's your real name, human?"

That shocked me, "huh?"

"Come on, I know that you are or were a human," Lyra smirked as she let my hoof go, "and don't try to deny it, cause I am not that stupid."

"Alright fine, you caught me, but tell me, how did you figure that I was a human?"

"Well first I overheard you talking about a human hospital, and second, you sit like a human, and third, nopony doesn't wrap their hoof around another pony's hoof like you did."

"Hay, in my defense I have only been a pony for five days."

This caused Lyra to be really excited, "oh you just got here, but tell me, why are you a pony and not one of those hairless apes and myths that depict of your kind, and are there more of you here?"

"Ok first, my human name is Jace, second, I have no idea why I am a pony, and third, yes there are more here."

"Jace huh, that's a funny name, oh and let me guess on who the other humans were," Lyra thrilled that there are more humans here, "Star Streak was a human and I believe Arcana was as well, am I correct?"

I am stunned that she got that down on the first try, "yes you are, but could you keep it down on the low level, it is bad enough that there are reporters out there calling us the Unsung Heroes."

"Which you never explained about that," Lyra pointed out.

"Right Star, Arcana and I stopped a rogue unicorn from going crazy with a spell that she wasn't suppose to have back in Canterlot," I explained stretching the truth a bit, didn't want a mass panic to start, because Nightmare is back.

"Amazing, humans, well ex-humans stopped a disaster from happening in the capital of Equestria," Lyra said a little out loud.

"Shush," I said panicking and looking up and around in for any reporters that might be nearby, "I don't what to be chased around, again."

"Sorry, it is just so exciting to meet a ex-human, so can you tell me more-"

"There is one of them over there," a voice called out interrupting Lyra, I whirled my head and there were a group of reporters coming this way, I had enough of this, I angrily got up from the table and meet them halfway towards the table.

"Ok this is getting way out of control here…" I said them staring them all down that can almost equal to Fluttershy's famous Stare, "…so I want you to spread the word to other reporters out here and to your boss or bosses; I want you all to leave me and my friends alone, got it?"

One of the reporters spoke up, "but we all just want to get a story from you."

"Yeah I know that, but that doesn't mean that gives you the right to swarm, mob, crowd, us just to get a story," I countered, feeling my anger rise, and then I felt my back started to tingle, but I ignore the feeling and continue my ranting, "I mean you can just ask, what is so wrong with that? But no, instead you barged into my friend's home, forcing us to run, and you chasing us all over Ponyville," they stared at me with wide open eyes, "now I want you all reporters to spread word to every other reporter that are around here in Ponyville and including your boss; leave us alone or I am going to shove this story down your freaking throats," I relayed to them my message, which they all nodded to, completely terrified of something. The pegasi among them then took off into the skies, with the others running back into town in a hurried rush.

I walked back to the table and sat down, and Lyra was also staring at me wide-eyed, "what?"

"Are humans capable of using magic?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"Well you're an Earth pony, and you said humans can't use magic, but you just grew a pair of wings, and metal by the looks of it."

"Oh no," I looked behind me and saw what caused the wide-eyed stares I was getting, for there on my back were a pair of metal wings, like the battle against Nightmare, but smaller in size, I turned towards Lyra and said in a clam tone, "Lyra, can you care to find me some spinach?" and then I saw the table coming towards my face, as darkness faded into my vision.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, now if you'll excuse me I am now going to work on the next chapter.

End A/N

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