• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 4: Lessons and Pinkie Senses


Hello everypony I don't have much say except, on with the story.

End A/N

Chapter 4

As I woke up a thought came to my mind, wow, yesterday was great, I can't wait to see what today has in store for me. I got out of bed and opened my bedroom door and noticed that the door to Arcana's room was slightly ajar.

I peeked in and saw that the room was empty, now where did she go? I thought as I stood there, wondering where she went, when another thought came to my mind.

I walked downstairs and sure enough, I saw her there in the middle of a pile of books, reading them with a serious expression on her face.

"What are doing up this early? "I asked her as I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes, "and Twilight is going to throw a fit when she sees this mess."

"Well, you remember my hobby with anything that has to do with magic and other things?"

"Of course I remember, "I said, remembering all the time she spent in the library back at home, reading and checking out books from magic tricks to myths on magic.

"Well since I’m a unicorn and don't know any magic, it will seem odd for a unicorn that can't do magic, and we’ll stick out like a sore thumb."

"I didn't think about that, "I said, "and what do you mean we?"

"Well, it’ll really look odd for a pegasus that can't fly, we’ll surely be caught."

"Oh crap, you're right, I don't know anything about flying and I can't ask Dash or Fluttershy, that will look weird."

"Well then, I think you should start practicing," she said as she turned her attention back to the book she was reading.

"What about you?"

"I have been reading this spell book called Modern Spellcasting, though I don't know why it was in the classics, well anyway, I think I got the levitation spell down, wanna see?"

"Sure, "I said feeling really excited to see real magic.

"Okay, here goes, "she closed her eyes, and saw her horn develop a white glow. It surrounded a book lying on the ground next to her. As it floated about to five inches in the air I felt my mouth drop as I saw it float, and then Arcana gave a gasp as she couldn't hold it any longer.

It fell to the ground with a thump, she looked back to me and said in a tired voice, "Well, what do you think?"

"I say, keep it up, and you’ll be doing serious magic in no time," I said, giving her confidence, "Now if you'll excuse me I need to practice to fly,” I said as I left Twilight's home.

I found myself a field outside of Ponyville where I can practice to fly.

It was still early morning, so there weren't many ponies out right now as I made my way out of Ponyville.

I stood in the field thinking how to fly. I started with a flap of my wings, but soon found myself sliding on the grass as I dragged myself across it.

Okay time to come up with a new approach, I thought as I got up from the ground.

I looked up in the air and thought about how birds fly. I flapped my wings, and found myself high in the air. I forgot to flap my wings again, and fell straight to the ground.

Maybe I am giving this to much thought, I thought as I picked myself off the ground once again.

I closed my eyes and cleared my mind. I immediately noticed that there was a breeze. I gave my wings a light flap and felt myself being lifted into the air. I kept up the light flapping making me stay in the air.

Okay now I need to work on going forward and steering, but I never got to that, for I heard a voice saying, "Hello mister."

I felt myself lost control and fell to the ground with an oomph.

"Are you okay mister? "asked a voice in front of me. I lifted my head and saw a orange filly pegasus with purple mane and tail.

"Yeah, I'm okay, "I said picking myself up from the ground, again.

"The name's Scootaloo, what yours?"

Oh no, one of the CMC. "My name is Star Streak," I said calmly, as I started heading towards Ponyville.

"Hey mister I have a question? "Scootaloo asked, walking besides me.

"What is it?"

"How come you don't have your cutie mark? "she asked, confused, sticking out her little wing at my flank.

"Well you see... I haven't um... found my talent yet, "I said started to walk faster towards town.

"Then maybe CMC can help you find yours, then maybe it'll earn our cutie marks too," Scootaloo said happily.

"Well that is nice of you, but I got to go, I am late for a meeting with somepony, maybe later okay?" I said as I ran faster to town.

I left the the little filly in the field looking sad. After I made it back to Twilight's, I immediately felt guilty about leaving Scootaloo, but I don't want Arcana and mine’s cover blown. I walked in and found Twilight and Arcana in a middle of a huge mess of reading books.

"What the hay happened in here? I was gone for an hour and there’s hardly any place to walk through," I said, surprised and with my mouth hanging open.

Arcana looked up at me and said, "Well sorry, but this isn't your library, it’s Twilight's, and don't worry Spike will clean it up, in fact he should be here any moment now. "

As if on cue the door opened again and Spike walked in. When he walked in and saw the mess he said, "What the hay happened in here? I was gone for three days and there’s hardly any place to walk through. "

"Sorry Spike, but I was having a great time here with Arcana," Twilight said with a smile, "I didn't know that Arcana is as into studying magic as I am. Oh and these two are staying with us Spike. "

Spike just slapped his face and said, "Great now I have two Twilights to clean up after around here."

We all started to laugh at that. After we finished laughing and proper greetings and promises to help keep the library clean were made, Spike started to make breakfast for all of us.

We all gathered in the kitchen and saw what was for breakfast. Breakfast was a bowl of fruit, sunflower and daisy sandwich for each of us ponies, and of course a bowl of rubies for Spike.

After I finished eating the fruit, I looked at my sandwich and wondered if I was able to digest it. I took a glance at Arcana and saw that she was looking at her sandwich with the same hesitance as me.

Arcana looked at me and gave me a look saying here goes nothing. She levitated the sandwich to her mouth and took a bite out of it, she is really getting better at this whole magic thing. She slowly chewed and swallowed, after that I noticed a gleam in her eyes and she started to eat the sandwich without any more hesitation..

Well if she could do it then I can do it too, I thought. I stared at my sandwich and a worrying thought entered my head, ah crap I don't have hands anymore, how in the world am I going to eat this, I just continued to stare at the meal before me thinking of possible ways to eat it.

Ah screw it, I am just over thinking this, I reached my fore hooves out, and grabbed it in my hooves, whoa! How did I do that?

I stared in surprise, maybe all ponies here have some kind of magnets in their hooves, I took a bite out of the sandwich and chewed.

I don't know if it because I was a pony, but it was delicious. I quickly finished the sandwich and said thanks to Spike.

A moment later Pinkie Pie flew right through the open kitchen window, and landed on the table with a thud.

"Pinkie what did I say about doing that!" Twilight said in fright.

"Sorry Twilight, but my Pinkie Sense is going off like crazy, "she said, and at that moment she started to shudder.

Twilight's eyes went wide when she saw Pinkie shudder, now what does that mean again? I thought remembering the Pinkie Sense episode, let see, a twitchy tail means something is going to fall, an itchy nose means that swarm of angry bees are coming, a pinchy ankle, something scary is going to happen, then I remembered what a shudder means.

But Twilight beat me to it, "Oh no, what's the doozy this time? "Twilight asked worried.

At that moment a smell came right in through the window, "What is that smell?" Arcana said, coughing and gagging.

Twilight sniffed and started to cough, too. After she stopped coughing she said, "Oh no, I think I know what the doozy is."

With that she quickly left the kitchen. After a few seconds we followed her out of her home.


Hello everypony I don't have to much so, so thank you for reading this story, oh and chapter 5 will soon be updated, so please Read and Review, so for now, goodbye.

End A/N

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