• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 9,562 Views, 1,352 Comments

A New Point of View - Cyber V

A boy and a girl recieves a mysterious message, and finds themselves in a new reality.

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Chapter 1: The Message (NV)


Hello everyone, Cyber V here once again with a new story. I was originally going to write only one story for MLP: FiM, but thanks to the reviews and fans from my last story, you all gave me confidence to write another story. So now here it is. Oh, and before I forget...

I don't own any of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic or any of its related franchise, except for my OC's.

Now enjoy the story.

End A/N

"Okay, let's see what we've got here... A Pegasus, with a white coat, silver mane and tail, blue eyes... Now what am I missing?" I leaned back on my chair, relaxing my fingers after feverishly typing out my OC's appearance.

A female voice piped up from me. "How about a name Eric?"

"Ghaaaaa!" I yelped in fright, tipping over in my chair and hitting the ground, causing pain to form on the back of my head. I looked up from the floor and saw my friend Brittney sitting on my bed, smirking at my reaction. I looked over at my window and saw it opened and letting in a cool breeze.

"Brittney, what do I always say about this? Knock on the window, and then come in." I said in annoyance, picking myself up off of the floor and rubbing the sore area on my head.

"Sorry Eric, I keep forgetting about that step," she snickered, "And I repeat myself; how about a name for your pony?"

"Yeah, sure, but what should I call him?" I asked her as I picked up my chair, righted it and sat back on it.

Brittney got up from my bed and walked up to my computer and read the description. "How about Star Streak?" she suggested, "because your pony reminds me of a shooting star."

I thought it over in my head and felt that it feels right. "Yeah, the name fits him really well," I alleged, nodding in agreement as I typed in my pony's name.

"Okay, now that your pony has now been named, can you help me with mine?" Brittney asked.

"Sure, pull up your pony's descriptions," I said, getting up from the chair and offered it to her.

Brittney took the offered seat and then pulls up her Email account and clicked on a link that read 'My Little Ponysona'. "Alright here it is." she announces when it fully opened, she then moves aside a bit and motions for me to come closer.

Peering at her descriptions, I read it out loud. "Okay, a unicorn, light brown coat, tan mane and tail, green eyes, hmm, how about…" I pondered it for a moment and then a name popped into my head. "... Arcana?"

"Where did you come up with a name like that?" Brittney questioned the suggested name.

"I don't know," I answered her, "maybe it has something to do with that fascination for magic and the supernatural of yours."

"Well I love it! Thanks Eric," she said, giving me a tight hug.

"You're welcome," I replied warmly, as she quickly pulled away from me, blushing.

Brittney typed in her pony's new name and then let out a sigh of content, "there done, but now I can't help but feel like we are still forgetting something about our ponies."

I was about to agree with her, but then a tune came from the computer stopped me; I just got a new message. Brittney made her way from the chair, as I motioned her to move. After I sat down and made my way to my inbox, I saw that it was an unknown message, "If this is another remake of Cupcakes, I swear I am going to track the author that started all of this and shove cupcakes down his throat. I was never able to look at cupcakes the same way again, because of that damn story..." I opened the message expecting an alert for a new story, but instead I found myself staring at a diagram made up with weird symbols and writing.

I stared at it for a while, trying to make out what I am seeing her, but all I felt was a headache forming, "hey Brittney," I said to her defeated, "you should have a look at this, because it seems like something right up your alley."

She craned over my shoulder for a look. After a few minutes intently scrutinizing it she finally spoke. "Well you're right when you said it is up my alley, because that diagram looks like a transmutation circle."

"A transmu-wha?"

She gave me a condescending look. "A transmutation circle is a diagram that releases, increases, or just about anything like of that sorts, as long you know the right formula to." I must have made a face because she sighed, exasperated. "Look it up later," She went back to examining the symbol. "Look here, this message looks like Latin. 'Magica veterem et antiquum mutare fato fatis, vita et inducam illos in terram pertinet qui magno auxilio indigebit'..."

"What in the world does that mean?" I asked as I look up to her.

"I don't know... But look, something's happening to the screen."

"Huh?" turning back to the screen, I saw that the computer screen is starting to flash in a white light, "oh great, that message must have had a virus in it!" panicky, I made a move to quickly delete the harmful message.

"Wait," Brittney called out as she quickly gripped my wrist, stopping me from deleting the odd message, "at least let me memorize the diagram first," she explained.

I struggled for a moment, desperate to protect the precious information on my computer, but then sigh and gave in. "Fine, but please hurry up," I complied as she let go of my wrist when I pulled my hand away from the keyboard.

She nodded in agreement and looked back at the diagram, "okay let's see here, the basic circular design, alchemical symbols placed in various key points. Hmm, I don't know why, but for some strange reason this transmutation circle seems very familiar, because I think I recognize this symbol here." She pointed at a symbol, her finger brushing against the screen.

As soon as her finger came into contact with the symbol there was a bright flash of white light all around us, "ah what's happened? What's going on?" Brittney cried out in alarm.

"I don't know, I can't see!" I responded, blinded by the light as well.

All of a sudden I felt my chair disappeared underneath me, causing me to fall backwards painfully on my back. I heard Brittney hit the floor besides me and then realized that she must have fallen forward when she wasn't no longer supported by me. Still blinded from that mysterious flash of light, I wearily picked myself off of the floor and, momentarily unbalanced, stood up straight.

Gradually my vision restored itself and what I saw made me scared, for Brittney and I aren't in my room anymore, but instead we are now in a large, white tile covered, room, "a little help here? I'm still blind here," I heard Brittney call out from the whiteness and shaking me out of my stupor.

"Oh right, sorry Brittney," I apologized as I bent down and helped her up on to her feet. She tilted back and forth as she regained her sense of balance in her blind state. After a few moments, Brittney's sight returned and she took in a gasp of surprise as she saw where we are now.

"What the...? Where are we Eric?" Brittney asked me as her question echoed off the walls of the empty white room.

"I don't know Brittney," I answered as I walked over to a random wall and put my hand on one of the tiles and immediately felt an oddly familiar, but yet alien, feeling resonating from them, "but whatever this place is, it's kind of creeping me out," I stated as I moved along the wall, feeling for anything that might be an exit.

"Well whatever this place is, I hope we can leave soon, because my parents are going to go ballistic if I get home late again," she worriedly said as she sat down on the tiled floor and rested her head in her hands.

I quickly searched the strange room for any signs exits or openings, but soon found out that there's no exit whatsoever. Defeated, I walked back to the center of the room and sat down next to Brittney. "Anything?" she asked as she looked over at me.

"Nope, not even a peephole," I confirmed my findings, and then a thought came to mind, "wait a minute Brittney, don't you have your cell phone?" I asked hopefully as I looked over to Brittney, "you can call for help."

"Sorry Eric, but my cell phone died earlier today, so I left it back home in the charger before I came over," she explained, shooting down my idea, "but don't you have your own phone though?"

"I'm not a cell phone kind of person, so I rarely have my phone on me."

"Great, just great, we could have just been kidnapped for all we know and we have no way to get help," Brittney annoyed about our current situation, "they could at least have the decency to feed us something."


Brittney and I sat there in the middle of the room for who knows how long, until a voice spoke up behind us startling me and Brittney, "I see that the spell has finally became activate after all of these years." Brittney and I quickly whirled around and saw a cloaked figure standing there, but I couldn't make out the figure's facial feature due to the hood he's wearing.

"Although I'm a bit disappointed with the results, because it only brought two of you," the cloaked figure added with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Who are you? What's going here? Where are we?" Brittney demanded as she got up from the floor, "and you better let us go or you'll be explaining to my parents on why I was late coming home," she threatened the mysterious person, or at least I think it is a person, I thoughtfully commented about the odd structure of his body as I stood up from the floor and stood next to Brittney.

"I'm sorry Miss Houston, but your questions will have to wait, because the time has come for them to return," the cloak figure stated, "and now I must apologize to you two for what I am going to do now, but please understand this is all necessary."

"Wait, hold on a sec, what are you going to do to us? Whose coming?" I rattled off questions of my own, however I didn't get an answer for them, instead he started to whisper underneath his breath and then raised his foot and stomped the floor. As soon as his foot hit the floor, the surrounding walls, ceiling and even the ground underneath our feet let off a flash of light and we were once again consumed in a bright light.

When the light completely covered me, I felt my body being squeezed and compressed like a compressor, as well as two things quickly forming themself painfully right between the shoulder blades of my back. I don't know what was happening to me or to Brittney, but whatever it is, it caused me to fall to the floor and to moan out of pain as I heard a thud as something fell to the floor next to me and then I heard Brittney letting out a same pain-filled moan as well, telling me that she must have just gone through the same process I went through moments ago.

"There, it is now done," I heard the person declared as the light in the room started to fade away and the bottom of his robe floated into my fading vision.

"Are you okay Brittney? Answer me please," I asked her, but all I got was another moan from her. I tried to move my head to see the condition what Brittney is in, but I found that I couldn't even move a muscle. "What did you just do to us? Tell us," I demanded answers from the strange individual that just might have possibly kidnapped us as I tried to pick myself off of the floor, but once again I couldn't move.

"Don't stress yourself Mr. Moore, you and Brittney are perfectly fine," he avoided my question, "I should now get you and your friend on your way."

"On our way? What do you mean by that?" Brittney asked, she must have listened on our conversation, "also why can't I move and why do I have a splinting headache," she complained of her current predicament.

"Alright enough, I am not going to go through with this again," the shrouded figure frustratingly called out, "I'm going to send you both now." I saw him raise his foot again and then slam it right in front of my face, which I was then met with another annoying flash of light to the face, blinding me again from it once more, "may we meet again young ones," he added and then started to mumble under his breath again.

Okay, I am getting sick of these lights shows and this guy, when I figure out what he did to me and Brittney, I'm gonna sock him, I angrily threatened as I blinked my eyes to get rid of the blindness from them, wait a minute, how does he know our names? But before I can ask him that, I felt the floor underneath me disappear and then replaced by a sense of weightlessness and rushing by winds.

I heard a scream coming from a little away to my left, which caused me to open my eyes and found that the blindness has finally now cleared, but then found out why I am getting the sense of weightlessness and as well as the large amounts of air passing by me; I'm several stories up in the air and the ground was rapidly approaching towards me. I let out a yell of fright of my own as I fell back to earth.

As I saw the ground coming towards me, I shut my eyes and braced myself to impact the hard ground below. All conscious thoughts quickly left my head and all of a sudden I felt myself being painfully jerked upwards, like I just released a parachute or something, which I nearly blacked out from the sudden pain, but that lasted only momentarily as I felt myself still falling. Not faster like before, but still fast nevertheless.

I must have landed into a tree instead of the ground, for I felt myself fall through a dense cover of leaves and then soon followed by getting hit from all sides as I smashed through branches, sometimes even bouncing off of them, like a pinball in a crazy pinball machine. As I felt my bones breaking as I am getting beaten around by tree limbs, I tried to force myself into a smaller target to lessen the chances of being hit more, but my body wouldn't respond and ended up falling through the tree like a rag doll.

After a few more seconds of myself getting whipped, whacked, and clothes lined by branches, I finally broke free from the tree cover and landed hard on my back on the merciless ground and was immediately replied back with sounds of something breaking, but I couldn't tell what I broke for a new fresh wave of pain met me, making me forget as it engulfed me completely.

I heard crashing sounds coming from the tree cover above and all of a sudden, something fell out of the tree and landed a few feet away from on my left. When the thing that fell out of the tree landed out of my vision, I heard a familiar moan coming from the area it landed. "Brittney," I tried to move so I can sit up, but pain stopped me in my tracks. I need to see if Brittney is alright, I thought as I willed myself to move.

I felt my body finally starting to respond to my commands and forced myself through the waves of pain as I tilt my head to my left, nearly blacking out from the pain. When I finally settled my blurred gaze on where Brittney landed, I only saw a light brown and tan-colored object moaning there instead of Brittney, "Brittney is that you?"

All I got was another moan in response.

Concerned for Brittney's wellbeing, I painfully turn my head back up towards the afternoon sky and took in a painful breath of air and yelled out desperately, "somebody help us! we need help here, is there anyone out there?" and then went into a coughing fit, which racked my body with pain with every cough made.

When the coughing fit ended, I took another pain-filled breath and repeat the same pleas of help from before and then received the same pain-filled coughing fit. I got over the fit and laid there in pain with my vision started to fade into darkness, but just as I felt the world around me fade away, I heard a startled gasp come from my right.

I weakly and slowly turn my head towards I heard the noise and there I saw in my failing sight, standing at the edge of the small glade that we have landed in; is a pink and yellow blur. "Please help us," I pleaded with the yellow blur saw it hesitantly take a few steps back away from us, "please help us..." I trailed off as the last thing I saw before the world faded into black was the yellow shadow running away, leaving me and Brittney alone in the small glade.


Alright I have completely rewritten this chapter and I have to say; it is WAY better than the first version, but that is just me, it's for you readers to decide which one is better, so tell me what you think about this new version.

Now I'll be working on revising the other earlier chapters as well as the next chapter for this story and my other one. So look for the NV (New Version) in the chapter title's for a new revision and sorry in advance if there are missing chapters, thank you for reading.

End A/N

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