• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 813 Views, 10 Comments

Well This Is Different - Whatthef

Sgt. James Gribs has served in the US Army for 8 years, everything he knows is about to disappear.

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Ch3 I've got nothing...

A/N WOOHOO!!! I’m actually writing now. I am seriously shocked right meow. Whelp, pootis and all that fun stuff, here’s another chapter, I started this one right after finishing that last one. Edit: ONLY. ON. ALCOHOL. I have no idea why but it seems to run in the family.
“Are you sure that this is a good idea for someon…pony that has never used his wings before? Shouldn’t I be doing some muscle memory stuff instead?”
James was standing at the edge of a cliff with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.
“I have no idea, now stop being a foal and jump.”
At that, Scootaloo took the jump and tried flapping her little wings as quickly as possible. She was unable to gain enough air speed though and instead of gliding, began to panic and tucked her wings hard against her body, beginning a rocketing journey towards the surface of the planet 1000 meters below.
“Wait, she’s not flying. Rainbow! SHE’S NOT FUCKING FLYING!!”
“Nah, give her a second and she’ll figure it out.”
“Fuck that and fuck you.”
At that James jumped from the cliff, elongating his body and doing his best to become as aerodynamic as possible, putting the training that he received during HALO school to use with an actual need.
“What the actual fuck was either of them thinking? What am I thinking?”
“Straighten your neck and flap your wings forward.”
“Oh hey conscience, just in time to see me die too.”
“Do what I told you.”
James did what he was told and began to flap his massive wings. As he gained speed he began to see what appeared to be a Mach cone forming in front of his face.
“Holy hell, is the atmosphere here so much different that I’m able to break the sound barrier?”
“Keep flapping, the life of that filly depends on you.”
“We have the strangest and longest winded conversations ever but it seems that no one else notices the time pass, why is that?”
“This is neither the time nor the place to ask that, focus.”
James reached the petrified filly and grabbed onto her with his hooves. By this time they had fallen to 125 meters from the ground.
”Spread your wings straight out against the fall.”
James did as he was told and began to glide gently for the last 100 meters gently setting down on a grassy meadow with a Pegasus that was overjoyed to be on the ground again.
“Scootaloo are you alright?”
“You saved me.”
“Do you have any injuries?”
“You bucking saved me. What was I thinking, I can’t fly why’d I do that?”
“Because you wanted to learn?”
“Yeah I guess, but why would Dash take me up there to try to teach me how to fly when I can’t bucking fly?”
“Maybe she’s trying to kill you.”
“It was a joke kid. But seriously though, I’ve never even had any basics and she took me up there, what WAS she thinking?”
“Hey, so I see that you guys survived.”
“No thanks to you, what the fuck were you thinking taking two flightless pegasus to a kilometer high cliff?”
“Well you flew.”
“And if I hadn’t, Scootaloo would be dead.”
“Well she isn’t.”
“I’m right here, and seriously though Dash, what the buck were you thinking? You know I can’t fly.”
“Maybe it was a small revenge for the Gabby Gums thing.”
“I apologized and had the paper print a retraction, what more do you want? My death?”
“You ruined my reputation in Cloudsdale, I can’t show my face there anymore because of you.”
“Whoa whoa whoa hold up a second here. What happened?”
“The Cutie Mark Crusaders and I ran a gossip column for the Foal Free Press, Dash here was a subject for one of the columns.”
“What the fuck? Their gossip columns are run by children?”
“So it would seem, they even ran a column on Princess Celestia.”
“You seem to know a lot about this world conscience, are you actually a part of this world that just shows up around new arrivals?”
“I only speak when I need to get your attention.”
“So you’re like that annoying thing in Legend of Zelda.”
“But I say other words than what is needed to get your attention.”
“Right, so like I had started to say earlier, why are our conversations so much longer than the amount of time spent in them?”
“We are communicating at the speed of your thoughts, since you are more intelligent and have a faster working brain, our conversations need less time. By a factor of 6 to be exact.”
“Well that makes me feel pretty good about myself.”
“Kid, you’ve ruined my reputation of being a badass.”
“Not my fault that our cameraman was in the right place at the wrong time.”
“But you didn’t have to write that story to go with it.”
“But we did, and then we apologized to everypony that reads the paper.”
“Hey Dash, it seems that you’re holding a grudge that caused you to almost cause the death of somebody.”
“But you saved her.”
“I had no idea how to fly when I jumped. What would have happened if I hadn’t figured out how to glide and then I died as well?”
“Multiple tragic suicides.”
“You are a sick person.”
“A what?”
“Never mind. Come on Scootaloo let’s get out of here.”
“What the actual fuck was she thinking?”
“I have no idea, and hey, I’m still a kid could you tone down the language?”
“Sorry about that, I’m really angry with somebopony right now. Anywho…. Let’s get you back to your parents.”
With that, Scootaloo stopped in the middle of the road.
“Kid, you coming?”
“I don’t know where my parents are.”
“What, did you lose them? It shouldn’t be that hard to find them, we can just get you back to your house at least.”
“I don’t have a home.”
“What? You don’t know where your parents are and you don’t have a home?”
“Yeah, I sometimes stay with Applebloom or Sweetie Belle but I can’t do that every night or Applejack and Rarity would start asking questions.”
“If you don’t want them asking questions, why are you answering mine?”
“You saved my life.”
“Hey conscience, is there a life debt thing in Equestria?”
“If I save somePONIES life, are they eternal indebted to me?”
“I think I understand what you mean, no there is not.”
“Then why is this little one opening up to me?”
“It seems that she trusts you enough to let you know what even her closest friends do not know.”
“That’s kinda fucked up, since I’ve already determined that you are a something from this world, what happened to her parents?”
“… They died, she doesn’t know, she thinks they are probably dead but is unsure.”
“They just died? And nobody is taking care of her?”
“That is correct, there are very few that knew Scootaloo’s parents and even fewer that knew that they had a foal.”
“She’s homeless?”
“We have established that you aren’t my conscience, I want to help this one, I know what it is to feel loss, what can you do about getting me set up with living arrangements?”
“Well you could possibly stay with Lyra and Bon Bon for the summer, but you and Scootaloo haven’t broken a wing.”
“That matters?”
“It seems that to them it does.”
“Ok then, how about something a little more permanent?”
“I’ll see what I can do, go talk to the mayor of Ponyville, she’ll have something for you by the time you get there.”
“Thank you conscience. It would be nice if I could get a real name to call you by.”
“Conscience is fine for now.”
“Alright kid, I need to go to the mayor’s office, could you lead the way there?”
“Why do you need to go to the mayors office?”
“Find some housing.”
“Oh, ok it’s this way.”
“And then he just jumped after her.”
“He didn’t even hesitate?”
“I’m telling you Twilight, the guy knew what he was doing, I think he’s lying about the whole being from a different world thing. He even almost did a Sonic Rainboom.”
“Are you sure that’s what you saw?”
“As sure as I am that my name is Rainbow Dash.”
“Huh. But Princess Celestia’s letter clearly stated that he was from a different world.”
“Could Princess Celestia have sent a spy herself to check up on us?”
“I highly doubt that Dash. In all the years I spent with her in Canterlot, never once did she have and covert operations going.”
“You do know that they’re called covert operations for a reason Twi, because you aren’t supposed to see them.”
“Hey what were you doing with Scootaloo on that cliff anyways?”
“Uhh, I gotta go.”
“Rainbow Dash get back here!.. ughh.. I wonder…”
Dear Princess Celestia
It seems that this James pony has all the abilities of a Wonderbolt, but still claims that he is not from this world. He saved a pony from an almost certain death just today. If you and your sister could come and see him and examine him for yourselves to make sure that he is not a threat to anypony here, I would feel much safer.
Your Faithful Student
Twilight Sparkle.

Dear Madame Mayor
There will be a pegasus stallion coming to see you very soon. He will be inquiring about a home. His name is James and he is lacking a cutie mark at the moment. Give him the deed to the small vacant cottage near the library and also search for employment opportunities. You are not to tell him who made these arraignments for him on pain of banishment. I thank you for your assistance and finally, I have a feeling that he shall soon be interested in adopting the filly named Scootaloo, with this, help him where you can.
Luna, Princess of the Moon.

A/N I blame any coherence and repetition errors on the bourbon. If you find one, let me know and I'll try to fix it.

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