• Published 25th Dec 2012
  • 354 Views, 7 Comments

An Uncanny Hearts Warmth - Tribute

A short and exciting tail about the meaning of Hearth's Warmth.

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An Uncanny Hearth's Warmth

An Uncanny Hearth's Warmth

By Tribute


Inside an average music store, in the small town of Ponyville, two good friends are window shopping hoping to find something they can potentially buy.

“I could definitely use one of these,” Vinyl exclaimed holding the new, state of the art headphones.

“Maybe if you didn't lose most of our money on that silly bet, you could purchase it,” Octavia said condescendingly.

“Hey, I told you that wasn't my fault. That game was rigged. I was supposed to win if that snot nosed cheater played fair!”

“Or maybe if you would stop spending our money on such trivial things, then maybe we wouldn't be struggling with our rent this year.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Vinyl said ignoring her. “Lets head out. It's not like either one of us are going to purchase anything anyways.”

The two ponies began to walk towards the exit of the music shop, but before Octavia stepped through the door, she looked back and eyed the beautiful Cello case that she couldn't afford. Vinyl looked back wondering what was keeping her friend, and saw that she was once again eyeing that case. She has been needing a new case, since her old one is falling apart. At that point, all Vinyl could feel was regret. Regret that she couldn't get her best friend what she wanted this Hearth's Warmth.

“Common Octy, lets go home,” Vinyl insisted

Octavia turned to face her friend and exited the music shop. Both ponies heading back home.


“Vinyl! could you gather some more firewood from the back. We're running low here.”

“On it!” answered Vinyl.

The white unicorn threw on her scarf before she walked through the kitchen and out the back door. Huddled against the wall of their house was a pile of logs that she engulfed in levitation magic. As she was heading back inside, she heard a groan coming from the bushes on the other corner of the house. The groan sounded like a ponies groan rather than any animal she's ever heard of. She placed the logs that she was carrying down on the snow and began to walk towards the origin of the sound. She peeked her head around the corner of the house. There, in the bushes, she found a midnight blue Pegasus with a Sage green colored mane and tail sporting a vest and what seemed to be a black sneaking suit underneath.

“Uh... What are you doing?” Vinyl asked.

The Pegasus looked up and made eye contact with the unicorn for a while before his head collapsed back and fainted.

“Hey! Dude. you alright?” Vinyl asked distressed. “Shoot!”

Without thinking, she immediately got him out of the bush, grabbed his tail with her mouth, and dragged him into her house through the back. The door slammed shut once the unconscious pony was completely inside.

“Vinyl what took you so lo..,” Octavia stopped at the kitchen door way, awe struck at what she was seeing. “What's going on!?” Octavia asked.

“Don't ask me. I just went to get the firewood like you asked and all of a sudden I find this guy in the bushes.”

“Is he alright?” Octavia asked.

“I don't know? Do I look like a doctor?” Vinyl answered. “Help me get him on the couch.”

Octavia obliged as she lifted the stallion from his rear legs as Vinyl lifted him from his shoulders. After what seemed to be an eternity of heavy lifting from the kitchen to the living room, which connected, they finally managed to carefully place the unconscious stallion on the couch in the middle of the room.

“Okay, call the doctor,” Octavia told Vinyl while catching her breath.

Vinyl nodded and began to cast a message spell to send to the hospital, when suddenly the stallion shouted, “NO! No doctor!”

Both mares jumped from the sudden shout from the stallion. Octavia was clenching her chest with her hoof as she leaned against the wall stiff with shock, while Vinyl was holding what seemed to be a sloppy karate pose.

“What the hay! Don't just come back to life like that!” Vinyl protested.

The Stallion coughed a bit before he apologized. “I didn't mean to frighten you. But a doctor is the last thing we need right now. Somepony could intercept the call and find out where we are.”

“Wait what?” Vinyl asked perplexed. “What's this 'we' stuff? We don't know you dude.”

“Yeah, well that's not gonna stop them,” The stallion began to tap on his vest checking if he had everything with him. He gave a sigh of relief when he felt the item he was looking for in his pocket.

“Excuse me sir, but what are you talking about?” Octavia asked.

The stallion reached into his left pocket and pulled out a small black box.

“What's that?” Vinyl asked.

“This? This is a box full of magic energy. An experimental accident if you will,” The stallion answered. “It is said to give whoever opens it, the power to create, rewrite, or do pretty much anything they want for a short period of time. In other words, it'll grant you one wish.”

“That sounds awesome!” Vinyl said.

“Yeah, but theirs a catch,” He said. “Anypony whose uses this power becomes corrupted by it.”

“Crud! Theirs always a catch, isn't there?” Vinyl said.

“But if it's so dangerous, what are you doing with it?” Octavia interrogated.

“I was on my way to destroy it when I was ambushed. I did all I could to lose them, but those jerks clipped my wing pretty bad and I lost control of my flight. I think they broke it,” The stallion said while caressing his left wing. “Thankfully the cloud's aided in my unorthodox escape and I ended up crashing into your bush. Their probably looking for me now. Which is why sending a message, via magic, is a bad idea. They'd probably intercept it and come straight here.”

“Wait, are you saying we're involved just because I helped you?” Vinyl asked

“I wish I could say no to that,” The stallion said regretfully. “It's only a matter of time before they find out where I'm at anyway. They have a unicorn whose excellent at tracking. Even if I were to leave they would strip this place down and who knows what might happen to you two.

“The universe hates us, doesn't it?” Octavia said.

Vinyl sighed, “What do we have to do?”

Octavia's eyes grew in size as she heard her friends question, “Vinyl! You can't be serious! Your actually going to get involved?”

“Like he said Octy, we're already involved. It's not like we have much of a choice now do we?”

Octavia looked down at the floor pondering on what Vinyl had just told her. She was right. If what this Stallion says is true, they are all in serious danger.

“Well?” Vinyl asked the Stallion.

“We have to destroy this box, and there are two ways I know how. We can either reflect the magic back at itself causing it to combust against it's own energy. To do this though, we need to somehow duplicate it.”

“Pinkie recently duplicated herself a few weeks ago. What a day that was,” She finished sarcastically.

“I believe the entrance to whatever Pinkie used has been closed off by the citizens,” Octavia informed.

“Crud. What's the other way?”

“We toss it into lava.” The Stallion said. “Fire won't do the trick, but lava can submerge the box in intense heat causing it to burn out all it's protective magic quickly, afterwords, incinerating it.”

“Wait, this sounds like a movie I just saw,” Vinyl pondered.

“And where are we going to find lava?” Octavia asked questionably.

The Stallion lifts himself off the couch and walks towards the living room window. He lifts his hoof and points to something. “There,” He said.

The two mares walk up behind him and see that he is pointing towards the mountain northeast of Ponyville. The same mountain where the snoring dragon incident occurred a while back.

“Deep underground in that mountain, is a reservoir of molten magma. We'll use it to destroy this thing and go home.”

“Sounds like plan.” Vinyl said.

“We should get ready then, I could use a first aid kit if you guys could spare one.”

“Of course. By the way, what is your name?” Octavia asked.

“I can't really tell you my real name right now. But you can call me Havoc. It's an ironic nickname my peers gave me.”

“Well nice to meet you Havoc. My name is Octavia, and she's Vinyl.

“Nice to meet ya,” He greeted. “Well, you guys better bring what you need, cause once I'm done patching myself up, we're heading out,” He said.

The two mares nodded and went off gathering their scarfs, sweaters, saddlebags, and whatever else they needed. A few minutes pass and the three were ready to begin their journey. Havoc opened the front door and looked out through the snowy terrain leading to the mountain.

“You guys ready?” He asked.

Once again, the two nodded and off they went through the snow.


A cold winter's breeze blew through the air; typical for the time of year they were in. The travelers were closing in on their destination with the cave entrance in sight. Havoc abruptly stopped them in their tracks.

“Do you guys here that?”

“No,” Octavia answered.

Havoc perked his ears attempting to hear better. His pupils shrunk when he realized what the noise he was hearing meant.

“We have a problem. They found us.”

The two mares looked at each other with concern.

“Here, take the box,” He said handing the black box to Octavia. “I need you guys to go on ahead, I'll hold them off as long as I can.”

“But your injuries,” Octavia reminded with concern.

“I'll be fine. I've been in worse shape before,” He jokingly informed. ” Now please, go!”

Vinyl began shoving Octavia towards the direction of the cave entrance.

“Common Octy. He's got his job, we've got ours.”

After some reluctant pushing, she finally gave in and began heading towards the entrance of the cave. “Hey girls!” Havoc shouted. The two mares stopped and looked his direction. “Sorry I got you guys involved in this.”

With that, the two mare acknowledged his apology with a nod and resumed their travel towards the cave.

Havoc prepared himself as the noise of hooves running through the snow and wings flapping through the cold winter air grew closer with every passing second. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he waited. He would have to cave in the entrance to significantly slow them down. He checked his pockets and found he did have an explosive left. “This is not going to be easy, but this should do it,” he thought to himself. Eventually someone spoke up.

“So, your alright after all. That was one mean fall you took back there. Even broke your wing, huh?” A female voice stated.

Havoc opened his eyes and saw three ponies: two colts; a white unicorn and a brown earth pony, and a light green mare Pegasus dressed in tactical black gear.

“Yeah, no thanks to you Aerial Flight.” He answered.

They both chuckled as if what they were talking about was some normal accident.

“I always did like you. So I'm going to ask again nicely. Hoof over the box, will ya? Or better yet, join me.”

“Sorry, I don't have it,” he answered smugly.

Aerial's face turned from friendly to serious once she heard him answer.

“What do you mean you don't have it?” She asked.

“It means, I don't have it.”

“Ma'am, I'm picking up two possible ponies not too far inside the cave over there. It's hard to tell. Something is distorting my magic. Might be the box,” The unicorn said.

“Good work Sergeant,” She complimented. “Havoc, I thought you worked alone?”

Havoc did not answer.

“Seeing as how we're the only Military who know of this situation, I'd guess their civilian, especially since we just trashed a house looking for you. This should be easy.”

“Sure, it could. IF, you can get past me.” He stated.

The earth pony stepped forward ready to accept his challenge. Aerial stuck her hoof out and stopped him. “Careful. He may not be able to fly, but he's still dangerous. We should play this smart and work as a team.” she suggested.

The two colts nodded their heads in agreement and began to slowly surround the injured Pegasus.

“Well, I'd love to play, but I've got two beautiful mares waiting for me,” He then reared himself and shouted “Later!” before slamming his front hooves into the ground causing a bright flash and smoke to appear all around him. Crunching hoof steps were heard in the snow as Aerial and her team were blinded by the brightness of the light.

“Uh, a flash crystal. Darn. After him quick! Sergeant!” She ordered while shielding her eyes from the bright light.

The Unicorn's horn glowed and both the light and the smoke were cleared with a zap of his magic. Havoc was already half way to the cave entrance before his pursuers began to chase him. Havoc knew that he couldn't outrun them in the condition he was in. He waited till they came close enough. The unicorn shot a burst of magic which Havoc avoided by dashing to the left. Havoc reached into his vest and threw a hoof full of capsules at his pursuers. They ignited in mid-air releasing a black cloud blocking the path of all three of his pursuers. Coughing was all that was heard from within the dark smoke. The unicorn sergeant became furious with his watery eyes and irritated sinuses. He began to fire beams of magic aimlessly through the smoke hoping to hit Havoc. A stray shot connected with the top of the cave which initiated a cave in. Havoc made a 180 from where he was and sprinted towards the collapsing cave entrance. A large boulder seemed to be coming loose as Havoc ran with all his might. Just meters away from the cave entrance, he dove in just seconds away from being crushed by the falling boulder. The smoke around Aerial's team had finally begun to clear. She was now furious that the only entrance way into the cave had now been sealed.

“AAHHH!! HAVOC! YOU ANNOYING FOAL!!” She sweared. “Sergeant can you do something about these boulders?”

“Yes ma'am, but it's going to take some time,” The unicorn answered.

“Well get to work then!” She barked. “He tried to by some time and he succeeded. But this isn't over. Not by a long shot.”


“What was that?” Octavia asked.

Both mares looked back towards the cave entrance.

“Sounded like a cave in,” Vinyl answered.

“I hope Havoc's alright,” She said with a worried tone.

“You like him don't you?” Vinyl teased.

“Yes. I mean no! Not like that anyways. I just don't want anything bad to happen to him, that's all,” Octavia said embarrassingly.

“Right,” Vinyl said sarcastically. “Anyway we should probably keep moving. The faster we get rid of this thing, the better.”

Octavia agreed with a nod of her head. Both mares continued down the caves path.

“So Octy, what did you get me for Hearth's Warmth?” Vinyl asked.

“I am not answering that,” Octavia answered increasing her speed to avoid Vinyl and her question. She was abruptly stopped by a yank on her tail that pulled her so hard, it lifted her from her hooves and shot her back. A second later, a large hammer swung from the left colliding with the wall on the right with a large amount of force. Octavia's eye's were wide in terror as she realized that she was almost smash.

“That was close,” A familiar voice sounded.

Vinyl turned and found Havoc spitting out Octavia's tail out of his mouth.

“You guys better watch your step from here on. Looks like there are traps ahead,” He warned.

“Traps? I thought this was a normal cave?” Vinyl asked.

“Yeah, I thought so too,” Havoc answered.

Octavia was still trying to calm down from her close encounter with death. “I.. I was almost.”

“Yeah you were.” Vinyl joked.

“How could you be so calm about it! I was almost smashed! It could have easily have been you! Doesn't that bother you!?”

“Of course it does, but..”

“But it doesn't do us any good squabbling over it,” Havoc interrupted. “I'm sure you heard the cave in. That's not going to hold them out for long. We've got to keep moving. I'll take lead. There are bound to be more traps up ahead.”

“Why are there traps here?” Octavia asked.

“I honestly don't know, and I don't like it,” He answered.

Havoc went on ahead double checking the area for traps. The further the three ponies went, the darker the cave became. Vinyl used a basic illumination spell to help guide them along. In their path, they encountered a few trip wires, but nothing else more devious, which they avoided thanks to Havoc's expertise. Eventually, they came across a perpendicular trail to their right. Vinyl shined her light in the new found path. Once she did, her light ricochet off the wall like a rubber ball being bounced around the room. The whole place was lite in seconds. They had stumbled upon a mineral deposit of gems, crystals, and diamonds flickering from Vinyl's light.

“Wow,” Octavia commented awe struck.

“Aww Yeah! Looks like we don't have to worry about our rent this month after all,” Vinyl joked.

“These on the wall would make a perfect Hearth's Warming gift to my mother,” Octavia thought as both Vinyl and Havoc continued to walk down the tunnel. Octavia looked around with precaution as if she was shoplifting.

“I'll just take one. After all, this is much better than that gift card I got for her,” She thought to herself.

She began to pull on the protruding crystal, but it did not budge. She then began to dig around the crystal hoping to loosen it. After a minute or two, she began to pull on it again, this time there was a budge. This encouraged her to pull harder placing her rear hooves against the wall giving her maximum leverage. The wall began to crack as the ceiling and the floor followed. With one last powerful pull, Octavia finally managed to pull the shy rock out of the wall, falling on her back. When she opened her eyes, she had the crystal in her hooves, but what she also realized was that she was being surrounded by the noise of cracking rock. The floor and ceiling seemed more like thin ice, cracking at the start of spring.

“Well Octy, it was a dead end over here, lets head back,” Vinyl said while turning the corner. She just happened to catch a glimpse of Octavia before the floor around the poor gray mare gave in. As Octavia fell down the newly formed crevasse, the ceiling above her collapsed as well. sealing the opening so no pony could follow.

“TAVI!!” Vinyl shouted as she sprinted towards the small cave in. Havoc was able to grab her before she got any closer.

“Stop squirming! Do you want to be crushed?” Havoc asked.

Vinyl just laid there with Havoc's restraining hooves around her. It did not take long for the rocks to stop falling. He released his grip on the shocked mare and walked up to the small wall of rocks. He reached into his pocket and brought out a flat circular object and stared at it for a few moments before letting out a smile.

“She's okay,” He answered to Vinyl.

“What? How do you know?”

“I taped on a homing seal on the box when I handed it to you guys at the entrance. It was in case I was to lose track of you and it. This device tells me what direction it is, and the heat signature of whatever is around it. Weaker than unicorn magic I know, but pretty handy considering I'm a Pegasus.”

“You are handy aren't you?” She said.

“I try,” He joked.

Suddenly, Havoc's attention was drawn to the entrance of the tunnel.

“Hurry up! I heard noise this way!” Shouted a raspy, dirty voice.

“Shoot, get down.” Havoc ordered.

Both ponies slowly peered above the rocks and saw light coming from the left side of the tunnels. Three shadows followed of creatures neither pony could figure. Eventually the creatures stopped at the entrance of their tunnel. The creatures looked like mutated dogs walking on their hind legs. One wore a red vest, one was short, and the other was the biggest. The one with the red vest snatched the torch from the shorter one and shown its light to investigate the area.

“No.” Shouted the red vested one.

“Darn non sturdy caves! We have to dig more now.” The the shorter one complained.

“What you worried, We just get the mutts to do digging for us.”

“Arf, Arf” barking sounded from the other end of the cavern.

“Yes. What is it?” the vested one asked the armored dog.

“Arf, Arf, Arf!”

“What!? A pony? Here!?”

“Probably the one who cause rock slide,” The short one said.

“Okay Diamond Dogs, lets head back,” ordered the red vested one.

The group followed the armored dog, leading them back from where they came. Havoc hopped over the pile of rocks once the coast was clear.

“Diamond Dogs? I think pinkie told me about them once,” Vinyl pondered.

“Sounds like they have your friend.” Havoc said ignoring her self comment.

“Yeah, Lets follow them.” Vinyl suggested.


The tunnel was becoming warmer the deeper they entered the mountain. Bright reddish light was beginning to envelope the dark tunnel the closer the two ponies came to the end of it. Once reached, both ponies stood on a ledge in awe at what they saw. A large cavern filled with Diamond Dogs working on extracting minerals from the walls. The reddish light came from the molten magma in the crevasse at the end of the cavern. Dogs carrying crates and boxes full of jewels and crystals were continuously traveling from the walls to the tents on the right. Cooks making meals for the workers could be seen on the other side of the tents. The heat of the lava was being used for wielding and crafting. After a few moments of absorbing the surroundings, Havoc found Octavia locked up in a cell on the left side. He also noticed that her satchel was missing.

“Hey Havoc, is it me, or does that Dog we followed with the red vest holding the black box?” Vinyl asked.

Havoc turned to see if what she had said was true. “Yup, that's it. Just my luck.” He lowered his head in disappointment. “I found your friend. She's being held captive in that jail cell over there.”

“Sweet! Lets get her!” Vinyl said ecstatic.

“Hold on! We can't just rush in and get caught too. Then what would we do?” Havoc said. “We need to come up with a plan. I can free your friend, but we still need to get our hooves on that box.”

“Is that all that's stopping you? Leave the box to me, I'll get a hold of it,” Vinyl smugly said.

Havoc looked at Vinyl with a worried look in his face. “What are you planning?”

Vinyl began to move down towards the camps where the box was. “You'll see, just get Octavia out quick alright?” With that, she jumped off the ledge and began sneaking her way towards the tents.

Havoc tried to yell stop but he suppressed the urge knowing that an outburst like that would probably get the two of them caught. He just sighed and hoped that she knew what she was doing before heading to the cells. Using the rocky terrain and equipment for cover, Havoc quickly and smoothly made his way to the cell gates without being noticed. There was one sentry posted on the right, besides the cell and no one else in sight. He grabbed a rock and tossed it to the far right of the guard causing him to turn towards the sudden noise the rock had made. Havoc took this chance and lept over his cover sprinting towards the guard and tackling him hard against the wall knocking him unconscious.

“Havoc! You found me!” Octavia said excitingly. “Wait, where's Vinyl?”

Havoc began picking at the lock with some of his tools. “She ran off to get us back the box.” He said.

“What!? Is she crazy?”

“You tell me. I have no idea how she's going to do it, but something tells me we better get ready to back her up.” Havoc was getting a little frustrated that the lock hadn't opened yet. “Uh! This would be a lot easier if that guard actually had the keys,” With a last twist, the gate snapped opened. “There we are.”

“Thank you.”

“Don't mention it, now lets hurry.” The two ponies headed towards the head of the camp. Once there, Havoc and Octavia took cover behind some crates.

“You see that big one, I think the others called him Fido. The small one is Spot, and the one with the red vest is Rover. I believe he's the one in charge,” Octavia informed. “Where's Vinyl?”

“I don't know. Lets stop talking for a second and listen in,” Havoc suggested. Both of them leaned closer trying to hear the conversation the dogs were having.

“What do you think this is?” Rover asked as he continuously turned the cube in bewilderment.

“I don't know,” Answered Fido.

“Maybe we should try opening it,” Suggested Spot.

“Yo dogs! Wassup!?” Vinyl said coming out from behind the tent in front of the trio.

“What!? Another pony!? Guards seize her!” Rover ordered.

In what seemed like a second, Vinyl was surrounded by guard dogs pointing spears at her.

“Woah, woah! Chill! Jeez! I just came here to talk that's all,” Vinyl said in a calm voice.

“What is she doing!? She's really gone mental!” Octavia whispered to Havoc.

“Calm down, we'll figure something out,” Havoc comforted.

“Talk? What do you want pony?” Rover asked.

“That box you have is mine, and I want it back,” Vinyl said.

“This thing? Well it's ours now, we found it.”


“Another pony we captured down here had it.”

“Ah, so you caught the thief that took it from me? Thanks a bunch. Now if you could hand it over I can be on my way.” Vinyl said

The spear tips surrounding her came closer as she reached out her hoof.

“Thief! Is she referring to me!” Octavia exclaimed softly.

“Octavia, shush!” Havoc said.

“This must be important if she want it that badly,” Spot said.

”Your right, it is important. Its my Hearth's Warmth gift to my friend Rarity,” Vinyl explained.

“Did..you just say.. Rarity?” Spot asked in a nervous tone.

“Yeah, and she'll personally come down here if you don't give it back.” Vinyl bluffed.

“What is she talking about, she hardly knows Rarity,” Octavia whispered to Havoc.

“Doesn't matter, I think it's actually working,” Havoc said.

The three Dogs were struck in horror as the name passed through their ears. Their legs shook as if they were freezing from a blizzard, and just stood staring off into space remembering the horror it was having to deal with that white unicorn.

“Hello? Any anybody there? “ Vinyl asked, trying to snap the three out of their thoughts.

“Yes, I mean no, I mean... give us one moment,” Rover said with a smile, then turned around to face the other two.

“What are we to do?” asked Spot.

“Me no like loud one,” Fido said.

“Yes. We should give this back. It is the best choice we have.” Spot suggested.

“Okay.” Rover answered while Fido just nodded.

“Dogs! Stand down.” Rover commanded.

The spears were lifted and Vinyl felt more at ease.

“You win Pony, here's your present.” Rover handed the box over to Vinyl which she happily accepted.

“Not so fast! That box is mine!”

Everyone in the cavern turned towards the sound of the voice. At the entrance stood Aerial and her two lackeys.

“Shoot, Not good,” Havoc said.

The two colts jumped off the ledge attempting to gain better vantage points around Vinyl while the commander took flight heading straight for them.

“Hand it over girl.” Aerial demanded.

“Um... no,” Vinyl answered.

“Who are these ponies?” Rover asked.

Vinyl thought for a second before answering. “Their thieves, their trying to steal my present and they may want to steal your gems too.”

“Really? Guards! Seize these ponies now!” Rover commanded.

Most of the group around Vinyl immediately turned their attention towards Aerial while the others went for the other two. Aerial braced herself for the incoming dogs. The first one that tried to grab her was flung by the wrist with her mouth and tossed across the camp, taking down several tents with him. She then raised her hind legs and bucked making contact with two of the guards causing them to fly back, hitting the rest of the guards like bowling pins. Her unicorn sergeant was making quick work on the dogs that faced him by turning them into stone, while the earth pony captain just kept bucking and tossing the numerous dog's around him with his strength.

Rover, Spot, and Fido ran towards one of the petrified guard dogs.

“You turned them into stone?” Rover rhetorically asked the unicorn in distraught.

“Turn them back!” Spot demanded.

The unicorn ignored their plea and began to charge his magic again, preparing to turn the three to stone as well. The three of them closed their eyes and flinched preparing for their doom, but nothing happened. They opened their eyes and saw the unicorn on the floor unconscious with a bump on his head. Standing above him was a midnight blue Pegasus with a bandaged wing.

“You saved us? Why?” Rover asked

“I never did like the guy.” He said.

“Thank you!” Fido said before jumping on him and licking his face.

“Ah, don't mention it. Stop!” Fido stopped his relentless licking allowing Havoc to stand. “Listen, these guys mean business and we need your help. That box Vinyl has is dangerous and we need to throw it into the lava to destroy it. Will you help us?”

“Yes.” All three said in unison.

“Good, I'll deal with Aerial. Octavia,” He handed her a bag filled with gold needles, “will unpetrify the dogs. You three, help Vinyl get that box into the lava. Okay?”

“Okay,” The dogs said in unison.


“Give me that box!” Aerial shouted while chasing Vinyl.

“Aaauuahhhh! Guys! A little help here!”

Vinyl tripped over a rock causing her to let go of the box. It kept sliding on the ground till a hoof stopped it. Vinyl looked up and saw Havoc picking up the box and handing it to Rover.

“Keep this away from her at all costs,” He told him.

“Oh no you don't!” Aerial said while charging in to tackle Rover.

“Ah, Spot catch!” He said before he tossed the box to Spot. Aerial stopped in front of him and was preparing to chase the box when Havoc interfered.

“Sorry, but I can't let you go.”

“Fine!” She yelled and charged at Havoc tackling him to the ground.

“While she's distracted! throw it in the lava!” Vinyl shouted.

Suddenly Spot was hit by a guard dog that was flung from behind him. The earth pony captain had repelled all of the guard dogs that had been keeping him busy. Out of breath, he began trotting towards Spot who was pinned on the floor from the weight of the guard dog that laid on top of him.

“Fido, catch!” He yelled while throwing the black box at him. He caught it with ease but it didn't slow the captain from charging at him.

Throw it over here you fool!” yelled Rover.

Fido winded the pitch, but the stallion tackled him right before he was able to release causing the box to fly farther than originally intended. The box hit the floor and slid right next to Octavia who had just finished curing the last guard dog from petrification.

Havoc was busy keeping Aerial under control holding her down with his arms. Unfortunately, she ended up using his injured wing to loosen his grip around her, giving her the chance to counter and toss him. He collided with the wall. She tried to use her natural Pegasus speed to fly towards Octavia, but her wings, they weren't responding, they were numb. “Uh, Darn you Havoc,” She muttered as she could only guess that Havoc had injected her wings with something.

She ignored them and began running towards Octavia with one goal in mind, to take back the box, but before she could get to her, Vinyl snatched the box from Octavia and shoved her aside causing Aerial to collide with Vinyl. Octavia recovered from her fall and began witnessing Vinyl and Aerial struggling for control of the box. Punching, kicking, slapping; it was a dirt ball of a fight over who would end up with control. After a while, they ended up at the edge of the cavern next to the crevasse. Right below them was hot molten magma as they continued to tug and pull. All the trauma from the fighting was causing the weak old ledge to crack and crumble underneath the two ponies. Next thing they knew, the ground they stood on was separated from the rest slowly falling into the fiery sea. Octavia could only watch as her best friend was slowly falling to her doom.

“Vinyl! No, VINYL!!” Octavia shouted, hoping her voice would somehow save her friend. Unfortunately, it didn't, as the two mares disappeared from her sight. Octavia tried to run towards her. Maybe she can still save her, maybe she can still do something, anything, but something was holding her back. Two midnight blue arms were wrapped around her waist . Shouts for her to calm down, that she couldn't help her, were muffled due to her lack of ability to listen in this dreadful hour. She couldn't accept the facts. She continued her struggle for freedom, her face covered in dirt and tears as she dug into the ground trying to break free. All she wanted was her old life back. All she wanted was her best friend. All she saw next was a bright light, then pitch black.


“VINYL!” Octavia screamed as she rose from her bed. She began to look around at her surroundings and found that she was back in her room. Her window and drawer on her left, her desk and closet on her right, her worn down cello case on the floor next to her bed. Confused, she got out of bed and walked towards the hallway.

“Vinyl! You here?” Octavia called out. There was no answer. She continued to call out for her friend as she made her way through the hall and down the stairs to the living room. She heard a grunt coming from the couch.

“Vinyl! Is that you?” She asked excitingly as she ran to the coach. On it was Havoc with a hoof on his forehead.

“What..what happened?” He asked.

“I..don't know.” Octavia answered with a disappointing tone in her voice. Her eyes began to water again as she was coming to accept that her friend was gone forever. Then, she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around. Her eyes opened wide at what she saw. A new cello case, the one she's been wanting, was held right in front of her with a bow on it.

“Merry Hearth's Warmth Octy,” a familiar voice said. The voice was unmistakable. Octavia shoved the case aside to see who was hiding behind it. When she had a good look, her mouth quivered and tears began to stream down her face before she leaped off her hooves and hugged Vinyl who was standing in front of her in one piece.

“Wow, I know you wanted that case but jeez,” Vinyl joked as Octavia was sobbing on her shoulder. As Vinyl went in for the hug, Octavia broke hers and shoved her down on the floor.

“What were you thinking! Making me worry like that! I have the right mind to beat you silly! Don't you ever do that again!” She scolded Vinyl.

“I'm sorry...I didn't mean to,” Vinyl said while looking away from her in shame.

Octavia sighed, “No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you.” She handed Octavia a hoof. Vinyl saw this gesture and smiled. She grabbed her hoof and got up from the ground.

“So, How did we get here?” Octavia asked.

“Well, as I was falling to my inevitable doom, when grabbed hold of the box and opened it. I used its power to erase everything that had just happened and wipe the memories of everyone but the three of us.”

“What? But what about the corruption? What about the box? What about the everyone else?” Octavia asked.

“The box no longer exists and never will, Ashley and her crew won't be causing any trouble without the box to antagonize their greed, and everyone else is fine. Oh, and I covered the rent for the next forever. So don't even sweat that. As for the corruption thing, I don't know,” She answered.

“I think I can shed some light on that,” Havoc crossed. “Seeing how close you two are now, it's no surprise to me that you guys truly are the best of friends. And you used the power in a selfless way. So...heh, this is going to sound cheesy, but I think your friendship was what didn't allow the evil of the box to enter your heart.”

“The magic of friendship, huh?” Vinyl asked.

“Sure if you want to call it that,” Havoc responded.

“I'm cool with that,” Vinyl added before she looked Octavia. “So did you like the present I gave you?”

“Love it,” She answered and gave Vinyl one last hug before heading to the kitchen. I'm going to make some tea. Would you two like some?”

“I'd love some but unfortunately I have to be heading out. I'll be in some trouble if I'm not back soon,” Havoc said.

Vinyl threw her arm around Havoc's shoulders, “Aww, common big guy, it's Hearths Warmth. Forget your responsibilities for one day.”

“Heh, alright. One cup of tea before I head out,” he said.

“Sweet,” Vinyl said as she walked towards the kitchen. “By the way, now that everything's over with, what's your real name?”

“I'll tell you if you tell me how you knew what to say to those diamond dogs to give you back the box,” he said.

“Pinkie Pie. She told me about her encounter with them when she went to rescue her friend Rarity. Apparently Rarity can be really annoying,” She explained..

“Huh, no kidding? Well, a deals a deal. My real name is Lucky Chance,” he answered.

Both mares looked at him with bewildered eyes. Then both started laughing.

“That's the last thing you are,” Vinyl stated while trying to breath.

“Gee thanks,” he said laughing himself.

“I'm just going to keep calling you Havoc, Alright?” She said.

“That's fine by me.”

Well Mr. Chance, you want sugar in your tea?” Octavia asked.

“No thanks.” Havoc answered before entering the kitchen to enjoy the holiday with his two new friends.


Hearths Warming Eve. A time of celebration. A time for family and joy. But most of all, it's about the magic of friendship.

Merry Christmas


My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic © Hasbro
I do not own the intellectual properties this fan-fiction is based on.

Comments ( 7 )

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Comment posted by Syvvak deleted Jan 13th, 2013
Comment posted by Tribute deleted Jan 13th, 2013

This review is brought to you by the group: Authors Helping Authors

Title: An Uncanny Hearth's Warmth

Grammar: 6/10 (see cons)

The story is structurally well written and easy to understand.
It was enjoyable.

Early on there was a lot of verb tense confusion.

Octavia turned to face her friend and exited the music shop. Both ponies heading back home.

There was some odd phrasing in some of the dialogue in the first scene.

“Hey, I told you that wasn't my fault. That game was rigged. I was supposed to win if that snot nosed cheater played fair!”

There were two places where you used the letter "u" in place of the word "you"

“U tell me.

“Uh, Darn u Havoc,”

Notes: While there were a few grammar errors, they weren't bad enough to make me want to stop reading and as the story progressed they became less frequent.

I hope you enjoy your review! as this is a response review I'll just bow out here.

Wow... I feel like an idiot. :facehoof: I guess those "U's" must have slipped by me, but that's what I get when I rush through something to get it out on time.
This story was more of a free write than an actual story attempt anyway, so I should have expected huge problems like this.
Thanks for the review. :heart: I'll get to fixing those problems when I can.

I know the feeling, I'd be lost without my proofreader. I read through my stuff like three or four times before I post it and I'll still miss little stuff just because I know what It's supposed to be so it doesn't catch my attention.
And you're quite welcome :pinkiesmile:

This review is brought to you on behalf of the group: Authors Helping Authors

Title: An Uncanny Hearth's Warming Eve

Grammar: 7

- Interesting, lovely story.
- Good characterization
- Overall easy to read.

- Towards the end with the last scene it was a bit confusing as to what was going on.

Notes: This was a lovely exciting story that managed to stay understandable and intriguing the whole way through. I felt that the scene with the diamond dogs, the protagonists and the antagonists had me confused but i was able to roughyl see what was going on. Well done :twilightsmile:

If you could have a look at my story Winter Solstice that would be great.

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