• Published 16th Dec 2012
  • 387 Views, 2 Comments

The Cold War - PonyBro

White… it was all I saw as I lay in this cold, and unforgiving wasteland. What had caused this madness, and why did I, of all ponies, have to witness this surreal carnage!

  • ...

Beginning of the End

White… it was all I saw as I lay in this cold, and unforgiving wasteland. The wind biting at my hooves as I desperately try to stay alive. Desperately try to understand where it all went wrong. What had caused this madness, and why did I, of all ponies, have to witness this surreal carnage!

It had been such a glorious morning as I walked into town from my cottage, simply enjoying the peaceful day. That is until the first scream was heard, and the shrapnel ricocheted. It was too sudden! Too soon!

‘Why now, why now! You’re not ready for this Fluttershy! Run!!’

I was frozen, I couldn't think, I couldn't even scream, I was panicking! Where do I run? Where do I hide? Should I duck? Should I defend? All these thoughts were lost to me as were my actions. I just stood there and watched as my friends descended into madness. To be fair I suppose I was the one closest to madness than any of them.

It was Rainbow Dash who had started this war; the first to betray. Rather ironic for the Element of Loyalty, it seemed she had decided to remain loyal to herself. Not caring for her friend's feelings when she began her attack.

‘Oh please Rainbow Dash, stop this!’

She had been a blaze of fury striking all she could see, nopony was safe from her ruthless barrage. I can't tell you how lucky I was to have been able to stand there for as long as I had, and not get hit with the piercing bullets. I still would have been too if not for Applejack, who slapped me to my senses, by pushing me under cover.

“What were yah' thinkin' Fluttershy?!?” Applejack asked with an incredulous look on her face.

I just sat there behind the trench staring at her awe struck. I couldn't speak a word for all my words were still lost in a panicked frenzy. My mind had one thought alone and that was the ever present question of why.

“Look here now, just stay under cover and yah' should be a OK!” she exclaimed with a smile and ran off.

To where? I don't know, I could only assume to get more ammunition to help in this bloodbath. Once she was out of sight I looked up over the top, and couldn't believe my eyes. Ponies everywhere were participating in this barbaric act. Running for cover, only to then fire off their own projectiles. Either in a defense against Rainbow, or to instigate another fight with somepony else.

Pinkie Pie was literally going Pinkie! She was firing bullets off at the same pace, if not faster, than Rainbow Dash. She didn't appear to have a main target in fact, everypony WAS her target. The same plan as Rainbow, but where Rainbow Dash had a strategy of who to attack and when. Pinkie was just blindly shooting, laughing all the awhile.

Oh how I wish Pinkie had abandoned her Element like Rainbow had, anything just to stop that maniacal laughter. Rarity… actually Rarity had taken off at the first sign of danger, running straight into no man's land. Rarity had the right idea, I wish I hadn't panicked!

‘Stupid Fluttershy! Why don’t you ever listen!’

‘I know, I know, I know, I… KNOOOW!!!’

I had huddled up into a ball, and waited for the first chance to run.

‘Sorry Applejack, but I just can’t take this anymore! I have to get out of here!’

I can't remember how much time had passed, but every so often the screams would die down. Signaling my chance to run. Only to once again intensify and force me to stay in hiding, waiting for the end. Oh Celestia how I HATED the screams!

I once again forced myself from my personal feather shield to look over the top hoping for an opening. However, what I saw next sickened me to my very core. Rainbow Dash was still hovering over everypony like a god of war, waiting for anypony who dared to face her. When a wild gray Pegasus jumped out with her weapon cocked and ready to fire only to be shot in the chest by Rainbow.

“Too slow!“ exclaimed Rainbow Dash with a look of victory.

She then began pelting the mare with an endless stream of bullets. I had to cover my ears in a vain attempt to block out the poor mare’s cries. The mare she was torturing I remember seeing around town a lot. She was innocent as innocent could be. Never hurting anypony, and simply going about her duties as mail mare. She had a curious predicament with her eyes which made her rather special… in a good unique way, she truly was one of a kind.

‘WHY!?! Why are you such a coward!’

I wanted to jump out and defend the poor mail mare from anymore pain. However, my own fear of feeling such biting cold bullets made me stay where I was, and just watch the scene unfold. How me of all ponies had become the Element of Kindness, I’ll never know.

“That’s enough Rainbow Dash!”

I had looked over to my left to see Twilight Sparkle walking out from her tree house. I almost leapt with joy! If anypony could stop this disaster it would have been Twilight for sure. I couldn't help but grin as Rainbow finally stopped attacking the poor pony, I had instantly lost my smile when I noticed the mare was not moving.

‘Why didn't you help?’

“Just what do you think you’re doing?” asked Twilight

“Uuhh, what does it look like I'm doing? I'm kicking flank that’s what I'm doing! Hah!” laughed Rainbow Dash.

“By cheating!” screamed Twilight “We made simple rules to follow in this war so why can't you follow them?”

‘Your one salvation gone, what will you do now?’

“Says the one who took forever! Wars don’t wait for anypony, and they certainly don‘t have any rules to follow!” Rainbow Dash hollered back “Everypony for themselves!”

Twilight looked baffled “I was studying important spells that would help with my victory!“ she responded.

Rainbow Dash laughed. “A war certainly doesn't wait for eggheads either!“ she countered.

Twilight had looked angry for a quick second. Only to be replaced with a smirk so dreadful one could only compare it to that of a mad scientist.

“Fine… we had agreed to the terms of no extreme magic, but… if you want to play dirty… LET'S PLAY DIRTY!” screamed Twilight as she began to magically fire a multitude of deadly rockets at Rainbow Dash.

“HAHA! That's more like it” cheered Rainbow as she began to fly through the air trying to dodge Twilight’s non stop onslaught. Everypony resumed their previous forgotten battles, any issues now settled with an all out warfare decree.

‘Who will save you now! No one, that's who! Come on Fluttershy just-’


“Ahhh!” I squeaked with fear as I covered my eyes waiting for the horrible pain.

“Uhh what are you doing Fluttershy” I looked up and I remember feeling conflicted on whether I should have relaxed or instantly become paralyzed with fear.

“P-pinkie…please don‘t hurt me” I asked with fear evident in my voice

‘Oh please please please please!’

“Hurt you? Why would I hurt you silly willy? Ahahaha” laughed Pinkie.

‘I’m up against a laughing demon!’

“ Isn't this so much fun Fluttershy! Why I haven't had this much fun since that one time when we all- then we had to climb for miles- and it was so funny when the fire started- don’t you agree Fluttershy!?!”


I had been unable to keep up with her fast paced story, but not wanting to come off as rude I began a simple reply of yes. Only to be cut off by a familiar voice shouting from behind me.

‘Please no more insanity!’

“Ah' reckon ya'll haven’t forgotten bout the Apples now have yah'?!”

Everypony paused once again and turned to the direction of Applejack. She had been accompanied by Big Mac, who pulled along a catapult with Apple Bloom riding as a passenger.

‘You should have listened.’

“Hey now AJ… uhh… what the heck are you doing with that?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Why nothin' much I suppose… just tryin' to test out lil' Apple Bloom’s here invention.” Applejack responded with a smirk as she leaned against the dreadful creation from Tartarus.

To even begin to describe this monstrosity would be… rather simple really. It was just one of the Nightmare Night catapults that were used for the pumpkin toss game. I was impressed, but not surprised, when Apple Bloom had been able to build it in time for Nightmare Night. Unfortunately, I was unable to witness it in action for… personal reasons. However, it seemed that Apple Bloom had decided to make some revisions to her school project and added wheels. It didn't take long for everypony to get the gist of what they were meant for. Just by looking at the stage they had already set and the fact that Applejack was now loading the catapult with grenades.

What had happened next was pure unadulterated chaos straight from Discord’s autobiography. Ponies everywhere began running away. Almost trampling over each other trying to get away from this soon to be massacre. The only ponies that stayed were; the Apple siblings, Rainbow, Twilight, Pinkie, and myself. I once again wished I had followed Rarity's lead, and left as soon as this nightmare began.

‘Sweet Celestia why AM I still here!?! Why didn't I leave with everypony else?!’

With the speed of a thousand bucked apples, Applejack had launched the grenades! Everypony ran for cover, again I just sat there in utter shock as my friends resumed fighting.

I just sat there… as the shadows of the grenades engulfed me.

‘Will you never learn?’

White… it was all I saw as I laid here in this cold and unforgiving wasteland. The wind biting at my hooves as I desperately tried to stay alive, desperately tried to understand where it all went wrong. What had caused this madness and why did I of all ponies have to witness this surreal carnage!

After the initial shock passed away and I calmed myself down, I began to slowly roll over to my left and push myself up from the ground. The pain in my chest was making it difficult, but I soon was up on my hooves. Only to come face to face with my friends still fighting like it was nothing.

Apple Bloom's monster continued on its rampage with Big Mac, at the direction of Apple Bloom, moved to aim at anypony brave enough to step out of hiding long enough. Twilight continued using her fierce magic to not only defend but to attack. Pinkie Pie apparently had found her strategy as she was now coating all of her ammunition with sugary syrup and topping it with frosting. Rainbow Dash had decided to launch air raids, swooping down every so often to attack, and then once again using the clouds as cover.

‘This is your chance Fluttershy! No more hiding like a school filly! Get up and fight!’

“ENOUGH!!!” I screamed, I found my resolve to end this myself. My friends suddenly stop and turn towards me.

“I. Have. Had. Enough! This… this… this war you've all created is just barbaric! How can you all call yourselves civilized ponies when you turn to animals the moment you get the chance!? To be honest I can’t even call you animals! Doing so would be to blemish the good name of my little friends! You are all supposed to be my best friends, but why do I feel such terror when I look into your eyes? Eyes filled with such anger and joy at this little game you've created.”

I gulp with terror, my voice grew weaker and constricted with every word I just spoke, but I knew it all needed to be said. Not only for my sake but for my friends' and the innocent ponies that had gotten hurt in all this destruction. I look over to were the mail mare lay still, hoping that with my small fight I could somehow bring peace to her...

‘Where did she go?!!?’

“Aw jeez lighten up Fluttershy” said Rainbow Dash. “We've been planning this since before the snow fell. Just because you and Rarity don't ever want to join in on the action doesn't mean we still can’t have fun!”

“That's not the issue Rainbow, this is the whole reason why we made the schedule!” Twilight interjected “What we planned was for a fight in the afternoon not morning! You were just too impatient!”

Rainbow Dash scoffed “Ya… well I don't remember agreeing to that and as I recall you quickly jumped in as well!”

“Well.. I.. uh.. uugh!” stuttered an embarrassed Twilight “That's besides the point.”

Rainbow Dash continued to laugh as Twilight turned to me “We're really sorry Fluttershy, we should have been more considerate.”

I looked at all my friends who now had sullen looks on their faces. Even Rainbow Dash, who had just now gotten over her laughing fit, had a look of honest regret on her face and was trying not to look at me.

“Oh… no… it's f-fine.” I responded back as I started to sink into the snow hoping to cool my hot fur from the embarrassment that I had caused myself. “I'm sorry if I ruined your fun…” I trailed off as I sunk even lower to the point where my muzzle was snuggling the cold blanket of snow.

“Ah' don't you worry your pretty lil' head.” chuckled Applejack “It's not like the snow is going to melt anytime soon.”

“YA!” interjected Pinkie Pie excitedly “We've got all of winter to have another snowball fight.”

“Hmm… I guess it wasn't so bad, it's always good to have practice, especially if you guys want any hope of defeating me!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, back to her old haughty ways in 10 seconds flat, but that's what we all loved about her.

“More like yer' the one whose goin' tah' need the practice!” challenged Applejack

“Oh ya! What makes you think you can beat me?” challenged Rainbow Dash right back

“Girls please!” shouted Twilight “Let's not start another fight just yet, we still need to clean up this mess. Then come up with a schedule and rules.”

“Pleeeeasse no more rules!” begged Rainbow Dash

“Fine, but don't complain of foul play if you end up losing” sighed Twilight as she rolled her eyes with an amused expression.

They continued to discuss when and where to have there next fight as they started to walk away following Big Mac back to Apple Acres farm. I was still laying in the now freezing snow watching them walk away when I began to feel empty and sorrowful. The adrenaline I had experienced during the war was slowly leaving as the battle was now at an end. I realize now that even though it was one of the most scariest moments I have ever witnessed, it was rather… fun.

“W-WAIT!” I shouted to get the attention of my friends who were now a good ways away. They turn back to look at me with confusion on their face, but before they had a chance to question me I continued “Do you think.. maybe… Um.. That m-maybe I could join in next time? If.. If that's OK… that is.” I didn't think it was possible for me to sink any lower into the snow, but it was.

They all smiled and then turned around to continue there trek to Apple Acres. I didn't need a response because I didn't even need to ask. I smile at this thought as I finally get up, still a bit sore from the grenades but stronger now in spirit…

‘You survived!’

‘That's right, I did, didn't I? Nopony would have thought it possible but I survived and I did it in my own way! I didn't have to hurt anypony.’

‘Only because you were a coward’

‘W-well yes I was a bit of a-’

‘A bit? Are you kidding me! All you did was hide behind cover, and ignore everything I said. You could have easily conquered in this war.’

‘No… even if I tried I wouldn't have won, all that would have happened was that I would be even more sore than I already am.’

‘But you could win.’

‘I could?’

‘Of course you can.’


‘Be merciless, unforgiving and COLD!’

I shivered as a cold wind blew through my mane. Snow fell gently around me, and then quickly picked up speed becoming a blizzard as I walked home. An ominous feeling creeping itself into my veins, as the cold snow continued to gain speed.

‘Become a soldier.’

I always knew my friends were saner than me…

Comments ( 2 )

Now I see why there is a comedy tag in it. Tad bit confusing of what was going on but it was good.
But I do not understand why everyone ran away if it was just snowball fight.


Haha, that's sorta what I was going for. The reader wouldn't really understand what was going on until the end. I'm glad you enjoyed.
The reason the other ponies ran away was because they were never in on the plan for the fight in the first place, they all sorta just jumped in since Rainbow Dash was impatient and started it early. Plus wouldn't you run if you were up against a catapult of "grenades" :rainbowlaugh:

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