“—and the food here is actually really yummy! I know because I visited the kitchen to drop off the box of cupcakes and they gave me some. Some of the food, I mean! Not the cupcakes. That would be silly, ’cause I already had them with me! I ate a bunch when I was bringing them over even though I kinda wasn’t supposed to, so it’s a good thing I made an extra batch. I saved you some, Twilight! Uh, well, I guess I ate some of those, too, but there’s one left just for you. D’you want it, Twilight? It’s chocolate, and I know you like chooooocolaaaate! So d’you want it? Twilight?”
Twilight didn’t look at her. She simply kept staring at the ceiling above the bed.
Pinkie Pie scooted closer, holding out the chocolate cupcake. “Um . . . Twilight?”
“No thanks, Pinkie,” said the unicorn very quietly, still not looking at her.
“Oh. Well, that’s . . . that’s okay, Twilight! I’ll save it for you.” Pinkie brightened. “Oh, I know! I can save you a whole bunch of cupcakes, and then I can throw you a Twilight’s-Out-of-the-Hospital Party when you get out of the hospital! Won’t that be great, Twilight? Won’t it?”
Twilight’s eyes slid over and looked at her, something uncomfortably close to anger flickering in their dull violet depths, then slid back to the ceiling.
“Twilight?” ventured Pinkie.
After a moment, Twilight closed her eyes. “Yeah,” she said. “Great.”
“I know everypony will be so glad to see you!” said Pinkie. “Well, we’ve seen you, of course, but I mean everypony else. It’ll be great! You’re Ponyville’s big hero, Twilight! Everypony’s gonna wanna shake your hoof—oh.”
Twilight’s face twisted.
Pinkie faltered a little, then barreled on relentlessly. “Don’t worry, Twilight! They can shake your other hoof! Nopony will mind. Actually, I’ll bet they’ll think it’s totally awesome! They’ll be all like ‘Whoaaaa!’ and then you’ll be all like ‘that’s where the wolves got me!’ and then they’ll be all like ‘WOW!’” She gasped. “Maybe they’ll even want your autograph, Twilight! I’ve always wanted to throw an autograph party for somepony famous, and somepony famous who’s the Element of Magic and saved Equestria and saved some foals from a bunch of meanie-pants timberwolves and who’s one of my bestest friends is even better! Plus you’re a unicorn, Twilight! You don’t even need hooves to sign your name, right?”
Twilight turned away from Pinkie and awkwardly rolled over. A thick layer of bandages was wrapped around the spot where her right foreleg used to be.
“Twilight?” said Pinkie.
Twilight said nothing.
Pinkie trotted around the bed so she could see Twilight. The unicorn glowered and tried to roll over onto her other side, only to cry out at the sudden pressure on the bandaged area.
“Twilight, wait!” said Pinkie, pulling Twilight back over. She clucked and wagged a disapproving hoof at her. “You have to be careful, Twilight! Do you need the nurse? No? Okay, good. How ’bout that cupcake? There’s nothing like a good cupcake to make you feel better. Unless it’s a good regular cake.”
“Pinkie,” whispered Twilight.
“Speaking of cakes, what kind of cake do you want for your Twilight-the-Wolf-Slayer-and-Foal-Saver-Is-Out-of-the-Hospital Party? Chocolate? Chocolate’s always good.”
“It’s a classic, really. Can’t go wrong with chocolate. Actually, you can really only go right! Unless you go left. Speaking of left, I have a whole bunch of leftover balloons and streamers and confetti from my last party—”
“—and they’d be perfect for your party! It’ll be super-duper amazing, Twilight! You’ll hardly even notice that you’re missing your leg—”
“Shut up!” screamed Twilight, thrashing upright. Her horn flared, and a blast of magenta light hurled Pinkie into the far wall. Her teeth were bared in an ugly snarl, and her eyes streamed tears.
“Twilight . . . ”
“Just get out, Pinkie. Just leave me alone.”
The unicorn collapsed back onto the bed, sobbing quietly.
Pinkie Pie looked at her, eyes wide. Her mane and tail had gone flat and lifeless.
“O-okay,” she said, hanging her head. “I’ll . . . I’ll go. Seeya, Twilight.” She turned and slowly walked away, pausing in the doorway just long enough to whisper, “I’m sorry.”
You could write a longer story around this one.
At first I thought Twi'd just broken some bones...

and then
Pinkie SURE is tactuful, but I guess she copes with things differently.
Twi certainly handled things poorly, though considering the situation...
There's a right and wrong way of handling things. In this case, Twilight's lost her Right, but isn't in the wrong

Yeah, still sad
I am, actually. It's about halfway done.
Yeah, they're both pretty traumatized, and neither one is taking it very well. Like, at all.
how goes that story? I would love to see this expanded
It's turning out to be veeery dialogue-heavy, and while I like talky fics, I'm not sure how engaging it would be for anyone else. If you want, I can PM you the link to what I've got thus far. Second opinions are always welcome.
It's still a work in progress.
oof :(