“Seeya, Scoots!” called Applebloom, waving as she walked away with Applejack. “Congrats again on yer cutie mark!”
“Thanks, AB!” answered Scootaloo from the library doorway, waving back.
“Took you long enough,” teased Sweetie Belle from behind her.
Scootaloo chuckled and turned around. “Hey, you can’t rush perfection.” She struck a pose, showing off her new cutie mark. Without thinking, she flexed her rear legs just enough to make sure that Sweetie would see how nicely toned her flanks had gotten.
“It is perfect,” agreed Sweetie, and then she smiled and hugged Scootaloo. “I’m so happy for you, Scootaloo. We all are.”
Scootaloo felt her wings twitch. Panicking, she squeezed them tight against her sides, trying not to scream as she fought her treacherous appendages.
Fortunately, Sweetie Belle didn’t seem to notice Scootaloo’s inner war. After a long moment, the unicorn gently let her go, still smiling, and said, “Well, I’d better get going—I don’t want to keep Rarity waiting. Have a good night, Scootaloo, and congratulations again.”
“T-t-thanks,” Scootaloo managed to get out when she remembered how to talk. “Seeya, S-sweetie Belle.”
Sweetie waved and started off towards the boutique. Scootaloo waved back, watching her go. The unicorn’s shapely rump bobbed a little more than it used to, and—
“Sweetie Belle, huh?”
Scootaloo yelped and jumped into a startled hover, her growing wings beating loudly. “W-what? What about Sweetie Belle?”
Rainbow Dash cackled. “Don’t play dumb with me, kid. I can tell when a pegasus is trying to hold down a wingie.”
“I’m not a kid anymore,” muttered Scootaloo, blushing furiously as she sank back to the ground.
Unexpectedly, Rainbow stepped closer and wrapped a wing around her. “Nah, I guess not,” said the older pegasus. “You’ve finally got your cutie mark, you’re almost as fast as I was when I was your age, you’re popping wingies for cute unicorns—”
“Am not!” growled Scootaloo. “It’s just that she—I mean, I only . . . ” She sighed and shook her head in defeat, sagging against Rainbow. “What’s wrong with me, Rainbow Dash? She’s one of my best friends. I’ve known her for forever, and now I . . . ugh. I can’t stop thinking about her, and I get all weird inside whenever I see her.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you, Scoots,” said Rainbow. “You’re just growing up.”
“But she’s my friend! I shouldn’t feel this way about her.”
Rainbow shrugged. “You can’t help how you feel, squirt. You just gotta get past it.”
“But she’s so cute!” wailed Scootaloo. “I see her and I just wanna—ugh!”
“Yeah, I know that feeling,” said Rainbow, giving her a sly wink. “Seriously, though. I know what it’s like having the hots for a friend. I know it’s weird. But you can’t get all hung up over it. Besides . . . it might just turn into something awesome.” She grinned and looked over her shoulder into the library, where a certain unicorn was directing the post-party cleanup. “Isn’t that right, Twi?”
Spoilers: this one was basically a "practice" piece for a planned longer fic about Luna's fall and banishment, and the lover who stood by her through it all. Not sure if I really want to finish it, though -- it would be basically just be a not-very-original angst-fest.
I loves me some teenage wingies and scootabelle. Also, Rainbow here was fantastic, the perfect amount of older 'sister' advice and delightful teasing. Nice job.