“Isn’t this a great party? Are you having fun? I sure hope you’re having fun because I’m totally having fun—”
“I’m having a blast,” said Minuette hastily, plastering a wide smile across her face. “You’ve really outdone yourself, Pinkie.” It wasn’t wholly a lie, the unicorn told herself. Pinkie Pie had indeed thrown a spectacular Hearth’s Warming Eve party, with most of Ponyville crammed into town hall or the pavilions that had been set up outside. Almost everypony was noisily having a good time. Even Minuette could persuade herself that she was having fun, provided she didn’t look over at the alcove near the stairs.
Pinkie, however, was not so easily convinced. The earth pony leaned close and peered suspiciously at Minuette with one large blue eye, then with the other. Suddenly, she gasped.
“You’re lying,” she cried, looking scandalized. “You’re not having fun. You’re . . . ” She gasped again. “You’re sad! At one of my parties! How can anypony be sad at a party, especially one as extra-super-special as this one?”
Minuette felt something inside her spasm with terror. “What are you talking about, Pinkie?” she asked, chuckling nervously. “I’m not sad. It’s a great party, and I’m having a great time with my friends.”
“But you’ve been standing here by yourself for forever,” Pinkie pointed out.
Minuette shifted uneasily, feeling her smile faltering. “Pinkie, I’m fine.”
“Nope, you’re sad.”
“Pinkie, I’m—”
The words died in her throat as she caught a flash of mint-green movement in the alcove. She tried not to look, knowing it would only hurt, but she couldn’t help herself. She watched as Lyra pointed a hoof up at the mistletoe hanging above the alcove, then playfully pounced on Bon Bon, kissing the confectioner, long and deep and sweet Celestia why was it Bon Bon and not Minuette? Why couldn’t the other unicorn ever look at her that way—
Minuette realized she was trembling, and that Pinkie was watching her with wide, knowing eyes.
“I’m super sorry, Minuette,” said the pink earth pony, uncharacteristically subdued. “I can’t fix that.”
“I know,” said Minuette hollowly. “I . . . I’m going to call it a night, I think. Thanks for the party, Pinkie.” She smiled, then turned and started for the door, trying not to think about the cold, dark, and very empty home waiting for her.
:) Hello there fellow 30minute writer! Gosh, all of your stories are absolutely wonderful and so very well written. It deserves so much more comments...though I have noticed that there many good stories on here that go without comments. ): At any case, keep it up! I especially loved your latest one!
Thank you kindly. These are mostly just fun exercises to keep me in practice while I work (slowly) on longer fics, but I'm glad you enjoyed them.
1854706 Oh gosh, I definitely know about that. Being that I wish to work on my longer stories from another website, I just didn't feel like my newer chapters would be up to par...so I decided to join the 30minute blog in hopes of practicing (and because I'm a recent pegasister), and I just became addicted to it all. In fact, I'm planning a longer story in the works! Though, they're mostly ideas right now...^^; I'll need help getting through all of them or running them by another.
Best of luck with your writing.
Welcome to the herd, as the saying goes.