• Published 21st Dec 2012
  • 22,543 Views, 815 Comments

Love is Blind - RaijingtheClockworkPony

Back from their honeymoon Shining Armor and Princess Cadence find a strange guest in their quarters

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Bath Time

The small changeling didn't really know what to think of this strange pink thing that was now hugging her. Mere moments ago it had chased her around until it had been cornered in the small death trap filled with cloth then it had given her food and water. She had been scared of this creature up until she had felt a strange warmth when the creature spoke. This strange warmth had given her strength and made her feel comfortable. Everything about the strange warmth made her want more but she knew that if creatures like this one were the source then she wasn't going to get much more. This one had reacted like all the others the only difference was she had been able to escape the others.

Her mind drifted to all the others that she had run from. So many of them had screamed and screamed then tried to hit her with whatever they had. Most of them had been bad, downright violent towards her, but the worst ones were the metal ones. The silver skinned monsters had nearly caught her once but she was saved when another creature like her leaped out at one of them and tackled it to the ground. She had no idea where this other creature had come from but she was thankful for it. Maybe it was also hiding in the alleyway that she had run into in an attempt to hide from the metal things and had sacrificed itself to save her. All she knew that when she looked out from her hiding spot the large metal creatures were dragging the larger creature like her away.

That's what made this one all the more bizarre to her. She had screamed and chased her but when it came to making the capture, or worse the kill, she had backed away and willingly fed her. Not only that but she didn't even look like the others. She had both the horn of the magic wielders and the wings of the flying ones, not to mention she was also taller than most of the other ponies she had seen.

She laid her head down on the leg on the creature that had fed her and heard it start making noise. "You're filthy. Let’s get you cleaned up."

After the strange creature finished making the noises from its mouth the small changeling filly felt the magic force lift it once more. She watched as the strange multi-creature used its horn to lift it and bring it towards the room with the strange large white thing and the smaller room she had hid in.

Its magic placed the young changeling down inside the large white tub. "There, now we can get you cleaned up."

The changeling looked around the tub as pink creature turned the strange silver thing that was on the wall. As it did water began pouring out of another of the silver things into the tub. The small changeling watched the water slowly approach her hooves and splashed water when it came close. She looked up at the pink one and noticed that her splashing of the water had hit it on the face.

Much to the small changelings surprise the pink creature lips pulled apart and curled up at the edges. "You're an adventurous one aren't you? Just stay right there and play in the water a little."

The changeling wondered what the pink thing was doing but as the level of water built it began to feel the warmth of the water. She lay down and rolled in the water so the warmth was all over its body. She finished her roll and stayed in a sitting position as she noticed that the water had taken on a strange brownish color. She looked around to see where the brown was coming from but every time she moved the brown tinted water followed her. She then realized that the brown was coming off of her carapace.

She felt a sudden wave of embarrassment at the fact and her ears pinned when the pink creature reappeared by the tub. The large pink thing gave her a strange look and made more noise from its mouth. "Wow. You really needed a shower."

It placed three strange looking objects. All of them were rectangular in shape but each was a different color. One was a light rose, one as white as the shower she was in, and the final one was almost the same shade of purple as the mane of the large pink creature. She seemed insistent to keep making noise from its mouth.

"Here you go. Which scent do you like?"

It set the three bars down on the edge of the tub and motioned for the changeling to smell. The small changeling moved forward and gave the rose colored one. The scent was nice; it reminded her of the small orb things she had eaten earlier. She sat there for a moment as she reveled in the gentle scent when she wondered what the others smelled like. She gave the white one a sniff and found that it was much harsher to her nose than the red one. She wrinkled her noise at it and moved onto the final one. She took a quick sniff and found that it was a smooth scent. She thought it was pleasant but she liked the first one more.

She returned her nose to the first one and inhaled deeply. She closed her eyes and let the sweet scent wash over her. Her mind became peaceful and she felt her body relax as the scent filled her lungs. Her muscles began to relax as the fragrance filled her entire being. She took in another breathe of the intoxicating smell and her lips pulled up in the same fashion she had seen the large creature nearby had done.

Her eyes snapped open the moment she realized that the pink one was just a few feet away. She glanced over to see that the pink one was doing that weird lip thing that she herself was doing as well.

"I guess we have a winner. ’Exotic Fruit' it is. Now let’s just drain the water her and get the shower going."

The changeling watched as the pink one used its powers to move the purple and white bars out of sight. She then reached over to under the silver thing that was spewing forth the water. Under the water maker was a small silver circle with a small knob pointed up towards the water spout. The pink one flicked it into a downward pointing position.

What happened next terrified the changeling. A monstrous gurgling came from near the front of the tub. The small changeling leaped back to the far back of the tub and tried to make as much distance between herself and the terrifying noise. She looked from the pink one to where she thought the noise might be coming from and began to panic. The pink one was going to kill her with whatever the noise was. She cowered at the far end of the tub hoping that whatever the noise was wouldn't hurt.

Seconds past as she waited for her end to come but nothing happened. Instead she heard some shuffling beside the tub and the sound of hoof meeting the tub. She reopened her eyes when she felt a pair of gentle hooves wrap around her. The pink one had removed the golden parts of her skin and had decided to get into the tub with her. The pink one was lying down next to her and was yet again making the noises from its mouth.

"You're safe. It's just the drain. Nothing is going to harm you while I'm here."

The small changeling didn't know why the pink one was making so much noise but the way she did made her feel much better and calmed her down. She watched as the pink one's horn glowed. She glanced around to see where it was using its powers and saw that the water spewer was glowing slightly. A small knob on the top moved up and the water stopped flowing. The changeling had only a moment to be confused before the water began falling and her nightmare began anew.

Cadance had no clue what went wrong. One moment the changeling was sitting next to her in the tub silent and now it was screaming and scrambling in the tub. She didn't know what to do but when the small filly rammed into her side and tried to get underneath her. Cadance's wings flapped open instinctively at the impact and when it opened enough to shelter the changeling filly from the shower water it stopped trying to get underneath her.

She fears water? She was fine a moment ago when it was coming out of the faucet so why is this scaring... Then it hit her. She's scared of rain. She looked at the faucet then to the changeling. She was shivering with its eyes locked on where the 'rain' was falling barely a foot away. The filly was crying and cowering away from the rain and all Cadance was doing was looking at it.

She brought it close to her body and spoke in a soft voice. "It's okay. It's okay. I'm here. It’s nothing to be afraid of. I'll protect you from anything mean or evil." As she spoke the changeling cuddled closer to her and gave a faint whimper. "Everything will be alright."

A few minutes passed as they sat there in the running shower. As those minutes passed the filly calmed down and stopped crying but when Cadance tried to get her to move closer to the water she refused to move. Cadance used her magic to grab the shower head and detach it from its facet on the wall. Lowering it down so that it was only a few feet above the tub. Now that it was no longer pouring on them the filly poked her head out from underneath Cadances wing to see what had made it stop.

She looked down at the small filly. "It's harmless. Just warm water." She moved the shower head in a small circle. "It's meant to help you get clean." She gave the filly another gentle smile and placed her head under the stream of water. "Safe, wet but safe."

She pulled her head back and gave her mane a quick shake as she watched the changeling. The small filly tentatively moved closer to the shower head and stopped when she was within hoofs reach. She stood there for second, closed her eyes then stuck her head under the stream of water.

A few moments passed before she pulled her head back from the water and looked up at Cadance. Cadance used her magic to place the shower head back onto the wall then grabbed the bar of soap. She got the bar wet and braced herself for the changeling to squirm or fuss, much like another small filly she once took care of, but when she placed the bar of soap on the carapace of the changeling it only jumped slightly and looked at her curiously. Then it looked at the bar for moment and returned its attention to the shower head.

Minutes faded away as she slowly and gently cleaned the small changeling. She scrubbed the black carapace clean, almost to the point of shining, but when she reached the red portion she discovered something she wasn't expecting. When she began lathering the soap the filly let out a deep sigh and her legs began to wobble. Cadance removed the pressure on the changeling in fear that it was about to collapse or faint.

The changeling looked at her again with a pleading curiosity. Cadance looked at the filly for a moment before it dawned on her. She enjoyed that... She decided to test her thought by resuming the cleaning on the colored carapace. Once more the filly let out a deep sigh and her leg began to wobble as well. She let out a low growl like noise and laid down.

As Cadance washed the legs of the changeling she noticed that the filly was looking at a portion of her own lathered leg. The changeling then sniffed some of the soap and gave another low growl like noise. Much to Cadance's amusement the changeling then licked some of the soap. The sputtering and small cough that followed was so cute that Cadance couldn't help but giggle at the filly.

The filly in question spat and opened her mouth letting the water fill her mouth. She gave Cadance a small scowl but also smiled after a few moments when Cadance wrapped her in a warm hug.

The time passed quickly as both of them finished cleaning and they stepped out of the shower. They toweled off and walked back into the bedroom. Cadance lifted the filly and placed her on the bed. The filly let out a small whine when Cadance started to walk towards the door. Cadance walked back to the bedside and locked eyes with the tiny filly that had suddenly burst into her life.

A filly without a name. "I think you deserve a name." She looked from the large red eyes and the red near its bug like wings. "How about... Rose." The filly tilted her head to the side and let out a long yawn. Cadance couldn't help but smile as she lifted the small filly up and tucked it into the bed. "Now get some sleep Rose."

The filly nestled into the soft pillow and watched Cadance for a few moments before its eyes slowly closed against her will. Cadance gave Rose's crest a gentle rub and left the bedroom as quietly as she could. She closed the door of the bed room just in time to hear the door to the suite to open.